Chapter 2086 I Love You

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Then what are we having for lunch today? What about Guan Gu, Zi Qiao, and Yoyo?"

"They don't seem to be home either."


Liu Xu looked up to the sky and sighed, and stood up.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Liu Xu's actions, Qin Yumo asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's cooking." Liu Xu said as he walked towards the kitchen, "Aren't we still hungry!"

"Huh, you actually know how to cook?" Qin Yumo hurriedly followed behind Liu Xu as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Just because I don't cook, doesn't mean I can't." Liu Xu fastened his apron and scratched Qin Yumo's pretty nose, "Don't just stand still, come and be my assistant, I'll show you today, Chef Ben's culinary skills."


Qin Yumo responded with a smile, fastened his apron as well, and followed Liu Xu into the kitchen.

She was very much looking forward to how much shock this man who fascinated her would bring to her.

Looking at the table full of dishes on the dining table, Qin Yumo opened his mouth slightly, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

"Girl, why are you in a daze! Eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold."

Liu Xu kept rice for Qin Yumo all night, seeing that she was still in a daze, he couldn't help saying.

"Liu Xu, pinch me, am I dreaming?"

Qin Yumo looked at Liu Xu with beautiful eyes, as if he was still in a dream.

"Ah, why are you really pinching me!"

When Liu Xu put down the bowl and chopsticks, and pinched Qin Yumo's white arm fiercely without hesitation, she suddenly screamed and looked at him with resentment.

This is a woman who obviously asks you to do something, but after you do it, she blames you instead.

"You asked me to pinch it! I have always satisfied my baby's demands." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"I just can't believe that I can cook such a table of dishes."

Qin Yumo pouted, as if defending himself.

"Stop." Liu Xu crossed his hands and said, "I cook all the dishes here."

"Then I'll help too!"

"It's helpful, but it's not helpful."

Liu Xu swore that he would never let Qin Yumo enter the kitchen again. Thinking of the scene half an hour ago, the cold sweat on his back suddenly broke out again.

Seeing Qin Yumo looking at him with more and more resentful eyes, Liu Xu quickly handed her the rice in his hand, and said with a smile, "Try it quickly, there is also your own labor sweat in it!"

Qin Yumo took it from Liu Xu, picked up some rice with chopsticks, brought it to his mouth, chewed it slowly, and then said with a satisfied smile: "The rice made by myself is fragrant and sweet."

"Then you're trying this."

Seeing Qin Yumo's appearance, Liu Xu picked up the pork belly from the dining table and put it in Qin Yumo's rice bowl.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yumo frowned.

"Liu Xu, I don't like fatty meat."

Qin Yumo pointed to the layer of greasy fat on top of the lean meat, and said unhappily.

"If you don't eat fat, you will be successful."

"No, that's not a waste of food." Qin Yumo shook his head and refused.

"What do you want?"

"You help me eat the fat."

Qin Yumo said with a smile, as if the trick had succeeded.

Liu Xu couldn't laugh or cry, with a helpless expression on his face, he said: "Let me eat what you don't want to eat, what kind of reason is that, don't you know that I don't like fatty meat either."

Qin Yumo didn't eat Liu Xu's tricks at all, and said with a hum: "Do you despise what I eat?"

"How come? Think about it, the water you drank, half of the cake you ate, which one did I not eat? How could I dislike it!"

Liu Xu clasped his fingers and counted to Qin Yumo one by one.

"Then you can eat another piece of fat, hee hee."

Qin Yumo smiled and put the leftover fat into Liu Xu's bowl.

"A beauty is beautiful, but while enjoying the beauty, one must also enjoy the price of the beauty."

Liu Xu looked at the beautiful face in front of him, but now he thought of this sentence in his heart.

Looking at the piece of fat in the bowl, Liu Xu could only pick it up with chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

Seeing Liu Xu's actions, Qin Yumo, who was smiling, now smiled even more intensely.

"I love you, Liu Xu."

Liu Xu, who was chewing greasy meat, was obviously taken aback when he heard Qin Yumo's words.

After a long time, he smiled and said, "I love you too, Yu Mo."

