"Mr. Zeng, in order to ask for leave for you, I promised your producer a series of conditions that humiliate the country and humiliate the power. You have to repay me well."

"Good brother, I'm sorry for you." Zeng Xiaoxian patted Lu Ziqiao on the shoulder and said, "I bought your swimming trunks for you today."

Although it was shopping today, but the main task was to buy swimsuits, a group of people went directly to the swimsuit counter.

Everyone walked in, probably because of Xia Tian, ​​there were still a lot of women selected inside, although there were also men's swimming trunks, but they only occupied a small corner, and no one cared about them.

There are many beauties, and the happiest one is Lu Ziqiao. As soon as he walked into the store, Lu Ziqiao never left the female body, and kept chanting: "B, B, C, A, D..."

"Zi Qiao, can you not be like this, I feel ashamed to be with you."

Finally, Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help complaining to Lu Ziqiao.

"Mr. Zeng, you don't understand this." Lu Ziqiao felt that he was a real man, like a professor, and passed on his experience to Zeng Xiaoxian, "This kind of moment, this kind of season doesn't always happen, you If you miss it, don't regret it..."

"Regret?" Zeng Xiaoxian gave Lu Ziqiao a disdainful look, and nudged in the direction of the girls, "Even if I want to envy, I still envy Liu Xu, you... just forget it."

Lu Ziqiao looked suspiciously in the direction of Zeng Xiaoxian's pouting mouth, and suddenly exclaimed: "That guy Liu Xu, when did he go to Yifei's place? It seems that he is still picking out bikinis for them?"

"Just when you're aiming at beautiful women." Zeng Xiaoxian despised Lu Ziqiao even more, "You're still looking, but someone else has already done it."

"Let's go and have a look."

Lu Ziqiao pulled Zeng Xiaoxian and walked towards the direction where the girls were.

"Liu Xu, I really can't see that you still have research on women's things?"

After listening to Liu Xu's suggestion, Hu Yifei looked Liu Xu up and down and said, as if he wanted to get to know him anew.

"Hehe, work needs work!"

Liu Xu smiled, he can't say that he is half an expert in women's products.

Lu Ziqiao gave Liu Xu a thumbs up, he thought, this is the one who can develop into the best wingman.

"Liu Xu, seeing that you know so well, please recommend it to me too! Look at my figure, isn't it great?"

Zeng Xiaoxian also came over and looked at Liu Xu with a flattering expression.

"You?" Liu Xu looked Zeng Xiaoxian up and down, finally sighed, pointed to the pile of underpants behind him and said, "Mr. Zeng, you can choose any one over there!"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked behind him, three black lines immediately appeared on his forehead, and muttered: "Is this kind of underpants worthy of a public figure like me?"

Liu Xu: "..."

Going shopping may be a woman's nature. Taking advantage of the pleasure of buying bikinis, the three women decided to continue shopping at the mall. This decision is undoubtedly bad news for all boys including Liu Xu...

It wasn't until night fell that the three women reluctantly stopped shopping, and walked towards the exit with satisfaction, followed by the four men carrying countless bags.


Sanya, a coastal city.

It was the end of the month, and it was the day with the best climate and scenery. Sitting on the bus to the hotel and looking at the scenery on both sides of the road was really refreshing.

"Wow, the sea... the sea... I'm finally here."

Looking at the endless sea outside the window, Chen Meijia jumped excitedly and kept cheering.

"The sky is so blue and the clouds are so white!" Lin Wanyu looked out the window and sighed, "It's as good as Hawaii."

"That's it." Lu Ziqiao rarely agrees with everyone, then changed the topic and said excitedly: "The most important thing is that there are many beautiful girls in swimsuits here, I have already felt that this place will be a turning point in my life ..."

Everyone raised their middle fingers at Lu Ziqiao.

Chen Meijia was even more contemptuous: "A wolf like you, who would want to get close to you!"

"Actually, cesium wolf is very respectable, because cesium wolf is good at discovering beauty." Lu Ziqiao said with a righteous face: "Cesium wolf, an absolute aesthete."

"You...you are lying..." Chen Meijia said anxiously: "According to what you say, the cesium wolf has made a great contribution to this world instead?"

"It also depends on the target. Someone like me is a model of success in society."


Seeing that the two were arguing like a pair of bitter couples, everyone burst into laughter.

"Okay, okay!" Stopped smiling, Liu Xu said to everyone: "Let's separate now, those who want to swim go swimming, those who collect shells pick up shells, those who walk on the beach walk on the beach, those who look at beautiful women look at beautiful women, five How about we gather here after [-]:[-]?"

"Okay..." Everyone agreed.

In a blink of an eye, there were only Hu Yifei and Liu Xu left in the lobby of the hotel.

"Hey, they're all out, why don't you go?" Hu Yifei walked up to Liu Xu, looked at him and said.

"Going to the beach, stepping on the soft sand!" Liu Xu said with a smile, "Is Yifei interested in going with me?"

"There's nothing to do anyway, so let's go out with you!" Hu Yifei said casually.

