"Okay, okay, not a couple." The driver smiled, but looking at his eyes, I understand, I understand, young and tender-skinned eyes.

Hu Yifei was in a hurry, but couldn't say anything.

In the driver's nonsense, soon, they reached the destination Liu Xu wanted to go.

Liu Xu handed over the car money, and the driver took it, rummaging through the change and saying, "Brother, this girl is nice, you should cherish it!"

Liu Xu looked at Hu Yifei who had already got off the car, and nodded with a smile.

"That's right!" The driver handed the change to Liu Xu with a smile, and said with a smile, "When it comes to dating, I like to be a little more vigorous. I think that uncle and I..."

Liu Xu was sweating profusely. After taking the change, he greeted the driver, got out of the car quickly, and chased after Hu Yifei.

Porsche 4S store.

As soon as the two entered the store, a young man with glasses came forward and said to Liu Xu and Hu Yifei, "Good morning, both of you. I am Xiao Jia, the shopping guide here. Excuse me. Need any help?"

"I want to buy a car, do you have any recommendations?" Liu Xu asked.

"I don't know how much the price of the car you want to buy, sir?"

"Around 70!"


Chapter 2041 Either a couple or a mistress

"Okay, both of you, please come with me." Xiao Jia said, bringing Liu Xu and Hu Yifei to a Porsche sports car, and introduced to them: "This Porsche Boxster is a two-seater produced by the German Porsche company. A convertible sports car... is very suitable for young lovers like you to drive."

"Listen, we..."

Hearing being misunderstood again, Hu Yifei finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted dissatisfiedly at the guide Xiao Jiagou: "It's not a couple."

"Ah?" Xiao Jia was obviously taken aback by Hu Yifei's yell, and immediately recovered, embarrassedly saying: "Sorry, I misunderstood."

"It's okay." Liu Xu shook his head with a smile and said, "Not long ago, some people misunderstood that we were a couple, um... If possible, I would like to take a test drive first, is that okay?"

"Of course." Xiao Jia took out the car key and handed it to Liu Xu: "This is the car key."

"Thank you."

Liu Xu took the key and turned to the co-pilot.

He opened the car door and made a gesture of invitation to Hu Yifei. He smiled and said, "Yifei, let's go for a drive together!"

"It's a must, I haven't been in a Porsche yet!"

As Hu Yifei said, she got into the co-pilot.

Liu Xu closed the car door for Hu Yifei, came to the driver, opened the door and sat in.

Sitting in the started car, Hu Yifei was like a seven or eight-year-old girl, looking around at the device on the car, and said excitedly: "This is the first time for me to ride in such an expensive car!"

"You can do it too." Liu Xu said with a smile while turning the steering wheel, "Someday in the future."

"When will it be in the future!" Hu Yifei sighed, looked at Liu Xu and said, "You probably plan to buy it now, right?"

"That's right!" Liu Xu nodded and said, "This car feels quite comfortable to drive, so that's all."

Hu Yi Fei:"……"

Because there was no deposit and the salesperson was not in the car, the car couldn't leave the 4S shop. Liu Xu just drove in the maintenance area behind.

After the car drove around, Liu Xu drove the car back to the original place again, and the shopping guide Xiao Jia was already waiting for them there.

After Liu Xu and Hu Yifei got out of the car, Xiao Jia immediately went up to meet him, and said to Liu Xu, "Sir, how is it? Is this car satisfactory?"

Liu Xu nodded and said with a smile, "I am very satisfied. If possible, I would like to pick up the car directly."

"Excuse me, sir, do you want to pay in one lump sum or in installments?"

"Let's pay in one lump sum!" Liu Xu said.

"Okay." Xiao Jia nodded subconsciously, then seemed to think of something, and looked at Liu Xu in surprise: "Sir, you just said... that you want to pay in one lump sum?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Liu Xu asked.

"Of course not." Xiao Jia quickly shook his head, and made a gesture of invitation to Liu Xu respectfully, "Sir, please follow me."

It's no wonder Xiao Jia was surprised. Of course, Liu Xu's age is obviously only in his 20s, not even 30 years old. When people of this age buy a luxury car, they usually choose to pay in installments, like Liu Xu. It's not that there are no direct payments, but most of them are rich second generations.

Looking at Hu Yifei next to Liu Xu, Xiao Jia suddenly felt that his brain cells seemed to be more active. Since they are not lovers, it is really unreasonable to buy a car together, unless... the woman is The one who was adopted was a mistress.

The more he thought about this possibility, the more Xiao Jia looked at Hu Yifei again, sighed in his heart, and said to himself, "What a pity!"


"Liu Xu, why do I feel that Xiao Jia looked at me strangely just now?"

On the street, a brand new Porsche was running fast. There were a man and a woman sitting in it. They were Hu Yifei and Liu Xu who had just bought the car.

"Is there?" Liu Xu, who was holding the steering wheel, didn't care about such details at all, and said casually: "Maybe someone has taken a fancy to you, and I was hesitating whether to ask you for a phone number, so that I can call you later." You drink a cup of coffee, have a candlelight dinner, watch a romantic movie or something..."

