"Hi, my name is Lu Ziqiao, you can also call me by my nickname, Lu...Xiao Bu." Lu Ziqiao nodded and said.

Immediately, as if he remembered something, he took out a medicine bottle from his pocket and said, "By the way, are you interested in trying this? It is the crystallization of the highest technology nowadays, and it is extracted from the best natural raw materials in Australia. Made by using nanotechnology, high-temperature cold extraction technology and cloning technology, each one is rich in nutrients needed by the human body, seeing you are new here, I will give you a friendly price, each one is only 250."

"You are the 250, be careful I will spray you to death with a mouthful of salt soda."

Before Liu Xu could speak, Chen Meijia threw a pillow over and said to Lu Ziqiao rudely: "Let me tell you, Liu Xu will be our friend from now on. If you dare to bully him, I will dare to bully him." bully you."

"Hey, Chen Meijia, you don't have to do this! Besides, I didn't bully Liu Xu!" Lu Ziqiao said dissatisfied.

"Hmph, it's best not to." Chen Meijia snorted coldly, and ignored Lu Ziqiao.

"Okay, okay." Seeing that the atmosphere was a little weird, Zeng Xiaoxian immediately smoothed things over and said with a smile: "In order to celebrate Liu Xu's move into the iPartment, I think we should go out and have a good meal."

"Hey, Mr. Zeng, you want to treat me, it's so rare." Lin Wanyu said happily.

"Did I say I want to treat guests? Of course it's AA system." Zeng Xiaoxian said without shame.

"What? Teacher Zeng, you are too stingy!" Everyone despised in unison.

"I'll treat you to this meal, and everyone will take care of you in the days to come." Liu Xu laughed.

"Oh, what a shame!" Lu Ziqiao put his hand on Liu Xu's shoulder.

"That's right!" Zeng Xiaoxian also interjected, "It's a welcome ceremony for you, but... this time I won't compete with you, next time we must invite you."

Liu Xu: "..."


After returning from a restaurant, the few people couldn't resist the sleepiness, and they said good night to each other and walked into their bedrooms.

But Liu Xu was alone, quietly came to the balcony, supported the railing with both hands, raised his head, and looked up at the dark night sky.

The sound of the floor-to-ceiling windows opening came from the next door. Liu Xu heard the reputation and saw a tall beauty walking out. Who else could it be if it wasn't Hu Yifei?

"Hi, Yifei." Liu Xu called out to Hu Yifei.

"Hey, Liu Xu, are you still asleep?" Hu Yifei was also surprised when she saw that the person next door was Liu Xu.

"Yeah." Liu Xu nodded and said with a smile, "Isn't Yifei the same?"

"I'm used to coming to the balcony to blow some air every day before going to bed, so that I can better forget the bad things that happened during the day."

"That's right!"


The words of the two ended with the word "um", and the atmosphere became quiet and depressed.


"Liu Xu."

Suddenly, the voices of the two sounded at the same time.

"Ha ha."

The two smiled at each other.

"Go ahead, Yifei." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"You have been living in BJ?" Hu Yifei asked.

"I am an orphan."

"Are you an orphan?"

Hu Yifei was greatly surprised by Liu Xu's answer.

"That's right!" Liu Xu looked at the starry sky and murmured, "When I came to this world, I was alone. I was confused and depraved, but in the end, I still woke up. Since I came to this world. No Should I live well?"

He thought that his "heartfelt words" were very touching.

"Do you hate your parents?"

"Hate? Why hate?" Liu Xu asked back: "Maybe they also have a last resort. They lost me, and I lost them. Our pain is the same."

Hu Yifei nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly said, "By the way, what did you want to tell me just now?"

"I think that since I'm ready to live in the love apartment, I should buy a car next time. It will be more convenient to travel in the future. I want to ask if you are free tomorrow. If so, I want you to accompany me tomorrow. Pick a car."

"Tomorrow is Saturday, so there is time." Hu Yifei thought for a while and said, "What kind of car are you going to buy?"

"About 70 yuan!" Liu Xu laughed.

"What?" Hu Yifei exclaimed: "You are crazy, why did you buy such a good car? 70, but your annual salary."

"Life, of course, is mainly about enjoying." Liu Xu said with a smile: "Besides, I don't have a girlfriend, so I don't have a lot of money to spend."


Chapter 2040 Hu Yifei's Criteria for Choosing a Spouse

"Not now, doesn't mean there won't be any in the future." Hu Yifei glared at him and said, "According to your current conditions, finding a girlfriend is not a problem at all. Save more money now, and your life will be more comfortable in the future."

