Chapter 2055 Tang Youyou and Qin Yumo

After some introductions, everyone unanimously agreed that Tang Youyou would live in the suite of the love apartment.

"Thank you so much everyone." Tang Youyou felt the warmth of a family.

"Hey, it's too outlandish to say that!" Hu Yifei played up the spirit of the first sister in her apartment, "I have decided, in order to celebrate Yoyo joining our apartment, Liu Xu and I will treat guests tonight, please have a good meal .”

"This... No, it's too troublesome." Tang Youyou wanted to refuse.

"Little aunt, don't talk too much." Lu Ziqiao hurriedly persuaded, "Liu Xu is a little rich man, so it's rare to kill him, so there's no problem."

"Yes, yes." Zhang Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian also started booing.

In such a lively atmosphere, Liu Xu also readily expressed his willingness to have fun with everyone for an evening, and all the expenses would be borne by him.

With temptation comes motivation, and everyone helped Tang Youyou to carry the luggage.

Before dark, the few people finished handling all the things, three suites, a total of nine people, talking with each other excitedly, walked downstairs to start their nightlife.

Downstairs, Zhang Wei stopped suddenly, his eyes fixed on one place.

The reaction of the three boys quickly attracted the attention of the others.

Everyone came over, looked at the three men's wretched look with a hint of intoxication, and couldn't help but looked in that direction curiously.

"is her?"

This was Liu Xu's first reaction, no wonder they were overwhelmed by it.

"Feather ink..."

The second one to react was Hu Yifei. Unlike Liu Xu's surprise, she cried out in surprise.

"Feather ink?"

Seeing Hu Yifei call out the beautiful woman's name, San Nan finally came to his senses, and at the same time turned his head to look at Hu Yifei with surprise and doubt in his eyes.

Hearing someone calling her name, the urban beauty in front of her was obviously taken aback, looked at Hu Yifei's face carefully, and exclaimed in surprise: "Yifei?"

"It's over. I didn't expect Yifei to know him. The brothers are hopeless." Seeing that Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo really knew each other, Lu Ziqiao sighed.

The other two also sighed one after another, dating Hu Yifei's best friend, what's the difference between that and courting death.

When several people sighed, Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei were already chatting about family matters.

"Yu Mo, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Hu Yifei was obviously very excited to see her best friend whom she had not seen for many years.

"Yeah, Yifei, why are you here?" Qin Yumo on the other side was also extremely excited.

"Just live here!" Hu Yifei pointed to the apartment behind him.

"What a coincidence, I just moved here not long ago."

"Then move here and live with me, we just have a room in the suite."



The two talked and laughed, talking to each other about their recent situation.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you." Suddenly remembering that there was a group of people waiting behind her, Hu Yifei introduced embarrassingly: "These are my roommates and neighbors, and this..."

Hu Yifei pulled Liu Xu out of the crowd, and said with a smile, "This is my boyfriend Liu Xu. Liu Xu, this is Yu Mo, my best girlfriend from my student days."


Liu Xu smiled slightly. He still has a good impression of this beauty with a story.

"Hello, Liu Xu. I didn't expect that Yifei, who has always had a high vision, could be taken down by you. It's amazing!" Qin Yumo said, winking at Liu Xu.

"Hehehe..." Regarding Qin Yumo's ridicule, Liu Xu just smiled and said: "We are going to have dinner together, so let Yumo come too!"

"That's so embarrassing, it will disturb you!" Qin Yumo hesitated.

"It's okay." Hu Yifei grabbed Qin Yumo's arm, "We are all sisters, so it's okay to have dinner together."

After speaking, Qin Yumo didn't refuse, and pulled her forward.


While love always brings people happiness, it also brings more or less suspicion or mistrust to people.

This kind of example is very common in every space, and it will not produce alternatives in love apartments.

Qin Yumo is a good example.

In order to make her boyfriend Richard care more about herself, Qin Yumo chose to disappear in order to let Richard understand how important she is.

But the reality is always far from the dream. Richard came, bringing with him a surprise for Yumo and feelings for everyone. Originally a pair of mandarin ducks that people envied, but because of a woman, broke the Qin Dynasty. Everything about Yumo.

After realizing that he was a mistress, Qin Yumo was surprisingly calm. Except for Liu Xu, when everyone thought that Qin Yumo was about to walk out of the shadow of his feelings, Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou spoke out. The truth, everything Qin Yumo did, turned out to be just an illusion.


"Listen, we have to help Yu Mo and get Yu Mo back on his feet."

In the bar downstairs, Hu Yifei solemnly announced to everyone like the boss.

"Everyone, it's not good, it's not good, Yu Mo is packing her luggage and said she is going on a trip."

