"By the way, are you and Yu Mo also dating?" Just as Liu Xu was thinking about how to tell Nuo Lan, Hu Yifei said suddenly.

"Well, yes." Almost subconsciously, Liu Xu said it, but then he realized, shit, what was he talking about!

Sure enough, Hu Yifei hesitated for a moment, and finally said through gritted teeth: "Call Yu Mo over tomorrow, I think we should have a good talk."


When asked what the strangest animal in the world is, Liu Xu would answer without hesitation: a woman.

If you want to say what is the most elusive thing in this world, Liu Xu will still answer: it is still a woman.

Liu Xu has been fidgeting for nearly an hour. Today, she called Nuo Lan home.

Hu Yifei dragged her and Qin Yumo to her room, as if they were discussing something.

Liu Xu was afraid that the three women would fight, so he wanted to go in, but was ruthlessly driven out by Hu Yifei.

According to her words, it's not too awkward for a man to join in the fun when girls are talking about things.

When he was anxious, the three women finally came down from upstairs. Liu Xu looked over and saw the three women talking and laughing.

Even Nuolan had a smile on his face at this moment.

"It's fine if there's no fuss."

Seeing this situation, Liu Xu was finally relieved.

"Liu Xu, Nuolan will live in our apartment from today on, you have no objection!" Hu Yifei walked up to Liu Xu, looked at her and said.

"Ah? Oh, no, no." Liu Xu nodded mechanically, "Then your senior sister?"

"Senior sister is going on a business trip abroad, and she won't be back until half a year later." Hu Yifei explained.

The company was already on the right track, and there was really no need for Du Qianqian to live with them anymore. Of course, no one would know if Hu Yifei had the intention of Liu Xu eating grass on the edge of the nest and sending the senior sister away as soon as possible.

Liu Xu nodded, pulled Hu Yifei aside, and whispered, "Yifei, what did you guys talk about?"

He could hardly believe that the three women would appear in front of him in this way.

Yifei was not angry, Yu Mo was not angry, and Nuo Lan was not angry either.

"You want to know?"

Hu Yifei raised his eyebrows.

Liu Xu nodded and hummed.

"I did something wrong, but I still want to know the answer, go dreaming!"

After Hu Yifei finished speaking, Liu Xu was stunned and walked towards Qin Yumo and Nuo Lan.

Looking at the three daughters who were laughing and laughing like three sisters, the stone that had been hanging in Liu Xu's heart finally fell down.

Although it has been a bit bumpy, the result is generally good...

In this world, there really is a way to get the best of both worlds, but it wasn't Liu Xu who came up with it, but Hu Yifei?

No, what she came up with was the best of all three ways.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2100 Brother-in-law's helplessness

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Time flies, and a week has passed.

Everyone's life was still so stable, but after the only thing in his heart was dealt with, Liu Xu's good mood lasted for a long time, and everyone he saw was smiling.

However, there is one exception, she is Lu Zhanbo's sister, Hu Yifei.

"Lu Zhanbo, let me tell you, you just stay by my side honestly and you are not allowed to go anywhere, do you hear me?"

Early in the morning, when everyone gathered in Suite 3601, they heard Hu Yifei's voice.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Hu Yifei to appear in front of everyone, followed by Lu Zhanbo who kept his head down.

"What's the matter, Zhanbo, did you make your sister angry?"

Liu Xu looked at the morning paper and saw Lu Zhanbo with an aggrieved face, he couldn't help but said with a smile.

"I just want to change jobs." Lu Zhanbo said in a low voice.

"Change your job, are you changing your job? Let me tell you, Lu Zhanbo, I won't say anything about this matter. What you have to do now is to earn money, pick up girls, and don't even think about anything else." Hu Yifei continued roared.

"Yifei, at least give Zhanbo some freedom! Isn't it just a change of job? Why do you take him so seriously?" Lu Ziqiao, who was playing a mobile game, finally couldn't take it lightly, and turned to Hu Yifei Said.

Chen Meijia behind him nodded in agreement. Although Chen Meijia was not pregnant, after that incident, their relationship improved a lot.

Although Lu Ziqiao sometimes went to pick up girls, but for Chen Meijia, he was much more attentive than before.

Chen Meijia saw it, and naturally turned a blind eye to some of Lu Ziqiao's daily behaviors, but the relationship between the two was getting better and better.

"Ask Zhanbo, where is he going to work?"

Hu Yifei glared at Lu Ziqiao, as if blaming him for being nosy, or threatening him for not being on the same line as her, then glanced at Lu Zhanbo, and said, "Zhanbo, tell everyone, your work Where is the location?"

