"When is your show?" Chen Meijia asked.

"It seems to be two or three o'clock in the evening!"

Zeng Xiaoxian thought for a while, and said the time that made everyone exclaim.

"No, it's so late."

"Girls can't stay up late."

"I don't want to watch the show, I want to sleep."


Zeng Xiaoxian ignored everyone's protest and asked, "By the way, what about Zhanbo?"

"He hasn't shown up for a long time, he must be on a business trip!"

As Lu Zhanbo's older sister, Hu Yifei thought about it and gave a vague answer.

"Okay, remember to contact him and let him watch my brother Xian's show, it's awesome."

Looking at the lively look of the crowd, Liu Xu rarely participated in it. Now there are only two words in his mind: Nuolan.

"Perhaps, this is an opportunity."

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's cheerful appearance, Liu Xu secretly made up his mind.

"Xiao Xian."

Just as everyone was laughing and laughing, a familiar voice suddenly came from beside them.

"Hey, Nuolan, why are you here?"

When Liu Xu finally realized who the owner of the voice was, Zeng Xiaoxian had already stood up. Liu Xu looked up, and it was indeed Nuo Lan whom he had always wanted to see but didn't know whether he should see or not.

"You left me the host draft of the demo, and I'll send it to you."

Nuolan took out a document, handed it to Zeng Xiaoxian and said.

"Thank you!" Zeng Xiaoxian took the document and thanked Nuo Lan: "By the way, let me introduce you, these are my roommates, Meijia, Yoyo, Yifei, Yumo, Ziqiao, Liu Xu, you know each other .”

"Hello everyone." Nuo Lan waved to everyone, glanced at everyone one by one, and finally stopped on Yifei and said: "You are Liu Xu's girlfriend Yifei, Liu Xu told me about it .”

"Why does he talk about everything?" Yifei rolled his eyes at Liu Xu beside him, and continued, "Nuolan, you have made us suffer, and you still have to watch the live broadcast in the middle of the night."

"Xiaoxian's first time!" Nuo Lan said with a smile, "I will watch it too."

"Then why not, let's all be together! Anyway, you are alone, one more person, one more excitement!"

Chen Meijia cried out suddenly, with an excited look on her face.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2091 Boundary Creation Mountain

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"This is not good!" Nuo Lan hesitated a little, "I still have something to do at home, so I don't want to disturb everyone."

"What is so important!" Zeng Xiaoxian also began to persuade: "Let's put aside the big deal, now, my biggest thing is, isn't it, Liu Xu, hey, Liu Xu..."

"Ah?" Liu Xu didn't know what he was thinking about. After Zeng Xiaoxian called him several times, he finally came to his senses and said, "Well, yes, yes, yes..."

The crowd also persuaded Nuo Lan one after another, and under the kindness of the crowd, Nuo Lan had no choice but to agree.


Time flies, and soon it is two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Just like the plot, amidst the exclamation of everyone, Lu Zhanbo appeared in front of everyone with a big box on his back.

"Hey, Zhanbo, aren't you on a business trip?" Hu Yifei looked at her younger brother in front of her, and couldn't help asking suspiciously.

"Business trip?" Compared to Hu Yifei, Lu Zhanbo was obviously more puzzled, "I'm not on a business trip, I've been staying in the room all the time, didn't you guys notice?"

Except for Liu Xu, everyone else shook their heads.

"Hey, forget it." Lu Zhanbo didn't want to worry about such trivial matters any more, and said to everyone: "I'll let you see, I've retreated for a week and created a great career."

After speaking, Lu Zhanbo opened the box he was carrying, and introduced: "This is the latest desktop epic masterpiece I developed, and I even gave it a nice name, the fission of the earth that opened the world."

Afterwards, Lu Zhanbo introduced the game rules of this board game to everyone, but this game is so profound that even Liu Xu, who has a high IQ, was still at a loss after listening to Lu Zhanbo's introduction.

"How about I tell you again?"

Lu Zhanbo's words made everyone break out in a cold sweat.

"Zhanbo, today we only need to watch your teacher Zeng's show, your game, why don't we play it another day! Look, Teacher Zeng has come out." Tang Youyou pointed to Zeng Xiaoxian who had appeared on the TV.

As Liu Xu expected, not long after Zeng Xiaoxian appeared on the screen, the entire suite was plunged into darkness due to a power outage.

The candles that Chen Meijia found finally restored the light to the suite, and Hu Yifei also found out the news. It was a fault that caused a power outage in his building, and it would not be restored until tomorrow.

"It seems that I can't watch it with everyone." Nuo Lan stood up and said, "I see, I'd better go first!"

