"But Yifei, I suddenly discovered that Liu Xu is so good, I can't help but want to argue with you!" Qin Yumo covered his mouth and said with a smile: "You don't know, Liu Xu is very good at red wine. You know him very well! In the bar just now, many women were winking at him!"

"What's so good about him." Hu Yifei gave Liu Xu a blank look: "If you want it, I'll give it to you."



Liu Xu looked at the two helplessly, sighed and said, "You two are fighting slowly, the best boyfriend, the one with the highest price will get it, I'll go take a shower first."

"Go..." Both of them raised their middle fingers to Liu Xu, with contempt on their faces: "Who cares about you!"


"Mr. Tao, you seem to be in a much better mood these days!"

In Liu Xu's office, Liu Xu was pouring a cup of tea for the man sitting in front of him at this time, and said to the man with a smile.

"Yes!" The man called Mr. Tao picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said with a smile, "It's all thanks to Dr. Liu. I always feel abnormal when I talk to Dr. Liu every week. Okay. No, although I have seen it in my heart these days, I still want to come and chatter with you. "

"Hehe, if Mr. Tao is willing, of course Liu is willing to chat with you for a day."

"Then it's settled." Mr. Tao was obviously waiting for Liu Xu's words, and patted the table: "This weekend, I will invite Liu Xu to go fishing, how about we have a good chat?"

"This week!" Liu Xu lowered his head and pondered for a while, and found that there was nothing to do, so he smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Yitao, I will be on time for the appointment this weekend."

"Then it's settled." Mr. Tao stood up, "I'll go first, Doctor Liu, you must come!"

"Must come, definitely come." Liu Xu smiled and sent Mr. Tao to the door, heaving a sigh of relief. This Mr. Tao is good at everything, but he is too enthusiastic.

Chapter 2076 The name Nuolan is very poetic

Just as Liu Xu was about to close the door, he suddenly heard a voice in the distance: "Liu Xu, wait."

Liu Xu looked over and saw Lu Ziqiao walking towards him.

"Zi Qiao, why are you here?"

Liu Xu leaned against the door, looked at Lu Ziqiao who was panting, and looked behind him curiously.

"What are you looking at? There's no one behind." Lu Ziqiao patted Liu Xu on the shoulder and panted.

"But looking at you, it seems that someone is chasing you from behind!"

"Hey, don't mention it. The elevators in your hospital, except for the VIP elevator, are all under maintenance. I took the stairs to the 12th floor. Of course I'm tired. If you don't believe me, go try it."

Seeing Liu Xu talking about herself, Lu Ziqiao became short-tempered for a while.

"That's it!" Liu Xu laughed.

Welcoming Lu Ziqiao into the office, he brought him a cup of tea, which Lu Ziqiao drank in one gulp.

Feeling that he still didn't quench his thirst, Lu Ziqiao directly picked up the teapot on the table, raised his head and drank it all, and then burped in satisfaction.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Seeing that Lu Ziqiao had finally recovered, Liu Xu, who had been staring at him, finally asked.

"Of course I came to accompany you." Lu Ziqiao said with a smile: "By the way, who is the guy who went out just now? Judging from his clothes, he should also be a not simple person!"

"You have some insight in this area." Liu Xu cast a glance at Lu Ziqiao, and said, "He is the boss of a group, and he came here to thank me today, and invited me to go fishing on the weekend."

"It's actually a boss." Lu Ziqiao said in surprise, "Such a rich person actually wants to see a psychiatrist?"

"Everyone has their own vulnerable side. Not to mention a boss, even the head of a country has his own heart disease. It's not surprising."

"Then why did he come to see you?" Lu Ziqiao rolled his eyes and asked.

"This involves the patient's privacy, Ziqiao, you'd better not ask."

Of course Liu Xu knew what Lu Ziqiao was thinking, but as a psychologist with strict professional ethics, he also had his own principles.

"Cut." Seeing that her thoughts were seen through, Lu Ziqiao didn't blush, and said pretending to be disdainful: "If you don't say it, you don't say it. In my opinion, only the wife Hongxing cheated on him or the mistress was pregnant to force him to divorce. , and other things, he doesn't need to worry about it."

Liu Xu smiled without saying a word. In fact, Lu Ziqiao had already hit the mark. Mr. Tao's wife had indeed cheated on her.

Being cuckolded, he angrily chose to file for a divorce with his wife, but his wife kept begging Mr. Tao for forgiveness.

One day husband and wife, one hundred days of grace, seeing his wife like this, Mr. Tao's psychology is also very complicated, until he met Liu Xu, under his enlightenment, Mr. Tao figured it out, and decisively divorced his wife .

Afterwards, he felt a lot more at ease, so today, he came to Liu Xu specially, and wanted to thank Liu Xu well.

"By the way, what are you looking for today?"

In order to prevent Lu Ziqiao from continuing on this topic, Liu Xu took the initiative and asked him why he came.

"Oh, right."

Seeing Liu Xu's question, Lu Ziqiao remembered it now, put her head close to Liu Xu, and said to Liu Xu like a student full of thirst for knowledge: "Liu Xu, what you said last time was really good. After listening to your words, my home run record has been broken yesterday, so I came in to ask you for a lesson."

"What did I say last time?"

Liu Xu looked puzzled, as if he had never said such a thing to Lu Ziqiao before!

"You didn't say it, but you told a doctor who came to see the doctor, and I was sitting next to you at that time."

Liu Xu remembered, that's right, he had indeed said this to a college student who was broken in love, told him about love, some knowledge about love, and enlightened him, unexpectedly Lu Ziqiao listened to all of this He went, and listening to his words, he also made full use of what Liu Xu said, which made Liu Xu feel dumbfounded.

