Picking up the bag on the chair and carrying it on her shoulder, Nuo Lan said goodbye to Liu Xu.

Knowing that Nuo Lan is a radio host, Liu Xu didn't want to keep her anymore and sent her out of the door.

"Wow...a beautiful woman on time!"

As soon as Nuolan walked out, Lu Ziqiao rushed out of the lounge with a "whoosh", put his hand on Liu Xu's shoulder, and said, "Liu Xu, what does that beauty want from you? If it's about feelings, I, Lu Ziqiao, are obliged and willing to help her."

Lu Ziqiao's expression was very serious. If someone didn't know him, he would definitely tell him everything he knew. Unfortunately, it was Liu Xu standing in front of him.

Liu Xu glanced at him, and said lightly: "When it comes to the patient's privacy, don't try to get anything out of me."

"Farewell Liu Xu, I really want to help her." Seeing that Liu Xu didn't like him, Lu Ziqiao quickly put on a flattering smile, "I promise not to reveal this secret."


Liu Xu raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Ziqiao with a playful look.

"Really, I, Lu Ziqiao, am a manly man, of course I keep my word."

Seeing Liu Xu's loose expression, Lu Ziqiao quickly patted his chest to reassure, and almost swore.

Of course, if Liu Xu asked him to swear, I'm afraid he would swear without hesitation. He has done this a lot.

"Okay!" Liu Xu nodded, looked at Lu Ziqiao with a half-smile and said, "Her name is Nuolan, she is a married woman..."

"Wait." Before Liu Xu finished speaking, Lu Ziqiao interrupted him, "You said she was married?"

"Yes!" Liu Xu nodded.

"Liu Xu, I am absolutely sure that it is better for you to handle this matter, after all, you are a doctor."

"But you didn't say..."

"I said I was joking!" Lu Ziqiao smiled and said to himself, "Wife with a husband, what's the use of labor and capital!"

A married man has more taste, Liu Xu secretly smiled.


Chapter 2078

"Sheshan? Meteor shower?"

Downstairs in the bar, looking at Chen Meijia and Tang Youyou who looked excited, almost everyone opened their mouths in surprise.

"That's right, this is the idea that Yoyo and I came up out of nowhere. According to news reports, in the past few days, there is a Pegasus meteor shower that occurs once every two thousand years in Sheshan. Don't you guys want to go and see it?"

"Are you astronomy enthusiasts?" Hu Yifei leaned her head on Liu Xu's shoulder, looked at Tang Youyou and Chen Meijia, and asked suspiciously.

"Although we are not astronomy enthusiasts, we are camping enthusiasts!" Chen Meijia jumped up and down like a rabbit, "You think, the snow-capped peaks, the lavender all over the mountains, and the waterfall behind us, we are sitting on the high Next to the high grain pile, listening to my mother tell the story of the past..."

"Chinese camping is terrible." Guan Gu, who was sitting in the middle of the sofa, broke out in a cold sweat, "Why do you sit next to the tall ashes?"

"It's not grain piles, it's ashes, bah." Tang Youyou corrected.

Looking at the crowd, she said yearningly: "Don't you think this picture is very beautiful?"

"Are you sure it's She Shan?" Lu Ziqiao asked with a frown.

"She was talking about the Alps..." Liu Xu followed Ziqiao and said, "On a hill like Sheshan, I don't know if there are any waterfalls, and there are lavenders all over the ground?"

"It's okay, let's take it as an outing!"

Chen Meijia was obviously still unwilling, and continued to persuade everyone.

"But you don't know She Shan at all, it's too dangerous." Guan Gu said with a bit of resistance.


"That's right, you can tell from the name that there must be snakes everywhere on Sheshan."

Everyone was speechless, and finally Liu Xu explained to Guan Gu miraculously: "Sheshan is just the name of a mountain, and has nothing to do with snakes."

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Guan Gu's magic suddenly realized, and he was relieved.

After all the fighting, they finally decided to watch the meteor shower together on Saturday.

"Want to watch the meteor shower together?"

Liu Xu knew that this meteor shower could not be seen in the end, only thunderstorms...

Time flies, and soon, it will be Saturday.

"Hurry up, everyone, pack your things, we are going to Sheshan."

Early in the morning, Chen Meijia and Tang Youyou woke up everyone in the three suites with excited faces.

"I said, grandma, it's eight o'clock in the morning this time, why are we going so early?"

Lu Ziqiao, who looked sleepy, shouted at Chen Meijia in dissatisfaction.

While speaking, Lu Ziqiao couldn't help but yawned again, which showed how sleepy he was.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep, you know how to sleep." Chen Meijia rolled her eyes at Lu Ziqiao and said, "There must be a lot of people going to Sheshan today. Let's go early to grab a place with a good view and a good environment!"

"I have nothing to say to you."

