"Misunderstanding?" Hu Yifei sneered, "Didn't you just say that I was a mistress?"

She finally understood why Xiao Jia had a strange look in her eyes. It turned out that the reason was here!

"Yifei, I was just talking casually." Lu Ziqiao was about to cry, what was all this about, how could the 'little three' she saw be the female Tyrannosaurus in front of her by such a coincidence. "

"Don't run, watch my flick, one, flash!"

"Ah! Ah..."

There were bursts of screams in the apartment, which made people unable to bear to look directly at them, and no one dared to persuade Hu Yifei, who was exploding, so they had to watch helplessly as Lu Ziqiao kept screaming.

Once the news of Liu Xu buying a car was confirmed, he became the most popular person in everyone's eyes.

the next day.

"Morning, Liu Xu."


"Liu Xu, yesterday I thought about it, couldn't sleep at night, and finally made a decision."

"What decision?"

"I decided to give you the position of the first brother in the apartment."

"What are the conditions?"

"Lend me your car keys."

"Bah, I'll kill you with a sip of salt soda." Before Liu Xu could speak, Chen Meijia said loudly, "I knew you had no good intentions. I bought Liu Xu's car yesterday. How can I give it to you?" To pick up girls?"

With that said, Chen Meijia looked at Liu Xu and said, "Liu Xu, you can't lend Zi Qiao the car, he is definitely using your car to pick up girls, so as to achieve his image of wealth."

"Don't worry, Meijia." Liu Xu made a gesture to tell Chen Meijia not to speak for now, looked at Lu Ziqiao and said, "I can lend you the car, but there is one thing, you have to return it to me on time tomorrow morning."

"I promise to return it on time." Lu Ziqiao patted his chest and promised, "Liu Xu, you are a brother and happy enough. When I asked Mr. Zeng to borrow a car, I begged him for a long time before he agreed."

"Don't pat the horses." Liu Xu laughed and cursed, took out the car keys from his pocket, and threw them to Lu Ziqiao, "This is the car keys, please don't lose them."

"Got it, thanks."

Lu Ziqiao caught the key thrown over, glanced at Chen Meijia proudly, walked out of the suite without even eating breakfast.

"Liu Xu, you shouldn't have lent your car to Lu Ziqiao." After Lu Ziqiao walked out, Chen Meijia looked at Liu Xu angrily, "I know Lu Ziqiao too well, he took your car out just to show off Just showing off."

"It's okay, we are all friends!" Liu Xu said with a smile: "When Mijia needs a car someday, I can also lend it to you."


"of course it's true."

"But, people don't know how to drive!"

"What does that matter? Meijia is so cute, there must be many people who are willing to be drivers."

"Then Liu Xu, will you be my driver?"

"Of course it will."

Chen Meijia felt that she was suddenly surrounded by happiness, looked at Liu Xu with a nympho, and thought, "Is he implying something to me? Does he like me?"


Chapter 2043 Super explosive news

The next day, in suite 3601.

"Everyone, great, guess what just happened?"

Zeng Xiaoxian broke into the door with a "bang", his excited expression was self-evident.

Hu Yifei pondered for a while with her fingers in her mouth, then raised her voice and said, "Did you wet the bed?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was stunned for a moment, and called Qu: "What, I received a call just now, I'm going to be on TV, Ruyu has an appointment!"

Zhanbo couldn't believe it when he heard the words: "Really? It's great. This is a well-known program. Did Ruyu call you personally?"

Zeng Xiaoxian sat down next to Zhanbo enjoying himself: "It's Lisa, Lisa, I've been working in the radio station for so many years, and I finally have a bright future."

"Lisa Banyan!"

Liu Xu smiled, thinking of Lisa Rong, he thought of Huang Shengyi, but that was a matter of the last world.


Downstairs bar.

Liu Xu, Hu Yifei, Meijia, and Zeng Xiaoxian are playing poker.

"Super breaking news."

Suddenly, Zhan Bo rushed over from the door of the bar. While running, he said excitedly, "I just saw a very cool convertible downstairs."

Chen Meijia also echoed: "Yes, I saw it too, it's so beautiful."

Zeng Xiaoxian raised his eyebrows and said, "Come on, come on, ask me who owns that car?"

Chen Meijia looked at Zeng Xiaoxian's frightened smile, swallowed with difficulty, and said to Hu Yifei beside her, "Sister Yifei, do you know who owns that car? I think the owner of that car must be a rich man." A handsome guy, just like Liu Xu."