"That's why you came to me?" Liu Xu looked at Lu Ziqiao and asked.

"Yes!" Lu Ziqiao nodded, "I feel that since being taught by you, my level has risen a lot, and I feel like I'm about to break through."

"You read all these books, and I guarantee you will become a god." Liu Xu pointed to the bookshelf behind him related to psychology, and said to Lu Ziqiao.

"Damn it." Lu Ziqiao followed her eyes, and immediately shivered, "I think it's better to listen to you, what you said is the essence."

"Stop it……"

Liu Xu was about to refuse, only to hear a few knocks on the door suddenly.

The two subconsciously looked towards the door, only to see an intellectual beauty in a blue uniform and slightly curly long hair standing at the door.

"Damn, she's actually a superb beauty." Lu Ziqiao exclaimed softly.

Liu Xu glared at him, with a smile on his face, stood up, and said to the beautiful woman, "Hi, I'm the psychiatrist here. My name is Liu Xu. May I help you?"

"Hello, Doctor Liu." The superb beauty came over, and after Liu Xu said "please sit down", she said, "My name is Nuolan..."

"Nuolan?" Liu Xu was taken aback when he saw the beautiful woman in front of him calling herself Nuolan. After looking carefully at the beauty sitting in front of him, he realized that she was indeed the same person as Nuolan in the TV series, just because she had just talked with Zi Qiao. Then, I didn't pay attention to it.

"Huh? Doctor Liu knows me?" Seeing Liu Xu staring at him like an acquaintance, Nuo Lan asked curiously.

"No, no, no." Liu Xu came back to his senses and said with a dry smile, "It's just the name Nuolan, which is very poetic, hehe..."

"Thank you."

"I don't know what's the problem with Miss Nuolan here?" After fully recovering from the trance, Liu Xu smiled again, looked at Nuolan, and asked with a smile.

"This one……"

Nuo Lan was obviously a little hesitant, looking at Zi Qiao beside Liu Xu, he hesitated to speak.


Chapter 2077 A married woman has more taste

"Zi Qiao, go to my lounge to rest first!" Seeing Nuo Lan's eyes, Liu Xu smiled knowingly, turned to Lu Ziqiao and said, "You climbed so many stairs in one go, you just need a rest."

"This... ok!"

Originally planning to see Liu Xu's treatment method, and the other party was a beautiful woman, Lu Ziqiao, who was secretly happy, could only walk into Liu Xu's lounge reluctantly after hearing his words.

"Okay, Miss Nuolan, it's just the two of us here. If you have any embarrassing things to say, just say it. Let's find a solution together, okay?" Seeing that Lu Ziqiao disappeared, Liu Xu nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the scene again. Xiang Nuolan said with a smile.

Nuo Lan cast two grateful eyes at Liu Xu, and then said: "This time, I came here for the sake of myself and my husband Vincent."

"Oh?" Liu Xu raised his eyebrows and said, "Your husband is having an affair?"

"Yeah." Nuo Lan nodded, looking a little hesitant, but finally mustered up the courage, and continued: "Besides, the affair was with a man."


Liu Xu, who was drinking tea from a teacup, immediately choked on the tea after hearing Nuo Lan's shocking answer.

He coughed hard, picked up the tissue on the table, wiped the water stains on his mouth, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure."

"It's okay." Nuo Lan shook her head. Anyone who heard such a thing would have Liu Xu's expression, "This time Vincent came back to divorce me."

"Then what do you mean?" Liu Xu asked carefully.

This news is really shocking. When watching the iPartment, Liu Xu always thought that Nuolan and Vincent divorced because of a broken relationship, but no one thought that this Vincent is actually gay!

"I don't know either." Nuolan shook her head helplessly, "Since getting married, Vincent has been very busy. He hasn't touched me for a year. I thought he wasn't ready, but he didn't." think……"

Nuolan's expression was a bit bitter and helpless, Liu Xu sighed, and said: "According to the occurrence of this kind of thing, I can only say that the relationship between your husband and wife has already appeared contradictory. The suspicion of destroying someone's marriage, but I still want to say that the last way to break up the relationship is divorce, Miss Nuolan, do you understand what I mean?"


Nuolan nodded, and wanted to say something else.

"Love is the crystallization of two people, and marriage is based on love. Once there is a crack in love and it becomes the contribution of one person, then this is no longer love, but stupidity."

Nolan defaulted.

"There are many good men in the world. There is a saying among men, you can't give up a whole forest for a tree. This sentence can also be used in women. Miss Nuolan, I know that this love is not likely to last." , why not simply continue to look for your other half? Perhaps, in a certain corner of the world, your true destiny is already waiting for you..."

Liu Xu's words touched Nuo Lan's heart, yes, since it's irreversible, why don't you try to let go?

As soon as the thought came out, Nuo Lan felt unprecedented relief in her heart, stood up, and said to Liu Xu: "Thank you, Doctor Liu, after listening to your words, I finally understand what I should do .”

"That's good."

Liu Xu nodded, and said with relief that he just introduced Nuo Lan into a door. As for how Nuo Lan chooses to go in the future, it still depends on himself.

Of course, even if she doesn't choose to divorce, Liu Xu will take coercive measures. Although he seems to have become innocent because of his limited ability, but if Nuo Lan, you are about to get divorced, come to my bowl!

"Everyone says that Dr. Liu is extraordinary, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Looking at the sitting doctor in front of him, who was apparently younger than him, Nuo Lan was very impressed.

"Miss Nuo Lan is absurd." Liu Xu also stood up and said, "If Miss Nuo Lan still has any questions or confusion in the future, feel free to come to Liu..."

"Nuo Lan has written down Dr. Liu's words. There is no time to find out. I still have to host in the evening, so I will leave first."

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