The two looked at each other and continued to fiddle with their own affairs.


A white light suddenly streaked across the dark night sky.

"What was that just now?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

"That should be the precursor to the meteor shower!" Chen Meijia blinked and said before she could react.

"But, why do I feel that light is like lightning!" Qin Yumo said thoughtfully.

"It's not like, it's lightning." Liu Xu shouted.


Chapter 2081 Goodbye Nuolan

"What lightning brings is not a meteor shower, but..."


Everyone finally reacted.

"Let me just say, the probability of seeing a meteor shower is very small." Lu Zhanbo shouted: "What should we do now?"

"What else can I do?" Liu Xu patted Lu Zhanbo's head lightly, "Of course I should hurry back to the tent, don't you want to enjoy the thunderstorm under the open air?"

Liu Xu's words finally made everyone react, and they all ran to their tents, leaving only Teacher Zeng in place.

"If you want to spend this thunderstorm with me in the tent, please turn on the lights..."

In desperation and desperation, Teacher Zeng finally uttered his last cry.

The lights in the tent that were still on were all turned off...


The thunder sounded, and immediately, there was a torrential rain, which mercilessly fell on Zeng Xiaoxian's body...

He quickly got into Guan Gu's magical tent.


The outing in Sheshan was just a little seasoning for everyone's life. After returning from Sheshan, everyone's life returned to the usual way again, until today...

"Hey, Liu Xu, I need to discuss something with you."

Liu Xu, who was eating breakfast and reading the newspaper, turned his head when he saw someone calling him behind him.

Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian was behind him at some point, Liu Xu said in surprise, "Mr. Zeng, when did you appear behind me? Have you had breakfast? Would you like to have something together?"

"No, no, I've already eaten." Zeng Xiaoxian waved his hand and said, "I just came to discuss something with you."

"What's the matter?" Liu Xu picked up the tissue on the table, wiped his mouth and asked.

"You also know that not long ago my program has been changed from single to double..."

"That's right, last time you said that it was specially arranged by your girlfriend Lisa Rong in order to increase your ratings. I heard that your partner is still beautiful!" Liu Xu said with a smile: "Why, Are you dissatisfied with her?"

"It's not that I'm dissatisfied." Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head, "Although I was a little against her at first, but now I've seen it. In fact, she is indeed excellent, and I have a lot to learn from her."

"Then you are?"

Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian was not dissatisfied with Nuo Lan, Liu Xu was surprised.

"It's like this. Recently, the station asked us to find a guest, preferably a psychiatrist. You also know that this kind of program I host is to enlighten those listeners who have worries in their hearts. However, we need to find a psychiatrist, and How troublesome it is to have a well-known psychiatrist. I didn’t want to trouble you, but my partner Nuo Lan said that he knew a psychiatrist named Liu Xu who was very good and wanted to invite him, and I just said I slipped my mouth and said that you are my friend. No, I can be considered a moderate leader now, so let me talk about it and see if I can invite you to be a guest."

Liu Xu was suddenly stunned, but seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's almost begging expression, the leader didn't ask him to try it out, it was clearly a mandatory order for Zeng Xiaoxian to complete.

"But, I'm just a little psychiatrist."

Although Liu Xu doesn't reject being on the show, and doesn't mind helping Zeng Xiaoxian, but he is satisfied with his current leisurely life and doesn't want to be too prominent. After all, in other worlds, he is almost the center of attention, and the limelight has already passed what!

"It's okay." Seeing Liu Xu's tendency to agree, Zeng Xiaoxian was pleasantly surprised and said, "Liu Xu, you don't know that you are famous! Do you know? Now the whole SH knows what an outstanding Liu Xu you are." Psychologist."

"Really?" Liu Xu laughed. Although he knew that Zeng Xiaoxian was flattering him, he was still happy to hear it, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you."

"Really?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked excited, and immediately wanted to give Liu Xu a big hug to express his excitement.

Liu Xu dodged and said, "It's fine to hug, if you want to thank me, you can treat me to dinner!"

"It's easy to talk about." Zeng Xiaoxian rubbed his hands and said, "Tonight, I'll treat you to Malatang."

Liu Xu: "..."


Radio station.

Because of Zeng Xiaoxian's invitation, after dinner, the two drove to the radio station in Liu Xu's car with a high profile.

Lisa Rong and Nuo Lan had already been waiting for them downstairs at the radio station. When they saw the two walking over talking and laughing, they also walked forward.

"Lisa, let me introduce you. This is my friend and roommate, the famous psychiatrist, Liu Xu."

When the two women came to the front, Zeng Xiaoxian pointed to Liu Xu and introduced them.

"Liu Xu, this is Lisa, Lisa Rong, my boss." Zeng Xiaoxian pointed to Lisa Rong to Liu Xu again.

"Mr. Liu, I heard from Zeng Xiaoxian that he has a wealthy friend, and I admire him very much. Today I finally met a real person."

