"Three, I advise you to get out of the way, go away now, we can pretend that nothing happened." Liu Xu, who had been silent all this time, said while looking at the three ruffians with pity.

"It's up to you?" The fat man looked Liu Xu up and down a few times, and said disdainfully: "Brothers, money is a little tight these days, be sensible, and hand over all your money, or..."

"How about otherwise?"

Liu Xu didn't take the threat in front of him to heart at all. Even if he didn't make a move, the murderous female devil would be enough to kill these three guys.

"Be careful, let your white knives go in and red knives go out." The fat man said viciously.

As if to verify his words, the fat man took out a fruit knife from his pocket and waved it in front of Liu Xu and Hu Yifei.


"Stop talking nonsense with them."

Hu Yifei shot brazenly, and the opponent even took out a knife, so her shot was considered a legitimate defense.

You can't wait for someone to stab you with a knife before fighting back!

Liu Xu looked at the three unlucky ones with sympathy on his face, and said in his heart: "You guys are so brave to rob and kill the female devil."

"Let's go!"

Hu Yifei made three strikes, five divisions and two, and got the three guys.


Liu Xu nodded.

"Then what about these three people?"

Hu Yifei pointed to the three people on the ground.

"Call the police. Only the police station is suitable for this kind of people."

Hu Yifei nodded, took out her mobile phone, and dialed the police number.


Chapter 2049 Yifei, why are you so heavy?

After dealing with the follow-up work, Liu Xu and Hu Yifei lost the intention to continue walking and started to walk back.

On the way back to the hotel, the two looked extraordinarily peaceful, one in front of the other.


The two who were walking quietly suddenly heard Hu Yifei's cry.

"What's wrong with Yifei?"

Liu Xu quickly walked a few steps, and saw Hu Yifei sitting on the ground, covering his feet with his hands.

"I tripped over a stone." Hu Yifei endured the pain and said.

Liu Xu looked over and saw that there was really a protruding stone beside Hu Yifei, which was unnoticed in the darkness.

"Are you okay?" Liu Xu asked with concern.


Hu Yifei shook her head, making a gesture to stand up, but before she could straighten up, she staggered and almost fell to the ground again.

"Be careful." Liu Xu quickly supported her, "If it doesn't work, don't force it."

"Who... who said I can't do it?"

Hu Yifei has a strong personality, and she wanted to break away from Liu Xu's hand as she spoke, to prove that she could stand up.

"Do not move."

Liu Xu likes and admires Hu Yifei's strong character, but a sprained foot is not a trivial matter, and it is not allowed for Fa to be so foolish.

Liu Xu frowned rarely, and said, "I'm a doctor, listen to me."

Hu Yifei curled her lips and said, "You're just a psychiatrist."

"A psychiatrist is also a doctor." Liu Xu said seriously, "I'll carry you back to the hotel."

"I don't want it, I..."

Hu Yifei still wanted to refuse.

"Shut up obediently, you're going to hold on even now." Liu Xu said loudly.

Although his voice was loud, he still showed a deep sense of concern.


This is the first time for Hu Yifei to see Liu Xu like this. In her eyes, he has always been a gentle gentleman who is very kind to everyone. Cough cough, that is Hu Yifei who can't remember the last time he knew him .

Seeing Liu Xu like this at this time, she was stunned.

Taking advantage of the moment when Hu Yifei was in a daze, Liu Xu squatted down and urged her, "Come on, I'll carry you on my back."

"Ah good."

Hu Yifei, whose brain was still in disbelief, subconsciously laid her body on Liu Xu's back, with her hands on Liu Xu's shoulders.

"Why are you so heavy?"

Liu Xu walked a few meters with Hu Yifei on his back, and suddenly said.

"You...you are the only one who is heavy!"

Hu Yifei, who finally came back to his senses, heard that Liu Xu dared to say that she was heavy, and immediately hammered Liu Xu's shoulder several times in dissatisfaction, and said, "I don't even weigh a hundred catties."

"Don't deceive yourself, I won't laugh at you, tell the truth!"

"How dare you! I'll say it again, I don't have a hundred catties."


The two were noisy all the way, and finally saw the tall building of the hotel.

After entering the hall, Liu Xu immediately put Hu Yifei on the sofa in the hall, and notified the fog server to find a doctor.

