Liu Xu believes that if a man marries Nuo Lan, he will be taken care of by her for nothing.

Looking at the exquisite dishes on the table, Liu Xu suddenly got an appetite, and he reached out to grab the delicious food on the plate.

Unexpectedly, Nuo Lan's hands were faster than his, and before he succeeded, Nuo Lan's slender hands patted him off, saying: "How old are you, don't you know you have to wash your hands before meals?"

Liu Xu stood up with a grin, and walked towards the bathroom.

A glass of wine before a meal is a great enjoyment. When Liu Xu came out of the bathroom, Nuo Lan already had an extra bottle of red wine in his hand and said, "It's not very good red wine, let's just drink it!"

"It's okay, as long as you can drink it." Liu Xu sat down at the dining table again indifferently, watched Nuo Lan opening the red wine, and couldn't help laughing: "I think there seems to be something missing here."

"Huh? What is it?" Nuo Lan raised her head curiously, looked at Liu Xu and asked.

"Candles, with candles, it becomes a candlelight dinner, haha."

"It seems to be right." Nuo Lan nodded and said, "But you are not afraid that your girlfriend will know that you are having a candlelight dinner with a girl?"

"Today is your birthday, I don't think she would mind." Liu Xu said with a smile.

In fact, that's all he said, and he didn't expect Nuo Lan to take it seriously. However, candlelight dinners are just candlelight dinners, no one knows anyway.

Nuolan took a deep look at Liu Xu, seeing that he wasn't joking, she put down the red wine in her hand, said, "I'll go find candles," and left the dining table.

"Hey, at least you opened the red wine and are looking for it!"

Behind Nuo Lan, Liu Xu's helpless voice came.

"Help me open it!"

Nuolan looked for the candles in the drawer without looking back.

Liu Xu had no choice but to take the red wine, turn it with the corkscrew, and then give it a hard push, the cork of the red wine was pulled out.

"Okay, I found it."

When Liu Xu opened the red wine, Nuo Lan had already walked over, holding a white candle in her hand.

"Fortunately, I have been storing candles for fear of power outages. I didn't expect to be able to use them today."

Nuolan was obviously very happy. After lighting the candle and putting it in the middle, she also sat down, looked at Liu Xu opposite and said, "Okay, don't you want to eat it very early, why don't you try my handicrafts?" Sample."

Hearing this, Liu Xu picked up the chopsticks without hesitation, picked up the plate of shredded pork with green peppers closest to him, put it in his mouth, and chewed slowly.

"How does it taste?"

Nuo Lan asked impatiently, with a trace of expectation in her expression.


"The cloud is so high, the eyebrows are trimmed and beautiful. The red lips are bright outside, the white teeth are fresh inside, the bright eyes are good at gazing, and the power is supported. The posture is magnificent and elegant, the appearance is quiet and the body is leisurely. The tenderness and charm are charming to the language. Like the picture."

During the Three Kingdoms period, the Luoshen Fu created by Cao Zhi can be said to be well reflected in Nuo Lan today.

Seeing Nuo Lan watching him eat, but he was staring at him with his chin resting on his cheeks, even Liu Xu was thick-skinned, he felt very uncomfortable at this moment.

"Why do you just watch me eat? Don't you want to eat?" Liu Xu put down his chopsticks, looked at Nuo Lan and asked.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2088 Nuolan can score ninety-nine points

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Ah..." Perhaps thinking about something, Liu Xu's words suddenly awakened Nuo Lan, and Nuo Lan picked up the chopsticks and said, "Eat, of course."

Seeing that Nuolan finally took a bite of the dish, Liu Xu picked up the chopsticks again and began to sweep the delicacies on the table.

"Phew... I'm finally full."

Half an hour later, the food on the table was swept away by Liu Xu, he burped in satisfaction, patted his slightly protruding stomach, gave Nuo Lan a thumbs up and said, "Nuo Lan, what did you do? The dishes are really good, and although the dishes I cook are delicious, they are absolutely top-notch with you."

"You can also cook?"

Nuo Lan just smiled at Liu Xu's admiration for her, but she was quite surprised when Liu Xu said that she could cook.

As if sensing Nuolan's suspicion, Liu Xu said with a smile: "I will have a chance some other day. I will cook myself and let you taste my cooking skills. Don't be surprised then!"

"Then it's settled." Nuo Lan said with a smile, with a hint of expectation in her expression.

A table of dishes and a bottle of red wine were borne by the two of them, but both Nuo Lan and Liu Xu felt faintly drunk.

"Let's eat cake!"

