Several people were talking when they saw the door of the room next door opened suddenly. Lu Ziqiao and Chen Meijia came out from inside, and then walked into 3602. Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Chen Meijia was obviously a little embarrassed. Touched Lu Ziqiao.

"Ah? Oh, oh..." Lu Ziqiao was confused by Chen Meijia's actions, but under Chen Meijia's constant winking, she finally understood, looked at everyone and said, "Meijia and I are going to give birth to a child." .”


Hearing Lu Ziqiao's affirmative answer, and looking at the shy Chen Meijia, everyone immediately oh, stood up one after another, and congratulated Ziqiao.

"By the way, when will you get married?" Tang Youyou is worthy of being Lu Ziqiao's little aunt, and she has considered everything for her.

"Well, don't be in a hurry!" Lu Ziqiao glanced at Chen Meijia beside her, as if the two had already discussed it, "Meijia and I are going to give birth to a child first, and then get married."

"Is this okay?" Tang Youyou looked worried.

"Okay, you little aunt, don't worry!" Hu Yifei patted Tang Youyou's shoulder and said, "You should still care about yourself! I heard that Guan Gu is pursuing you?"

"This?" Speaking of this matter, Tang Youyou sighed, and glanced at Liu Xu: "I don't have feelings for him. Let's not talk about me, when are you and Liu Xu planning to get married?"

"Liu Xu's career is at a critical stage, how can he get married at this time."

A few people were noisy, and soon, the originally dull atmosphere became active again, and Chen Meijia even held Lu Ziqiao's arm. Seeing Lu Ziqiao looking at her, Chen Meijia smiled lightly.


Early the next morning.

Liu Xu was still asleep when he heard a knock on the door suddenly.

"Who is it!"

Liu Xu got up from the bed in a daze, opened the door, and saw Ziqiao standing in front of the door.

"Zi Qiao, what are you doing so early in the morning, I went to bed very late last night, and I'm trying to catch up on sleep!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu was about to fall back to his big bed.

"Liu Xu, stop talking, and accompany me to the hospital." Lu Ziqiao hurriedly grabbed Liu Xu and said.

"Hospital?" Liu Xu glanced at Lu Ziqiao suspiciously, "Why are you going to the hospital?"

"Isn't Meijia pregnant, so I'm going to take her for a pregnancy test today." Lu Ziqiao explained.

"Then you go." Liu Xu said lazily, threw off Lu Ziqiao's hand, fell on the bed, squinted his eyes and said, "I'm not an obstetrician, you are looking for the wrong person. .”

"I know you're not an obstetrician." Lu Ziqiao pulled Liu Xu up from the bed again and said, "I just wanted to have one more person and one more care. It's the first time I accompany someone to a pregnancy test. , it’s not clear at all.”

"Then you can also find Teacher Zeng, Zhanbo, and Yifei!"

"But who said we are brothers!" Lu Ziqiao pulled Liu Xu up from the bed again and said, "Are you going or not?"

"Don't go."

Liu Xu answered very simply, it was a rare Sunday, and of course he had to spend his most precious time on sleeping, but he stayed in the hospital all day, and he went after get off work?

Although the Department of Psychology is a special department, it is still a department of a hospital!

Five days in the hospital, Liu Xu didn't want to spend his days off in the hospital.

"You really don't want to go?" Lu Ziqiao asked again.

"Don't go."

"I seem to have heard someone say a few days ago that he has an unclear relationship with a girl... I think if you tell everyone this gossip, everyone will like it very much."

Lu Ziqiao didn't force Liu Xu, she was about to walk out while talking.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2097 Nuolan is pregnant with my child?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"and many more."

When Lu Ziqiao was about to step out of the room, Liu Xu suddenly sat up from the bed.

"What's the matter?" Lu Ziqiao turned around and said, with a smile on his face: "Did you suddenly feel that it would be better to follow me?"

Liu Xu gave him a hard look and said, "Wait for me."

With that said, Liu Xu quickly put on his clothes and walked to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, Liu Xu was driving his Porsche on the way to the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"Liu Xu, why did you come with us? Are you not feeling well?"

In the back seat, Chen Meijia looked at Liu Xu suspiciously and asked curiously.

Hearing Chen Meijia's words, Liu Xu immediately said angrily: "I'm going to do more good deeds early in the morning and send you to the hospital, so that some people can forget something."

"Oh, that's it, then thank you Liu Xu." Chen Meijia nodded and said, although she didn't understand what Liu Xu meant.

