At the doctor's words, Liu Xu felt like he was being bombarded by five thunderbolts, and stood there blankly, his heart surging.

"Nolan is pregnant?"

"Nuolan is pregnant with my child?"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2098 It's Not Pregnancy, It's Flatulence

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The coffee shop downstairs in the hospital.

Liu Xu stirred the coffee, but his gaze stayed on Nuo Lan.

"Why are you keeping it from me?"

Finally, Liu Xu stopped stirring, but his gaze was still fixed on Nuo Lan.

Nuolan remained silent, keeping her head down, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Tell me, why are you keeping it from me?" Liu Xu growled in a low voice.

That's right, he was really angry. No one could bear it. He was obviously going to be a father, but he was kept in the dark.

"Tell you?" Nuolan finally raised her head, staring at Liu Xu's burning eyes without showing any weakness, "What's the use of telling you? I told you, you will give up Yifei and come to By my side? I told you, would you be willing to give up everything for the child in my womb, and live another life from now on?"

Liu Xu was silent. Nuo Lan was right, he really had no right to criticize her.

Rationally speaking, at this time, he really should confess to Yifei, confess his fault, and then discuss the next thing, but he dare not, Liu Xu is afraid that while hurting Nuolan, he will hurt Yifei again.

He also finally felt that it was time for this world to end.

"Nolan, I'm sorry."

After thousands of words, Liu Xu finally turned into a sigh.

"You don't need to say sorry, I did it voluntarily." Nuo Lan said softly, "I will give birth to the child and leave here."

"Leave?" Liu Xu looked at Nuo Lan in surprise, "Where are you going?"

"I didn't think about it either, but I'm going to a place where I won't bother you."

"It's impossible." Liu Xu stood up suddenly and said, "I won't let you leave me. The child needs a father, and I also need you."

"What about Yifei?" Nuo Lan asked.

"Let me think about it carefully." Liu Xu walked behind Nuo Lan, put his hands on her shoulders, bent down, and said softly, "I will figure out a way, Nuo Lan, trust me, okay?"


Liu Xu didn't know how he came to the bar in front of him. Along the way, his mind was full of conversations with Nuo Lan. He sighed and was about to walk into the bar when his cell phone rang suddenly.

Liu Xu took out his cell phone and looked at it. It was Zi Qiao calling.

"Hello, Ziqiao." Liu Xu answered the phone and said.

"I said Liu Xu, are you honest, did you really leave me and Meijia behind?"

On the other end of the phone, Lu Ziqiao's voice came. His tone was a little sad, but also a little helpless.

Hearing Lu Ziqiao mention it, Liu Xu remembered that he did not go to find Ziqiao and the others after he arrived at the hospital, so he couldn't help but apologize, "I'm sorry, Ziqiao, something happened to me, so..."

"Forget it, where are you now, I'll come to find you." Lu Ziqiao interrupted him.

"Now?" Liu Xu raised his head, looked at the name on the bar, and said, "I'm at Encounter Bar!"


It is called Encounter Bar, but it is very quiet inside. Unlike those bars that are only lively at night, Encounter Bar is actually a music bar, open 24 hours a day.

Not long after Liu Xu went in, Lu Ziqiao came to look for him. Seeing Liu Xu sitting alone on the bar, he also walked over.

"Why are you so fast?"

Seeing the person coming, Liu Xu couldn't help being a little surprised.

Lu Ziqiao expressed a little satisfaction: "You don't even look at who I am, Lu. These bars and nightclubs are the places I often go to and out of."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Why are you alone, where is Mika?"

"Oh, she's going back first." Speaking of this, Lu Ziqiao obviously felt a little helpless: "The inspection report came out, and Meijia is not pregnant at all, it's just flatulence."

"Why, looking at you, you are obviously very disappointed."

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows and said.

"You said, I managed to muster up the courage to be a good father, but God actually made such a big joke on me..." Lu Ziqiao said depressingly.

Liu Xu chuckled, but felt helpless in his heart. He wanted to be a father but couldn't. Although he wanted to be one himself, but this way... hey...

"What's the matter, Liu Xu, why do you look so absent-minded? If you encounter any trouble, tell me, maybe I can help you figure out a solution, who said we are good brothers!" Lu Ziqiao patted Liu Xu's shoulder, as if your business is my business, but immediately this expression turned into a transaction, "Just lend me your car for a day."