"Go to hell." Hu Yifei waited for Liu Xu to take a look, then touched the soft cushion with her hand, her face full of envy, "After sitting in a Porsche, I no longer have the desire to sit in Zeng Xiaoxian's broken car gone."

"Hehe." Liu Xu said with a smile: "If you like it, you can also take it!"

"Are you serious?" Hu Yifei asked in disbelief with surprise on his face.

"Of course, I, Liu, always keep what I say."

The two talked and laughed all the way, and soon they arrived at the love apartment. After parking the car in the parking lot, Liu Xu and Hu Yifei walked out together. They really looked like a couple in love.


"Hey, everyone, big news, big news."

Not long after the two returned to the suite of 3602, they saw Lu Ziqiao rushing in.

"What's the matter, Ziqiao, you're so excited." Zeng Xiaoxian, who was playing with his laptop, looked up at Lu Ziqiao and said.

"What else can it be?" Chen Meijia said with a look of disdain, "Is there another ignorant girl who you dated?"

"What!" Lu Ziqiao said, "I didn't pick up my sister this time."

"Did you get soaked by a girl?"

"It has nothing to do with my sister this time." Lu Ziqiao said dissatisfiedly: "Can you listen to me?"

"Tell me, Zi Qiao."

Lin Wanyu was also curious. She didn't expect Lu Ziqiao to be interested in other things besides her sister.

"Just now, I saw a Porsche downstairs in the apartment building." Lu Ziqiao said mysteriously.

Everyone: "..."

After a long time, Zeng Xiaoxian finally couldn't help asking: "SO?"

"Didn't you hear clearly?" Lu Ziqiao excitedly said, "Porsche!"

"Isn't it just a Porsche!" Zeng Xiaoxian said disdainfully: "When I get rich, I'll buy five at once, one to drive myself, and the other four to guard, hahaha..."

"Come on, Mr. Zeng, this kind of unreliable thing should come true in a dream!" Lu Ziqiao looked at Zeng Xiaoxian contemptuously, and then said: "Porsche is not the point, the point is that I saw two people getting out of the car, one male and one Female."


Chapter 2042 Give you the position of the first brother in the apartment

"What do they look like?" Lu Zhanbo asked.

"It's too far away from them, so I can't see them clearly, but the men are handsome, and the women are also pretty."

Liu Xu and Hu Yifei glanced at each other, and were about to speak, when Guan Gu Miraculously said, "Oh! I see, they are a couple."

Hu Yifei's face twitched, and his color changed obviously.

"That's not necessarily true, maybe they are husband and wife!" Zeng Xiaoxian also expressed his thoughts.

Hu Yifei's face became gloomy.

"Actually, you are all wrong." Maybe knowing how many people would give such an answer, Lu Ziqiao finally said mysteriously: "I guess, that woman is the mistress that the man kept."

"Little San?" Everyone exclaimed.

"That's right." Lu Ziqiao was obviously very satisfied with everyone's reaction, and continued to analyze: "I don't think that man is very old, and he is about the same age as us. Let me ask, at our age, can we afford it alone? Is it a luxury car like a Porsche? So I'm sure, that man is definitely a rich second generation."

"Then why do you say that woman is a mistress?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

"Mr. Zeng, you don't understand this." Lu Ziqiao put his hands on Zeng Xiaoxian's shoulders and said, "If you can afford a Porsche, would you still live in an iPartment?"

"Of course not." Zeng Xiaoxian squinted his eyes and said with longing, "At that time, I must have lived in a villa, or the one near the sea, drinking coffee and enjoying the sea breeze..."

"That's right, that's the right idea." Ignoring Zeng Xiaoxian's reverie, Lu Ziqiao interrupted Zeng Xiaoxian and said, "That's why I said that the woman is the man's mistress who lives in the love apartment. I just don't want to draw attention to myself."

"Actually... I bought that car. The couple that Ziqiao saw were actually me and Yifei."

Finally, Liu Xu spit out these words.

Quiet, surprisingly quiet, like a harbinger of the end of the world.

At this moment, even if a needle falls to the ground, it will make a piercing sound...

"Liu Xu, you... you said you bought that Porsche?"

After a long time, Lin Wanyu finally asked, her face full of disbelief.

Forget about the others, do you have to be so surprised as a young lady of Lin's Bank?

"It's indeed mine." Liu Xu nodded and said with a smile, "Just today, Yifei and I went to buy it together."

Everyone shifted their eyes to Hu Yifei's face, and saw that her face was terribly red. This was not a shy red, but an angry red that was about to erupt.

Lu Ziqiao suddenly understood what he was about to face, shivered unconsciously, and said quickly: "By the way, I suddenly remembered that Xiaoxiao and I had an appointment to meet at 3 o'clock, I, I'm going first , and won’t come back tonight.”

As he said that, he raised his foot and was about to quickly move towards the door.

"Lu Ziqiao, stop for me." The moment Lu Ziqiao lifted his foot, Hu Yifei yelled at him, "Today my aunt won't loosen your bones, so I, Hu Yifei, will write these words backwards."

"Yifei, you, listen to me." Lu Ziqiao quickly explained: "It's all just a misunderstanding."

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