"How can we do that?" Chen Meijia immediately shouted: "You go home alone, we are so relieved! Although we can't watch Mr. Zeng's show, we can play Bajie Mountain in Zhanbo."

"It's Chuangjie Mountain." Lu Zhanbo corrected him from the side.

"It's all the same." Chen Meijia waved her hand and said, "Let's just play with this."

With everyone's echo, Nuo Lan, who had already got up, had no choice but to sit down again.

Except for Zi Qiao, the rest of the people started the game under the command of God Lu Zhanbo.

"Congratulations Nuolan, you got a chance to tell the truth." After Nuolan rolled a six, Lu Zhanbo immediately took out a stack of cards from his side, and read to one of the cards: "Ask, recently Didn’t something happen that you will never forget? If so, please tell me what effect it has on you.”

Nuo Lan pondered for a while, then quickly glanced at Liu Xu and said, "Yes, but I just regard it as a dream."

Liu Xu, who was sitting next to Nuo Lan, couldn't help but secretly smiled wryly after hearing Nuo Lan's words again.

"Congratulations, Nuolan, you got five ingots for your honest answer."

With that said, Lu Zhanbo took five ingots and handed them to Nuo Lan.

The game continued, and with the passage of time, Liu Xu, who knew nothing about this game, finally gradually understood the gameplay of this game, and the battles in the game became more and more fierce.

"Congratulations, Nuolan, you have obtained the right to transfer a big adventure. The content of the big adventure is: let the residents of the opposite building switch the channel to Mr. Zeng's program. Now, Nuolan, you will decide to transfer this big adventure Who will complete the adventurous task?"

Nuo Lan looked towards everyone, and saw that the people whom Nuo Lan's eyes swept over all lowered their heads to avoid Nuo Lan's gaze.

After all, no one wants to complete such a thankless adventure.

"Then, I choose..." Nuo Lan's eyes finally stopped. I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Nuo Lan pointed to Liu Xu with a smile and said, "Liu Xu, I will do it for you!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Liu Xu, "Liu Xu, I am optimistic about you, you will succeed."

"Liu Xu, you go!"


But Liu Xu opened his eyes wide, looked at Nuo Lan and said, "Are you sure you want to choose me?"

Nuo Lan nodded and hummed, indicating that Liu Xu heard correctly.

"Then don't blame me." Liu Xu said while drawing a card from his own card and said, "Look at the card that I will die together."

"Liu Xu has used the card of perish together, now, Nuolan, you must complete the big adventure with Liu Xu." Lu Zhanbo's words sounded appropriately.

Nuo Lan obviously didn't expect that Liu Xu would still have a backup. After a brief moment of stupefaction, she also pulled out a card and said, "Look at my invulnerability."

"Nuolan played the invulnerable one, and Liu Xu's death card didn't do any harm to Nuolan, so Liu Xu, you still have to complete the big adventure alone." Lu Zhanbo said.

"Who said I won't fight back?" As soon as Lu Zhanbo's words fell, Liu Xu sneered, took out a card from his hand again, threw it out, and said, "I'm also invulnerable."

Hu Yifei opened his eyes wide.

Tang Youyou's eyes widened.

Even Lu Ziqiao, who did not participate in the game and chose to watch, opened his eyes wide.

Everyone's eyes widened in an instant.

Isn't it just a game, a big adventure? Why does it give people a feeling of confrontation.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2092 Another Woman

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


After a long time, Lu Zhanbo, who is God and the referee, took a deep breath and said, "Liu Xu played impeccable, which surpassed Nuolan's invulnerability. Now, Nuolan, do you have any other cards that can affect Liu Xu? If No, then you and Liu Xu will complete this big adventure together."

Nuolan looked at the cards in her hand, shook her head and said, "I don't have any."

"Then, congratulations, you will complete this great adventure with Liu Xu, and you have seen the location of the building opposite. We are waiting for your good news."

Liu Xu and Nuo Lan sighed at the same time, put down the cards in their hands, and walked out of the room under the booing of everyone.

The two just walked one after the other, neither of them opened their mouths to speak, and suddenly there was an atmosphere called embarrassment in the air.


Just when Liu Xu was thinking about how to break the situation, Nuo Lan's exclamation suddenly sounded from beside him.

"What's the matter, Nuo Lan?" Liu Xu quickly walked up to Nuo Lan, and saw that she was squatting down, fiddling with her right foot.

Because of the power outage, the two of them didn't choose the elevator to go downstairs, but went to the dark stairs. Now that Nuo Lan looked like this, Liu Xu didn't need to understand that Nuo Lan's foot was twisted.

"How are you, are you alright!"

Liu Xu also squatted down, wanting to see Nuolan's situation at this time.

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