"Oh... I remembered." Hu Yifei said, "I know Wanyu wants to watch a movie called Peach Blossom Fighting Chrysanthemum Monster."

"What kind of bloody name." Liu Xu twitched the corner of his mouth, and continued: "Then did you contract this movie?"

"Not yet." Hu Yifei said, "I'll ask Zhan Bo to contract the film."

"No rush." ​​Liu Xu hurriedly stopped Hu Yifei who was going to find Lu Zhanbo, "I just said the first question, and I haven't said the second question yet!"

"Then tell me quickly!" Hu Yifei said anxiously.

"You're all just thinking about everything on the point that Wanyu will agree to Zhanbo's marriage proposal, but have you ever thought about what if Wanyu rejects Zhanbo's marriage proposal? Then, what will happen to them in the coming days? facing each other?"


When Liu Xu said this, Hu Yifei also fell silent. Liu Xu was right, they only considered things in a positive way, but if Wanyu refused, how would Lu Zhanbo face it in the future? Lin Wanyu?


Chapter 2074 I Miss You

"If I don't propose, Wanyu will never marry me, but if I propose, even if there is a glimmer of hope, I will try."

Just when Liu Xu and Hu Yifei were silent, Lu Zhanbo's voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

"Zhanbo, when did you show up?" Hu Yifei raised his head, looked at his younger brother, and asked in surprise.

"I've been here for a long time, but you are too involved in what you said, so you didn't notice me." Lu Zhanbo said with a smile, and then looked at Liu Xu, "Liu Xu, what you said is indeed right. Once Wanyu If I reject my marriage proposal, I will not know how to face her in the days to come, but I don't want to miss this opportunity, whether it succeeds or not, I want to try."

Liu Xu stood up, patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder and said, "Since you have made a decision, your sister and I will support you."

That's what he said, but Liu Xu, who understands the plot, understands that Zhanbo's proposal this time ended in failure, and now that the plot has changed because of his arrival, he has no hope of success.

"Son, I like you."

"Brother, sister believes in you, you will definitely be able to."

Hu Yifei and his mother also stood up, patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder, and encouraged him.

"Mom, sister, don't worry!"

Obviously influenced by the two of them, Lu Zhanbo's confidence increased a bit.


After some planning by everyone, finally came the day when Lu Zhanbo confessed his love to Lin Wanyu. However, the plan could never keep up with the changes. Lin Wanyu suddenly announced to everyone that he was going to Milan to study fashion design.

This change was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Zhanbo, and he suddenly proposed to Wanyu without anyone knowing about it.

Faced with Lu Zhanbo's marriage proposal, Lin Wanyu obviously did not expect it. As the daughter of a wealthy family, she never thought about it. What she yearns for is freedom and an unfettered life. She really has never considered marriage. ...

Under Lu Zhanbo's disappointment, Lin Wanyu agreed to give Zhanbo a chance to pursue her when she came back from Milan for further study. Of course, her heartfelt wish was that it would be fine if she didn't get a response from someone who confessed to her.

who is someone


On a clean table, there is a letter.

Lin Wanyu left the letter and left the love apartment.

Looking at Lu Zhanbo, who was thinking about something with his head down, Liu Xu sighed, stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Zhanbo, no one knows what will happen in the future, maybe Wanyu has figured it out, and she will came back."

"Is that really the case?" Lu Zhanbo raised his head, barely holding up a smile on his face, looking at his friends and relatives around, and murmured.

"Zhanbo, you have to believe in yourself." Guan Gu said miraculously, "It's just that she doesn't want to be bound by marriage. When Wanyu comes back, she will definitely come to you again."

"Yes, Zhan Bo, everyone understands your feelings for Wan Yu." Zeng Xiaoxian interjected to comfort him.


Under everyone's comfort, Lu Zhanbo's mood gradually calmed down.

In the past few days, Lu Zhanbo's mood was getting better day by day, which made Liu Xu and others heave a sigh of relief.

Especially Hu Yifei, who was deeply afraid that her younger brother would do something impulsive, but now it seems that Lu Zhanbo is still a relatively calm person.

On this side, Lu Zhanbo had completely become himself again, but on the other side, Liu Xu was secretly complaining.

For no other reason, Qin Yumo came to his hospital as a patient who needed counseling from a psychiatrist, and knew that he needed Liu Xu to be his psychiatrist.

Seeing Qin Yumo's arrival, Liu Xu was also surprised.

Before he could ask a question, Qin Yumo rushed forward, threw the unprepared Liu Xu onto the sofa, and kissed him hard on the lips.

"Yu Mo, what are you doing?"

After finally waiting for Qin Yumo to let go, Liu Xu sat up, hugged Qin Yumo who was sitting on his lap, and asked.

"I just miss you." Qin Yumo said, putting his arms around Liu Xu's neck, his calf swaying.

"Isn't this meeting every day?" Liu Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"That's what I said, but you stay with Yifei every day, so you don't have time to spend with me. It's rare that I have a rest today, so I came to you."

Liu Xu smiled wryly, and hugged Qin Yumo even more tightly, feeling her rapid heartbeat, Liu Xu pecked her on the mouth and said: "Why don't I accompany you well today, let's go to the movies ,How about it?"

"But you're still at work!" Qin Yumo frowned slightly, obviously worried.

"It's okay." Liu Xu said with a smile indifferently: "At most, some bonuses will be deducted. For me, the money is already dispensable, as long as my family, Yumo, is happy."

