Hu Yifei picked up a few things from the ground.

"Plastic bag?"

Looking at the things in Hu Yifei's hand, everyone looked dumbfounded.


Seeing everyone's reaction, Hu Yifei smiled with satisfaction.


Under the leadership of Hu Yifei, a group of people hurriedly walked towards a nearby stream.

"Just here!"

Finally, several people stopped by a small stream.

The stream is not deep, and it only reaches Liu Xu's calf, but the stream water is exceptionally clear. Looking at it with the naked eye, you can still see a lot of fish swimming around, but whenever there is any movement, the fish seem to be affected. Generally frightened, he left in panic.

"Everyone, let's assign tasks!" Standing on the bank of the creek, Hu Yifei was like a leader, issuing instructions to everyone, "We will encircle later, remember, don't let a fish escape Your plastic bags."

Liu Xu looked at the plastic bag in his hand and sighed, what kind of fish could he catch with this kind of bag!

But he didn't care, anyway, this time he came here just to have fun.

Under Hu Yifei's command, everyone rolled up their trouser legs and went into the water, seeing a large fish appearing not far from them.

Without hesitation, Liu Xu raised the bag and slammed towards the fish. The fish was also very clever, as if it knew the danger was coming. With a flick of its tail, it swam away quickly.

"Yu Mo, a fish is swimming towards you, pay attention to catch it." Liu Xu shouted to Qin Yumo not far away.

"Give it to me."

Qin Yumo responded, and she found that there was indeed a fish swimming towards her, and she was ready to catch it immediately, waiting for the fish to swim to her.


I don't know if the fish has become fine, but when it was about to swim to Qin Yumo, it suddenly jumped, fell into the water, splashed water, and hit Qin Yumo who was bending over in the face .

When Qin Yumo came to his senses, the fish had long since disappeared. Qin Yumo was so angry that he was about to stamp his feet, but he had no choice but to give up when he realized that he was in the water.

Not only Liu Xu and Qin Yumo had a similar scene, but the rest of them also had a similar scene. In the end, they all ended with the fish escaping.

A few hours later, all the people came out of the water and looked at the results of the capture operation. Except Liu Xu, Hu Yifei and Guan Gu Miqi each caught a small fish, the rest were all empty-handed. And return.

"Just three fish!" Looking at the fish in the hands of the three, Chen Meijia pouted and said, "It's not enough for the seven of us!"

"Why don't we go into the water and catch a few more?" Zhang Wei suggested: "I seem to have the skill of catching fish. This time I go into the water, I can definitely catch one."

"Come on, I'm asking you to go into the water to catch fish, and the sun is about to go down."

Everyone directly rejected Zhang Wei's words.

"Then what should we do? How can these three fish be enough?" Chen Meijia said.

Immediately, she rolled her big eyes, looked at the boys with a smile and said, "Why don't you boys carry forward your helpful spirit, and give these three fish to our girls."

"No!" Zhang Wei was the first to jump out and object, "Then what shall we eat?"

Just when everyone was about to fight again, Hu Yifei interrupted them and said, "How about? Let's go hunting?"

"Hunting?" Guan Gu's miraculous expression showed reluctance, "It's so late, the prey is going to sleep, and what should I do if I encounter a snake?"

"How about we go pick mushrooms?"

When one plan failed, Tang Youyou thought of another plan.

"Don't." Now it was Liu Xu's turn to object, "Do you know all the mushrooms here? What if you eat poisonous mushrooms, what should you do?"

Just when everyone was about to fight again, Chen Meijia suddenly whispered aside: "Actually, when I was renting a tent just now, I seemed to see another barbecue stall there?"

"What!" Everyone exclaimed, and all turned their heads to Chen Meijia, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Chen Meijia looked aggrieved, and whispered: "You also know that you have a bad memory!"

Everyone gave Chen Meijia a white look, and Hu Yifei said, "Then what are we waiting for, let's go to the target barbecue stall, I'm almost starving to death."

"Then what about these fish?" Guan Gu miraculously pointed to the fish in his hand.

"Now that I'm in a good mood, let them go!"

As Hu Yifei said, he threw the fish in his hand into the stream.


Chapter 2080 Premonition Before The Meteor Shower

Liu Xu and Guan Gu looked at each other miraculously, and threw the fish back into the water.

I have to say that the vitality of this fish is really tenacious. After leaving the water for a few minutes, it reappeared in the water and became alive immediately.

"Let's go!" Seeing the fish swimming away, Hu Yifei clapped her hands and said to everyone: "First come, first eat, otherwise when we finally get there, the boss will sell out the barbecue and close the stall."

"GO, GO, GO..."

Everyone shouted excitedly, as if they were catching fish when they came here, and hurriedly walked towards the barbecue stand that Meijia had mentioned.