"Hehehe..." Liu Xu said with a smile: "Then, what about you, Yifei, how come you don't have a boyfriend until now, and your conditions are not bad!"

"The boyfriend I'm looking for is either smarter or stronger than me. Otherwise, why should he conquer me? It's just a pity that this kind of boy has not appeared yet."

In the original world, Liu Xu already knew Hu Yifei's criteria for choosing a mate, and it was because he was better than her that he successfully captured Hu Yifei's heart.

"Since you have time tomorrow, come with me tomorrow!" Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Yes." Hu Yifei took out her mobile phone to check the time, and said, "It's getting late, go to bed and come to me tomorrow."

"Okay, good night then."

"Good night."

Watching Hu Yifei walk into the room, Liu Xu also sighed up to the sky and walked into his room.

Early the next morning.

Because he was thinking about going to buy a car, Liu Xu got up early.

In the suite, because it was Saturday, everyone was still asleep.

Liu Xu didn't bother them, and went straight to the suite of 3601, and knocked on the door.

It was Hu Yifei who opened the door. Seeing Liu Xu standing outside the door, she was slightly startled, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to wake up so early, come in!"

Liu Xu walked into the room with a smile: "I don't have the habit of sleeping in late. Once I do, it's hard to fall back asleep at night. From a psychological point of view, this is an unhealthy behavior."

"You are much better than other people in the apartment." Hu Yifei said: "Have you had breakfast, if not, let's have some together!"

"Then I'm welcome."

While talking, Liu Xu sat down at the dining table unceremoniously.

The breakfast on the table was very rich, most of which Hu Yifei bought from outside, deep-fried dough sticks, steamed stuffed buns...there were so many types that Liu Xu also whetted his appetite.

He unceremoniously grabbed a steamed bun, and put it in his mouth, but the steamed bun's soup sprayed out of his mouth, making Liu Xu so hot that he couldn't stop breathing, and kept fanning his mouth with his hands ...

Shame and lose face.


Seeing Liu Xu in such a state of distress, Hu Yifei couldn't help laughing, and said with a playful face: "I want you to eat so fast, and no one will snatch it from you."

"Quick, milk..." Liu Xu shouted.


Hu Yifei handed him the glass of milk that she hadn't drunk before.

Liu Xu took the milk, and before he could say thank you, he poured the milk into his mouth.

"Hey, slow down." Hu Yifei said.

The coldness of the milk finally relieved the hotness in Liu Xu's mouth, and wiped away the milk stains around his mouth. Liu Xu looked at Hu Yifei with resentment and said, "Yifei, when did you buy this bun?"

"Just five minutes ago." Hu Yifei said, "The buns just came out of the oven."

Liu Xu: "..."

With the lessons learned from the past, Liu Xu grabbed a piece of bread this time, stuffed it into his mouth, and then took a sip of milk.

After a few slices of bread, Liu Xu filled his stomach, and Hu Yifei also finished eating.

"Are you full?" Hu Yifei said with a smile.

"Well, I'm full." Liu Xu took out a tissue, wiped his mouth and said.

"Then let's go!" Hu Yifei stood up, "I'm really looking forward to what car you want to buy!"

"Don't you need to clean up this breakfast?" Liu Xu asked, pointing to the breakfast on the table.

"No, Zhanbo and the others will clean up after eating." Hu Yifei shook his head, picked up the bag on the sofa, opened the door and said, "It's getting late, let's go!"

Walking out of the apartment, Liu Xu waved to a taxi coming from a distance, and the taxi stopped beside the two of them.

After Liu Xu and Hu Yifei got into the car and sat down, they suddenly heard the driver say, "Hey, brother, what a coincidence!"

"Master, it's you, this world is really small."

When he saw clearly who the driver was, Liu Xu also smiled.

This driver was the master driver who sent Liu Xu to the love apartment, but he didn't expect to meet him again here.

"Master, go to the nearby Porsche store."

Liu Xu directly stated the purpose of going.

"Brother, do you want to buy a car?"

"Yeah." Liu Xu nodded and said, "Since you live in SH, you can't save a car."

"That's true." The driver agreed, "But I never thought that this iPartment is really a magical place. It's only a day or two. Brother, you have a girlfriend."

"Master, we are not..." Liu Xu was about to explain, when Hu Yifei's voice suddenly sounded, "I said, Master, what look do you have, we don't look like a couple?"

"Isn't it?" the driver asked suspiciously.


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