A classmate reunion, I don't believe it, this shit can't be explained clearly. "

"Yifei, don't embarrass Zhanbo." Seeing Lu Zhanbo's helpless expression, Liu Xu finally said, "In the eyes of your classmates, you are already dead. No matter what the reason is, it is impossible for them to came."

"Then what do you say, do I have to admit that I am dead?"

Hu Yifei sat on the sofa, feeling sullen.

"I do have a solution, but I might wrong you." Hu Yifei's eyes lit up at Liu Xu's words, and he urged him to speak quickly.

"You can hold a memorial service for yourself."

"What?" Hu Yifei's originally excited eyes darkened again after hearing Liu Xu's method, "How can I hold a memorial service for myself?"

"Isn't your original intention just to prove to your classmates that you're not dead yet? In that case, no matter what the excuse is, as long as the classmates are summoned and you show up, won't everyone understand?"

This was originally Tang Youyou's idea, but now it is used by Liu Xu.

"Well... well, well, as long as my name can be restored, I will sacrifice a little bit!"

After much deliberation, only Liu Xu's method is the best one at present. After a little hesitation, Hu Yifei agreed, looked at Lu Zhanbo and said, "I will leave this matter to you. Remember, this If you don't do well this time, you know the consequences..."

Looking at Hu Yifei's slightly threatening eyes, Lu Zhanbo nodded hastily.


"What? Hu Yifei wants to hold a memorial service for herself?"

Seeing the invitation letter Liu Xu handed them, everyone exclaimed loudly.

"Keep down." Looking at the exaggerated expressions of everyone, Liu Xu hurriedly stopped: "Be careful to attract Yifei."

Hearing Yifei, everyone shivered.

"Liu Xu, what's going on, Yifei, how can she hold a memorial service for herself?" Guan Gu whispered mysteriously.

"Hey, it's a long story."

Liu Xu told everyone exactly what happened in the past two days.

"So it is."

His words finally let everyone understand the cause and effect of the matter.

"This is the first time for me to participate in the memorial service of a living person. It must be very exciting." Lu Ziqiao said excitedly.

"Liu Xu, is there any handsome guy at the memorial service?"

No matter where and what occasion, Chen Meijia is still interested in handsome guys.

Liu Xu: "..."

Two days later, with the efforts of Lu Zhanbo, Hu Yifei's memorial service finally ushered in.

In the hall, there is a "portrait" of Hu Yifei, and below the portrait is the chrysanthemum tree that Hu Yifei's classmates paid homage to.

There were people in black clothes and trousers everywhere, no need to guess, they were all junior high school classmates who came to see Hu Yifei.

Seeing each of his classmates crying in front of Hu Yifei's "portrait", Liu Xu could only feel helpless and even a little guilty.

Of course, it wasn't these classmates who attracted Liu Xu the most, but Lu Ziqiao, who was talking boastfully with Yifei's junior high school classmates, who could get along with everyone no matter what the occasion.

"Hey, Ziqiao, tell me, how do you feel at this time." Quietly approaching Lu Ziqiao, Liu Xu whispered beside her.

"Just one word, cool." Lu Ziqiao also said in a low voice: "You don't know, someone gave me money just now. He thought that I lent him money when I was in junior high school."

"It seems that your harvest this time is Tindo."

"That's right." Lu Ziqiao blinked at Liu Xu: "It's not thanks to the method you came up with, I'll treat you later, Malatang."

Liu Xu looked down on Lu Ziqiao fiercely, and hurried away, only to see a somewhat familiar man walking by him.

"Hey, Zi Qiao, do you know who that man was?" Liu Xu asked, pointing at the man.

"He!" Lu Ziqiao looked in the direction Liu Xu was pointing at, "His name is Du Yi."


Looking at the man who kept walking through the crowd with a white flower in his hand, Liu Xu nodded thoughtfully.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2085 Did you see Yifei's undead?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Sure enough, not long after that, Lu Zhanbo led Du Yi to a small room, and then there was a burst of exclamation.

"Hey, Du Yi." Looking at Du Yi who rushed out, Liu Xu shouted at him.

"?" Seeing someone calling him, Du Yi stopped immediately, saw a strange face smiling at him, and couldn't help asking: "You are?"

"Did you forget?" Just like Lu Ziqiao, Liu Xu pretended to be familiar with Du Yi, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I am Liu Xiaoxu, and I picked you up for homework back then."

Du Yi tried hard to think about it, and finally a look of enlightenment appeared on his face, and said: "So it's you, I remembered, by the way, listen to me, I'm a bastard, Yifei has nothing to do with me, That's it, really..."

After speaking, he wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu pulled him and said, "Did you see Yifei's undead?"

