"Wahhahaha, what did I say?" Zeng Xiaoxian scratched his hair triumphantly, raised his eyebrows at Lisa Rong and said, "The value of my brother Xian has finally been discovered. luminescent."

"There's nothing wrong with you here." Lisa Rong glared at Zeng Xiaoxian with a look of resentment, "Just now I received calls from many listeners saying that they hope to invite Dr. Liu a few more times. Two words to describe it, incisive, and the audience also said that if possible, the radio station can open a new program with the support of Dr. Liu and Nuo Lan."

Lisa Rong's words made Zeng Xiaoxian, who was originally complacent, fall from heaven to hell all of a sudden. My brother Xian is transparent in the eyes of these audiences.

"Congratulations, Liu Xu." Nuo Lan smiled at Liu Xu: "It's very rare to get such praise from the audience on the show for the first time."

"Thank you!" For today's result, Liu Xu didn't expect it. He thought it would be good if the audience could not ignore it. He didn't expect the audience's reaction to be so strong. "Could it be? Brother still has this talent?"


"It's getting late, Nuo Lan, let's have a supper together!" Liu Xu said to Nuo Lan, who was sorting out the materials, barely pulling himself together.

"Okay!" Nuolan readily agreed, but seeing Liu Xu's tired face, he couldn't help hesitating and said, "But, are you really okay? You look sleepy and tired."

"It's okay." Liu Xu waved his hands and said, "I'm hungry, of course I have to eat before I talk, otherwise I won't sleep well."

"That's it, that's fine!"

Nuo Lan nodded. At this time, she also sorted out the documents, stood up, and took the bag next to her.

"Mr. Zeng, do you want to be together?"

Liu Xu turned his head to Zeng Xiaoxian on the other side.

"No, I still want to inform my fans of the good news of the soaring ratings, and share the good news with them." Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head and said, "You guys go, drive carefully."


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2083 Yifei's anger is no small matter

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu smiled speechlessly, and together with Nuo Lan, said goodbye to Lisa Rong, and walked downstairs.

Walking out of the gate of the radio station, a gust of cold wind blows. Although it is summer, I still feel a little cold in the early hours of the morning.

Liu Xu looked at Nuo Lan who couldn't help trembling, and said with a smile: "I really want to take off my clothes and put them on for you, but I only have this shirt on me, you don't want others to treat me as a Let's see the rogue!"

"Puchi." Nuo Lan couldn't help laughing at Liu Xu's helpless look, and lightly beat Liu Xu's chest, angrily said, "Who cares about your clothes!"

Liu Xu couldn't help being stunned by that smile full of maple love, but then he recovered and said with a smile: "Let's go, the cold wind in the early morning is not a pleasure."

Nuolan nodded, but when he saw Liu Xu walking towards a Porsche, he opened his mouth again, pointed to the sports car, looked at Liu Xu again, and said in disbelief: "This... Is this your car?"

Liu Xu nodded and said with a smile: "Come in quickly, are you really going to treat the cold wind as supper?"

Nuolan gave him a blank look, opened the co-pilot's door, got in, and said, "I didn't expect that your imperial court is rich, and you are a rich second generation?"

"I'm an orphan." Liu Xu smiled wryly, "The most valuable thing on me is this car."

"I'm sorry, Liu Xu, I don't know..." Hearing Liu Xu say that he was an orphan, Nuo Lan was a little surprised, but then felt that he had poked the softest part of his heart, and apologized quickly.

"It's okay." Liu Xu started the car, "I'm used to it, and I still have a lot of good friends, Mr. Zeng and the others are very kind to me, and Yifei, my girlfriend..."

"You have a girlfriend?"

Nuo Lan raised her eyebrows, but for some reason, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"Yeah." Liu Xu nodded, because he was concentrating on driving, he didn't notice Nuo Lan's expression at this time, "She is a good girl, she has helped me a lot these years, and even more, I resigned as a university teacher." Work."

"She loves you very much."

Nuo Lan's voice was calm, but her expression was even more unnatural.

"Hehe." Liu Xu chuckled, stopped the car, and turned to look at Nuo Lan, "How is it here? Eating barbecue and beer is also a kind of enjoyment in this weather. I don't know if you like it. If you don't like it, we will Change one."

Nuolan looked out the window. Sure enough, there was a barbecue stall nearby. Under the lighting, the owner was busy. It seemed that the business of this barbecue stall was not bad.

"Well, here it is!"

Nuo Lan nodded, her expression had returned to normal.


It has been a week since Liu Xu appeared on the show. Although Liu Xu and Nuo Lan have never met again in the following days, the two who have become good friends are still in constant contact.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here, 007?"

After returning from get off work, Liu Xu was still a few meters away from the door, and saw several faces pasted in front of the door, as if he was eavesdropping on something.