The two walked to the beach, Liu Xu immediately took off his shoes and socks, and Shi Zilu jumped onto the beach, probably because the beach was too soft, Liu Xu didn't stand still, and sat directly on the ground, soft and warm .


Liu Xu simply leaned back, stretched his limbs in a big shape, and lay down on the beach.

"Liu Xu, are you okay?"

Hu Yifei mistook Liu Xu for falling and ran to him immediately.

Liu Xu suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed Hu Yifei who was squatting on the ground to the ground.

"How is it, is it comfortable?" Liu Xu asked with a smile while looking at the other party with his head sideways.

"You... well, Ting is comfortable!"

Hu Yifei, who was pushed by Liu Xu and fell to the ground, was about to get angry at Liu Xu, but when she heard what the other person said and understood what he meant, she sat on the beach peacefully, feeling really good.


Chapter 2048

"The pure and flawless beach, the sea and the sky are the same scenery, lying on the beach freely and daydreaming, what a joy in life!" Liu Xu said with eyes closed.

"Look at how promising you are! If you were someone else, you would definitely not be able to tell that the person lying here like a dick is a promising young man with an annual salary of one million." Hearing Liu Xu's words, Hu Yifei said with a smile.

Turning his head to look at the other party, he found that Liu Xu was lying on the beach with his limbs stretched out, his eyes closed, and a smile on his face, as if enjoying himself.

Hu Yifei simply leaned back and lay there like Liu Xu. Under the sunshine, it was really comfortable.

Two people, a man and a woman, with the same posture and the same expression, looked extraordinarily harmonious under the sunlight.

When it was night, Chen Meijia, Zeng Xiaoxian and other talents returned to the hotel one after another.

From their faces, Liu Xu could easily see how unwilling they were now.

It's no wonder, it's rare for everyone to come to the beach to play together. It's only been a few hours, and when the fun starts, they have to go to the hotel. It's so uncomfortable, but dinner is still necessary.

Liu Xu smiled and said to everyone: "We are going to play for 5 days this time. Everyone needs to eat well and sleep well, so that we can have a better energy to play tomorrow, right?"

Hearing what Liu Xu said, everyone gradually came to their senses, sharing each other's happiness with each other.

The dinner was very rich. On the table, coconut rice, oyster curry with coconut milk, and Hainan coconut milk chicken all seemed to have coconut.

Of course, the most important thing to come to Sanya is to eat seafood, abalone sauce Bailingru, flower chain fish head, so that everyone, including Liu Xu, almost flew down three thousand feet...

I don't know who moved the chopsticks first, and then almost everyone picked up the chopsticks on the table one after another, and launched an attack on the delicious food on the table.

"Hey, don't grab it, it's mine."

"What's yours, I caught it first."

"Teacher Zeng, you are so unkind, you have eaten a crab."


The dinner ended with the noise of the crowd, and at this time, the moon was shining outside and the sea breeze was blowing.

Everyone said good night to each other, and walked towards their own rooms. There is another day of activities waiting for them tomorrow, so they must recharge their batteries and rest early.

Putting on a cool summer dress, breathing the cool air mixed with the salty smell of the sea, standing by the sea, Liu Xu felt that all his troubles were gone.

"Aren't you sleeping yet?"

Behind him, came a familiar voice.

"Aren't you too? Yifei."

Liu Xu still looked at the sea without turning his head. At this moment, Hu Yifei was the only one who didn't sleep to blow the sea breeze.

"Same as you." Hu Yifei smiled and walked to Liu Xu's side, "I also want to come out to breathe, don't we all have such a habit?"

Liu Xu couldn't help laughing, yes, unknowingly, he suddenly discovered that he and the woman beside him had the same habit.

"Looking at the sea is too boring, why not go around?" Liu Xu suggested.

"Okay, but if I get cold later, you have to take off your clothes and wear them for me."

Hu Yifei blinked her eyes, rarely revealing a trace of girlish cunning.

"No problem." Liu Xu readily agreed.

The two walked slowly along the beach, and only at this time, the mood of the two would appear particularly calm, and they could tell each other their troubles.

It's just that after a short period of peace, there will always be some interruptions that destroy the atmosphere, especially at this moment when there are few people after dark.

"Hey, don't you say apology when you meet someone?" A fat man with a shirtless upper body lay across in front of Hu Yifei and said loudly.

While talking, his small eyes kept looking back and forth at Hu Yifei's body.

"Step aside!"

Whether Hu Yifei met Fatty, she naturally knew in her heart.

Just now Hu Yifei was about to go around the fat man, but unexpectedly, two more people walked out from behind him, and they both stood in front of her, blocking their way.

A bald man who came out later looked at Hu Yifei, and said with a smile: "Sister, isn't that right? You bumped into us."

"I said, I didn't meet you."

Hu Yifei frowned after hearing the other party's words. The eyes of the three men in front of her disgusted her, and they were the kind of malicious eyes.

Looking at the clothes of these people, even if they are not hooligans, they should be hooligans.

"Hehe, what do you want? Hehe, what do you think?" Another guy with a shorter stature looked at Hu Yifei with a smirk and said.

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