It took nearly an hour for a lunch to be successfully completed under the sweet love of Liu Xu and Qin Yumo.

After washing away the dishes and chopsticks, the two sat on the sofa after eating very satisfied. Qin Yumo lay his head on Liu Xu's lap, squinting his eyes, enjoying this rare quiet time very much.

"Yu Mo, you said you want to give a girl a gift, what should I give?" Liu Xu asked suddenly, stroking Qin Yumo's soft long hair and remembering Nuo Lan's birthday tonight.

"What? You want to give a girl a gift!" Qin Yumo straightened up, putting his arms around Liu Xu's neck, "Who is it?"

"Just a friend." Liu Xu said with a smile: "Today is her birthday, you invited me to her birthday party, you can't let me go there empty-handed!"

"Is it really as simple as just friends?"

Qin Yumo looked suspiciously at Liu Xu, as if he didn't believe what he said.

"Otherwise what do you think!"

Liu Xu smiled and scratched Qin Yumo's nose, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Okay, I believe you." Qin Yumo slapped Liu Xu's big hand that was making trouble on her, and said after thinking for a while: "Of course girls like bags, cosmetics, diamond rings, necklaces and other things, but , since it’s just a friend, then it’s definitely not appropriate to give a diamond ring, and you can just give it whatever you want among bags, cosmetics, and necklaces.”

"That's it!" Liu Xu nodded thoughtfully, then pecked Qin Yumo's lips suddenly and said, "Thank you, Yumo."


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2087 Candlelight Dinner

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


It was night all of a sudden, and Liu Xu drove his Porsche towards Nuolan's residence.

A few days ago, I sent Nuo Lan home once because of a program, so there was almost no difficulty, so the car stopped at the downstairs of Nuo Lan's residence.

Picking up the birthday cake and presents around him, Liu Xu opened the car door and got out of the car, and walked upstairs.

"Ding dong!"

He rang the doorbell, and soon a familiar voice came from inside the house.

Nuolan opened the door, and when she saw Liu Xu's smiling face, she was pleasantly surprised, and said, "Why are you here, and you didn't call me, so I can go down and pick you up."

"Where is it so troublesome." Liu Xu said with a smile: "I know your address, so I will come directly, promise, happy birthday."

Liu Xu handed the cake and gift to Nuo Lan.

"Thank you." Nuolan took it with a smile, stepped aside, and said, "Come in!"

Liu Xu nodded and walked in.

The place where Nuo Lan lives is not very big, but under her arrangement, it looks very warm.

"What would you like to drink, coffee or?"

"Don't bother, a glass of water will do."

Sitting on the sofa, Liu Xu watched Nuo Lan busy entertaining him, and hurriedly dissuaded her.

Nuolan was no longer polite, poured a glass of water and put it in front of Liu Xu, then sat down beside him.

"Didn't it say you celebrated your birthday? Why am I the only one?" Liu Xu looked around, making sure that there were only himself and Nuo Lan, so he looked at Nuo Lan and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"I don't know many people here, and the only one who has a good relationship is you, Zeng Xiaoxian and Lisa Rong, but Xiaoxian and Lisa Rong can't come here because of something, so of course you are the only one here, why are you scared? ?” Nolan said with a smile.

"How can you be afraid." Liu Xu picked up the teacup on the coffee table, took a sip and said, "It's impossible for you to eat me. I'm telling you, if you want to eat, I will eat you!"

Nuolan couldn't hear Liu Xu's pun, the blush flashed across her face, she rolled her eyes at Liu Xu and said, "I thought you were a good person, but I didn't expect you to be like other men, with a flamboyant gut .”

"Without fancy intestines, is he still a man?"

Liu Xu didn't feel ashamed either, and stared at Nuo Lan as if he wanted to see through her.

"I... I'm going to serve the dishes."

Finally, as a girl, Nuo Lan still couldn't resist Liu Xu's scorching eyes, so she hurried into the kitchen with the pretext of serving dishes.

And Liu Xu, who had achieved the purpose of molesting Nuo Lan, finally couldn't help laughing.


Nuo Lan's cooking skills are very good. Compared with Qin Yumo, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground. No, it should be in hell.

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