"What did you figure out? To witness that Xiaoli and other men live and fly together? I finally missed one, do you really want me to witness the second time?"

"Of course I won't force you. You said you didn't care."


"You really can't let it go, right? Then you were so chic before."

"How can I accept their alms." Zhang Wei obviously had to go all out, "I can't let them look down on me."

"I admit, this matter has always been a lump in my heart, how many times I woke up from a dream, I woke up and found that the nightmare was actually real, I can't forget Xiaoli, maybe it's because I missed the wedding that day , so I often fantasize about how bad things would have been if I had been there."

"Zhang Wei..." Hu Yifei sighed, patted Zhang Wei on the shoulder and said, "Sometimes the truth is not as scary as imagined."

"I do not know."

"You have a chance now, so you should go to their wedding. To untie the bell, you have to tie it. Do you know how to fight poison with fire?"

"Yes." Zhang Wei nodded, "You can't go, even if you kill me."

"Hey, where is the tall image you have built up so hard?" Hu Yifei grabbed Zhang Wei, pushed him to Liu Xu's side, and said to Liu Xu: "Liu Xu, show me this guy, I will Go change clothes, remember, you must not let him go, otherwise, you will never want to enter my room in the future."

"Yes..." Liu Xu assured.

"Brother!" Seeing Hu Yifei walking into his room, Zhang Wei immediately threw himself on Liu Xu, "Just let me go, I absolutely can't go to Xiaoli's wedding!"

"Zhang Wei, listen to me." Zai Liu Xu looked at Zhang Wei and said, "I absolutely cannot let you go, or I will be finished."

Disappointed by Zhang Wei, Liu Xu continued: "But I seem to have heard that you are allergic to seafood? If so..."

Zhang Wei's eyes suddenly lit up, following Liu Xu's gaze, he set his sights on a plate of lobster on the table, and then rushed over like a starving ghost.

As long as you don't go to Xiaoli's wedding and don't become a bridesmaid, it's considered eating... Xiangxiang is too heavy, Zhang Wei probably can't eat it, but if you eat lobster...


Chapter 2069 Who can become a millionaire

"Teacher Zeng, have you thought about it clearly?"

"I have decided."

"No regrets?"

"No regrets."

"But if you succeed, you'll be a millionaire."

"I know...but I don't think this miracle will happen to me."


In the apartment 3601, the above conversation is happening, the reason is that Zeng Xiaoxian is planning to give Liu Xu the opportunity to participate in "Who Can Become a Millionaire".

"Teacher Zeng, why don't you give me the chance. If I win the lottery, I will share half of it with you."

Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian and Liu Xu gave way one by one and forced the other by the other, Lu Ziqiao at the side finally couldn't stand it any longer, and spoke to Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Go away." Zeng Xiaoxian gave Lu Ziqiao a blank look, and said to Liu Xu again: "Liu Xu, this is a good opportunity. I only gave it to you because of your chance and strength. You see, I didn't give it to you." Zi Qiao!"

"Mr. Zeng, did you have something to do that day?" Liu Xu asked suspiciously.

According to the plot, Zeng Xiaoxian should participate in the show!

This was a turning point in his life, how come now, this opportunity fell on him instead?


Zeng Xiaoxian nodded.


If there is something to do, you should say, what's the matter with a hmm?

In short, Zeng Xiaoxian just didn't want to go, and Lu Ziqiao had no chance to go.

"Okay, I agree." Liu Xu said with a smile, since such a good opportunity was given to him, why would he refuse it?

Seeing that Liu Xu agreed to him, Zeng Xiaoxian was also relieved, and explained the time and rules of the show to Liu Xu...


A few days later, it finally came the day when the show "Who Can Be a Millionaire" started.

Liu Xu took the place of Zeng Xiaoxian and stepped onto the stage of the show, followed by Hu Yifei, Qin Yumo and others' support team...

"Let us welcome this contestant with applause, Liu Xu from iPartment."

The host is a man in his 50s with presbyopic glasses.

The two sat on the long chair, and there was a round of applause from the audience.

"What a coincidence, I heard that you are a psychiatrist?" The host was doing the conversation at the beginning, "Please tell me, why are you sitting here?"

"For the five million bonus." Liu Xu said with a smile, directly explaining the reason.

