"It's hard to say whether to teach or not." Du Qianqian waved her hand and said, "It's rare for Yifei to ask me for something. As a senior sister, of course I have to be careful."

The two talked, and soon arrived at the door of Suite 3601.

"Yifei, look who's here?"

Pushing open the door and leading Du Qianqian in, Liu Xu hung the briefcase on the wall and shouted upstairs.

"who is it?"

Hu Yifei's voice came from upstairs, and immediately after, Hu Yifei was seen coming out of the bedroom.

"Ah... Senior Sister, it's actually you!"

When she saw clearly who was coming, Hu Yifei yelled and ran down the stairs at a speed of [-] meters. She opened her arms and hugged Du Qianqian tightly.


Seeing Hu Yifei again, Du Qianqian was obviously very excited.

After a long time, the two women separated.

"Senior sister, why did you come up by yourself? Didn't you agree that I would pick you up?" Hu Yifei looked at Du Qianqian and asked suspiciously.

"You're still talking!" Du Qianqian tapped Hu Yifei's forehead, "I've called you so many times, but I didn't answer it. Fortunately, I met Liu Xu downstairs, and it was he who called you. Bring it on!"

"That's right!" Hu Yifei looked at her mobile phone, and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I forgot to charge my mobile phone and turned it off."

Immediately, she looked at Liu Xu beside her and said, "So, you already know each other?"

Du Qianqian nodded, and suddenly said ambiguously: "Yifei has a good eye. You can tell that Liu Xu is a good man just by looking at his appearance."

"Oh, what's wrong?" Hu Yifei blushed and said, "He's just a piece of wood."

"Wood?" Du Qianqian glanced at Liu Xu suspiciously, then smiled and said, "Then why are you blushing?"

"How can I blush... Oh, I hate Senior Sister..."


The two women who hadn't seen each other for a long time obviously had a lot to say at this time, while Liu Xu sat quietly on the sofa, not disturbing the two women's conversation.

"Senior sister, I invite you to come here this time, but I have something to ask of you!"

After reminiscing about the past, Hu Yifei finally brought the topic to business.

"I know." Du Qianqian pushed her glasses and said, "I've already understood about it on the phone. Since Yifei trusts me, I promise I won't let you down. It's just your Liu Xu? "

"I believe in Yifei, and I also believe in Senior Sister, Senior Sister, just go ahead and do it!"

Seeing Du Qianqian looking at him, Liu Xu immediately expressed his opinion and even handed over all the rights to her.

"You have prepared everything needed by the foundation and the publishing house. In other words, you have built a house, and the only thing left is to live in it."

Du Qianqian paused, then continued: "I want a management team. My opinion is, select a group of talents from the talent market and train them personally. I can guarantee that within a month, you can have the team They're officially on duty."

Liu Xu nodded, motioning for Du Qianqian to continue talking.

"Although the foundation and the publishing house are not a large enterprise, their management is similar. I think, why don't we go to the human market now to see if there are any talents."

"Now?" Hu Yifei and Liu Xu said in surprise.

"is it not OK?"

"But it's almost four o'clock now, and the door to the talent market is about to close!" Hu Yifei said, "Why don't you go tomorrow!"

"It's still half an hour before four o'clock." Du Qianqian looked at her watch and said, "If you hurry up, you can still catch up."

As Du Qianqian spoke, she picked up the bag on the sofa and walked outside.

"Why are you still standing there? Let's go!" Seeing Liu Xu was still there, Hu Yifei immediately raised his hand, "My senior sister is a workaholic and won't waste every second, so let's hurry up Well, she is not familiar with this place..."

Liu Xu sighed, he is still a workaholic, he is clearly about to become a demon.


Chapter 2054 Only Be Gentle To You

Downstairs bar.

"Hey, Mr. Zeng, I heard that there is a new tenant in your suite?"

Leaning on the sofa, Lu Ziqiao tilted his neck and inquired about news from Zeng Xiaoxian who was playing with his laptop.

"That's right!" Zeng Xiaoxian raised his head and said, "It seems to be Hu Yifei's senior sister in college. This time, she came here mainly to help Liu Xu's foundation and publishing house, so she temporarily lives in our apartment."

"Hu Yifei's senior sister?" Lu Ziqiao became interested, "How does she look?"

"One word, cold." Zeng Xiaoxian said: "From the time I met her to now, she has only spoken three words to me."

"Which three sentences?"

"Excuse me, I have to work."

"Sorry, it's my working hours now."

"Sorry, can you talk about it after I finish work?"


After listening to Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Chen Meijia who was sitting on the other side of the sofa suddenly spit out her drink, coughed a few times, and said to him, "Mr. Zeng, you are really bad."