After eating and drinking enough, everyone was belching with satisfaction, looking like they were enjoying themselves very much.

"I can't do it, I'm overstuffed. I haven't eaten as much barbecue in a year as I have today." Qin Yumo said weakly as he rubbed his stomach that was slightly swollen due to overeating.

"It's delicious." Compared to Qin Yumo, Hu Yifei was obviously much bolder. She bit the last piece of chicken, hiccupped without a ladylike image, and said, "I'm finally full."

The rest of the people also looked satisfied, patted their stuffed stomachs, and there were still traces of barbecue oil on their mouths...

Just when everyone was trying to digest it, Zhang Wei suddenly became excited, and said to everyone: "Everyone, I suddenly remembered... We really enjoyed eating here, but Zhanbo, Ziqiao, and Teacher Zeng What should I do with the three? They have nothing to eat!"

"That's right!" Chen Meijia also remembered, looked at Hu Yifei and said, "Sister Yifei, what should I do?"

"Boss, is there anything else? I'm baking some for us. Let's pack it up and take it away." Hu Yifei thought for a while and said loudly to the owner of the barbecue stand.

"I'm sorry, everyone." The owner of the barbecue stand is obviously from Xinjiang, and he said in substandard Mandarin, "You all ate up everything I brought today."

"What?" Hu Yifei exclaimed, "But we only ate a little!"

Everyone looked at the large handful of bamboo sticks in front of her and was speechless for a while.

Tang Youyou said angrily: "If we knew we shouldn't have let go of those three fish, the three fish, Zhan Bo, Zi Qiao, and Mr. Zeng happened to have one each!"

"Boss, don't you have anything else to eat here?" Liu Xu turned to look at the Xinjiang boss and asked.

"Oh, I still have this left, do you want it?"

The Xinjiang boss took a black bag from the grill and handed it to everyone.

"This is?" Everyone looked down: "Oysters? Oysters?"

"Forget it, take it all away!" Hu Yifei put the bag away, "As for whether they eat it or not, that's their business."

Back at the camp again, the sky was completely dark, and I saw Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian coming over to ask everyone if they had anything to eat.

Chen Meijia threw the bag in her hand on the ground, and said to the two of them, "We got this from hunting, give it to you!"

"Are you sure that you got this from hunting?" Zeng Xiaoxian said in apparent disbelief.

"Of course, it's in the creek over there." Chen Meijia said.

"Can oysters be caught in the creek? Hairtail? Could it be a genetic mutation!"

Although she didn't believe Chen Meijia's words at all, there was nothing she could do. At this moment, only these things could be eaten.

"But, there are so many of us, how can we eat!" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the few things on the ground and said to everyone.

"I don't want to eat, so I will give it to you." Liu Xu was the first to say.

"I don't eat it either." Hu Yifei was the second to express.

"Me too……"


Seeing that a few people who are usually foodies can be so enthusiastic at this time, Lu Ziqiao kept scanning in front of everyone with suspicious eyes, and asked: "You guys, do you have something to hide from Teacher Zeng and me? "

"How could it be!" Everyone laughed.

"That you……"

"I am back."

Just when Lu Ziqiao was about to say something more, Lu Zhanbo's voice was suitable.

"Oh, why did you come back?" Hu Yifei obviously saw the savior, and immediately jumped to Lu Zhanbo's side and said, "What did you do?"

"Just now two girls invited me to teach them how to play football, but they thought I played well, so they insisted on playing with me. In the end...they ended up fighting. I couldn't straighten up, so I came back."

"What? The two beauties are fighting." Hearing what Lu Zhanbo said, Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately got up and said, "This scene must be very exciting, I'll go and see first. Don't take the things here for yourself. Let's eat together when I come back."

After speaking, he ran towards a tent in the distance.

The final result was the same as the plot of the original novel. Although Zeng Xiaoxian did not bring the instructions for setting up the tent, he carried a large backpack of snacks.


It is getting closer and closer to the predicted time when the meteor shower is about to appear.

Everyone looked up at the black sky, only Lu Ziqiao was still playing with his astronomical telescope borrowed from Xiao Hei.

He kept muttering in his mouth, "I'll definitely make a wish sooner than you."

"Why are you faster than me? I must be faster than you." Standing beside him, Chen Meijia opened her mouth and shouted at Lu Ziqiao with a dissatisfied face.

"Don't forget, I have an astronomical telescope." Lu Ziqiao patted the telescope with a proud expression on his face, "Do you think meteors are seen first with the naked eye, or with the telescope?"


Chen Meijia was speechless for a moment.

"Oh, don't bother, there is only one minute until the meteor shower arrives."

Just as the two of them, Chen Meijia and Lu Ziqiao, were still about to quarrel, Tang Youyou interrupted their words.


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