
Qin Yumo nodded. Although he didn't really dislike the person in front of him, he didn't have the slightest liking for him either.

"A job like a consultant is not suitable for you. It's too tiring. How about I go back and talk to my dad and let him arrange you into his company. The annual salary is at least 30 yuan." Xu Jin said courteously.

Hearing what Xu Jin said, almost everyone cast envious glances at Qin Yumo, and many female classmates also cast hostile glances at her. Isn't it because she looks better? Xu Jin concerned?

"No need." Faced with such a big temptation, Qin Yumo didn't hesitate for a second, and directly refused: "I like my current job very much, and my boyfriend's salary is enough for me to live. I have a good life, and he doesn't want me to work too hard."

"Your boyfriend?"

Only then did Qin Yumo's classmate focus on Liu Xu.

Especially when some female classmates cast their eyes on his face, they couldn't help being attracted.

Liu Xu is a gentleman and looks like a successful person.

He was wearing a slim and expensive tuxedo, with a snow-white bow tie on his chest, and the inner layer of a shirt of high quality made his slightly bronzed skin even more sexy.

The faint smile on his face reveals the sexual charm of a mature man.

In the eyes of most men, the less a woman wears, the more sexual and beautiful she is.

But for women, apart from money and power, they often focus on the man's temperament and connotation.

This is why women usually call men lower body animals.While men scold women for worshiping money.

He is not only handsome, but also mysterious.

Liu Xu's temperament quickly won high praise from these women.

He has a very good figure, maybe wearing loose and heavy clothes would make him look very thin, but this slim tuxedo showed off his good figure to its fullest.

Except that his facial features are not as beautiful and delicate as the idols with heavy makeup, he is almost the other half of a woman's dream.

"Is he Richard?" Xu Jin asked Liu Xu after looking up and down.

I heard that Qin Yumo has a very rich boyfriend, could it be him?

"How can Richard be worthy of my Yumo?"

Liu Xu finally spoke the first sentence, his voice was magnetic and full of appeal, which was the unanimous evaluation of all the female students.

"Men who make mistakes cannot be forgiven by the goddess. Yu Mo has already broken up with Richard. His current boyfriend is me. I am Liu Xu. Hello." Liu Xu said, holding Qin Yumo lightly with his right hand That soft and plump waist.


Qin Yumo was so startled by this unexpected warm and ambiguous action that he let out a slight nasal sound, but he didn't have the slightest intention of resisting.

There was a submissive tenderness on her jade-like face, as if she enjoyed Liu Xu's intimate behavior very much.

"Liu Xu?"

Xu Jin looked at the man in front of him who was not inferior to him in appearance or figure, and frowned slightly.

When Qin Yumo broke up, the most important thing to consider was himself, a young and wealthy young man, what was he, Liu Xu?

"Where is Mr. Liu's high school?" Xu Jin suddenly said with a smile.

"Hospital." Liu Xu also responded with a smile.

"Mr. Liu turned out to be a doctor." Xu Jin had a half-smile, "I heard that the medical ethics of doctors are not very good now. Mr. Liu should not be such a person!"

"Sorry, I'm not a surgeon, I'm a psychiatrist. If student Xu is interested, you can come and observe me."

Liu Xu still smiled unabated, as if he didn't know what Xu Jin meant.


A glint of anger flashed across Xu Jin's face, coming to you, doesn't that prove that he is sick?

Just as he was about to get angry, Xu Jin suddenly remembered that there were still a group of classmates around him, and the goddess in his heart was also looking at him strangely.


Chapter 2064 With a monthly salary of three thousand, one year to buy a house in the capital

"When you're free, you must come to see Mr. Liu." Resisting the anger in his heart, Xu Jin squeezed out a smile and said.

Liu Xu secretly sighed that it was a pity, but he still smiled all over his face: "Then we will make a deal like this."

Confrontational rhetorical attacks focus on skill and logic. Xu Jin concluded that Liu Xu was very eloquent and knew that he would not be able to please him, so he changed the subject: "I don't know how much Mr. Liu's annual salary is. If Mr. Liu thinks Sorry for the inconvenience.”

"Hey, no, no." Liu Xu waved his hands and said, "Of course the income can't be compared with that of your classmate Xu, but it's still possible to support Yumo. The annual salary is not much, only about 1000 million."


Not only Xu Jin, but everyone else was also shocked.

Xu Jin graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages. It is impossible to become a fund manager. With the help of the old man's energy, he squeezed into the fund circle. With his excellent work ability, he became a super golden collar with an annual salary of tens of millions at the young age of [-].

He was already a dragon and a phoenix among men, the favored son of heaven, a golden son-in-law that women competed for, and he always judged people with his chin.

But who would have thought that a party that was deliberately organized to show off wealth would attract a love rival with an annual salary of [-] million.

Could he die without vomiting three liters of blood?

"A doctor can earn 1000 million a year?"

After recovering from the panic, Xu Jin immediately realized that what Liu Xu said was wrong. How good is a doctor? The annual salary of one million is already the limit, ten million?Who would believe it!

"Ah, I forgot to mention." Liu Xu's smile became wider. "I still have two companies in my hand. Since they are both just starting up, the profits are not very large."