In public places, Lisa Rong is very gentle, but Liu Xu, who has had in-depth exchanges with her, knows how crazy her heart is, even though she is in a parallel world.

"Teacher Zeng thinks too highly of me. I'm just a doctor." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Hi, Dr. Liu, do you still know me?"

At this time, the beauty beside Lisa Rong also spoke.

The voice is very nice, it is worthy of being the station flower of the radio station and the celebrity whose listening rate has always been in the top three.

Liu Xu smiled at Nuo Lan and said, "How could I forget, how is Miss Nuo Lan's mood recently?"

"What Dr. Liu said that day made me think a lot, and my mood naturally improved a lot."

Nuo Lan smiled, that Yi Fei's beautiful face, which was not inferior to Yu Mo, couldn't help but move Liu Xu's heart.

"Hey, let's go upstairs and talk!"

Seeing that the number of people downstairs gradually increased, and eyes drifted past several of them from time to time, Lisa Rong said quickly.

"Yes, yes, yes." Zeng Xiaoxian quickly echoed, patted Liu Xu on the shoulder and said, "I'll take you to visit the place where I broadcast live."


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2082 Serving as a radio guest

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"As far as there is something good to see in your place, I still have something to ask you, let Nuolan take Liu Xu to visit our radio station!" Lisa Rong gave Zeng Xiaoxian a look, then looked at Liu Xu and said: "That's right Liu Xu, have you memorized all the lines tonight?"

"I remember it all." Liu Xu nodded and said with a smile.

"Then Nuolan, show Liu Xu a good tour, I'll excuse you first." Lisa Rong said, pulling Zeng Xiaoxian and saying, "Come with me first.

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian being taken away by Lisa Rong, Nuo Lan smiled and said, "Then Doctor Liu, shall I show you around?"

"That troubles you." Liu Xu nodded and said, "Miss Nuolan, you can just call me Liu Xu. This is not a hospital. The words Dr. Liu sound awkward here."

"Okay, Liu Xu, you can also call me Nuolan."

Nuo Lan didn't show any pretense, and readily agreed.


The live broadcast at night was very smooth.

In the live broadcast room, Nuo Lan, Zeng Xiaoxian and Liu Xu sat together, answering various questions for the audience.

"Welcome to Your Moon My Heart, I am a good man, and I am Zeng Xiaoxian."

Zeng Xiaoxian's opening remarks are still so characteristic, humorous and with a touch of humor, at least he thinks so, but when Lisa Rong, who is the producer outside the window, glared at him, Zeng Xiaoxian immediately felt excited and put on a serious expression.

"Lisa Rong is simply stronger than Hu Yifei."

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's performance, Liu Xu secretly sighed, the sadness of modern men, when she was with him back then, she was subdued to the point of obedience.

"Today, Nuo Lan has a psychiatrist by his side, and he will be the guest of today's program."

At this moment, Nuo Lan's sweet voice also sounded: "I have communicated with this doctor before, he is a very good psychiatrist, and I also believe that he will bring us surprises today, let us We welcome him, Liu Xu, a psychologist from XX Hospital."

I have to say that Nuo Lan's words are very clever. Although Liu Xu has a certain reputation in the psychological world, for ordinary people, who would spend money to see if there is anything wrong with their psychology?

Therefore, to the audience, the name Liu Xu was still very unfamiliar.

But Nuolan is different. She is a TV station flower with a sweet voice and a strong ability to host shows. She has a lot of fans. Liu Xu is more easily accepted by the audience after being introduced by her.

Just when Liu Xu was secretly admiring Nuo Lan, Zeng Xiaoxian interrupted suddenly and said, "Oh, this Liu Xu is still Xiaoxian's roommate and friend."

Liu Xu looked at Zeng Xiaoxian helplessly, and finally understood why the ratings of the programs he supported had always been at the bottom.

The program is going according to plan, executed bit by bit, without any mistakes.

Of course, in the program, Liu Xu also answered many questions raised by the audience, and his answers also made the audience very satisfied.

In the blink of an eye, two hours passed, and the show finally came to an end. With Zeng Xiaoxian's words "see you tomorrow night", the show came to a successful conclusion.

"Thanks for your hard work, Liu Xu, do you feel particularly tired doing shows at night?"

Seeing Liu Xu who couldn't help yawning several times, Nuo Lan said with a smile.

"It's okay." Seeing his embarrassment, Nuo Lan waved his hands awkwardly and said, "You and Mr. Zeng work like this every day, but you are much more tired than me."

"We're used to it," Nuo Lan said.

"Good news, good news." When several people were talking, Lisa Rong walked over excitedly, and said excitedly: "The data I just got, today's episode of Your Moon My Heart, the audience rate is amazing! Going beyond, if there is no accident, this probability should be the top three in all program records this month."

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