Those people were obviously taken aback when they heard the sudden voice behind them. Seeing that it was Liu Xu, they patted their chests and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing!"

Seeing everyone's reactions, Liu Xu became even more curious, and stepped forward to ask.

"Liu Xu, keep your voice down." Tang Youyou raised her index finger to her mouth, pulled Liu Xu over, and whispered, "It seems that Zhanbo made Yifei angry."

"Zhanbo made Yifei angry?" Liu Xu raised his eyebrows and said, "This should be impossible, and even so, why don't you try to persuade Yifei, why are you hiding here and gossiping?"

"Yifei is in a fit of anger, if he goes in, he will die!"

Since Hu Yifei caught mice alive in front of him, Lu Ziqiao began to have an inexplicable fear of Yifei, no, it should be Yifei who is erupting on a volcano.

It's no small matter for Yifei to get angry.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said!" Liu Xu chuckled and said, "Get out of the way, I'll go in and have a look."

Everyone stepped aside one after another, allowing Liu Xu to enter smoothly.

Liu Xu pushed open the door and saw that Lu Zhanbo was sitting on the sofa with his head down at this moment, silent, looking very aggrieved.

And his older sister, Hu Yifei, was at this moment with one hand on her hip and one finger on Lu Zhanbo, constantly reprimanding her.

"Tell me, what did you say back then, why do my junior high school classmates think I'm dead?"

"Yifei, what's the matter?" Putting down the briefcase, Liu Xu walked up to Hu Yifei and asked curiously.

"Liu Xu, you came just in time." Seeing Liu Xu coming back, Lu Zhanbo immediately stood up as if he had been bloodied, pulled Liu Xu aside and said, "Help me to persuade my elder sister, the old lady who was there back then You can't blame me entirely!"

"What happened to Yifei?"

"Crazy." Lu Zhanbo whispered in Liu Xu's ear.

"Go, did you say that about your sister?" Liu Xu smiled and punched Lu Zhanbo in the chest, walked up to Hu Yifei, sat down with her arms around her, and said, "Yifei, tell me, Zhanbo Why did he make you angry?"

"Ask him." Hu Yifei was obviously still angry, and gave Lu Zhanbo a hard look.

"I did what you said at the beginning!" Lu Zhanbo said unconvinced: "Look, that Du Yi hasn't come to look for you now!"

"That's because he thought I was dead. Why didn't you think of a better reason then."

"I also thought about other reasons at the time, but I was afraid that there would be flaws. This is the most straightforward, and it will be settled once and for all."


The conversation between the two siblings finally made Liu Xu understand what happened, and the familiar scenes gradually emerged in his mind.

"Okay, Yifei." Liu Xu put his arms around Hu Yifei's shoulders, stopping her from continuing: "It's not difficult to blame Zhanbo, he also wants to help you."

"That's it."

Seeing that Liu Xu was speaking for him, Lu Zhanbo quickly echoed, and by the way, he cast two grateful glances at Liu Xu.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2084 Hold a memorial service for yourself

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"I don't care about it. Anyway, Zhanbo, you have to deal with this matter for me, or see how I deal with you."

Seeing that Lu Zhanbo dared to ask Liu Xu to be his umbrella, Hu Yifei gave him a hard look.

"How can I solve it!"

Lu Zhanbo looked helpless, and if he was asked to work on computers and IT, he would be able to do it at his fingertips, and he would not hesitate to do so.

It's even harder to get him to deal with this kind of thing.

"You issue a classmate summoning order to Du Yi in my name. I want them to know that I, Hu Yifei, are still alive." Hu Yifei thought for a while and said to Lu Zhanbo.

"Would that work? Well, well, I'll do it."

Lu Zhanbo still hesitated, but was startled by Hu Yifei's look, and immediately agreed.

Early the next morning.

I saw Hu Yifei walking over with an angry face.

Lu Zhanbo and Liu Xu, who were sitting on the sofa and watching football, saw this look, and suddenly their nerves tensed.

"Lu Zhanbo, tell me why there are so many chrysanthemums in front of our door?" Hu Yifei said softly.

Even so, both Lu Zhanbo and Liu Xu knew that Hu Yifei was on the verge of breaking out.

"I did what you said." Lu Zhanbo hurriedly stood up and said.

"But why is there no one, only Chrysanthemum, are you talking nonsense again?"

"I don't have it." Lu Zhanbo looked aggrieved, "It's just that Du Yi repeatedly asked me what happened, and I just said something when I couldn't answer it."

"What did you say."

"I said, my sister misses you." Lu Zhanbo said in a low voice.


Liu Xu, who was drinking tea, finally couldn't help it when Lu Zhanbo finished speaking, and almost spit out a mouthful of tea.

Hu Yifei glared at him fiercely, pointed to Lu Zhanbo and said, "I don't care, you can help me call the meeting in my name.

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