Knowing that it was impossible to sleep, Lu Ziqiao had no choice but to walk to the bathroom with a look of despair.

The same thing was happening in the other two suites at this time.

"Liu Xu, Yu Mo, hurry up, Mijia has urged you several times." Seeing Liu Xu and Qin Yumo slowly coming down from the upstairs with sleepy faces, Hu Yifei couldn't help urging.

"I know, I know."

The two kept yawning and walked to the bathroom.

After finally waiting for everyone to get ready, it was half past nine.

Except for Du Qianqian, everyone in the apartment gathered downstairs.

Ten people, a total of four vehicles, drove towards Sheshan mightily.


On Sheshan, everyone went into battle with light clothes, only Zeng Xiaoxian climbed up with great difficulty, carrying big bags and small bags.

"I said, Mr. Zeng, are you really planning to set up a tent by yourself?" Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian who was panting and sweating, Liu Xu asked kindly.

"It's okay." Zeng Xiaoxian waved his hand and said, "I will prove to you that building tents is my talent, and I will take care of all your tents for you."

"Mr. Zeng, has your job changed since you were promoted?" Lu Ziqiao asked casually.

"I heard that the stage is going to find me a female partner." Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"Then Mr. Zeng, you won't host alone in the future?" Chen Meijia exclaimed.

"That's right." Zeng Xiaoxian nodded, with a bit of annoyance in his expression, "You said that I was hosting alone, why did you suddenly add a partner to me!"

"Mr. Zeng, it's a blessing, not a curse. It's a disaster that can't be avoided. You should show us your tent-building skills first!" Liu Xu stepped forward and patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the shoulder, comforting him.

Speaking of the tent, Mr. Zeng regained his energy immediately, unloaded the tent, and said, "I'll show you my talent."

"Teacher Zeng, you should bring the instruction manual that I specially told you not to forget!" Liu Xu looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and said.

"Instructions?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked dumbfounded, shook his head and said, "I didn't bring it!"


Everyone exclaimed, Liu Xu must have opened his mouth even more, he was Zeng Xiaoxian who had been specially instructed this morning to make sure he brought the instructions for setting up the tent.

"I originally wanted to bring one, but when I thought about my tent-building skills, I thought I didn't need an instruction manual, so I didn't bring it." Zeng Xiaoxian explained.

Everyone: "..."

Ten minutes passed. Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian was still working hard on the tent, even Liu Xu, who had always been calm, couldn't help it, and said to Hu Yifei beside him, "Yifei, I seemed to see someone renting a tent over there just now." , or, let's rent one, it seems quite cheap."

"Then what are you talking about, let's go!"

As Liu Xu and Hu Yifei left, the rest of them also left one after another. Before leaving, they patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the shoulder to let him continue to work hard.

"Hey, you can't just leave like this, you have to have faith in me, hey...you will regret it." Seeing that no one was supporting him, Zeng Xiaoxian shouted immediately.

Only the backs of a few people answered him.

According to Liu Xu's suggestion, everyone rented tents immediately.

Liu Xu and Zhang Wei have one top, Lu Zhanbo and Lu Ziqiao have one top, Guan Gu Miracle and Zeng Xiaoxian (he must be a good match), and the remaining four girls, Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo have one top, Chen Meijia and Tang Take a long shot.


Chapter 2079 Plastic Bag Fishing

After setting up the tent, Liu Xu came out of the tent, and together with Zhang Wei, they were going to find Hu Yifei and other four girls who had set up the tent on the other side.

The two came to the tent set up by Hu Yifei's three daughters, and saw the fourth daughter standing aside, murmuring, not knowing what they were talking about.

Beside them, there is also a combined barbecue grill.

"Hey, Yifei, what are you talking about!"

Liu Xu walked towards the direction of the four women while talking.

"It's Liu Xu, that's great." Seeing someone coming, Chen Meijia was the first to yell loudly, "Liu Xu, did you bring chicken wings?"

"Chicken wings?" Liu Xu said in surprise, "Didn't I tell you yesterday that you brought them?"

"Oh, I forgot this!" Qin Yumo said, "We thought you would bring some too."

Liu Xu was speechless for a while. For this outing, he made very thorough preparations, but he didn't expect that in the end, the plot was still the same as the original one.

"Why don't we go hunting!" Hu Yifei said suddenly, "Since there are no raw materials, let's hunt some prey, such as hares and pheasants."

"Grandma, where are you in front of?" Liu Xu patted Hu Yifei's forehead lightly, and said, "Let's not talk about hares and pheasants, it's pretty good if we can catch a few fish."

"Then let's go catch fish!" Hu Yifei waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, this lady knows ninjutsu. As long as I'm here, I'll definitely be able to catch a lot of fish."

"But what do we use to catch fish?" Zhang Wei asked curiously.

"Don't worry about this, even if you don't have a fishing rod, we still have this."

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