Seeing that Liu Xu cared so much about him, Qin Yumo's smile was even brighter. There was no resentment at the beginning. He took Liu Xu's hand and walked outside.


The purple gauze curtains in the pavilion, the lingering sound of silk and bamboo, the faint candlelight, the combination of retro and modern decoration, and the mottled walls all exude a kind of romance that can only be found in fairy tales, making the whole environment beautiful. A kind of ambiguity is revealed.

Especially those men and women who hold red wine in their hands. Red wine is a symbol of romance and ambiguity.The refreshing aroma of red wine makes it easier to be intoxicated.

Qin Yumo was dressed in black, even though it was a long winter coat, it couldn't conceal her agitation at all.

She held a glass of red wine in her hand, and the colorful lights shone around.

Because of drinking red wine, Qin Yumo's eyes were slightly squinted, her eyes were blurred, her face was bright red, as if she was a little drunk, which made her look even more charming.

Qin Yumo's charm was exuding, and the audience did not know how many men were crazy about her.

Although Liu Xu was by her side, there were still men who approached her and were rejected, but this still couldn't dispel the yearning hearts of other men, each of them was eager to try, and the more frustrated they became, the more courageous they became.


Chapter 2075 The best boyfriend, the one with the highest price wins

Liu Xu looked at all this and smiled. Although a man came to accost Qin Yumo, which made him very uncomfortable, but it didn't reflect how attractive she was?

As long as those men don't do anything out of line, he can still accept it.

Liu Xu shook the wine glass in his hand to release the aroma. Just smelling the aroma gave off a feeling of ecstasy.

He took a sip lightly, letting the wine reverberate on the tip of his tongue, then raised his head and drank the whole glass of red wine, a few drops of red wine flowed down the corner of his mouth, but it didn't hurt.

Liu Xu's decadent aristocratic aura made Liu Xu the target of many women in the nightclub tonight.

Qin Yumo at the side quietly looked at Liu Xu beside him, with a faint but puzzle-solving smile on his face.

Liu Xu, whom she had been watching all the time, did not escape Qin Yumo's eyes in his every move.

And the light shining in Qin Yumo's eyes reveals her heart.

If you look carefully, there is a person in the center of the light, Liu Xu!

Liu Xu's drinking action completely attracted Qin Yumo, just like the moment he told him about his past for the first time, Qin Yumo was fascinated by it.

"I didn't expect you to be so regulated when drinking red wine." Qin Yumo said with a smile watching Liu Xu's movements of drinking red wine.

Liu Xu put down the cup in his hand, stretched out his tongue and gently added the red wine on the corner of Tim's mouth, and said with a smile: "When I went abroad, I learned how to drink red wine. If you are interested, I can teach you how to drink red wine. You, this thing looks complicated, but it is also simple."

"Okay, okay!"

Qin Yumo is obviously very interested in red wine.

"But now..."

Liu Xu looked around and found that there were more and more people around, whether they were men or women, they all glanced in Liu Xu's direction from time to time.

"Did you see these men?" Liu Xu pointed to those men who had been staring at Qin Yumo, "I feel very uncomfortable when they look at you like this, so...I want to take you away."

Under Qin Yumo's exclamation, Liu Xu pulled her up and walked towards the door of the bar, leaving only the sighs of a group of idiots and resentful women.

After leaving the bar, Liu Xu shivered when the north wind blew, and he became much more awake.

Turning his head to look at Qin Yumo, he found that she was the same. Liu Xu took off his coat and put it on Qin Yumo's body.

The environment in the bar, even good people have to be brought down, there is no way, the general trend is so drifting!

If it wasn't for Qin Yumo's sudden whim, Liu Xu would never go back, at most he would just go to the bar downstairs in the apartment to have a happy.py with everyone...

Liu Xu shook his head vigorously, took out chewing gum from his pocket, gave Qin Yumo a piece, and put the chewing gum in his mouth.

I stood outside for a long time, hoping that the cold wind would blow away the smell of alcohol on my body.

Home, just home, is a stable place, and things like alcohol can easily destroy this atmosphere.

After smelling it on himself, the smell of alcohol was much less. Then Liu Xu drove the car to the parking lot in the apartment, then talked and laughed with Qin Yumo, and walked into the corridor of the apartment.

After entering the house, Hu Yifei was sitting on the sofa bored in her pajamas, watching TV and flipping through magazines, seeing the two of them coming back, she complained: "Why did you two come back, I'm so bored at home alone, Mikako Joe and the others just happened not to be at home..."

She still knew about Yu Mo's rest and going to play with Liu Xu, but Hu Yifei didn't know that the two would come back so late, otherwise she would have followed.

"Have you been drinking?" After hanging up the coat that Liu Xu handed over, Hu Yifei suddenly looked at Liu Xu and asked.

Um?Liu Xu put his hand in front of his mouth and took a few breaths. Does it smell like alcohol?

"Because it smells like mint, I guess you must be drinking." Hu Yifei said with a smile, "Did Yu Mo drag you there?"

"How do you know?"

Liu Xu said in surprise, but his heart tightened. She must have known about her secret date with Yumo!

"That's because Yifei knows that I like to drink red wine." Qin Yumo explained: "Every time I take Yifei out, I have to go to the bar to drink red wine. This is already a habit of mine."

Liu Xu looked at Hu Yifei and was relieved when he saw him nodding...

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