"Is it in the urban area?" Chen Meijia blinked and said.


"That's in the suburbs?" Guan Gu was the next to answer.


Lu Zhanbo still shook his head.

"No way, it's actually out of town?" Tang Youyou glanced at Lu Zhanbo in surprise, "Why are you going to such a far place."

"It's not outside."

Unexpectedly, Lu Zhanbo still shook his head and denied.

"Then where is your place of work?"


Lu Zhanbo glanced at Hu Yifei and said it anyway.

"Africa?" the crowd exclaimed.

"Zhanbo, you can do it, you actually want to go to Africa to pick up girls?" Lu Ziqiao laughed playfully, "We are going to have a combination of Chinese and Western, no, it is a combination of Chinese and African, in line with international standards?"

"You are only in line with international standards!" Lu Zhanbo glanced at Lu Ziqiao, and said, "I am working on earth protection, which is very meaningful. Our first stop is in Africa, and then we will go to Antarctica, involving the entire earth."

"Earth is so big!" Seeing that Lu Zhanbo was talking more and more vigorously, Hu Yifei immediately scolded: "I told you that Lu Zhanbo is not allowed to go anywhere except here, do you hear me?"

"Zhanbo, African girls are actually pretty good too! And I heard that polygamy is a very common phenomenon in the kingdom of African chieftains. This simply satisfies the ultimate dream of a man with three wives and four concubines! Ah... ouch... Meijia Take it easy..."

Lu Ziqiao's words were interrupted by a cry of pain. It turned out that Chen Meijia couldn't listen anymore and pinched him.


Seeing Hu Yifei's affirmative tone, Lu Zhanbo knew that he couldn't convince her, so he looked at Liu Xu who had been silent all this time.

In normal times, Liu Xu would definitely say a few good words for Lu Zhanbo, but now, his own affairs have just been settled, if he comes out at this time, he is not looking for death.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu glanced at Hu Yifei, and saw that he was also looking at him, the look in his eyes was self-evident.

Liu Xu sighed and said: "Zhanbo, I think your sister is right. Going abroad is really a big deal. I agree with your sister's opinion. Let's stay in China first. Besides, there is no development in China now. Difference!"

Hearing what Liu Xu said, Hu Yifei nodded in satisfaction, then turned around to look at Lu Zhanbo and said, "Look, Zhanbo, even Liu Xu said that, you should stay here, don't worry , sister will protect you."

Lu Zhanbo, on the other hand, looked at Liu Xu in disappointment, his eyes were full of contempt.

"Zhanbo, it's not that I won't help you. When you are in brother's position, you will understand brother-in-law's helplessness. Hey, you are still young. How can you be so experienced as brother-in-law? Brother-in-law is wise and safe!" Ignore Liu Xu secretly thought about Zhanbo's contempt.

Seeing Liu Xu say that, everyone else who wanted to persuade Yifei also shut up one after another, and instead persuaded Zhanbo to stay.

"No, I must go to Africa. I will go to interview tomorrow."

Lu Zhanbo obviously hardened his heart this time. Even if everyone persuaded him, he still couldn't change his original decision. After saying this, he left the apartment.

"Lu Zhanbo, stop for me, and I'll tell you, as long as I'm here, you won't be able to get out of this apartment."

Seeing the two siblings walking out in a hurry, everyone didn't know what to say for a while.

"Zhanbo is going to Africa, tell me, can I go with him?"

When everyone was silent, a disharmonious voice suddenly remembered that it was Lu Ziqiao who didn't know what plan he had at the moment.

"Come on, it's just you, return to Africa?" Everyone looked at him contemptuously, and left their seats one after another, busying themselves with their own affairs, leaving only Lu Ziqiao standing there and shouting unwillingly, "Hey, what do you mean? Do you understand that this is discrimination?"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2101 Overestimated brother-in-law's EQ

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


night time.

Liu Xu and Hu Yifei are sitting together.

"Liu Xu, let me tell you, you must stand on the same line as me in this matter, otherwise, you will know the consequences."

At this moment, Hu Yifei is like a creditor, fierce and vicious.

Liu Xu can guarantee that if he dares to say no, it will be difficult to see the sun tomorrow.

"Yifei, you just went abroad, and it's not like Zhanbo hasn't been out before, why are you so nervous about him?" Before Liu Xu could speak, Qin Yumo had already said.

"The last time he went to chase Wanyu, to pick up girls, but this time he went to protect animals. Can this be the same? Yumo, you can't betray me!"

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