"You just said that you want to establish a comic fund and a comic publishing house?"

Guan Gu looked at Liu Xu miraculously, with a slight tremor in his voice.

"Yeah, I had this plan at first, but didn't you say that you are no longer drawing manga? So..."

"Who says I won't draw manga anymore?" Guan Gu Miraculously shouted, "Drawing manga is my ideal, and I will never give up drawing manga."

"But, these things on your ground..."

Liu Xu pointed to the fragments on the ground.

"These are all works that I am not satisfied with."

"You said Zi Qiao found you a job?"

"Part-time job. I asked Zi Qiao to find me a part-time job. Prices have risen recently, so I want to make more money."

"Then you said that you will never draw manga again?"

"Is this just a joke?" Guan Gu miraculously patted Liu Xu on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "I'm a cartoonist, how could I give up comics!"

"So, you still know how to draw manga?"


"Never give up comics?"


Hong Chao said that he was not allowed to write novels, make movies, make records and become a star, but he didn't say he couldn't draw comics!

Besides, it's not Liu Xu's painting, he just needs to tell Guan Gu Miracle about the plot of One Piece or Naruto, and then wait for the money to be collected.


"Liu Xu, you still have a way." Chen Meijia smiled.

"Hehe." Liu Xu laughed, "Psychologically speaking, Guan Gu has only temporarily entered a dead end, and I'm just responsible for leading him out. This process is not very complicated, even if I don't try to persuade him." He, after a while, Guan Gu will come out again."

Seeing Chen Meijia looking at him with admiration, Liu Xu continued to smile and said: "Meijia, I have helped you a lot, how are you going to thank me? I..."


Before he finished speaking, Chen Meijia's lips were already printed on his face.

Seeing Liu Xu looking at her in astonishment, Chen Meijia blushed and explained: "Don't think too much, this is just a simple reward, not that...that..."

Seeing that she couldn't explain clearly at all, Chen Meijia simply stomped her feet, covered her face with her hands, and ran outside, leaving only Liu Xu standing there with a face of astonishment, messed up in the wind.


On this day, when Liu Xu came back from get off work, he was about to take out his key to open the door, when the door of the next-door suite suddenly walked away.

I saw Zeng Xiaoxian holding the hand of a beautiful woman and walking downstairs with a smile on his face. Even Liu Xu who was beside him didn't seem to see him.

"Why does this woman feel so familiar?" Looking at the two people walking away, Liu Xu stared at the woman's back and murmured: "Oh, by the way, it's Laura, the woman who cuckolded Zeng Xiaoxian... ..."

Instead of going into his suite at all, Liu Xu walked to 3601 of the suite, opened the door and entered, and saw Lin Wanyu and Lu Zhanbo sitting on the sofa.

There was obvious discontent on the faces of the two of them, it must be because of Laura's matter.

And in the suite on the other side, such a scene is also being staged.

"Wow, sister Yifei, you look so beautiful today!"

Chen Meijia, who was looking at Guan Gu's magical painting, saw Hu Yifei walking in, and suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

"Meijia, lend me your hairpin, I'm going on a date..." Hu Yifei was obviously in a good mood today, and said to Chen Meijia with a smile.

"A date?" Guan Gu, who was originally sitting, also stood up and asked Hu Yifei curiously.

"Zi Qiao introduced me to a very good man." Hu Yifei said excitedly.

"Oh! Did Ziqiao introduce it?" Guan Gu suddenly realized: "It must have cost a lot of money!"

"We are all mutually beneficial, and I introduced my classmate Xiaobo to him."

"You introduced your classmate to Ziqiao?" Chen Meijia exclaimed suddenly.

"Don't worry, he won't take advantage of it." Hu Yifei explained: "Xiao Bo is a single mother and already has a child."

"Good job!"

Chen Meijia gave Hu Yifei a high five excitedly.

While the others were talking, Lu Ziqiao also walked in, looked at the dressed-up Hu Yifei, and exclaimed, "Wow, Yifei, you are so beautiful today."

"Huh!" Hu Yifei was obviously very proud, "This is the reaction I want."

"How are you, are you ready?" Hu Yifei walked up to Lu Ziqiao and asked.

"Preparing for what?" Lu Ziqiao looked puzzled.

