"Hello, Sister."

Almost in unison, Lu Zhanbo and Lin Wanyu asked Du Qianqian at the same time.

"Hello." Du Qianqian also responded with a smile.

"This is Yu Mo, my high school classmate, and Zhang Wei, a lawyer. You all know the rest, so I won't introduce them."

After the introduction, Lin Wanyu sighed: "I didn't expect that Zhanbo and I left the apartment for nearly a year, and so many changes have taken place in the apartment."


Chapter 2072 Hey, where are you touching your hand?

Everyone agrees with Lin Wanyu's sigh.

It can be said that almost after Liu Xu came, they discovered that their lives were changing little by little until now.

"Okay, okay." Seeing that everyone was constantly sighing, Liu Xu said with a smile: "It's not easy for Zhanbo and Wanyu to come back, and we're still wasting time here. Why don't we go outside and have a good time."

"Okay, okay, I like playing the most."

"Liu Xu's treat..."


Liu Xu's proposal was immediately approved by everyone.


If Hu Yifei was the happiest when Lu Zhanbo and Lin Wanyu came back, then Guan Gu Miqi and Tang Youyou were the second happiest.

In the blink of an eye, the weekend came. In the evening, Hu Yifei took Liu Xu's hand and walked into suite 3601 with a smile on his face. He saw Lu Zhanbo and Lin Wanyu sitting on the sofa with worried faces, as if they had encountered something depressing.

"Hey, Wanyu, Zhanbo, what's the matter with you?" Hu Yifei naturally saw the expressions of the two at this time, and stepped forward to ask them.

"Sister, Liu Xu, are you back?" Lu Zhanbo raised his head and said.

"Well, I'm back." Liu Xu took out a few cans of drinks from the refrigerator, threw them to several people, sat beside Lu Zhanbo, and said, "Tell me, what makes you so depressed."

"Speak, Zhanbo." Lin Wanyu touched Lu Zhanbo, motioning for him to speak.

"We went to the Neighborhood Weekend held by Guan Gu and Yoyo." Lu Zhanbo said helplessly.

"What?" Hu Yifei exclaimed, "You guys actually participated?"

"Yes!" Lin Wanyu nodded and said, "Although Meijia told us not to participate, Zhanbo and I were embarrassed to refuse, so we went."

"Then you will regret it!" Liu Xu finished his drink, patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder and said, "Your sister and I also participated in it. We are lucky. We still have half our lives left, so we were able to come out alive."

"When I mention this now, I get goosebumps all over my body." Lin Wanyu echoed.

"Are you also forced to sing southern Fujian folk songs?" Hu Yifei asked.

"No way." Lu Zhanbo said: "I just feel uncomfortable. They seem to be very nervous and strange. Moreover, most of the time, we don't know what they are talking about. Then, they keep looking for each other. For some reason, let us eat all kinds of sushi, super big..."

Liu Xu nodded in agreement: "I know, and I have to eat it up. As long as it deviates from their expectations by a little bit, they will go crazy. This has not changed."

"Isn't that the point?" Lin Wanyu said, "Liu Xu, Yifei, did they play cards with you?"

"You mean the bridge invented by Guan Gu?" Hu Yifei asked.

"Yes, will you fight?"

"No, I wonder how Yoyo and Guan Gu came up with this bridge card." Hu Yifei said.

"The two of them are trying too hard."

"It can't be helped." Liu Xu said with a smile: "Maybe they are too excited to see you two coming back, it will take a few days."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Lu Zhanbo took out a tablet computer from behind, opened it, and saw that there was a MV inviting Zhanbo and Wanyu to participate in the neighbor's weekend.

"So, why are you here with us this time?"

After watching the video, Liu Xu was also ashamed for a while, Tang Youyou and Guan Gu's magic is too fierce, it's almost breaking people down.

"We just want to ask, how did you and my sister get rid of Guan Gu and the others?"

Lu Zhanbo revealed the purpose of their visit this time.

"We!" Hu Yifei looked at Liu Xu, then at Lu Zhanbo and Lin Wanyu, the young couple who were frowning at the moment, and said with a smile: "I just told them that I have been a little busy recently, and I may not have time for a month in a row. Went to their Neighborhood Weekend."

"It's that simple?" Lu Zhanbo said in disbelief.

"Otherwise?" Liu Xu said, "When we put a stack of documents in front of them, they will believe it if they don't."

"Then what about us?" Lu Zhanbo said, "What reason should we use?"

"Are you?" Liu Xu pondered for a while, then sighed and said, "Let's face the reality. In fact, the sushi and udon noodles in Guangu taste pretty good. However, next time you go, remember to have an empty stomach. Fasting..."

Lu Zhanbo: "..."

Hu Yifei gave Liu Xu a blank look, and said, "You two, don't listen to him. In fact, this matter is difficult to say, and it is easy to say."

"Feifei, what can you do?" Lin Wanyu's eyes lit up when Hu Yifei said that she had a solution, and she urged her to speak quickly.

"Actually, the fundamental reason why you feel so tired is that Guan Gu and Yoyo have taken the initiative. As long as you hold the initiative in your own hands, everything will be resolved!"

"However, what should I do to take the initiative in my own hands?"

"It's very simple!" Hu Yifei said with a smile: "Just tell Guan Gu that next time the neighbors will be responsible for the two of you on weekends, and then you can take you to some places they don't like to go, so that things will not be easy It worked out."

"Yeah, how come I didn't think of such a simple thing, old lady, you are so smart." Hearing that there was a solution, Lu Zhanbo said excitedly: "I'll go to prepare and prepare everything together. Solve it in one breath."

"Yifei, how did you come up with this idea?"

