
Lu Ziqiao nodded without denying it.

"Then..." Liu Xu stood up with a smile, walked behind Hu Yifei, leaned over, and said in her ear: "Honey, I bought a lot of fireworks, are you interested in going out with me on New Year's Eve?" Ye Fangfei, we will be in love for a year?"

"You bought fireworks?" A look of surprise flashed in Hu Yifei's eyes, and then he looked excited, "Okay, what are you talking about, hurry up!"

After speaking, he took Liu Xu's arm and walked out of the gate with him, leaving only a group of men and women stunned.

"They left just like that?"

After a while, Zeng Xiaoxian opened his mouth wide, and said in disbelief, "Isn't this too easy? Just leave them aside? This is too uninteresting!"

"Although I can't believe it, I've already tried it." Chen Meijia glanced at Lu Ziqiao, "Who is he romantic! Unlike some people, there are flying chess besides flying chess."

"Is it my fault?" Lu Ziqiao felt very wronged, "Isn't flying chess fun?"

"Play by yourself."

Everyone raised their middle fingers to despise Lu Ziqiao.


In the park near the apartment, Hu Yifei opened her mouth wide, looked at the many fireworks on the ground, and said with wide eyes: "Liu Xu, are there so many fireworks, are they all finished?"

"Of course it's over." Liu Xu smiled, picked up a long and thin fireworks, and lit the fuze.

Soon, the pyrotechnic gang emitted dazzling colors, and sparks continued to splash around.

"Look, such a small firework will be finished soon." Looking at the firework stick with only one wire left in his hand, Liu Xu said with a smile.

Following Liu Xu's example, Hu Yifei also picked up a firework stick from the ground, ignited it, looked at the radiant sparks, and smiled. It has been almost half a year since their relationship with Liu Xu, Liu Xu is gentle to herself , Considerate, let her feel a kind of happiness that is different from family affection.

The two were happily setting off fireworks. Suddenly, Liu Xu seemed to remember something, and said to Hu Yifei, "By the way, did senior sister say when she will come back?"

"It seems to be the day after tomorrow!" Hu Yifei thought for a while and said, just now she sent me a text message of New Year greetings!

"Thank you for your hard work, Senior Sister. You put all the pressure on her, leaving her no time to come and reunite with us on New Year's Eve." Liu Xu said with a sigh.

"Yes!" Hu Yifei agreed, "In the future, we must thank Senior Sister well."

Chapter 2062 Yu Mo, announce our wedding date!

"Let's not talk about that." Liu Xu looked at the few fireworks left on the ground, pointed to the biggest one, and said, "It's almost 12 o'clock, let's light this one!"

Hu Yifei nodded.

Liu Xu stepped forward and carefully lit the fuse, only to hear a "swish", a firework rushed into the sky, and then exploded with a "pop", blooming beautiful fireworks.

"so beautiful!"

Looking at the fireworks constantly blooming in the sky, Hu Yifei leaned her head on Liu Xu's shoulder and said softly, "Liu Xu, I really hope that time can stop at this moment."


Liu Xu fondled Hu Yifei's head, and only when she was alone with him would she show her gentle side.

"We will get married in the future, and we will have children, grandchildren, such a beautiful picture, how can we just stay in this moment?"

"I hate it, who is going to have a child with you." Hearing Liu Xu's blatant words, Hu Yifei blushed for a rare moment, and said dissatisfiedly.


The bell of the new year has sounded, countless fireworks have sounded, and fireworks of hope are blooming in the sky. The old year has quietly passed away. No matter how many sad things happened in that year, in the new year, it will start again. .

At some point, Liu Xu and Hu Yifei had hugged each other tightly. Under the illumination of fireworks, they believed that no matter what happens in the future, their hearts will be firmly connected and will never be separated.

This is a promise and an oath.

As time passed by, sleepiness gradually swept over the two of them.

Liu Xu and Hu Yifei held hands and went back to suite 3601, where there was a lot of lights.

The two went in and saw that Lu Ziqiao, Qin Yumo and all the people in the apartment were sitting together, playing the flying chess that Lu Ziqiao had originally proposed.

"Wow, you guys are really playing flying chess!" Hu Yifei said in surprise.

"It's not all your fault." Qin Yumo turned his head, and the two of them gave a resentful look, "Abandoning us all, just going to set off the fireworks by ourselves, we can't watch the Spring Festival Gala, and we haven't prepared other activities, so we can only play flying chess Heck!"

Liu Xu and Hu Yifei were ashamed. Thinking about it carefully, this is really the case.

"Sorry, sorry."

Seeing that everyone had the urge to eat himself and Hu Yifei, Liu Xu hurriedly apologized, and promised to take everyone to have a good time tomorrow, and all the expenses would be borne by him, which calmed down everyone's anger.


Qin Yumo is wearing a light purple dress today, which is one of her most expensive clothes as a white-collar worker.

The thick black hair was coiled up high, exposing the swan-like white and slender neck to the air.

