"Yeah." Liu Xu nodded: "I was transferred to SH by the hospital. Although there is a dormitory arrangement, I like freedom, and the dormitory is not suitable for me. I heard that Love Apartment is a good place, so I want to take a look."

"Oh! I've heard of this love apartment too. I heard that couples stay here, the rent is halved, and water and electricity are all free. Brother, I need to find a girlfriend quickly!"

"Ha ha……"

During the chat between the two, they soon arrived at the love apartment.

Liu Xu took out the fare and handed it to the driver.

The driver took it with a smile, got out of the car and took out the luggage for Liu Xu from the trunk, then walked into the taxi, stepped on the accelerator, and walked away.

Looking at the red buildings not far away, Liu Xu sighed.

This should be the place where I will live in the future.


Inside a bar.

Two men and two women were sitting together, each holding a bottle of fruit wine, talking about something.

"Hey, Meijia, you and Ziqiao broke up like this?"

A very sweet and beautiful girl with the air of a royal sister was looking at the girl named Chen Meijia beside her.

While speaking, there was a little bit of disbelief on his expression.

"Otherwise, what else?" Chen Meijia obviously didn't care about breaking up, she pouted and said, "Three-legged toads are hard to find, and two-legged toads are everywhere. What kind of man do you want if he doesn't have such a lovely temperament, what is he, Lu Ziqiao?"

"Meijia, don't you think about it anymore?" Zeng Xiaoxian who was on the side also interrupted, "How about I go talk to Ziqiao and ask him to apologize to you?"

"Oh, Mr. Zeng, don't worry about my affairs, you'd better take care of yourself!"


Chapter 2038 Staying in the Love Apartment

"That is, someone hosted a midnight show and really thought he was a psychotherapist?"

Hu Yifei also suddenly changed her goal and helped Chen Meijia count down Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Hey, can you accumulate some morals?" Zeng Xiaoxian said dissatisfiedly: "I also have my own fans."

"It's that pickle?" Hu Yifei curled her lips and said disdainfully, "When I hear this name, I feel so sad that I want to cry."

"Teacher Zeng, why do you cry when you hear pickles?" Guan Gu, who was wearing glasses, asked curiously.

When he first came to China, he was very curious about everything.

Zeng Xiao Xian:"……"

"Excuse me, are you Teacher Zeng?"

At this moment, a male voice came, and they turned their heads curiously, only to see a man who was about the same age as them standing beside them.

"That's right." Zeng Xiaoxian stood up, glanced at Hu Yifei proudly, then raised his eyebrows at Liu Xu and said, "That's right, I am a good man, and I am... Zeng Xiaoxian."

"I heard that you are the vice chairman of the iPartment?" Liu Xu said with a smile, "That's right. I want to live in the iPartment. Is there any vacant suite?"

So it's not my fans!

Zeng Xiaoxian was obviously a little disappointed, but because of the responsibility of the vice chairman, he said patiently: "Of course there is a suite, but are you alone or not?"

"Just me." Liu Xu replied.

"Since there is only one, why not live in Meijia's suite? Isn't there just one more room in their apartment?" Hu Yifei interrupted suddenly.

"This is also a good idea." Zeng Xiaoxian nodded, looked at Liu Xu and said, "Sir, what do you think?"

"Of course there is no problem." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"What about Mika and Guan Gu?"

Zeng Xiaoxian turned his attention to Guan Gu Miracle and Chen Meijia, and he had to obtain the consent of the parties involved.

"I have no objection." Guan Gu said miraculously, "It just so happens that I can also reduce the rent of one room."

"Meijia, what about you?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

"Ah... I, I have no objection."

Ever since Liu Xu appeared in front of Chen Meijia, her gaze had been lingering on him without moving for a moment. It was not until Hu Yifei patted his shoulder with his hand that Chen Meijia realized it.

Seeing everyone including Liu Xu looking at her, Chen Meijia rarely blushed, and said in a low voice, "I welcome anyone."

"Meijia, what's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly so gentle?" Seeing that Meijia's tone was different from before, Hu Yifei touched Chen Meijia's forehead worriedly: "I don't seem to have a fever either!"

"I hate sister Yifei." Chen Meijia slapped Hu Yifei's hand, and said dissatisfiedly: "She has always been a lady, okay?"

Hu Yi Fei:"……"

"Okay, since Meijia and Guan Gu both agree, as long as Ziqiao also agrees, you can move in." Zeng Xiaoxian patted Liu Xu on the shoulder, looked at Liu Xu and said.

