Chapter 2089 Things A Man Should Do

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In the bathroom, watching Nuo Lan, who was unconscious, sitting down on the toilet seat, Liu Xu had a headache, how could he go to the toilet like this!

Could it be that he had to take off her pants by himself? Liu Xu was in a dilemma.

Just when Liu Xu was still thinking about what to do, Nuo Lan stood up and bumped towards him.

Liu Xu, whose physical condition was not much better than Nuo Lan, was knocked to the ground immediately, and Nuo Lan, who lost his support, was also unstable and fell directly on Liu Xu's body.

I don't know if it was arranged by the heavens, but what's more, at this time, the lips of the two were tightly pressed together.

Liu Xu felt that God was just joking with him. He remembered that the first kiss with Qin Yumo last time was also due to an accident, but this time, a similar scene happened again.

Although his consciousness was not particularly clear, Liu Xu still did what a man should do.

At that moment, Liu Xu picked up Nuo Lan and walked towards her bedroom.

Nuolan's bedroom is very delicately furnished, but at this time Liu Xu is not in the mood to appreciate it, and strode towards her bed...


Early the next morning.

When Liu Xu woke up, he found that Nuo Lan was no longer by his side, and his head still hurt a little, but thinking about what happened yesterday, he felt that the headache was still mild.

"Damn it, how could you not control yourself yesterday?"

Liu Xu scratched his hair in some annoyance, and when he turned his head, he saw that little bit of bright red on the quilt.

"It's over, it's a big disaster now, Nuo Lan doesn't know how much he should hate me."

Feeling anxious, Liu Xu got dressed and came to the living room.

"You're up! Wait for a while, breakfast will be ready soon."

Nuolan was busy in the kitchen, judging from what she said, she should be preparing breakfast for the two of them.

"Shouldn't be!"

Liu Xu frowned, according to the correct plot, Nuo Lan should have rushed out of the kitchen at this time, holding a kitchen knife, and roared at him: "Liu Xu, you bastard, you actually tarnished my innocence. "

Then he defended himself and asked her forgiveness.

But what is the situation now?Could it be that Nuo Lan poisoned the breakfast so that she could kill people without being seen?

Forget it, don't even think about it, what should come will always come, Liu Xu shook his head, sat quietly on the sofa, waiting for the judgment to come.

"Come, eat and see if the breakfast I made suits your taste."

Not long after, Nuolan walked up to Liu Xu with breakfast, and after putting down the breakfast, Nuolan looked at Liu Xu with a smile and said.

Nuo Lan's performance made Liu Xu feel even more suspicious, and stared at Nuo Lan carefully, trying to find something on her face.

"What's the matter, is there something on my face?" Seeing Liu Xu staring at her, Nuo Lan asked suspiciously.

"No, nothing." Liu Xu hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Last night, we..."

"We were all drunk yesterday, what happened, let's treat it as a dream!"


Liu Xu looked at Nuo Lan seriously, and saw that he had an indifferent expression on his face, as if he really didn't care.

It's just that even if she acted realistically, as Liu Xu was an excellent psychiatrist, the flash of pain in Nuo Lan's eyes did not escape his eyes.

"Nuolan, you..."

Seeing the look in Nuo Lan's eyes, Liu Xu's guilt deepened.

He wanted to say something, but didn't know where to start.

"Okay, I won't say it all, is that a dream? Come, have breakfast."

Nuolan said with a smile, but that slight smile was so forced in Liu Xu's eyes.


Liu Xu didn't know how he got out of Nuo Lan's house. He was lying on the steering wheel with his heart full of thoughts, and the words Nuo Lan said kept spinning in his mind.

"It's just a dream."

"Hehe, a dream." Liu Xu smiled wryly and said, "Nuolan, thanks to you being the host of an emotional show, can a woman's chastity really be replaced by a dream? That nightmare?"

Although Nuo Lan can be happy in the end, the process is actually very important. Liu Xu doesn't want his woman to be wronged.

In desperation, Liu Xu had no choice but to drive the car back to the love apartment.

At this time, in suite 3601, Hu Yifei was sitting on the sofa, with Qin Yumo standing behind him, blinking at Liu Xu who was in front of Hu Yifei.

"I heard from Yu Mo that you celebrated your friend's birthday?"

Hu Yifei looked like a queen, staring into Liu Xu's eyes, which gave him a bad premonition.


Although he didn't know what happened, Liu Xu nodded and admitted.

"Still a girl?"


Liu Xu nodded again, but he glanced at Qin Yumo's direction, this little girl, why did she talk to Yifei about everything?

