At this moment, Liu Xu, who had been sitting silently on the sofa, finally spoke.

Although he knew that Chen Meijia had no child in her stomach, he felt that talking to Chen Meijia at this time would be of great help to her, whether it was now or in the future.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu couldn't help but smile wryly. He himself was trapped in the quagmire of emotions, but he had to solve other people's emotional affairs.

"Okay, let's go out!"

Hu Yifei stood up, made a look at everyone, and walked out the door first, and the rest of the people followed. Although they were puzzled by Liu Xu's actions, but out of trust in Liu Xu, everyone still chose obey.

The room was suddenly empty because there were only two people left.

Chen Meijia looked at Liu Xu who was smiling at her, and said in her heart, "Liu Xu, what are you doing looking at me like that?"

"It's still the same question, whose child is it?" Liu Xu asked with a smile.

"I, I didn't say it, I will tell you when I think about it, now..."

"The child belongs to Zi Qiao, right?"

Just when Chen Meijia was still thinking of reasons to perfunctory Liu Xu, Liu Xu's words were like a bolt from the blue, making her stand there stupidly.

"It seems that I guessed it right." Seeing Chen Meijia like this, Liu Xu sighed, and said in his heart: "I didn't expect him to move so fast. It seems that Chen Meijia can only go to other worlds to find them. The world that has not collapsed The cousin from before, Chen Meijia, is pretty good, I don’t know if Hong Chao will keep it for me.”

"Who, who said it belonged to Zi Qiao, child, the child does not belong to him." Chen Meijia denied loudly like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

Ignoring Chen Meijia's almost out-of-control emotions, Liu Xu sat next to her and said softly: "Meijia, the child belongs to two people. You can not have the child's father, but the child needs his own father. When the child grows up, ask Speaking of your own father, what should you say?"

"I will tell him that his father is dead." Chen Meijia said without thinking about it.

Perhaps thinking that this reason is not realistic, Chen Meijia thought for a while and said: "Or, I told him that Dad has gone far away, and I don't know when he will come back."

Looking at Chen Meijia's innocent appearance, Liu Xu was really worried that if Meijia had a child, would she be able to take good care of her.

"Well, I don't know when I'll be back!" Liu Xu looked at Chen Meijia's lowering head and said, "Meijia, I don't understand why you can't tell Ziqiao that the child in his belly is his. Yes, are you afraid that he will not be responsible? Or are you afraid that he will not be able to accept this fact?"

"Liu Xu, do you know?"

Suddenly, Chen Meijia raised her head abruptly, looked at Liu Xu and said quietly: "Liu Xu, I'm really scared, I'm so afraid that Zi Qiao won't accept this fact. I know Zi Qiao too well, he loves to play by nature , He is not ready to be a father yet. I dare not even tell him that I am pregnant. Even now that he knows, I don't want him to know that the baby is his. I want to give birth to the baby alone. The child is innocent, I will raise the child alone, I will wait for him, when he is tired and ready to be a father, then I will say to the child: 'Look, that is your father, he is back'. "

These words came from Chen Meijia's mouth, and Liu Xu sighed heavily after hearing this, and said, "But it's really unfair to you."

Chen Meijia smiled wryly, and said: "Perhaps, this is God's punishment for falling in love with that bastard Lu Ziqiao. I don't know why I fell in love with him? He is so hearty, so lazy, so loving and kind." I quarrel, but I really don't know why there is always his shadow in my heart, no matter how I wave it, I can't shake it away. I try to forget him and tell myself that he is a bastard and he is not worthy of me. I even tried to like another person, Guan Gu in the past, and you Liu Xu later, but no matter what I did, that figure was still unable to leave. Liu Xu, tell me, why is this?"

Liu Xu took out a tissue, carefully wiped away the tears from the corners of Chen Meijia's eyes, and said softly: "Because, this is love. You pretended not to care about Zi Qiao, and even deliberately filled your mind with his shortcomings, but it cannot be denied , He has been deeply imprinted in your heart. Think about it, who appeared in front of you when you needed help the most? When you were most helpless and needed someone to talk to, who was it? Who is by your side? When you are being bullied, who is it, who will stand up, would rather be injured, and take back your most important thing... You say you don't care about him, but in fact, he is already An indispensable part of your life, Mika, face the facts, maybe, the reality is not as bad as you think."