After the two of them cleared up the tableware, Nuolan took out the cake that Liu Xu gave her, put it on the table and said.

"Although I'm already full, today is your birthday, so I still have to eat this birthday cake."

As Liu Xu spoke, he inserted birthday candles for Nuo Lan.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

Under the light of the candlelight, Liu Xu softly sang a birthday song for Nuo Lan.

"Make a wish!"

The singing stopped, looking at Nuo Lan who was still staring at the cake in a daze, Liu Xu said with a smile.

Nuo Lan nodded, holding her hands in prayer, closing her eyes, muttering words, but because she didn't make a sound, Liu Xu didn't know, and didn't want to know what Nuo Lan wished.

"Congratulations on being one year older."

Seeing Nuo Lan open her eyes and blow out the candle, Liu Xu said.

Nuolan rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily, "It's one year old, I'm almost three years old, and I'm still single now, we women are no better than you men, after thirty, it's easy to get old."

"Then quickly find one. There are many good men in this world." Liu Xu took the knife with a smile, cut a piece and handed it to Nuo Lan, saying, "Happy birthday."

"Thank you."

Nuolan took the cake, looked at Liu Xu complicatedly, and sighed secretly.

"Liu Xu, what do you think of me?"

Nuo Lan, who was sipping the cake, suddenly raised her head, looked at Liu Xu, and said seriously.

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Very good! You are beautiful, considerate, and can cook. Even if you don't have [-] points, you still have [-] points in my heart."

"Then Liu Xu, if I met you earlier, would you be my boyfriend?"

Looking into Liu Xu's eyes, Nuo Lan hesitated for a moment, and finally said this sentence.

"If, I met you earlier, would you be my boyfriend?"

Nuolan's words were like a nail, firmly nailed into Liu Xu's heart.

"Is she implying something to me? No, this should be an explicit indication!"

At this time, Liu Xu seemed to have a deer jumping around in his heart, but on the surface, his expression was still calm.

"Nuolan, you should know that I already have a girlfriend."

Liu Xu put down the cake in his hand, and looked seriously at Nuo Lan who was also staring at him.

"I know, that's why I said 'if', Liu Xu, can you give me an answer?"

"I think, it should be!"

Liu Xu thought about it carefully, nodded and said, anyway, it's just if, no matter if it's true or false, as long as the beauty in front of him is happy.

Sure enough, after Liu Xu bit by bit admitted, Nuo Lan had a smile on his face, left his seat, took out another bottle of wine from the wine cabinet and said, "I'm happy today, Liu Xu, let's continue drinking."

"This...isn't very good, I'll still be driving later!"

Liu Xu hesitated, looked at the bottle of wine in Nuolan's hand, and suddenly widened his eyes, is it still white?

"It's okay, you've been drinking just now, and it's not safe to drive, you can just take a taxi later! Today is my birthday, can't you let me go?"

Returning to the seat again, Nuo Lan looked at Liu Xu and said softly.

With that look, Liu Xu couldn't bear to refuse, so he nodded and said, "Today is your birthday, you are the biggest."

Only then did Nuo Lan smile again, opened the bottle, poured half a glass to Liu Xu and said, "This wine is not high in alcohol, let's toast?"

"it is good."

Liu Xu is also a straightforward person. Since he promised Nuo Lan to stay and drink, he would not care about such small details. He picked up the glass half filled with white wine in front of him, drank it all in one gulp, and turned the glass down after drinking. He poured it down, indicating that he had finished drinking.

"Good drink."

Nuo Lan sighed in admiration, picked up the wine glass in front of her, and drank it down in one gulp.


The two of you had a drink, and soon they drank the whole bottle of white wine. Looking at the two of them at this time, Nuo Lan's face was already flushed, and she was unconsciously muttering something. what.

On the other side, Liu Xu's condition was not much better. Although he was still conscious, he could still feel uncomfortable all over his body.

"I, I need to go to the bathroom."

Liu Xu, who was trying to wake himself up, raised his head when he heard Nuo Lan's voice suddenly, and saw that he was about to stand up unsteadily.

"Hey, be careful."

Seeing that Nuo Lan was unsteady and about to fall to the ground, Liu Xu hurriedly got up and supported Nuo Lan, so that she didn't fall to the ground.

"I, I need to go to the bathroom."

Leaning on Liu Xu's shoulder, Nuo Lan still said this sentence.

"Okay, I'll take you to the bathroom."

Liu Xu had no choice but to support Nuo Lan and walked carefully towards the bathroom.

However, what he didn't expect was that more helpless things were yet to come.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

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