Chen Meijia's thanks made Liu Xu's originally unhappy mood a little better, but he despised Lu Ziqiao even more in his heart.

Chen Meijia's kindness and lack of scheming are in stark contrast to Lu Ziqiao's cunning to take advantage of.

Such a girl, if it wasn't for the fact that the longer we get along, the feeling will become weaker, and in the end there will be no feeling at all. Let her be with Lu Ziqiao, this bastard is really cheap.

Several people talked all the way, and soon they arrived at the gate of the central hospital.

Stepping on the brake, Liu Xu said to the two people behind him: "You go to the obstetrics and gynecology department first, and I'll come over after parking the car."

Chen Meijia nodded, and obediently got out of the car, but Lu Ziqiao looked suspicious, and said, "You won't leave us and go straight away!"

"Get out of here."

No matter how good Liu Xu's quality is, no matter how good his temper is, he finally cursed at this moment.

After parking the car in the hospital's parking lot, Liu Xu shook the key ring on his finger, and after asking where the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department was, he walked upstairs.

Different from other departments, most of the obstetrics and gynecology departments are pregnant women with their bellies on their stomachs, either by themselves or accompanied by family members, and their faces are full of joy of being a mother soon.

Liu Xu chuckled, and was about to look for Lu Ziqiao and Chen Meijia in the crowd, but suddenly found a familiar figure sitting alone in a corner.

"Why is she here?"

Liu Xu was puzzled for a while, and walked towards the figure curiously.

"Nuolan, why are you here?"

Standing behind Nuo Lan, Liu Xu asked aloud.


Apparently startled by the sudden sound, Nuolan turned around and saw Liu Xu looking at him with a smile on his face.

"I'm not feeling well, come to the hospital to have a look."

While Nuo Lan was talking, the registered book in her hand was secretly hidden behind her back.

"What's wrong with your health? Is it okay?" Liu Xu asked with concern.

Although the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, Liu Xu was still a little worried when Nuo Lan appeared here.

"It's nothing serious." Nuo Lan squeezed out a smile on her face, and then asked, "Why are you here? This is the obstetrics and gynecology department."

"Oh, I'm here with Ziqiao and Meijia." Liu Xu said.

"What's wrong with Meijia? She's not feeling well?" Nuolan asked.

"She's pregnant, and it's Ziqiao's child." Liu Xu said with a smile, "Today I acted as the driver and took them to the hospital."

"She's pregnant too?" Nuo Lan exclaimed.

"Why did you say 'also'?" Liu Xu wondered for a while: "Is there anyone else who is pregnant and wants to be a mother?"

"No, no." Nuolan shook her head quickly, the strange color on her face flashed, and explained: "There are so many pregnant women here, so I was surprised. I didn't expect that Meijia became a mother too. Congratulations." !"

"It's useless for you to congratulate me!" Liu Xu curled his lips and said, "I'm not the father of the child."

"Then do you want to be a father?" Nuo Lan looked into Liu Xu's eyes and asked.

Liu Xu sighed and said, "Even if you want to, the child's mother has to work hard!"

"Hehe." Nuo Lan said with a smile, "Okay, it's time for me, so I won't talk to you for now."

"How about I go in with you!" Liu Xu suggested.

"No need, I can do it alone." Nuo Lan quickly refused, "You should go to Ziqiao and the others, they should be waiting for you."

"Then let them wait!" Liu Xu said, thinking secretly, "Anyway, Meijia is not really pregnant."

"just forget it!"

Nuo Lan still wanted to refuse, and her face began to slowly panic.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

Seeing Nuolan's expression and what he said just now, even if Liu Xu was being stupid, he finally came to his senses, stared at Nuolan's beautiful face, and said seriously.

"No, I have something to hide from you."

Nuolan wanted to put out a smiling face so that Liu Xu could trust her, but found that this smiling face, at this moment, couldn't be smiled at all.

"Go, I'll go in with you."

Unable to explain, Liu Xu took Nuo Lan's little hand and walked into the outpatient room.

In the outpatient room, a female doctor about 40 years old was wearing a pair of glasses, looking at Nuolan's registration book with a serious expression.

"Is there anything unusual recently?"

After about a few minutes, the doctor finally put down the registration book and asked Nuo Lan in front of him.

"No, everything is fine." Nuo Lan said.

"Doctor, what happened to her?" Liu Xu, who stood aside for a long time, finally couldn't help asking the doctor.

The doctor's expression finally changed, he looked at Liu Xu in surprise, and asked, "Didn't you know she was pregnant?"


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