At this time, Tang Youyou also ran over and told another bad news.

"This is not a good thing." Hu Yifei continued: "Yu Mo is being traumatized, she must not be allowed to travel alone, who knows what will happen to her!"

"But how can we stop her?" Tang Youyou said: "Tie her up?"

"You can't use violence against girls." Guan Gu was the first to object.

"Why don't you find someone to accompany her?" Zeng Xiaoxian expressed his thoughts.

"That's a good idea." Hu Yifei nodded: "But who of us has time?"

"I'll go, I'll go." Chen Meijia, who had been silent all this time, heard that she could go on a trip, and immediately raised her hands and volunteered to say loudly.

"If Yu Mo takes out a kitchen knife when he gets too aggressive, do you think he can stop him?" Lu Ziqiao looked at Chen Meijia with contempt and said.

"You..." Chen Meijia was about to refute, but seeing that everyone was looking at her, she swallowed what she was about to say, and said, "Okay, I can't."


Chapter 2056 Believe in Husband's Strength

"Let me go!" Seeing that everyone was troubled, Liu Xu finally said: "First, I am a psychiatrist, and I am sure about Yu Mo's psychological barrier; second, I am a man, even if No matter how aggressive Yu Mo is, I am confident that I will not let myself get hurt; third, my annual leave is only a few days, so I have enough time to travel with Yu Mo to relax."

Liu Xu's words made everyone nod frequently. As soon as he finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to Hu Yifei.

After all, Hu Yifei is Liu Xu's girlfriend. If she disagrees, then with his character, he will just give up.

"It seems that there is only one way."

Hu Yifei lowered his head and pondered for a while, and finally chose to agree.

Although asking her boyfriend to accompany her best friend made her feel a little uncomfortable, Hu Yifei is still an open-minded person, and she chose to give in a step before major events.

"Liu Xu, it's up to you whether Yu Mo can get out of the shadows."

"Don't worry, you have to believe in your husband's strength."

This sentence immediately caused everyone to boo.

Hu Yifei even rolled his eyes at him, and the little discomfort in his heart went away, leaving only endless sweetness.


"Yumo, I heard you're going on a trip?"

After discussing everything, everyone quickly returned to Suite 3601 and saw Qin Yumo packing his luggage.

"That's right!" Qin Yumo stopped moving, looked at the crowd and said, "You guys, what's the matter?"

"Nothing." Hu Yifei said with a smile: "I'm just afraid that you will be bored traveling alone, so we specially found someone to go with you."

"Who is it?" Qin Yumo asked suspiciously.

"He." Hu Yifei pushed Liu Xu forward and said: "It just so happens that Liu Xu is on vacation, and everyone is worried about you traveling alone, so let Liu Xu accompany you."

"Yifei." Qin Yumo pulled Hu Yifei aside, and said in a low voice, "Liu Xu is your boyfriend, he should spend more time with you during the holidays, how can he play with me!"

"Oh, it's okay." Hu Yifei said generously: "I still have a lot of opportunities to get along with Liu Xu. Besides, I'm not worried, so it's settled, let Liu Xu accompany you."

"OK then!"

Seeing Hu Yifei's persistence, Qin Yumo couldn't refuse anymore, so he agreed.

Seeing that Qin Yumo finally agreed to let Liu Xu accompany her, everyone was also relieved.

Hu Yifei turned around and walked to Liu Xu's side, saying: "Then, go and pack your luggage, let's go tomorrow together with Yu Mo."

Liu Xu nodded and walked into his bedroom.


The sea is always so vast, whether it is calm or under the violent sea breeze and stormy waves, it can always give people a feeling of calmness.

The place Liu Xu and Yu Mo chose to travel was not particularly far away, it was just a nearby beach.

As evening fell, there were few people on the beach. Under the setting sun, the sea surface had a faint golden color, which made people feel very calm.

"How is it? Looking at such a vast and calm sea, do you feel better?" Liu Xu stood behind Qin Yumo, looking at Yu Mo who was fascinated by the sea, and asked involuntarily.

"Are you in a good mood?" Qin Yumo came back to his senses, turned his head, and squeezed out a smile on his face, "I've always been in a good mood!"

"Fool, do you really think everyone can't see it?" Liu Xu said with a smile: "Otherwise, why do you think Yifei insists on me coming out with you?"

"I really don't have one." Qin Yumo continued to argue.

"Don't lie to me, you forgot, I am a psychiatrist. Anyone who sees your expression will know that there is something on his mind, let alone me."

"Is my complexion very bad?" Qin Yumo touched his pretty face with his hand, "It's still as smooth as usual!"

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