Liu Xu: "..."

"Please listen to the question. Among the ethnic minorities in China, in which province are the Pumi people mainly distributed?"

"A Yunnan Province B Guizhou Province C Guangxi Province D Hunan Province, please answer."

"Nani? Did the plot really change because of my arrival?"

Hearing the host's question, Liu Xu's face finally showed a slight fluctuation.

If he followed the original plot, he would definitely be able to answer the question correctly and take away the five million yuan bonus. However, the question has changed now, and for him who knows nothing about history, this question is like an international Olympiad question.

"Mr. Liu seems to have finally encountered a problem that he didn't know about." The host obviously also noticed Liu Xu's abnormality, and said, "Mr. Liu, you still have three opportunities to ask for help. Do you want to use it?"

"That's right." Liu Xu nodded and said, so far, there is only one way to make himself guess?That's definitely an unwise choice.

"Then what opportunity do you want to use for help?" the host asked.

"Remove two wrong answers."

"The chance Liu Xu chose to ask for help was to remove two wrong answers, so let's see which two are wrong answers."

Following the operation of the host, the two answers immediately disappeared: "The removed answer is B Guizhou Province and C Hunan Province, Liu Xu, you have to choose one of these two answers."

"I chose to call for help." Liu Xu smiled wryly.

He really didn't know the answer to this question, so he could only choose to ask for help again.

"After Liu Xu used the first chance to call for help, he used the second chance to call for help again. Then, we will call a friend of yours. Now please choose the number of the friend you want to call."

Without hesitation, Liu Xu called Hu Yifei.

And Hu Yifei, who was in the audience, naturally connected to the phone.

"Hey, Yifei, do you know the answer?"

After answering the phone, Liu Xu immediately asked a question.

"I... I don't know either!" Hu Yifei said with some embarrassment.

The nervousness just now caused her and a few friends around her to have no time to search for answers on Baidu.

If you search now, it may be too late.


Liu Xu sighed. Now that things have happened, it seems that he has to choose one of the two answers.

Just when Liu Xu was about to give up, Qin Yumo's phone rang suddenly.

When Qin Yumo connected, his originally disappointed expression suddenly shone brightly, and he whispered something in Hu Yifei's ear.

After hearing this, Hu Yifei also became excited, and said to the phone: "I know the answer, it's Yunnan, choose A."


Liu Xu looked puzzled, and just wanted to ask more details, such as how did Hu Yifei suddenly know, but the time was up.

The host looked at Liu Xu and said, "Liu Xu, your time for asking for help has come, please tell me your answer now, or in other words, you can use up your last chance to ask for help."

"No need." Liu Xu said with a smile, regaining his confidence: "Let me first A, Yunnan Province."

"Are you sure?" The host said, "Could it be because of the phone call just now?"

"That's right." Liu Xu said with a smile: "She is my girlfriend, I trust her."

"So, are you going to change?"


Liu Xu nodded affirmatively.

"Then, let's take a look at the exact answer to this question!" The host said, and announced the correct answer, only to see the answer C suddenly go out, and the host announced: "Congratulations, Liu Xu, you have won With a bonus of five million yuan, you will be a millionaire from now on."

Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief, resisting the curiosity of how Hu Yifei knew the answer in his heart, stood up, and bowed slightly to the audience below.

On the stage, I accepted the blessings of the audience...


Today can be said to be the busiest day in the apartment. A group of people rushed to the nearest high-end hotel, having a post-victory carnival for Liu Xu, the big winner.

"By the way, Yifei, how did you know the answer?"

Finally, Liu Xu expressed his doubts to Hu Yifei.

"Of course I don't know, Yu Mo told me." Hu Yifei said with a smile, pointing at Qin Yumo beside him.

"Yu Mo?" Liu Xu looked at Qin Yumo.

"It was Teacher Zeng who told me. When you called Yifei for help, Teacher Zeng also called me."

"How did Teacher Zeng know?"

"Because Teacher Zeng's mother is Pumi." Qin Yumo said with a smile, "Liu Xu, you are really lucky. If it weren't for Teacher Zeng, your five million yuan bonus would have been lost."

"Yeah, I really have to thank Mr. Zeng this time." After figuring out what happened during the period, Liu Xu also said with a smile.


Chapter 2071 Different life trajectories of everyone in the love apartment

A five million bonus, no matter who it happens to, that person will become a household name overnight.

So, why do mainland China always cover their faces when they win the lottery?

But Liu Xu can't help it, because he participated in the show and won the award, and he is not the king of masked singers, so as long as the TV viewers have witnessed his true face, and there will be online recordings and news reports after the event.

As for the five million yuan bonus, everyone was full of expectations and asked Liu Xu to realize a wish for everyone, and he agreed one by one without hesitation.


With the passage of time, the trajectory of the original plot has changed a little bit. With the help of Liu Xu, Chen Meijia opened a clothing store and became a small boss.

Pet shop or something, although she is very loving, but Liu Xu is worried that the animals will not survive the second episode in her hands.

Guan Gu’s miraculous career has ushered in a second spring. With the help of Liu Xu, his national comic "Fights Break Sphere" has become a big hit in China, and he has the potential to gradually become a famous cartoonist. Let him sign a contract. Yes, there are countless attempts to poach the wall.

