"I am fine."

Nuolan glanced away, said in a low voice, and then put her hands on the railing, trying to stand up.


Before she could stand up completely, Nuo Lan felt a pain in her ankle and almost fell to the ground again.

"Be careful." Liu Xu held Nuo Lan in his arms, frowned and said, "If it doesn't work, don't force yourself. I'll carry you upstairs. I'll take the big risk and come alone."

"Who said I can't do it anymore." Nuo Lan said stubbornly, twisting her body, trying to break away from Liu Xu.

"Are you still blaming me for what happened last time?" Liu Xu couldn't make her wish come true, he held Nuo Lan's body tightly, put his head next to Nuo Lan's ear, and said softly.

Nuolan shook her body, then calmed down, and said, "Didn't I say that what happened that day was just a dream, and we were both responsible for that night, but the main responsibility lies with me, I shouldn't drink So much wine."

"No, I don't blame you." Liu Xu hugged Nuo Lan's hand tightly, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't be so impulsive."

"Liu Xu, we are all grown-ups, and it's meaningless to say these words now." Nuo Lan said with a sigh.

"Then why are you avoiding me?"

Nuo Lan was taken aback by Liu Xu's words.

"How could I avoid you." Nuo Lan argued, "If I avoided you, would I still come here? Play games with you? Watch Xiaoxian's show together?"

"That's because you have no excuse, no excuse to refuse our invitation."

Liu Xu's words pierced Nuo Lan's heart like a knife.

That's right, what Liu Xu said was right, she really had no way to refuse, to refuse so many people to invite her together.

If she could, she didn't even want to face Liu Xu, not because she hated it, but because of a psychological entanglement.


The next day, the downstairs bar.

Liu Xu sat alone on the bar counter, slowly drinking the Bingrui in his hand, with an absent-minded look, as if he had encountered some trouble.

"Hey, man, why are you alone in the bar today!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind him, Liu Xu turned his head and saw that it was Lu Ziqiao.

"It's you, Ziqiao." Liu Xu smiled slightly and said, "Would you like a drink? I'll treat you."

"That's good!" Lu Ziqiao sat down beside Liu Xu and said, "Why, you look so absent-minded, do you have something on your mind? Did you quarrel with Yifei? Let me tell you, this woman has to be coaxed, If you make her happy, she won't be angry with you."

"But..." Lu Ziqiao paused, took a sip of the double drink that the waiter gave him, and continued: "Yifei is not an ordinary woman, if you piss her off, I think you should buy a gift , such as diamond rings, necklaces and the like, and then, plead guilty, so that maybe you have a way out."

Liu Xu looked at Lu Ziqiao's serious face, and said dumbfoundedly: "I said Ziqiao, I didn't say that Yifei was angry, and besides, Yifei is not as scary as you said!"

"Why not?" Lu Ziqiao almost jumped up from her seat and exclaimed, "Have you ever seen a girl who can catch a mouse alive? Oh my god, that's really terrifying. In fact, I really admire Liu Xu." Yours has not died in Hu Yifei's hands until now."

"Go, go." Seeing that Lu Ziqiao's words became more and more outrageous, Liu Xu suddenly laughed and scolded: "This matter has nothing to do with Yifei."

"Is that about another woman?" Lu Ziqiao asked in a low voice, adding an accent on the word 'another woman'.

Liu Xu hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Well, yes."

"Okay you." Upon hearing Liu Xu's confession, Lu Ziqiao suddenly seemed to have discovered a new world, patted Liu Xu on the shoulder and said, "I thought Liu Xu was very devoted to Yifei, but I didn't expect... Tsk tut, tell me, which girl is it?"

Liu Xu glanced at the excited Lu Ziqiao: "Is it necessary to tell you?"

"Of course." Lu Ziqiao nodded and said, "I, Lu Ziqiao, have never seen any girl, no matter if they are tall or short, thin or fat, as long as they are women, I can handle them."

Lu Ziqiao's words are true. Maybe this guy is not very good in other aspects, but he is indeed good at picking up girls.

Liu Xu pondered for a moment, and then said: "Then let me ask you, why does a girl not want to see you even though she has no prejudice against you?"

"Did you do something to offend her?" Lu Ziqiao asked.

"That's right!" Liu Xu sighed, nodded and said.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2093 I am a prodigal son

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"You and her, shouldn't it be that one?"

Lu Ziqiao blinked at Liu Xu ambiguously, with an expression that you understand.

"Quickly tell me why, where did all this nonsense come from?"

Liu Xu was expressionless, looking at Lu Ziqiao with a tone as if Lu Ziqiao would kill him if he didn't say anything.

Seeing Liu Xu's almost murderous gaze, Lu Ziqiao hurriedly raised his hands in surrender, and said, "Actually, as a psychiatrist, you should understand girls' thoughts more or less. According to the situation you just said , then it can only show that there are two reasons, first, because that girl doesn't care about you at all, so she is dispensable to you; But it makes you feel embarrassed, and according to what you just said, that girl has no prejudice against you, then it can only be said to be the second possibility, she cares too much about you. "

Lu Ziqiao's words made Liu Xu's mind suddenly enlightened a lot. He is a fan of the authorities, maybe he is a bystander, so he won't feel confused because of this.

In fact, as a man with a huge harem, Liu Xu has a lot of experience with women, but most of them have the aura of the son of time travel, so although there are small waves in the process, but in the end it is a happy ending, so I really say It seems that Liu Xu's ability to resist pressure is not stronger than that of Lu Ziqiao.