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2095 Which girl do you like?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Really? Reality, is it really much better than what I saw?"

Chen Meijia lowered her head, muttering Liu Xu's last words.

After a long time, she raised her head, only to find that Liu Xu had disappeared by her side at some point.

In the empty suite, at this moment, he was the only one left.

"Liu Xu, maybe what you said is right, thank you."

Looking at the closed door, Chen Meijia's mouth finally drew an arc.


"How about Liu Xu, what did Mei Jia say, did she say who the father of the child is?"

As soon as they walked into suite 3602, everyone gathered around, leaning towards Liu Xu, asking questions, chattering.

"No matter how nervous you all look, and the child is not in your womb, Meijia is not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?"

Liu Xu sat on the sofa calmly, picked up the remote control, and turned on the TV.

"Liu Xu, what time is it? You are still in the mood to watch TV." Seeing Liu Xu's appearance, Tang Youyou became even more anxious, took the remote control from his hand, turned off the TV and asked, "What the hell is Mika doing?" What did you say?"

"Yuyou, don't worry." As expected of Liu Xu's girlfriend, seeing Liu Xu's indifferent look, she already understood seven or eight points, "Liu Xu, just tell everyone, how is Meijia?" gone."

"It's all right now." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Then did she say who the father of the child is?" Guan Gu asked miraculously.

"Although I didn't say it clearly, [-]% of the time, it can be determined that it belongs to Zi Qiao." Liu Xu took a sip of the water that Hu Yifei brought him, cleared his throat and replied.

"It really belongs to Zi Qiao." Hearing Liu Xu's answer, Tang Youyou was obviously not particularly surprised, as if he knew it in advance, and said: "I'll go find him right now, he should be at the bar at this time! "

"Hey, wait." Liu Xu hurriedly grabbed Tang Youyou.

"What's wrong with Liu Xu?" Seeing Liu Xu holding him back, Tang Youyou asked with a puzzled expression.

Liu Xu stood up and said, "Of course Ziqiao has to be found, but let me go! I can guarantee that even if you find Ziqiao and tell him that you are going to be a father, he will not believe you."

"Dare he?" Tang Youyou said loudly: "If he dares not admit it, I'll call my sister and tell her to teach him a lesson."

"It's too troublesome." Liu Xu said with a smile: "Let me go, I promise, let Lu Ziqiao come back obediently, and obediently take up the responsibility of being a father. Everyone, trust me?"

Hu Yifei also said: "Yuyou, just let Liu Xu go, don't you worry about what he's doing?"

Liu Xu looked at Hu Yifei with a smile and said, "My wife still understands me."

Hu Yifei gave Liu Xu a blank look, shook his fist in front of Liu Xu, and threatened: "But if you don't complete the task, be careful with your fist."

Looking at the two making fun of each other, Tang Youyou thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay then! Please Liu Xu, but if Ziqiao dares not admit it, I still have to tell my little aunt."

Liu Xu nodded and said, "Then Mika will be taken care of by you, remember not to provoke her, just treat her as usual, don't specialize, so that she won't get used to it."

Everyone nodded and reassured Liu Xu.

After explaining everything, Liu Xu also picked up his coat and walked towards the bar downstairs. Last time, Lu Ziqiao taught himself about love in the bar. Today, it's time for him to return it to him.

Downstairs under the bar.

Lu Ziqiao was drinking beer with a relaxed expression on his face, while peeking at the beauties around him so that he could make a move later.

"Zi Qiao, look at the beauty!"

Just when Lu Ziqiao was enjoying himself, Liu Xu patted his shoulder with one hand, startling him.

When Lu Ziqiao finally calmed down, when he saw Liu Xu behind him, he couldn't help complaining: "I said Liu Xu, come as soon as you come, why scare me?"