The high-end hotel was very efficient, and a person came in less than a minute. It was a female doctor in the hotel, who came to Hu Yifei with a medical box in her hand, and asked about the situation while treating the wound.

Treat wounds, disinfect, apply medicine, and bandage!

"It was a small piece of flesh that fell off when I knocked on the stone, and there was a two-inch wound around it. I have treated the wound, but it may leave a scar..." the doctor looked at Liu Xu and Hu Yifei and said .

"Is there no cure for the scar? Is it because you can't cure it or is it true?" Liu Xu frowned.

A two-inch scar on a woman's leg is a brutal thing indeed.

"There is a piece of flesh missing from the wound. It is difficult to get rid of the scar. Now there are many medicines to treat scars. They are pasted on this and that, but they only absorb some pigment on the surface. If you use laser treatment, supplemented by medicine The treatment can have a certain effect, it will fade and then disappear, but it will take time." The female doctor said.

"Okay, thank you doctor!" Liu Xu looked at the doctor and said gratefully.

"It's nothing! Tell your girlfriend to be careful these few days, don't go around, don't touch the water, and be careful when you sleep at night. This is medicine, just change it every day!" The doctor looked at Liu Xu asked.

"Oh, I got it!" Liu Xu looked at the other party and said, then took the medicine.


After being misunderstood again, Hu Yifei seemed particularly quiet this time. She carefully looked at Liu Xu who was reading the drug instructions. For the first time, she felt that the man in front of her might be able to conquer herself... …


The time finally came in the morning.

Immediately, everyone also learned about Hu Yifei's injury from Liu Xu, and they all ran to her room to greet Hu Yifei.

It wasn't until Hu Yifei repeatedly assured that it was only a minor injury and that she would recover after a day or two of rest, that everyone gave up on the idea of ​​sending her to the hospital, and gradually left, leaving only Liu Xu in the hotel to take care of Hu Yifei.

After everyone left, Liu Xu sat on Hu Yifei's bedside, handed her a peeled apple, and said with a smile: "It feels good to be cared about!"

"What's the matter, let's try if your leg is injured." Hu Yifei gave Liu Xu a blank look, took the apple, took a bite, and said vaguely: "It's a pity that I came to Sanya for nothing this time. I wanted to have fun at first." .”

"I came to Sanya to escape the heat and relax." Liu Xu comforted, "Although I can't go where I want to go, it's good to see the sea and relax."

"Then why don't you go surfing with Guan Gu and the others?" Hu Yifei asked suspiciously.

Liu Xu said nonsense: "The orphanage where I grew up was by the sea, and I have been used to seeing the sea for a long time, so I am not very excited to see the sea like Teacher Zeng and the others."

"So that's the case!" Hu Yifei nodded, "I suddenly discovered that you seem to know a lot of things. I used to think that you were just a high-paid psychiatrist, but I didn't expect that you can also bungee jumping and kung fu... "

"How do you know I know kung fu?"

"Yesterday, the three hooligans even took out knives, but you are not afraid at all."

"Ha ha……"


Chapter 2050 Unforgettable Valentine's Day

"Tell me honestly, is there anything else I don't know about you?" Hu Yifei asked.

"What? Why do you suddenly have such a great interest in my affairs." Liu Xu teased, "Did you like me?"

"Who... who fell in love with you?" Hu Yifei's cheeks flashed a blush, but disappeared immediately, and argued: "As a friend, can't you just want to know more?"

"Yes, of course..." Liu Xu said with a smile: "If you want to hear it, I can tell you about it for three days and three nights, but the origin of all this has to start with Pangu opening the sky..."

"Go." Hu Yifei threw the pillow at Liu Xu casually, and said angrily, "What about Pangu opening the sky? Are you telling fairy tales?"

"It's almost there." Liu Xu said vaguely, catching the pillow with one hand.

The story that happened to him is not a myth, but it is better than a myth... But, this secret cannot be shared with Hu Yifei yet...


Several days have passed since I came back from Sanya. On this day, Liu Xu knocked on the door of Suite 3601 and asked, "Zhanbo, where is your sister, is she at home?"

"Look for my sister, she's in the room." Lu Zhanbo said.

"Dong dong..."

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