Xu Jin was dizzy.

In such a short while, his world outlook and values, including his outlook on love, were all shattered.

Qin Yumo gave Liu Xu a blank look, and she finally understood that he was talking nonsense. He said that he had an income of one million yuan, but he said it was ten million yuan. It was obvious that two institutions were on the way, but he was Said to be two companies that are already profitable.

I've seen people fooling me before, but I've never seen such fooling me. Moreover, Liu Xu's expression is so natural at this time, as if what he said is true, and I'm almost going to be fooled into it by him. ...

Thinking of this, Qin Yumo gently pinched Liu Xu's arm again, intending to complain, but in Xu Jin's eyes, this was an expression of intimacy, which made his face darker a bit.

The classmates around looked at Qin Yumo again with envious eyes. Why is this girl so lucky? There are two men who are willing to give everything for her. I only need one, no, even half is enough Yes!

"By the way, I'm so happy today, let me tell you a story!"


"Actually, it's not a story. Everyone knows that I am a psychiatrist. This incident happened to one of my patients... Very inspirational!"

After knowing that Liu Xu is a local tyrant with an annual income of over [-] million, everyone expressed their willingness to listen.

"This is a true story, a monthly salary of [-], and a year to buy a villa in the capital."




"is that a lie!"

There was a lot of discussion.

"Young people nowadays, if they don't work hard, they will complain about social injustice all day long. My patient is named Xiao Liu. He works in a private company with a monthly salary of 2500 yuan. The company provides board and lodging. So he can save 20 yuan a month. Around, I walk to work, because the dormitory is not far from the company, and I can exercise while walking. The phone bill is 30-1297 yuan a month. I don’t usually buy clothes, shoes, smoke, or drink. If there are parties, then It was also hired by someone else, so he didn’t need to spend any money, transportation expenses, and occasionally took the bus when going out, and other emergencies added up to about five hundred yuan a month, and then he saved it in the bank. It’s hard work to live frugally After saving for a year, he saved enough [-] yuan, and then added the [-] million yuan his father gave him, and finally bought a house worth [-] million yuan."


Xu Jin's face turned green. The house he lives in now is paid by the old man in the family.


The class reunion is nothing more than singing and eating, other than that, there are almost no places suitable for them to go, play golf, don't be kidding, many people here have never even been to a golf course, let alone play golf.

As for other high-level activities such as horseback riding, don’t live without a place, and even if you have one, it’s impossible for everyone to go to that kind of place for the rich. Therefore, after the dinner, everyone set their sights on public entertainment places.


In the luxury box, a group of men and women were sitting together. The difference from before was that the focus of this class reunion had shifted from Xu Jin to Qin Yumo, or more precisely, her boyfriend, Liu Xu. body.

It's just that the relationship between them and Liu Xu is not very harmonious, so they can only make the best of it, and keep getting close to each other on Qin Yumo's body.

Of course Liu Xu knew what the group of people were thinking. He smiled slightly, and didn't care about Qin Yumo, who was looking at him asking for help. He lowered his head and kept throwing sliced ​​watermelons into his mouth, as if For him, all things now are not as tempting as watermelons.

If there are people in the private room who feel very embarrassed and upset, that is only Xu Jin. He originally wanted to take advantage of this class reunion to show off to his former classmates, and then he agreed with a good person. Once the students have the opportunity, they will introduce jobs to them, and the appearance of Qin Yumo makes Xu Jin's mood even higher.

Qin Yumo had a fiancé, so he had no choice but to give up, but when he inadvertently found out that Qin Yumo broke up with Richard, Xu Jin was even more excited. He thought that with his own identity and sincerity, it would be enough to impress The old joke made her his thirtieth girlfriend, but he never expected that with Liu Xu's appearance, all his plans would become someone else's dowry in an instant.


Chapter 2065 Qin Yumo's First Kiss

After singing a few songs, Xu Jin wanted to focus everyone's attention on himself again, but when he turned around, he found...

Everyone's eyes, looks, and expressions were all focused on Qin Yumo, and many eyes were on Liu Xu who was eating watermelon, which made Xu Jin, who was born with a golden key in his mouth, angry for a while.

In front of his classmates and the goddess, Xu Jinqiang suppressed the anger in his heart, and said to Liu Xu: "Liu Xu, come and sing a song too!"

"No, no need." Liu Xu waved his hand and refused.

For him, the temptation to sing is not as great as eating watermelon. He has already eaten more than half of a plate full of watermelon.

"Oh, just sing one, I haven't heard you sing yet!" Qin Yumo also interrupted suddenly.

On the one hand, it was Liu Xu's revenge for turning a blind eye to her begging eyes. On the other hand, she really wanted to know how a man who was almost perfect like him didn't know how to sing?

"It's really unnecessary, I'm tone deaf."

Liu Xu still wanted to refuse, but saw that a microphone had been handed to him.

He raised his head, only to see Xu Jinzheng looking at him with a smile, and said: "Liu Xu, don't use your tone-deficient as an excuse! An excellent man like you must have good singing skills, don't you think? "


"Liu Xu, just sing one!"


Under everyone's booing, Liu Xu gave a wry smile, gave Xu Jin a meaningful look and said, "Then, I'll make a fool of myself."

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