Liu Xu smiled, sat beside Lu Ziqiao, ordered a glass of juice, and asked with a smile, "How are you doing, which girl do you like?"

"Five o'clock direction." Speaking of the girl, Lu Ziqiao immediately recovered, and said in a low voice: "According to my observation, that beauty is at least a C, and, I have also asked, that woman is a doctor named Lily, subdue the temptation..."

"Meijia is pregnant." Liu Xu said suddenly.

"Oh!" Lu Ziqiao subconsciously groaned, and continued, "Let me tell you, this Lily is the beauty of their hospital, she...she...Liu Xu, you...what did you just say?"

"I said, Meijia is pregnant." Liu Xu took a sip of the juice served and repeated.

"This, how is this possible, Liu Xu, you must be joking!" Lu Ziqiao said with a smile.

However, in Liu Xu's eyes, this smile was very forced.

"Meijia has already admitted it, and everyone knows it too." Liu Xu looked at Lu Ziqiao and said word by word.

"Yes, is it? Whose child is it?" Lu Ziqiao forced a smile.

"It's a bastard." Liu Xu sighed, but seeing Lu Ziqiao standing up abruptly, he couldn't help being startled and said, "You, what are you doing?"

"I'll go to Meijia and ask who that bastard is. He must have bullied Meijia." Lu Ziqiao said loudly. The loud voice made some people in the bar look at Lu Ziqiao.

"Calm down." Liu Xu pulled Lu Ziqiao back again, smiled apologetically at the people around him, and continued to say to Lu Ziqiao, "Listen to me, okay?"

"Okay, you say."

Lu Ziqiao was obviously also aware of his extreme behavior, and drank the remaining half of the beer in the glass, took a few deep breaths, and gradually calmed down.

Seeing that Lu Ziqiao finally calmed down, Liu Xu continued: "Although it was a villain who made Mei Jia conceive a child, everyone said that she didn't blame him at all."


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2096 About you having an unclear relationship with a girl...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Not to blame?" Lu Ziqiao's eyes widened, "Is this girl out of her mind? After being bullied like this, she still says she doesn't blame that bastard?"

Liu Xu smiled slightly and said: "Because she said that he knew that guy was not bad in nature, and she didn't want to tell him because she was still waiting until he was tired from playing and was willing to be a father... She also said that she didn't want to tell him. Knowing why, she always wants to defend him in her heart. Although he is so annoying, she still can't help liking him... Zi Qiao, do you think that bastard is a bastard? A girl is willing to give everything, but he , but have been unable to face their own feelings."

Lu Ziqiao was silent and did not answer Liu Xu's words.

After a long time, he asked, "Meijia, is she okay?"

"Is Meijia good? You can go and see for yourself." Liu Xu chuckled, patted Lu Ziqiao on the shoulder and said, "Ziqiao, you have to face what you have to face. Maybe others don't know you very well. , but I understand that you won't let us down, you won't let Mika down, and you won't let yourself down, right?"

Lu Ziqiao took a deep breath, but the eyes that were originally blurred and undisciplined seemed extraordinarily bright at this moment.

He stood up and said to Liu Xu, "I'll go to Mijia and ask how to deal with this bastard."

Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment, seeing Lu Ziqiao's back getting farther and farther away and disappearing into the bar, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, "This guy is still stubborn at this time."

After drinking the remaining juice in one gulp, Liu Xu paid the bill and walked towards the apartment.

In suite 3602, except for Chen Meijia and Lu Ziqiao, everyone gathered together, chatting about Meijia and Ziqiao.

Seeing Liu Xu walking in, Tang Youyou was the first to say: "Okay, Liu Xu, I really have you, so I told Zi Qiao back."

Liu Xu smiled and asked, "Where's Zi Qiao?"

"It's next door, it seems to be looking for Mika." Hu Yifei pointed to the next door and said, "Tell me, what will happen to the two of them?"

Liu Xu sat down and said, "Meijia's pregnancy was something neither of them expected, but this time it happened, I think they should have good plans for the future, so it's a good thing!"

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