"Next, every sentence you say is very important. If you answer correctly in a row, you can challenge for a huge bonus of up to 500 million yuan. You can also give up halfway and take away the accumulated bonus in the prize pool. If you answer the questions If you fail, you will lose everything you have gained, of course, we can reimburse you for your train ticket home..."

"Remember, you only have three chances to ask for help. A, the audience voted, B removed two wrong answers, and C called for help outside the venue. Do you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly."

Liu Xu nodded with a confident look on his face.

"Very good, please listen to the question, what is the name of Big Big Wolf's wife in the cartoon Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf?"

"A Red Wolf, B Red Sun, C Red Boy, D Red Jinbao."

"A Red Wolf." Liu Xu said confidently without hesitation.

"Congratulations, you got the answer right." The host said loudly, "Congratulations, you have won a bonus of 1000 yuan."

There was applause from the audience, Lu Ziqiao, Zhang Wei and others even whistled.

"The first question just now is just a warm-up, the following questions will be more challenging, and the bonus for the second question will also climb to [-] yuan, do you want to continue?"

"of course."

Liu Xu nodded with a smile.

"Please listen to the question. As we all know, egg white is rich in various nutrients. Which of the following is more special about it?"

"A exfoliates dead skin, B fights colds, C nourishes lungs, D hair care."

"A exfoliate." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" The host stared at Liu Xu's face and said, "This is a bonus of 1 yuan. I advise you to be more cautious."

"I'm sure." Liu Xu said: "I have a friend who has been using egg whites to make facial masks. She said that egg whites can be used to remove dead skin."

"Your answer is A, let's see the correct answer... Congratulations, you got it right, and you will get a bonus of 1."

The field started to boil, and you got 10000 yuan for answering two questions correctly. Is there anything more profitable than this?

"The next question is very difficult, but the value is [-] yuan. Do you want to continue?"


Liu Xu nodded.

"Please listen to the question. Excuse me, what month is World Teeth Day?"


"It's September 9th, I choose D."

"Are you sure?" The supporter still said this, and Liu Xu had been given a chance to regret it.

"I'm sure, I have a friend who is a dentist, and he mentioned it to me." Liu Xu said.

"I have to say that you are very lucky, and you have a friend who is a dentist. Then, let's announce our answer... Congratulations, you got it right. September 9th is World Love Teeth Day, and you will get 20 yuan. Yuan bonus."

Liu Xu laughed, his dentist friend was all made up by him in order to get this huge bonus.

But the audience off the court didn't think so, especially Hu Yifei and others, who looked at Liu Xu on the stage with admiration and envy.


Under everyone's nervousness and Liu Xu's calm expression, the program "Who Can Become a Millionaire" finally came to an end.

"Mr. Liu, first of all I want to congratulate you. Congratulations on getting a huge bonus, which is enough to let you spend your life carefree. Now, you have two choices. The first one is to give up the game. You can bring Leaving with the bonus in the prize pool, another, challenge the limit, if you answer the last question correctly, you will get a bonus of five million, but if you make a mistake, then, unfortunately, you will return empty-handed, now , please tell me the decision, whether to give up or to continue?" The host stood up, looked at Liu Xu and said.

"Yifei, do you think Liu Xu will continue to answer questions?" Qin Yumo asked nervously while holding Hu Yifei's hand tightly in the audience.


Chapter 2070 choose a

"Yu Mo, why are you more nervous than me?" Hu Yifei asked with a puzzled look.

"Of course I'm nervous. This is five million yuan, not five hundred yuan. I've never seen so much money in half my life."

Realizing that he had made a slip of the tongue, Qin Yumo quickly found a logical excuse.

"He will."

Hu Yifei looked at Liu Xu on the stage, and said confidently that the reason why she likes this man on stage is that no matter what, Liu Xu will always face it with confidence.

Sure enough, as soon as Hu Yifei finished speaking, Liu Xu on the stage said: "I choose, continue."

"Did you hear that?" The host said to the audience below: "Liu Xu chose to continue, and he will choose to challenge for a prize of five million."

"Then, please listen to the question."

The host sat back on the chair again and said, "This question is very difficult. Since ancient times, no one has been able to come up with the correct answer. The last question is, in the world, which came first, the chicken or the first chicken?" Do you have any eggs?"


Liu Xu's eyes widened when he heard the question. What kind of question is this? It's just because the plot is ruined. It's just a different question. Although the question is different, it's too weird, right?

Liu Xu looked at the host, but the host suddenly laughed and said, "Just kidding, I just want you to relax."

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