"Who says it's not!" Zeng Xiaoxian seemed to want to express all the grievances he had suffered, "As a public figure, Brother Xian has given her a lot of face by taking the initiative to greet her, what else does she want? ? Wait...why do I feel a little cold behind my back."

"Zeng Xiaoxian, if you dare to speak ill of my senior sister again, I will tear your mouth apart."

As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian finished speaking, Hu Yifei's voice suddenly came from behind.

Everyone looked back, and at some point, Hu Yifei was already standing behind them.

Beside her, stood the first brother in the apartment, Liu Xu.

"Ha... Yifei, and Liu Xu, you are here!"

After seeing the person coming, Zeng Xiaoxian immediately broke out in a cold sweat, half of his body huddled in the corner of the sofa. For Hu Yifei, Zeng Xiaoxian obviously had the fear of a mouse seeing a cat.

"Okay, Yifei, Mr. Zeng, he was just joking, don't take it too seriously."

Liu Xu also stepped forward to smooth things over, and kept winking at Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Yes, yes, it was just a joke."

Seeing Liu Xu's wink, Zeng Xiaoxian immediately nodded in agreement.

"Hmph..." Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian was subdued, Hu Yifei didn't pursue it anymore, and snorted coldly, "Zeng Xiaoxian, Senior Sister Du Qianqian is the person I respect the most, if you dare to disrespect her, you are disrespecting me, understand?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zeng Xiaoxian's consent, he walked away.

"Liu Xu, you are really good, and only you can subdue Hu Yifei, a female Tyrannosaurus." After Hu Yifei was far away, Lu Ziqiao said to Liu Xu.

"Hehe... Yifei is actually very gentle..." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Gentle ass." Zeng Xiaoxian yelled aggrievedly: "She is gentle, and she is only gentle with you. To me, she is like an enemy..."

Liu Xu: "..."

"Teacher Zeng, why don't you move here!" Lu Ziqiao said, "Think about it, there are two women in your apartment now, one treats you coldly, and the other is, um, you know, in such an environment, you Do you think it's possible for you to survive?"

"Yes, I want to change to another suite." Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes lit up, "Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be tortured by Hu Yifei every day, Ziqiao...I'll move to your suite later, remember to help me carry my luggage."

"Okay!" Lu Ziqiao got up, went to the bathroom, and then met Zhang Wei, and the ultimate single night scene happened.


"Liu Xu, and Yifei. These are the talents I have finally identified. Here are their profiles. Take a look."

In Suite 3601, Du Qianqian, Liu Xu and Hu Yifei sat facing each other.

Du Qianqian took out a document from her bag, which was densely written with words, and handed it to Liu Xu.

"Of course I have no objection to the person chosen by the senior sister."

Liu Xu took the document, glanced at it casually, and handed it to Hu Yifei who was beside him.

Just kidding, this Du Qianqian is an elite among the elites in management, so Liu Xu has nothing to worry about if she entrusts the matter to her!

"I have no opinion either."

Hu Yifei glanced at it briefly. Although she didn't invest in Liu Xu's career, as his girlfriend and future wife, she should always pay attention to and help Liu Xu's career.

"You guys, don't be afraid that I will swallow all the funds."

Seeing that Liu Xu and Hu Yifei were so indifferent, Du Qianqian shook her head helplessly.

"Hee hee..." Hu Yifei stood up, sat next to Du Qianqian, and said with a smile: "Don't we believe in the senior sister! Besides, if we can't afford to invite the senior sister, we will invite you to be the CEO and ourselves to be the shopkeeper .”

"You really think so?" Du Qianqian looked at Hu Yifei, then at Liu Xu, saw that both of them nodded, and suddenly said with a smile: "I will remember what you said, if the senior sister becomes homeless in the future Already, you husband and wife, take me in."

"Of course." Liu Xu said with a smile: "As long as the senior sister is willing to help me, I will definitely offer the CEO position with both hands."

No one thought that such a joke-like remark today would become a reality in the near future.


"Ah... Guess who I saw just now?"

Just as several people were discussing career matters, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Then Zeng Xiaoxian, Guan Gu Miracle and Zhang Wei who missed the wedding and moved to Suite 3601 according to the plot followed.

"What are you doing?" Seeing the three sluts who came in, Hu Yifei frowned and said, "Didn't you see we were talking about something, can you be quiet? Met a ghost?"

"What did you meet a ghost? You met a beautiful woman..."

"You three have met beautiful women?"

The three nodded together.

At the same time, Lu Ziqiao brought in a girl in a costume and introduced to everyone: "This is my little aunt, Tang Youyou."

"Hi everyone, I'm Tang Youyou, an actor." Tang Youyou bowed to everyone, "Nice to meet you all."


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