They stayed overnight in a nearby hotel and did not drive back to the apartment until the next day.

According to Liu Xu's proposal, after the car was parked in the parking lot, Hu Yifei and Liu Xu walked into the bar downstairs. At this time, a thrilling scene was happening in the bar.

He saw Zeng Xiaoxian and Lora sitting together, while his younger brother Lu Zhanbo, Lu Ziqiao and Lin Wanyu were sitting at the bar looking at Zeng Xiaoxian and the two of them.

Hu Yifei approached and whispered to Liu Xu, "Hey, Liu Xu, what do you think they are doing?"

"Who knows?" Liu Xu whispered, "Why don't we go and see?"

"good idea."

Liu Xu and Hu Yifei each held a glass of juice in their hands, quietly came to the place where Zeng Xiaoxian was, pricked up their ears, and listened carefully to their conversation.

Laura put the handbag on the table and said: "Oh, I never found that shopping is such a hard thing. I have climbed the Himalayas three times, and I don't feel so tired. I have all the things for the trip and wedding. Now, let's fly to the Alps first, swear an oath to the snow, and then swim into the Mediterranean Sea to dive, and let the turtles witness for us, do you think it's okay?"

"Hey... I like turtles the most." Zeng Xiaoxian smiled unnaturally, and then looked at Zi Qiao, Wan Yu and Zhan Bo at the bar, "Bring me two cups of latte, coffee and milk Fine...the one that came apart."

"By the way, I also gave you a surprise...Look, the plane ticket, first-class travel and marriage, departure next week, are you happy?"

"Happy... heart..." Zeng Xiaoxian, who was still unable to say that sentence, replied reluctantly: "Why hasn't the coffee arrived yet? It's too shameful. I'll go to remind you."

At the same time, a waiter came to the table with a plate and said, "Your coffee."

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the "ignorant" waiter resentfully, took a sip of coffee, then summoned up his courage and said, "Laura! I can't marry you!"

Laura looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and said with a relaxed smile: "What nonsense are you talking about, go to bed and go to work tomorrow!"

"I was serious."


"Our worlds are too far apart. I can't delay myself and you because of my greed for momentary gratification."

"We are so happy together!"

"We are not children anymore, happiness is not the sole purpose of everything we do, I allow you to walk around in my world, but I will never allow you to run around in my world, I... ...I'm going to end this relationship."

Finally, Zeng Xiaoxian said all the words he wanted to say.

"You must be drunk from coffee, I told you not to drink so much sugar-free coffee."

"No, I know very well."

"I don't want to discuss this issue anymore today. I'll go first, Xian'er. Can you call me tomorrow? That's it."


"Shut up! Zeng Xiaoxian! I warn you! Don't make fun of me, unless you tell me that you have another sweetheart, otherwise, don't even think about haggling with me."

"Okay, I'll tell you now."

Zeng Xiaoxian nodded, got up and walked to the love apartment where the bad friends were, pulled Lu Ziqiao who was watching the show, embraced him, and kissed her on the lips.

"Zeng Xiaoxian..." Hu Yifei covered his mouth with his hand.

"I didn't think about it either." Liu Xu sighed.


Chapter 2046 Yifei, let's make a pair!

Zeng Xiaoxian kissed Lu Ziqiao in a hurry, which shocked everyone present, including Laura who left sadly.

"Ah! Zeng Xiaoxian! You have ruined my innocence, I will kill you!"

Lu Ziqiao came back to his senses, suppressed the nausea in his heart, and yelled at Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Zi Qiao, don't get excited, I was also forced... ah... ah..."

"Liu Xu, why do you think Zeng Xiaoxian chose Ziqiao instead of Wanyu?"

Seeing the two people who were "fighting" each other, Hu Yifei turned to Liu Xu and asked, did she believe that Zeng Xiaoxian was gay.

"That's easy to explain!" Liu Xu took a sip of juice and said, "Wanyu is the daughter of Lin's Bank. If Mr. Zeng dares to take advantage of her, you can imagine the days to come. As for Zhanbo, he has a Protected by the tough sister, Mr. Zeng probably wants to live a few more years, so he locked his target on Zi Qiao."

"That's what you said." Hu Yifei nodded in agreement, then seemed to think of something, and said dissatisfiedly to Liu Xu: "Who did you say was tough just now? Do I look violent?"

"Ha! How could it be?" Looking at Hu Yifei's unfriendly gaze, Liu Xu broke out in a cold sweat, "The wording is inappropriate, she is a conscientious sister..."

"It's almost there."

Hu Yifei nodded in satisfaction, and continued to look in Zeng Xiaoxian's direction.

Liu Xu: "..."


Valentine's Day.

As early as a few days ago, most people in the apartment had a discussion about Valentine's Day in the bar downstairs.

"By the way, do you know about Valentine's Day phobia?"

Lu Zhanbo first talked about the topic on the sofa.