This is a man who has been defeated and defeated repeatedly. Compared with Liu Xu, the number of times he was splashed and slapped by women is completely like the existence of the Supreme God.

"Okay, Zi Qiao, I really didn't expect these words to come from your mouth."

After clearing away the fog in his heart, Liu Xu's mood immediately improved a lot. He patted Lu Ziqiao on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"That's because you haven't discovered the advantages of me at all. I have always believed that gold will always shine." Lu Ziqiao said triumphantly: "By the way, who is that girl you are talking about? I don't know who it is. Do you know him? Is it Yumo?"

Liu Xu ignored him and just drank the wine in his hand.

"My God, you wouldn't say that it's Hu Yifei's senior sister, Du Qianqian!" Seeing that Liu Xu didn't speak, Lu Ziqiao naturally pointed the character at someone else, "Liu Xu, it's really you who made a fool of that tigress Hu Yifei!" Said, even Tiger's senior sister hooked up, you are Wu Song's upper body, no, you are even more Wu Song than Wu Song."


Lu Ziqiao's words finally made Liu Xu couldn't help but spit out all the wine in his mouth. Looking at Lu Ziqiao, he said helplessly, "I said, Ziqiao, can you stop being so funny, the chance for me to meet Du Qianqian is impossible. Not to mention hooking, I am afraid that in Du Qianqian's eyes, the word hooking does not exist at all."

"You seem to be right." Lu Ziqiao rested his chin with one hand, with a pensive expression on his face, "Then who else would it be?"

"Stop, stop." Seeing Lu Ziqiao's serious expression, Liu Xu was really afraid that he would guess the person, so he hurriedly changed the subject, "Don't talk about me, let's talk about you. How are you and Meijia?"

Sure enough, when talking about Chen Meijia, Lu Ziqiao immediately shifted his thoughts and curled his lips: "Me and her? Liu Xu, don't be kidding. Chen Meijia and I have never been in touch with each other. What can I have to do with her?"

"Oh?" Liu Xu chuckled and said, "Are you serious?"

"Of course it's true." Lu Ziqiao quickly stated his position, "It's more real than real money."

"Meijia is a very nice girl." As if not hearing Lu Ziqiao's words, Liu Xu continued: "Although sometimes she can make her petty and nympho, but don't deny that she is a kind and good girl. I will help everyone, I will forgive all the mistakes made by the one I love, even if I am angry, I will prepare food for him...Zi Qiao, don't you feel it at all?"

"This... Liu Xu, you must know that I am a prodigal son."


Liu Xu shook his head. He really planned to bring Chen Meijia and Lu Ziqiao together. Originally, Liu Xu still had some ideas about the cute girl Chen Meijia, but after a period of contact, he found that this girl besides Lu Ziqiao, He really couldn't resist it, it was too shocking.

Moreover, unlike the Chen Meijia in the previous love apartment, the one in front of him is highly reductive and often makes people feel tender. Liu Xu feels that Hu Yifei, Qin Yumo, and Nuo Lan are enough for him. When Tang Youyou and Lin Wanyu are added when the height is full, life is really complete.


Time goes by, so fast that people can't react, and it's so slow that people can't help but complain.

Some people are always like this. Sometimes they hope that time can pass faster, but in some things, they also hope to be slower, and even hope that one second can do one minute.

The life in the iPartment is still so ordinary, but there is a trace of warmth in the ordinary, which brings a kind of affirmation and confidence to the future.

Since Nuolan came to the apartment that time, Liu Xu has never seen her again, not because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't see her.

According to Zeng Xiaoxian's words, these few days, Nuo Lan is always absent-minded when hosting the show, as if she has something on her mind.

Knowing this well, Liu Xu, after hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, even erased his plan to see Nuo Lan.

Perhaps, she needs to calm down and think about how to face this boy she obviously likes but can't get.

After midsummer, autumn is not far away, but in the apartment, something happened suddenly, which caused the temperature that had already dropped to rise again.

"What, Mika, are you pregnant?"

"You didn't tell us about such a big thing?"

"Whose is the child?"

Facing everyone's inquiries, Chen Mei lowered her head and played with the hem of her clothes, looking aggrieved, but hesitated to speak.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2094 This Is Love

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Tell me, Mika, whose child is it?"

Seeing Chen Meijia like this made everyone even more anxious.

Sitting beside him, Tang Youyou urged Chen Meijia to tell who the child's father was.

"Wait... I'll tell you when I think about it."

Maybe it was because of being rushed by everyone, or maybe it was because of a sudden increase in IQ by a percentage, Chen Meijia's answer made everyone stunned.

"This, you still have to think about it?" Guan Gu looked at Chen Meijia in a daze: "Could it be that there are many fathers of the child?"

"Shut up Guan Gu." Seeing Chen Meijia's sudden change of expression, Tang Youyou immediately winked at Guan Gu Miraculously, put both hands on Chen Meijia's shoulder and said: "Meijia, we just want to know who the father of the child is , he has to pay this responsibility, we, we have no other intentions, don't think too much about it."

"It's okay, Yoyo." Chen Meijia whispered, "Even if he is irresponsible, I will give birth to this child. The child is innocent."

"So, do you know who the father of the child is?" Lu Zhanbo asked.

Chen Meijia was silent, obviously, she didn't want to talk too much on this issue.

"You guys go out first, I'll talk to Meijia."

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