"You, you've seen it too?" Duy stammered, the scene he saw just now reappeared in his mind.

"Is that true?" Liu Xu shook his head, and suddenly leaned into Du Yi's ear deeply, and whispered, "But, I heard it from others, and, you know, what do they do after seeing Yifei's dead soul?" Is it okay?"

"Why, what's the matter?" Du Yi looked at Liu Xu with a look of horror and asked.

Seeing Du Yi like this, Liu Xuqiang suppressed the smile in his heart and said in a low voice, "In three days, they will all die."


Du Yi yelled loudly, his legs trembling constantly, he was so scared that he didn't realize that there were many loopholes in Liu Xu's words.

"What... what should I do?" Du Yi pulled Liu Xu's shoulders, as if Liu Xu was his life-saving straw, his voice became crying, "I don't want to die yet."

"Hey." Liu Xu patted Du Yi on the shoulder, sighed, and said, "I also heard that these dead people were all killed because they made rumors about Yifei behind their backs. Fei's undead are watching."

"Then what should I do?"

Du Yi held Liu Xu's hand with a look of asking for help. He believed that only this classmate who had no memory in his mind could help him now.

"Go and explain clearly to your classmates, and then ask Yifei for forgiveness. Maybe, in this way, you can get Yifei's forgiveness." Liu Xu said with a sigh.

"I see."

Seeing that there was still a sliver of hope, Du Yi suddenly felt his eyes light up. He hurriedly thanked Liu Xu, and then quickly rushed to the crowd to explain the matter to all the students.

"Liu Xu, what's wrong with him?" Lu Ziqiao also came over at this time, and seeing Du Yi's distraught look, he couldn't help asking in doubt.

"He, it's just a ghost in his mind, that's why he became like this. Why, looking at you like this, it seems that you have gained a lot today!"

"That's right." Lu Ziqiao nodded triumphantly and said, "It's the first time I participated in this kind of memorial service. I didn't expect the situation to be better than I imagined. I decided to hold a memorial service for myself."

Liu Xu looked at Lu Ziqiao suspiciously, and seeing that he was thinking, he couldn't help but sighed.

The memorial meeting can be said to be very successful. In the end, Hu Yifei finally showed up and explained the purpose of the memorial meeting to everyone, thus confirming the fact that she is alive.


Whether it is for students or office workers, weekends are very attractive.

After five days of hard work and two days of rest, there is no doubt that he can do some things he likes, such as sleeping in, going out, attending parties, etc., but for Liu Xu, what is better than sleeping in on Saturday morning It's more comfortable!

The cell phone rang suddenly, disturbing Liu Xu's dream. He looked unhappy, picked up the cell phone, and saw the word Nuolan on the screen.

"Nuolan is calling, what's the matter with her calling?"

Liu Xu shook his head to make himself more awake, and with curiosity in his heart, he pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Nolan."

Liu Xu spoke first.

"Liu Xu, sleep in if you didn't wake me up!"

There was a pleasant voice on the other end of the phone.

"How come?" Liu Xu said with a smile, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"It's like this. Tomorrow is my birthday. I thought, can you come to celebrate my birthday with me? Of course, if it's not convenient for you, then forget it."

"Accompany birthday?"

Liu Xu thought about it carefully, and said with a smile, "Okay, no problem, I'll come to your house tomorrow."

"Really?" Nuo Lan seemed a little surprised, but full of surprise: "I will contact you then."


"Then I'll hang up first, bye."


After hanging up Nuolan's phone call, Liu Xu lay down again, but he didn't feel sleepy anymore, his mind was full of the conversation between himself and Nuolan.

I understand the plot of the iPartment, and the characters of all the protagonists and supporting characters in the iPartment are very clear and understanding. In addition, I have an additional psychiatrist skill, so Nuo Lan is very clear about his feelings for him.

Although it has not reached the level where Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei are willing to give everything to themselves, Nuo Lan's dependence on Liu Xu is getting deeper and deeper. Today's phone call is a good proof.

It seems that I am really only suitable to be a young master. I found out that single-line operation and double-line operation are not my style. The thinking in my heart is getting more and more complicated. Liu Xu simply put the quilt on his head and didn't think about anything...

It was almost noon before Liu Xu came out of the room.

On the sofa, Qin Yumo looked at Liu Xu who kept yawning, and couldn't help but wondered, "Liu Xu, why do you look tired today?"

"I went to bed too late yesterday." Liu Xu went into the bathroom, came out ten minutes later, sat down beside Qin Yumo, and asked, "Where's Yifei?"

"She went to find his senior sister and said she won't be home for lunch." Qin Yumo said while lying in Liu Xu's arms.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

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