"Don't be kidding, Xiaobo accepted the invitation. What about your handsome guy? The one with a car and a house, and both parents died?"

"Yeah, I forgot?"

Lu Ziqiao finally remembered, wasn't he just talking nonsense?

"You forgot?" Hu Yifei suddenly shouted.

Lu Ziqiao was taken aback, and hastily changed her words: "I...I...I forgot the location."

This pair of men and women, one introduced a single mother, and the other was a white wolf with nothing at all. They simply didn't love each other and only killed each other.

"Scared me." Seeing what Lu Ziqiao said, Hu Yifei immediately breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "If you didn't bring it, you will die."

"How is it possible?" Lu Ziqiao rubbed his chest, pretending to be calm.

"Let me tell you, what's his name?" Hu Yifei leaned forward and asked.

"He... he's called..."

Just as Lu Ziqiao was struggling with his brain, thinking of how to temporarily escape the catastrophe, Liu Xu pushed the door open and walked in.

Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up immediately, she pulled Liu Xu to her, and said to Hu Yifei, "I'll find you a handsome man, this is him, Liu Xu..."

"What?" Hu Yifei raised her voice, "Lu Ziqiao, you are kidding me. If I want to ask Liu Xu, do I still need to find you?"

"How could I dare to play tricks on you." Lu Ziqiao quibbled, "Look at Liu Xu, he was an orphan since he was a child, but he has a car and a house. Although the house is rented, it's about the same size as your ideal handsome man!"


Hu Yifei became anxious for a while, pointed her index finger at Lu Ziqiao, and was about to yell, but he was already one step ahead.

"Yifei, Liu Xu, you guys had fun, I'll leave first. Yifei, thank you!"

After speaking, he fled the house like a rabbit.


Chapter 2045 It's rare for Miss Ben to put on makeup...

"This...what's the matter?"

Although Liu Xu was clever, he was also confused by the current scene.

"It's very simple." Hu Yifei glared fiercely at Lu Ziqiao's back, and explained to Liu Xu: "Lu Ziqiao said he would introduce me to a handsome man, but obviously he forgot, so I put you Introduced to me."


Liu Xu was shocked for a while, and looked at Hu Yifei innocently.

"It's rare for Miss Ben to put on makeup..." Hu Yifei looked at Liu Xu and said, "You should know what to do!"

Liu Xu: "..."


The Porsche was driving on the Panshang Highway. Halfway up the mountain, the cliff protruding like an eagle's beak could already be seen on the top of the mountain.

"Liu Xu, where are you going to take me?"

On the way, Hu Yifei asked this question more than once, but Liu Xu just said the same sentence: "You will know when you arrive."

Now, Hu Yifei finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked Liu Xu again.

Fortunately, this time, Liu Xu finally answered her question: "I know that you are not interested in dating content such as watching movies and having candlelight dinners, so I specially brought you to this place that you will never forget in your lifetime."

"What can we do here?" Hu Yifei asked curiously.

"Bungee jumping."

These two words spit out from Liu Xu's mouth.

"Bungee jumping?"

Hearing the two words from Liu Xu's mouth, Hu Yifei was shocked for a while, and then became excited.

"I've played a lot of sports and adventures, but I haven't tried bungee jumping yet!"

Sure enough, as Liu Xu expected, Hu Yifei was very excited and excited about bungee jumping, a sport that ordinary people dare not try.

"Did you see it? That's Yingzui Cliff." Liu Xu pointed to not far away, and said, "Later, we're going to jump down from there."

Hu Yifei nodded excitedly.

The car soon stopped on the edge of the cliff. Liu Xu and Hu Yifei got out of the car and explained their purpose to the bungee jumping staff.

A staff member came over and fastened a rubber band around his waist.

Liu Xu said to Hu Yifei: "You watch me dance first, and it will be your turn later."

Hu Yifei nodded.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Liu Xu closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and jumped.

After Liu Xu came up, Hu Yifei couldn't wait, and asked the staff to fasten the rubber band to herself. Without any hesitation, she jumped down, making him open his mouth wide and stunned for a while. Is this still a woman?

Be possessed!


After playing bungee jumping, it was already dark, so Liu Xu and Hu Yifei didn't go back to the apartment at all.

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