A necklace that was not very expensive but shone with light was attached to her chest, complementing her warm and jade-like cheeks, making her look bright and moving.

Her figure is very healthy, very mysterious, neither fat nor thin, plump but not at all bloated, exuding the seductive aura of a mature Yujie from all over her body.

Under normal circumstances, the psychological age of women is three years older than that of men.

Qin Yumo, 28 years old, has been working for more than three years.

She who is already generous and mysterious has cultivated a mature and capable temperament after two years of tempering, making her infinitely charming.

She was waiting for Liu Xu. Today was their appointment. In the accident last time, Qin Yumo's request was for him to pretend to be her boyfriend and accompany her to the college reunion.

Naturally, Liu Xu has no reason not to agree. Today, according to Qin Yumo's request, he dressed up as a business favorite, which gave Liu Xu an extra steady personality under his free and easy manner.

"Tsk tsk tsk... I didn't expect you to dress up like this, and you still have a certain style."

Qin Yumo circled around Liu Xu a few times, looked up and down, and constantly let out admiration sounds.

"Come on!"

Liu Xu rolled his eyes at Qin Yumo. He usually dresses comfortably, but today he's dressed so formally, and he really doesn't feel comfortable.


Seeing Liu Xu like this, Qin Yumo laughed a few times in embarrassment, and said: "Remember to be very intimate with me later, if there is a slight mistake, I will not forgive you."

"Understood." Liu Xu said lazily, then muttered in a low voice, "Since there is no male companion, what class reunion are you going to attend?"

"You think I want to go!" Although Liu Xu said in a low voice, she was heard by Qin Yumo, who had sharp ears. She curled her lips and said, "I haven't joined my classmates for two years. This time, they Let me participate in whatever you say, I can't help but give them face!"

Liu Xu: "..."

Qin Yumo told Liu Xu all the details about the meeting. At first he cooperated very seriously and listened carefully, but in the end, seeing her keep repeating these few words, Liu Xu directly braked and turned the car stopped inside.

Turning his head to look at Qin Yumo seriously, Liu Xu said seriously: "Yu Mo, I think you should think about how to announce our wedding date to your classmates later!"

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Qin Yumo's face turned red, and he said angrily, "What are you talking about!"


This party was organized by Qin Yumo's classmates who were said to be very successful in college.

When the two came to the entrance of the gathering hall, Qin Yumo adjusted his breath a little, then took Liu Xu's arm and walked in with graceful steps.

The nearly [-]-square-meter party hall is resplendent and full of luxury and wealth.

The floor was covered with fiery red soft carpets, and the long tables were filled with an assortment of delicacies, and several waiters interspersed among them, serving brightly colored drinks to the guests.

The melodious and gentle music floats to the ears, giving people a dreamlike illusion.

"Wow, those friends of yours seem to be doing well!" Looking at everything in front of him, Liu Xu whispered to Qin Yumo.

"It's not just a few rich second generations, otherwise, with their abilities, there is no money to spend here." Qin Yumo also explained in a low voice, but from her tone, it is clear that these rich second generations Obviously disdainful.


Chapter 2063 The Bad Class Reunion

Roughly calculated, there were about [-] people who came to the party, and the faces that were originally left in memory made Qin Yumo feel strange at this moment.

The face is still the same face, but it has changed the attitude of dealing with the world from the inside out, and the demeanor that has faded.

Some people's faces are full of smugness, some people enjoy the envious eyes of old classmates, and some are curled up in the corner with a gloomy expression, drinking by themselves.

The so-called reunion of old classmates, in layman's terms, is an occasion for mutual comparison. Most of the people present are masters with successful careers. The male god of the year may be crushed, and the goddess of the year may be completely conquered.

Those low-level grassroots with little future and running around for three meals and one night every day are unwilling and afraid to participate in this kind of show-off party.

Therefore, for this so-called classmate reunion, Qin Yumo is very repulsive at all.

The arrival of Qin Yumo has attracted the attention of many single men. They wear suits and leather shoes, look like successful people, and several of them are clearly not short-sighted but wear expensive gold-rimmed glasses to show his status. with good taste.

"Yumo?" A young man in a suit and leather shoes with sleek hair came pacing forward, and said with surprise on his face, "It really is you! Oh, it's been a few years since you were a school belle. more beautiful!"

Qin Yumo smiled reservedly, and said subtly: "Thank you, you are even more handsome."

"Come on, Yu Mo, you must have not seen your old classmates for a long time, right?" the young man chuckled.

During the conversation, another group of seven or eight people came here in a mighty manner.

The leader was a well-dressed handsome man with a calm and confident smile on his handsome face from beginning to end.

It is not difficult to see that this class reunion was organized by him...

His name is Xu Jin, and he was once one of Qin Yumo's suitors.

"Yu Mo, long time no see."

Xu Jin walked to the crowd and stretched out his generous hand calmly.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

With a quick grip, Qin Yumo pulled out his wrist.

"I heard that your current job is as a consultant for a beauty company?"

Xu Jin looked at Qin Yumo, and a trace of heat flashed in his eyes.


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