"Who said that Zi Qiao should agree?" Chen Meijia shouted, "Guan Gu and I have both agreed. Even if Zi Qiao disagrees, it's 2 to 1. It's useless for Zi Qiao to object."

Immediately, he turned his head suddenly, and looked at Liu Xu with a gentle face: "Ouba, what's your name?"

"My name is Liu Xu, and I'm a psychologist." Liu Xu introduced himself with a smile.

"Hi, Liu Xu, my name is Guan Gu Miqi, I am a manga artist from Yokohama, Japan."

Guan Gu also greeted in a friendly manner.

"My name is Meijia, and I'm Guan Gu's assistant."

"Zeng Xiaoxian, a famous radio host."

Zeng Xiaoxian introduced, but added the accent on the word "famous", fearing that others would not know.

Liu Xu smiled, and turned his gaze to Hu Yifei, the only handsome Yujie in the apartment.

"Hu Yifei, a university teacher."

Hu Yifei looked at Liu Xu and briefly introduced herself.

"Okay, now that everyone knows each other, Liu Xu, let's show you the suite! I can assure you that you will be absolutely satisfied. Also, our treat tonight is a welcome ceremony for you to check in." Zeng Xiaoxian said .

Everyone seconded the proposal one after another, and took Liu Xu to the apartment.

Along the way, Chen Meijia was the happiest of all, asking Liu Xu various questions.

"Liu Xu, why did you come to SH?"

"SH is a bustling city, and I have long been looking forward to it. It happened that the hospital needed a psychiatrist to come to SH for consultation, so I applied for it."

"Liu Xu, what is your annual income?"

"Meijia, how can you ask other people's privacy?" Zeng Xiaoxian finally couldn't stand it anymore, and "complained" to Chen Meijia.

Immediately, he looked at Liu Xu with a "ashamed" face, and said, "I'm sorry, Liu Xu, Meijia is not sensible. If you find it difficult, you don't have to answer this question."

"The income is not much, about 80 a year."

"What! 80?"

Not only Zeng Xiaoxian, Chen Meijia, Guan Gu Miracle, but even Hu Yifei, who has always been very calm, looked at Liu Xu in surprise at this time.

Zhanbo's salary can be regarded as the highest in the apartment, but compared with Liu Xu, it is obviously nothing.

"Liu Xu, I didn't expect you to be a rich man!" Zeng Xiaoxian finally recovered from his surprise, patted Liu Xu on the shoulder and said.

"Then Liu Xu, do you have a girlfriend?" Chen Meijia asked excitedly.

"Not yet." Liu Xu shook his head, Hong Chao didn't allow him to write novels and release records, of course he had to compensate for his income!

"Then what type of girl do you like, like me, like me, or like me?" Chen Meijia began to speak incoherently.

Liu Xu felt that it was not unreasonable for Hong Chao to like Hu Yifei, especially when comparing her with Chen Meijia.

At this moment, the elevator door finally opened, and Liu Xu walked out immediately, feeling that the air outside was so fresh for the first time.

In front of a suite, a man and a woman are standing outside the door, the man is picking out the keys, and the woman is standing next to the man.


Chapter 2039 I won't rob you this time

Looking from a distance, it can be said that they are talented and beautiful. Seeing the two people in front of him, their names appeared in Liu Xu's mind.

"Let me introduce, this is my younger brother, Zhanbo." Yifei who was following behind Liu Xu introduced, "The one next to him is Wanyu."

"Hello, my name is Liu Xu." Liu Xu nodded and said.

"Hello, Liu Xu, my name is Zhanbo."

"I'm Wanyu."

"Liu Xu will live in the suite next door. He is our new neighbor," Hu Yifei said.

Immediately, she pointed to the suite next door and said, "Liu Xu, that suite is where you live."

"Liu Xu, come in and take a look!"

Chen Meijia also opened the door at this time and led Liu Xu in.

"Are you satisfied?" Zeng Xiaoxian, who was following Liu Xu, asked.

"I am very satisfied."

Liu Xu looked around and thought, the love apartment is still the love apartment in his memory.

"Hey, the house is so lively, is there a visitor?"

Just as everyone enthusiastically explained everything to Liu Xu, a voice came in from outside.

Everyone looked longingly, only to see a young man in a white shirt with an unruly expression walking in.

"Zi Qiao is back!" Zeng Xiaoxian stepped forward and said, "There is a new tenant in your apartment. Let me introduce you. This is Liu Xu, a psychiatrist."

Liu Xu also stepped forward, looked at Lu Ziqiao and said with a smile, "Hi, I'm Liu Xu."

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