"I paid attention to it, but I haven't found it yet."

Zeng Xiaoxian, who was left out for a long time, said: "Ask me, didn't I ask you to ask me?"

"Why are you asking, it's definitely not yours. I see your gray Xiali every day."

Zeng Xiaoxian was obviously very unconvinced, and said to everyone: "Everyone, I solemnly declare that the convertible car at the door is the one that is coming down!"

"Whose car did you steal?"

Hu Yifei opened his eyes and asked the question that everyone wanted to ask.

"Who stole the car?" Zeng Xiaoxian said loudly, "It was a friend of mine. He heard that I was going to be on the TV station, and he absolutely wanted me to drive his car, saying that he wanted to be a celebrity."

"Fish smell?" Chen Meijia looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and said.

"It's star energy." Zeng Xiaoxian gave Chen Meijia a white look, "It's the star of a star."

Although he knew that Zeng Xiaoxian's car was rented, Liu Xu didn't point it out. He just smiled and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Zeng, you are finally about to realize your dream."


Speaking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian was obviously very proud, and said to everyone: "Everyone remember to join us!"

"By the way, Teacher Zeng, I forgot to tell you that when I came in just now, I saw a child peeing in the convertible!"


Zeng Xiaoxian froze for a moment, then ran outside desperately.

The next day, the sun was pale, and everyone got up one after another and headed towards the TV station.

They all went to support Zeng Xiaoxian, and the road was the same as the original plot, on the elevated road, they encountered a big traffic jam.

The plot didn't change a bit because of Liu Xu's arrival, everything was slowly developing according to the original plot.

Instead of Zeng Xiaoxian on TV, it was still the unintentional Guan Gu Miracle, which made Zeng Xiaoxian almost vomit three liters of blood when he found out.


It has been a while since Zeng Xiaoxian appeared on the TV station. As usual, Liu Xu finished his day's work, returned to the apartment, pushed open the door of suite 3602 and walked in.

"Liu Xu, you are back."

Seeing Liu Xu's return, Chen Meijia who was sitting on the sofa immediately stood up, walked forward, took the briefcase in his hand and said, "Go and persuade Guan Gu!"

"Guan Gu?" Liu Xu asked suspiciously, "He was fine when I went out in the morning. What happened during this time that I don't know about?"

"Guan Gu said that he went bankrupt." Chen Meijia said.


"That's right!" Chen Meijia nodded and explained: "Guan Gu invested all his savings in his comics, but the old president of the publishing house passed away not long ago, and the new president doesn't like his comics , so Guan Gu, he lost his job, and now he is tearing up his works in his room, saying that he will never draw manga again, and today, Guan Gu's girlfriend Xiaoxue also proposed to break up with Guan Gu... Liu Xu , go and persuade him immediately!"

"Meijia, don't worry, let me go in and have a look."

Seeing what Chen Meijia said, Liu Xu also roughly understood what happened. He comforted her with a smile, and then pushed Guan Gu's magical bedroom door.

The room was very messy, with Guan Gu's miraculously torn drawings and some works everywhere. Liu Xu picked up a fragment from the floor, looked at it carefully, and then sat on a chair beside him.

"Guan Gu, you..."

Just as Liu Xu spit out three words, Guan Gu Miraculously interrupted: "Liu Xu, I know what you want to say, it was Meijia who asked you to persuade me. Stop drawing comics."

"You don't draw manga, so what are you going to do?"

"Zi Qiao has helped me find a job."

"Zi Qiao?"

As soon as Liu Xu heard the name Lu Ziqiao, Liu Xu's scalp went numb. He didn't even have a stable job. How could he introduce a job to Guan Gumi?

"That's it!"

Hearing what he said, Liu Xu stood up, as if talking to himself, and seemed to be speaking to Guan Gu.

"Originally, I planned to establish a comic fund and a comic publishing house, but I haven't prepared it yet, so I didn't tell you. Since you are no longer drawing comics, this plan has no value."

After speaking, Liu Xu turned around and was about to leave.

"and many more."

Suddenly, Guan Gu's magical cry came from behind.

"Is there anything else? Guan Gu?"

Liu Xu turned around calmly, but his heart was already full of joy, and he knew that this trick would work magically for you, Guan Gu.


Chapter 2044

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