"Besides, you didn't come home last night."

Hu Yifei's words continued.

Liu Xu wiped off his cold sweat, this is the highlight!

"Yifei, I want to come back, but..."

Liu Xu just wanted to explain, but was suddenly interrupted by Hu Yifei: "Forget it this time, remember to come back early next time."

"So you're letting yourself go?" Liu Xu was surprised for a while, but suddenly Hu Yifei continued to say: "There must be a lot of people attending the party this time!"

Liu Xu suddenly understood that Hu Yifei thought that there were so many people at the party that he couldn't get away and go home, but if she knew that if the so-called party was only for herself and Nuo Lan, and there was an incident between them, Something that shouldn't have happened, I don't know what reaction and expression she will have.

But since she has misunderstood, let her misunderstand, it can be regarded as making a little contribution to the world, no, to the safety of the apartment!

Thinking of this, Liu Xu immediately felt better.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2090 Your Moon My Heart

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


After continuing to chat with Hu Yifei for a few words, Hu Yifei left. These days, she followed behind her senior sister, busy, even on weekends.

Liu Xu was worried that if things went on like this, Hu Yifei might become the second Du Qianqian.

"How about it? Yesterday's party was good, right? If you're so happy, you won't go home."

After Hu Yifei left, Qin Yumo stepped forward with a smile and said to Liu Xu with a smile.

"Little girl, you are really getting more and more naughty." Liu Xuke still remembered that Qin Yumo had betrayed him, so he pulled himself into his arms, flicked her head, and said, "Say, you What did you say to Yifei?"

"I didn't say anything!" Qin Yumo said aggrievedly: "Yifei asked where you are, of course I have to tell her, otherwise, why do you think you didn't receive a call from Yifei yesterday? Credit."

Liu Xu thought about it carefully, and it was true that as Yu Mo said, he did not receive a call from Hu Yifei, so he put on a smile, pinched her pretty face and said, "Thank you so much, Feather ink."


Time, nearly a month has passed since what happened to Liu Xu and Nuo Lan.

Although Nuolan said that it would be good to treat that night as a dream, but for Liu Xu, this requirement was too high and he couldn't do it.

Several times, he wanted to call Nuo Lan, but facing the phone screen, he didn't know what to say, where to start, until today...

"Hey guys, I have good news for you."

Downstairs in the bar, everyone was gathering together, bragging, playing cards and drinking, only to see Zeng Xiaoxian walking over excitedly and shouting to everyone.

His expression looked like he had won five million dollars.

"What's the matter, Mr. Zeng, I'm making you happy."

It was rare that Lu Ziqiao didn't go out to pick up girls, and was flipping through a fashion magazine boredly, when he heard Zeng Xiaoxian's words, he immediately raised his head and looked at him with interest.

"I, I'm going to be on TV." Zeng Xiaoxian said excitedly: "I never thought that since that incident, I would actually have a day to be on TV."

The incident Zeng Xiaoxian mentioned was the traffic jam on the elevated highway.

"Hey, Teacher Zeng, what show are you on this time?"

While drinking the drink, Tang Youyou also highlighted her own problems.

"Of course it's 'Your Moon, My Heart'." Zeng Xiaoxian explained: "The radio station is preparing to launch a special TV program, and I will be the host."

"No!" Lu Ziqiao asked suspiciously, "Aren't there two hosts in your show? Where's Nuo Lan?"

Speaking of the name Nuolan, Liu Xu was obviously taken aback, and his ears immediately perked up.

"Nuo Lan is not suitable to be a TV host, so the radio station let me be on it!" Zeng Xiaoxian opened his mouth and said, but seeing everyone's disbelieving eyes, he finally admitted: "Okay, originally this program Nuo Lan's supporter is indeed Nuo Lan, but Nuo Lan said that she is not feeling well these days and is not suitable to be the host of the show, so I had no choice but to be on it."

"So, Mr. Zeng, you are just a substitute, and you couldn't get in the main election for some reason, so you got in."

Qin Yumo's words immediately aroused everyone's laughter.

Zeng Xiaoxian raised his eyebrows, obviously very dissatisfied, frowned and said: "Hey, what do you mean! At this time, shouldn't you congratulate me! You should know that I will be on TV soon."

"Yes, yes, yes." Liu Xu finally stopped smiling, and said to Zeng Xiaoxian, "This time I really want to congratulate you, Teacher Zeng."

"Look, look at Liu Xu." Liu Xu's words immediately made Zeng Xiaoxian feel elated, "Remember to watch my show, you must watch it."

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