Standing in front of Hu Yifei's bedroom door, Liu Xu knocked on the door a few times and said, "Yifei, it's me, Liu Xu, can I come in? I have something to discuss with you."

"Come in! The door is unlocked." Hu Yifei's voice came from inside.

Liu Xu opened the door and walked in, and saw Hu Yifei sitting on the bedside reading a book.

"Is there anything you can do with me?" Hu Yifei looked up at Liu Xu and asked.

"It's like this." Liu Xu walked up to Hu Yifei and said, "Didn't I promise Guan Gu to establish a comic fund and publishing house? Now there are some problems..."

"Is it because there is not enough funds?" Hu Yifei asked: "I still have some deposits here, why don't you take them first!"

"No, no, no... It's not a matter of funds." Seeing that Hu Yifei misunderstood, Liu Xu immediately explained: "I have already solved all the matters of funds, mainly the matter of talents. I am just a psychiatrist. I can see doctors. But if you want me to manage a company, or an organization, there is no way to do it, and I don’t have any very close friends when I first came to SH, so I want to ask you, Yifei, if you have management talents?”

"That's right!"

After listening to Liu Xu's explanation, Hu Yifei finally understood. She lowered her head and fell into deep thought. Then her eyes lit up, she raised her head and said excitedly, "I know someone. I can assure you that as long as we can invite him, the Foundation will The difficulties faced by the publishing house and the publishing house will be solved..."

"Oh? Who are you talking about?" Liu Xu's eyes lit up when Hu Yifei said there was a solution, and he asked.


After the Spring Festival, it means that Valentine's Day is not far away.

With the expectation of everyone in the apartment, Valentine's Day finally came into everyone's sight.

Early in the morning, Liu Xu walked into the suite of 3601, sat down under the dining table unceremoniously, took a piece of bread from the dinner plate, and delivered it to his mouth.

"Hey, slow down." Seeing Liu Xu like this, Hu Yifei poured a glass of milk for him, looked at him and said, "Every time I see you eating breakfast, it feels like you haven't had breakfast in three days. It's like eating."

"Thank you..." Liu Xu took the cow's milk from Hu Yifei's hand, poured it a few mouthfuls, then wiped off the milk stains on the corners of his mouth with his hands, and said with a smile: "Every method, I'm used to it, and I can change it if I want to." No more!"

Immediately, Liu Xu's eyes lit up, and he looked Hu Yifei up and down.

"You, what are you looking at?"

No matter how tough Hu Yifei is usually, she felt embarrassed to be looked at by Liu Xu like this at this time. With a slightly red face, she said dissatisfiedly at him.

"There are beauties in the southern country, whose beauty is like peaches and plums. They travel to the north bank of the river in the morning, and stay in Xiaoxiang in the evening. The vulgarity of the time is so thin that the beautiful face is so beautiful, who has white teeth?"

Without answering Hu Yifei's words directly, Liu Xuyin couldn't help but wrote a short poem by Cao Zhi, and said to Hu Yifei with a smile: "Yifei, you are so beautiful today."

" mean, I'm not usually pretty?" Hearing Liu Xu's evaluation of herself, Hu Yifei was delighted, but asked reproachfully.

"No, you are usually pretty." Liu Xu said with a smile, "But today you are more like an angel."


Hu Yifei rolled Liu Xu's eyes, but her heart was extremely sweet.

After a quick breakfast, Liu Xu took out a tissue on one side, wiped his mouth, stood up, made a gesture of invitation to Hu Yifei, who had been prepared for a long time, and said with a smile: "Please, as my partner today, I will give you an unforgettable Valentine's Day."

"I'm looking forward to it!"

As Hu Yifei said, one hand naturally took Liu Xu's arm.

This move made Liu Xu feel a little bit surprised. He glanced at Hu Yifei and saw that his face was normal, so he walked out with him.

Downstairs in the apartment, seeing that Liu Xu was not walking towards the parking lot, Hu Yifei asked strangely, "Aren't you going to drive?"

"Today is Valentine's Day, where there will be vacant parking spaces for us to park, and driving is not easy to date, so I decided to take a taxi today."

Hu Yifei nodded, just in time, there was a taxi driving towards the two of them.

Liu Xu waved, and soon, the taxi stopped beside the two of them.

"Driver, go to Yuyu Restaurant."

After getting in the car, Liu Xu told the driver his purpose.

"Eh? Didn't you just have breakfast?" Hu Yifei couldn't help asking suspiciously when Liu Xu set his goal on the restaurant.

"You also said it was breakfast." Liu Xu said with a smile: "Every restaurant is hard to find on Valentine's Day. Of course I have to put the date near the restaurant first."

"My little brother is right!" The driver in front also said.

Um?Such a familiar voice, shouldn't it be?

Looking through the rearview mirror, Liu Xu suddenly discovered that this driver was actually the master driver who had a double bond with him.


Chapter 2051 Come, I'll Feed You

"Uncle, what a coincidence, I have taken a taxi three times since I came here, but I never thought I would always take your car." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Yeah, this world is really small." The uncle also agreed with a smile.

He gave Liu Xu a meaningful look, as if he was saying something.

The two of you said something to each other, and soon, the car arrived at the destination - encounter restaurant.

"Uncle, how much is it?" Liu Xu said, and then he wanted to take out the wallet from his pocket.