"Valentine's Day phobia?" Chen Meijia asked, "What do you mean?"

"I saw this in the newspaper yesterday." Lu Zhanbo explained: "It means that when Valentine's Day comes, there is no one to accompany you, and seeing other people are in pairs, but you are lonely, you will feel afraid. The most important thing is Yes, very embarrassing."

"Tch, what's wrong with you, stupid earthlings." Hu Yifei next to him said pretending to be disdainful.

"If it were me, I would find a spare tire." Chen Meijia also expressed her opinion.

"What is a spare tire?" Lin Wanyu asked.

"Just find a familiar man and make an appointment first. If you don't have a direction when the time comes, you can deal with it urgently. Isn't this kind of embarrassing problem solved, right Sister Yifei?"

Chen Meijia turned her gaze to Hu Yifei.

"Hmph! I'm a heartthrob, so I don't have to worry about such silly questions!" Hu Yifei said casually while fiddling with her hair.

"I originally wanted to ask Liu Xu." Speaking of this, Chen Meijia said dejectedly: "But Liu Xu actually told me that he already has an appointment on Valentine's Day."

"Liu Xu has already made an appointment?"

Hu Yifei was a little surprised, but for some reason, she felt a strange feeling in her heart.

"That's right!" Chen Meijia nodded and said, "I don't know which lucky guy is able to date the Prince Charming in my heart. I'm so jealous."

Time is gradually coming to night...

As usual, Hu Yifei came to the balcony, blowing the cool summer breeze, trying to drive away the troubles of the day.

At this moment, the sound of the French window opening came from the next door. Hu Yifei heard the sound and looked around, only to see Liu Xu coming out of it.

Seeing that Hu Yifei was also on the balcony, Liu Xu smiled slightly and said, "Good evening, Yifei."

Hu Yifei rolled his eyes at him, recalled what Chen Meijia said during the day, and couldn't help asking: "I heard that you have already found a partner for Valentine's Day next year?"

"No!" Liu Xu said in surprise, "Who did you hear that from?"

"Meijia said it!" Seeing Liu Xu's denial, Hu Yifei was also surprised, "She said that you found a companion, which made her have no chance, and complained all day!"

"It turned out to be her!" Liu Xu suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "I have been dealing with things during the day, and I was annoyed by Mijia, so I lied to her that I had already found someone."

"So, you haven't found someone good yet?" Hu Yifei said in surprise.

"No." Liu Xu nodded, suddenly looked at Hu Yifei and said, "Then what about you!"

"Hmph... Do you still need to look for a heartthrob like me? As long as I say hello, there will be a lot of people begging me for a date!"

Hu Yifei suddenly became arrogant.

"Since there is no one, then Yifei, let's make a pair!" Liu Xu said with a smile.

"You..." Hu Yifei looked Liu Xu up and down a few times before saying, "Since your attitude is so sincere, then I will give you a chance!"


"Nonsense, if you don't believe it, forget it."

"Yes, of course." Liu Xu said quickly.

In the darkness, he didn't see a smile on the corner of Hu Yifei's mouth.

"That's how it is. I'll go to sleep first. Good night first." Hu Yifei took a deep look at Liu Xu and said goodbye to him.

"OK, good night."

Liu Xu nodded, and he turned around and walked into his own room after Hu Yifei's figure completely disappeared in the room.

The moon slowly emerged from the dark clouds, so bright, even the two suites looked extraordinarily quiet under the moonlight.

The two young people, perhaps at this time, are slowly sprouting love in their hearts.


Summer is a burning season.The fireball of nuclear fusion is burning in the sky, dogs stick out their tongues, cicadas chirp irritably, the asphalt road is softened by the sun, and even fish come out of the water to take a breath.

"Hey, it's so hot. I hate summer the most."

In the bar downstairs of the apartment, Zeng Xiaoxian took a sip of beer, then burped loudly, and then sat down on the sofa in satisfaction, looking weak.

"I want to go to the beach at this time." Chen Meijia agreed: "The blue sky, the cool sea water, and the soft sandy beach make me a little excited just thinking about it!"

"It's easy to say, but we all have to go to work, so we don't have time to go to the beach to relax!" Zeng Xiaoxian poured cold water on it, which immediately extinguished Chen Meijia's passion.

"That's not necessarily true!" Liu Xu has a different opinion, "If we just relax for a short time, I think we can still do it. I, Zhanbo, and Yifei can all ask for leave. Ziqiao, Guan Gu and Mika are both freelancers, so there is no problem at all.”

"But what about me?" Zeng Xiaoxian said: "My perverted boss, how could he allow me to leave!"

"I'm listening to Lisa's girlfriend that Zi Qiao once knew? Maybe Zi Qiao can help!"

Liu Xu turned his gaze to Lu Ziqiao who was drinking cold beer.


Chapter 2047 People have already done it

Department store.

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