After Lu Zhanbo and Lin Wanyu got up and left, Liu Xu looked at Hu Yifei and asked.

"Do I still need to think about it?" Hu Yifei looked at Liu Xu contemptuously and said, "I've thought about it before, but it's more straightforward to use work to avoid it."

"I see." Liu Xu nodded suddenly, "Why didn't I think of that!"

"Just you..." Hu Yifei glanced at Liu Xu, giggled, and said, "Aside from seeing a doctor, what else would you do?"

"I'll kiss you again." Liu Xu smiled evilly and threw Hu Yifei down on the sofa.

Liu Xu's sudden movement made Hu Yifei exclaim in surprise. Just as she was about to resist, she felt her lips being kissed and spat in her heart, but her hands hugged Liu Xu's waist tightly and kissed back passionately. .

"Hey, where are you touching your hand?"


Chapter 2073 When are you going to get married?

The moment after get off work is always very exciting. Thinking of Hu Yifei who is waiting for him at home, and Qin Yumo who has been dating secretly, Liu Xu feels bursts of happiness and excitement.

After getting out of the elevator door, before Liu Xu opened the door, he saw a person rushing out of the next room, pulling Liu Xu, and dragging him into the room.

"Liu Xu, you have to be prepared!"

After dragging Liu Xu into the room, the visitor breathed a sigh of relief and said to Liu Xu.

"Ziqiao, what happened?" Liu Xu rubbed his head, looked at Lu Ziqiao puzzled and asked, "Why don't you let me go back and bring you here?"

"Thank me!" Lu Ziqiao said to Liu Xu, "Do you know who is at your place now?"


"Your mother-in-law!" Lu Ziqiao said loudly, seeing that Liu Xu was still in a state of confusion, she explained, "It's Yifei's mother."

"Oh, Yifei's mother is here." Liu Xu nodded, and then he was taken aback, putting his hands on Lu Ziqiao's body, not daring to answer: "What did you say? Yifei's mother is here?"

"Yes!" Lu Ziqiao nodded and said, "Auntie is in your room now, so do you have to thank me?"

"That's right." Feng patted Lu Ziqiao on the shoulder and said, "Next time, I'll treat you to a chicken bun..."

"Chicken Fort?" Lu Ziqiao looked at Liu Xu who had gone away, and sighed, "Forget it, the Chicken Fort is just the Chicken Fort! It's better than nothing, I wanted to have a meal at first." OK……"

Standing in front of the door of Room 3601 again, Liu Xu took a deep breath, with a smile on his face, opened the door, and walked in.

Hearing the sound of the door, Hu Yifei, who was sitting on the sofa, and a middle-aged woman beside him turned their heads at the same time.

"Liu Xu, are you back?" Seeing someone coming, Hu Yifei stood up, walked to Liu Xu, and whispered in his ear: "My mother came suddenly."

"I already know." Liu Xu also responded in a low voice, walked past Hu Yifei, walked up to the middle-aged woman, and said with a smile: "Auntie is Yifei's mother, right? I've been hearing about you from Yifei, but Auntie is much prettier than what Yifei said, it seems that Auntie's charm is still the same as before, when she was young, Auntie was also like Yifei, she had many admirers, right?"

Everyone likes to hear compliments. When Liu Xu flattered her, Hu Yifei's mother's eyes lit up immediately. She stood up, looked Liu Xu up and down, and said with a smile, "You are the one in Yifei's mouth. Your boyfriend Liu Xu, right?"

Liu Xu nodded with a smile.

"When are you going to get married?"

Liu Xu originally thought that Hu Yifei's mother would ask him about his living conditions, but he was taken aback by the first sentence at the beginning.

"Oh, Mommy, Liu Xu and I have no plans in this regard." Seeing Liu Xu's tendency to be overwhelmed, Hu Yifei rushed to rescue him, "Liu Xu's career is still in its infancy, we plan to develop it well first , get married again, and, you came this time, isn't it for Zhanbo?"

"Didn't I do it by the way!" Hu Yifei's mother glared at her daughter, took Liu Xu's hand and said, "I have a very accurate eye for people. Liu Xu is a good man. If you don't get it right, be careful." Stolen by others."

"He dares?" Hu Yifei gave Liu Xu a hard look, and under his helpless gaze, she said to her mother, "Mummy, don't worry about me and Liu Xu, now , let's discuss things about Zhanbo and Wanyu, shall we?"

While talking, Hu Yifei kept winking at Liu Xu.

"Yes, yes." Seeing Hu Yifei's expression, Liu Xu also reacted immediately, and helped Hu Yifei's mother to sit down: "Auntie, I promise I will give you a satisfactory answer to the matter between me and Yifei. I also feel that Zhanbo’s affairs are more important now, don’t you think so, Auntie?”

"Liu Xu, Auntie still believes in you." Hu Yifei's mother became more and more satisfied with Liu Xu's performance, as if she had already regarded Liu Xu as her son-in-law.

"Yuyou has already planned a proposal for Zhanbo." Seeing that her mother treated Liu Xu better than herself, Hu Yifei said a little jealously.

Marriage proposals are completely useless!

Of course, Liu Xu couldn't reveal the drama in advance, he coughed and said, "Is it the marriage proposal from the movie theater?"

"So you know!" Hu Yifei glanced at Liu Xu in surprise: "I thought you've been busy dealing with company affairs recently, so I didn't know, but since you know, I won't tell you anymore, you Tell me if this plan can work!"

"Of course the plan works." Liu Xu said with a smile, "However, there are still two problems."

"What's the problem?" Hu Yifei and his mother said at the same time.

"First, since you are asking for marriage, you must book a movie theater, and it must show Wanyu's favorite movies."

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