"Uncle will drive you for free this time." The driver said generously, "It's also a small gift for you on Valentine's Day."

"That's so embarrassing." Liu Xu refused.

"It's only a few tens of dollars." The driver waved his hand and said to Liu Xu, "If you still want to give it to Uncle, then you are looking down on Uncle."

"This... alright!" Seeing that the uncle had already talked to this point, Liu Xu no longer had the nerve to hand over the money, and said gratefully, "Thank you, uncle."

After finishing speaking, he opened the car door and got out of the car, and walked quickly towards Hu Yifei who got out of the car earlier.

"Hey, it's nice to be young!"

Looking at the backs of Liu Xu and Hu Yifei, the uncle couldn't help sighing.


Encounter Restaurant.

Although it was not lunch time yet, the restaurant had almost no empty seats.

"You two, what do you want to eat?"

As soon as Liu Xu and Hu Yifei sat down, a fog server came over and handed over two menus.

"Today is Valentine's Day, and our store has specially launched a series of couple packages for each couple to choose from."

"Yifei, order!" Liu Xu said to Hu Yifei.

"It's up to you!"

Hu Yifei shook his head and returned the choice to Liu Xu.

"That's it..." Liu Xu looked at the menu, pondered for a moment, and said to the waiter, "Then order two steaks and two glasses of lemon juice!"

"Sir, is that all?" the fog service officer asked while writing down.

Liu Xu took a look at Hu Yifei, and seeing a trace of disappointment flashed across his face, he couldn't help laughing and continued: "One more couple's set meal, um, let's take that Hong Chen as company!"

"Okay, please wait a moment, the food will be served soon."

The fog server bowed slightly to the two, picked up the menu, and left.

"Hey, you ordered so many things, are you finished? You just had breakfast."

When the fog attendant disappeared, Hu Yifei said to Liu Xu, how could there be any disappointment on her face at this time?

"How could a few slices of bread fill my stomach." Liu Xu said with a smile, "If it wasn't for my date with you later, I would have stayed here for a day."

"Eat you to death."

Hu Yifei gave Liu Xu a blank look, and stopped talking.

Although there were quite a lot of people in the restaurant, the dishes and steaks that Liu Xu asked for were delivered quickly. Without any hesitation, Liu Xu picked up the knife and fork, cut a piece of steak, and was about to deliver it to his mouth, but Suddenly thought of something, passed the fork to Hu Yifei, and said with a smile: "Come on, let me feed you."

Hu Yifei was stunned by such an intimacy that couples have, and then she opened her small mouth generously, biting the steak on the fork like a lady, and chewing slowly.


The night of Valentine's Day is the busiest. Countless couples walk on the street arm in arm, and even more unrestrained, even ignoring the pedestrians watching, they start kissing on the street...

It's no wonder that there are still rumors that today's hotel business will be very good, and a month later, the director of the hospital will be happy, and what he said is very reasonable.

Apart from couples, another feature on the street is the flower girls. Along the way, Liu Xu met this kind of girls several times.

"Brother, buy a rose for sister!" A little girl about 17 or 8 years old walked up to Liu Xu and said to Liu Xu with a smile.

Almost habitually, Liu Xu took out the money, took a rose from the little girl's hand, handed it to Hu Yifei and said, "No, this is the fifth rose, if this continues, you can open a flower shop tomorrow." gone."

"Where is it so exaggerated." Hu Yifei gave Liu Xu a blank look, took the rose and said, "By the way, where are you taking me?"

"Let's keep it a secret first." Liu Xu said pretending to be mysterious.

"What is so mysterious?"

Hu Yifei frowned slightly, and followed behind Ye Liuxu without saying a word.

The park was silent at night, except for the sound of birds and beasts, there was not a single pedestrian around.

Wan Su was silent, and Liu Xu didn't speak, but just led the way.

When he came to Gaopo, Liu Xu stopped suddenly.

Liu Xu took out a lighter and handed it to her, and said with a smile: "Ten steps forward, you will see a thick rope on the ground, light it and you will see the gift I prepared for you.

Hu Yifei took out the torch and lit the gray hemp rope.

The gray hemp rope that had been ignited suddenly swished and started to burn. The hemp rope shot out a trace of light, and the two ends of the rope were divided into two poles and burned forward.

Ten steps away from him, clusters of flames soared into the sky, just like the bony Nomi card effect, oil lamps lit up one after another, and the clusters of flames were like stars shining together to spell "Zhu Yifei" Happy Valentine's Day" nine words, each of which is as big as half a basketball court.

In order to prepare for all of this, Liu Xu was careless. He built and arranged the oil lamps himself, and they were filled with kerosene.

And the thick rope-like thread that Hu Yifei ignited was the fuse. The lead wire was connected to the oil lamp, and the oil lamp was connected to the lead wire.

So once one oil lamp is lit, the other oil lamp will also be implicated and burned until the nine characters are formed.

Although she has received many gifts since she was a child, this is the first time Hu Yifei has received such a gift. It cannot be taken away, but it will be imprinted in her heart forever, and she will never forget it for the rest of her life.

Unable to restrain herself, Hu Yifei approached Liu Xu and kissed him lightly on the face.

Suddenly feeling warmth on his face, Liu Xu opened his eyes wide, looking at Hu Yifei whose cheeks were already blushing.

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