Tang Youyou's acting career is not like the original plot. She plays a character who dies in three minutes. With Liu Xu's script, her market is going straight up.

Zeng Xiaoxian also broke away from his second-rate anchor career, and slowly climbed into the management of the radio station.

Lu Ziqiao was still the same as before, indulged in flowers, relying on his identity as Tang Youyou's nephew, bluffing and deceiving everywhere, at least at the beginning.

As for Zhang Wei, although he has not changed much, he has successfully obtained his lawyer's certificate and is working in a law firm.

The lives of other people around Liu Xu, Du Qianqian, Hu Yifei, and Qin Yumo also changed.

Hu Yifei quit her job as a university teacher and learned management experience from her senior sister.

Half a year later, she successfully took over Liu Xu's comic publishing house, becoming the most charming and courageous boss of the publishing house.

As for Qin Yumo, he also gave up his original job and became Du Qianqian's assistant and secretary according to Liu Xu's idea.

If the changes of the first few people are reasonable, then the changes of Du Qianxi and Lu Ziqiao are truly surprising.

Du Qianqian resigned from her original position as the director of the company, and put all her thoughts into Liu Xu's career. When asked why, it was only a few words that she was happy.

Liu Xu didn't care. After receiving the five million bonus, he expanded his business again and established "Longteng Enterprise", with Du Qianqian as the CEO, fulfilling his original promise.

As for Lu Ziqiao, he still looked like a playboy at the beginning, but one day, he suddenly told Liu Xu that he wanted to learn psychological knowledge and hoped to be his assistant.

Everything is so accidental, but everything is so inevitable. Under the effect of Liu Xu, a little butterfly, the fate of everyone has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Under such circumstances, everyone suddenly got the news that Lu Zhanbo and Lin Wanyu, who had traveled around the world earlier, were coming back.

"Hey, Zi Qiao, what kind of person is Hu Yifei's younger brother?"

Downstairs in the apartment, everyone was standing there, ready to welcome Lu Zhanbo and Lin Wanyu back.

"He's an otaku who only knows about aliens and TI. He's stupider than you."

Looking at Hu Yifei who was far away from her, Lu Ziqiao whispered in Zhang Wei's ear.

"Then what happened to him later?"

"He fell in love with the most beautiful and rich young lady in our apartment." Lu Ziqiao said disdainfully, "What a tragedy!"

"Wow!" Zhang Wei exclaimed, "It seems that the pursuit has failed."

"Nonsense, you think Bai Fumei is so easy to chase!" Zeng Xiaoxian also leaned over his head quietly and said, "Of course, if Liu Xu is replaced, there will be no problem. Let me tell you, Liu Xu has always regarded Wanyu as his sister. Look at it, that's why Zhanbo has the chance to pursue her, otherwise he wouldn't even have the courage to confess! As for the ability to pick up girls, do you think, in this world, besides Liu Xu, who else can chase this tigress?"

Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Zhang Wei and Lu Ziqiao suddenly remembered the way Hu Yifei tore up mice a few days ago, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat, like a chicken pecking at rice, nodded quickly, and threw at Liu Xu who was standing with Hu Yifei Three eyes of admiration.

"Hey, here we come."

Just when Sannan was still muttering, Hu Yifei's voice suddenly sounded.

The three men raised their heads and saw a taxi parked not far from them. Two people got out of the car, handsome men and beautiful women, walking towards their direction.

"Let's go too!"

Seeing that Hu Yifei and the others had already stepped forward, Lu Ziqiao and the others hurriedly followed.

"Zhanbo, long time no see?" Seeing her younger brother standing in front of her, Hu Yifei was obviously excited, looked him up and down, and said with a smile, "You look stronger than before."

"Old sister, you are even more beautiful." Lu Zhanbo also said with a smile, looking at Liu Xu beside Hu Yifei: "Liu Xu, long time no see, my old sister didn't cause you any trouble!"

"What's causing trouble?" Before Liu Xu could speak, Hu Yifei glared at Lu Zhanbo, looked at Lin Wanyu and said, "Zhanbo didn't cause you trouble, did he?"

"No, Zhanbo and I met when we were in transit in Hong Kong, and we were not together when we were traveling." Lin Wanyu was also very happy when she saw everyone, and said with a smile: "I heard that many people came to the apartment. My new partner, Feifei, hurry up and introduce me!"

"Oh, yes, yes, I really forgot if you didn't tell me." Hu Yifei slapped his head and said, pointing to the people behind him: "This is Tang Youyou, he is an actor!"

Then, she said to Tang Youyou beside her: "Yuyou, these two are Zhanbo and Wanyu whom I've been talking about with you."

"Hello, I'm Tang Youyou, you can just call me Youyou."

After Hu Yifei finished the introduction, Tang Youyou also immediately spoke.

"I'm Wanyu, Yoyo, nice to meet you."

"I'm Zhanbo."

After introducing Tang Youyou, Hu Yifei pointed to Du Qianqian beside her and introduced: "This is my senior sister, Du Qianqian, who is now helping Liu Xu manage his career."

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