"If you can solve my problem, let alone a day, it will take a month."

Liu Xu picked up the glass of beer in front of him and drank it down.

"Wow, what's the matter that even our most intelligent Liu Xu can't solve it, let's talk about it." Lu Ziqiao's curiosity became more intense, and he didn't forget to add a sentence, "The big deal is that I will analyze it for you for free. Situation, don't want your car."

Now that things have happened, Liu Xu is not going to hide anything from him anymore. Perhaps, this guy really has something to do!

"Have you forgotten the last time I went to a classmate's reunion and didn't come home overnight?"

"Of course I remember. If I remember correctly, this is the first time you've spent the night outside since I've known you." Lu Ziqiao nodded and said.

Liu Xu also nodded, and continued: "That day was actually Nuo Lan's birthday, and we happened to be drunk that day, so that happened."

"Wow, Liu Xu, I can't see it!" Lu Ziqiao whistled, thumped Liu Xu's chest lightly, and said, "I never thought that under your handsome appearance, there is actually a coquettish My heart, I usually hide it deep enough!"

Liu Xu rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "Compared to the achievements of your young master of the Lu family, I am still far behind!"

"Um, of course, then what? Does Yifei know?"

"Of course she doesn't know."

Liu Xu shook his head.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2099 The Best of Three Ways

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Then what are you worried about? We are all grown-ups, and it's normal to have a one-night stand. Besides, Nuo Lan is not bad at all, and she doesn't look bad at all. What are you struggling with?" Lu Ziqiao asked puzzled.

"I saw Nuolan in the hospital just now. She is pregnant."

Liu Xu sighed, and finally said what was in his heart.

"Damn it, it's an idol drama!" Lu Ziqiao was stunned for a few seconds before finally realizing, "How come such a coincidence happened to you."

Liu Xu smiled wryly and said, "Who said no? When I saw her, she actually wanted to hide the fact from me and give birth to the child by herself."

Lu Ziqiao patted Liu Xu on the shoulder and said, "Brother, I really can't help you anymore. I can't say that this child is actually mine!"

"I didn't expect you to be able to help me, I just wanted to ask if you have any opinions?"

"It's very simple!" Lu Ziqiao raised two fingers and said: "First, go and confess to Yifei, but if you do this, you will die a miserable death, but don't worry, as a brother, I will help you collect the body; second, and Nuo Lan cut off the relationship, just pretending that nothing happened, and nothing happened, you choose one!"


I don't know when he returned to the apartment, Liu Xu was still thinking about the last words Lu Ziqiao said when he left: "Liu Xu, this is my opinion, but you have brought us a lot of surprises. I think you definitely have a way to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds."

Best of both worlds?

Liu Xu smiled wryly. It's easy to say, but it's really hard to do it!

Can he figure out a way to have the best of both worlds?

In Suite 3601, Hu Yifei sat alone on the sofa and read a magazine. When she saw Liu Xu standing in front of her, she couldn't help wondering, "Do you have something to tell me?"

Liu Xu nodded and sat down. He still decided to confess to Yifei.

"Yifei, there is something I haven't told you." Liu Xu looked at Hu Yifei and said seriously.


Hu Yifei raised his eyebrows, motioning for him to continue talking.

"I went to Nuolan's birthday party that day, and the reason why I didn't come back was because Nuolan and I were both drunk, and then something happened that shouldn't have happened..."

While talking, Liu Xu looked at Hu Yifei's face, he had already thought about it.

If Hu Yifei gets angry, he has to evacuate the scene immediately.

"And then?" But unexpectedly, Hu Yifei didn't get angry, and said calmly.

"Today, I saw Nuo Lan in the hospital. She is pregnant and the child is mine." Liu Xu gritted his teeth and said it anyway.

Quiet, very quiet, but Liu Xu didn't dare to look up, he was afraid of seeing Hu Yifei's disappointed and angry face, but it was too quiet!

Liu Xu raised his head cautiously, and saw that Hu Yifei was still calm, as if the whole matter had nothing to do with her.

"Yifei, you..."

Unable to figure out Yifei's mind, Liu Xu had to carefully probe...

"Tomorrow, you go and call Nuolan home, I want to have a chat with her, can you?"

Finally, Hu Yifei reacted, and rarely, did not get angry...

Liu Xu nodded, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

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