While several people were talking, Lu Zhanbo had already walked in.

"Zhanbo, you're dressed so formally, why did you go?"

Hu Yifei stood up, walked up to Lu Zhanbo, looked him up and down, and asked.

Although Lu Zhanbo didn't live with them, he was still in 3601 in terms of diet. I don't know if this guy really lacks a muscle.

It's fine to go to the interview, but when you come back, you should change your clothes anyway!

Dressed like this, didn't he tell Hu Yifei that he went for an interview?

Sure enough, under Hu Yifei's persecution, Lu Zhanbo said hesitantly, "I...I'm going for an interview."

"What, you really dare to interview behind my back?" Upon hearing this, Hu Yifei was furious.

"Yifei, calm down, calm down." Seeing that the volcano was about to erupt, Liu Xu quickly pulled Hu Yifei and said, "Looking at Zhanbo's appearance, the interview must have failed, right?"

While speaking, Liu Xu winked at Lu Zhanbo.

It's a pity that Liu Xu still overestimated his brother-in-law's EQ, and he said frightenedly: "Who said I failed, the interviewer is very satisfied with me, as long as I am willing, I will be one of them."

Upon hearing this, Liu Xu was speechless, while Hu Yifei finally broke out.

She twisted Lu Zhanbo's ear and said, "You really dare to sneak behind my back, see if I don't fix you well."

"Sister, I have grown up." Lu Zhanbo shouted dissatisfied: "I can choose my own life."

"Just you? Still growing up?" Hu Yifei gave him a disdainful glance, and said, "Well, I will give you three exam questions, as long as you pass three, no, two are fine, I will let you go to Africa, what? Sample?"


Lu Zhanbo was surprised.

"Don't be too happy, I said before, if you want to go to Africa, you have to pass my test first."

"Okay, old lady, let your horse come here."

Lu Zhanbo is obviously very confident in his intelligence.

"I haven't thought about the exam questions yet, but let me tell you, this exam question is not an ordinary exam question. Are you sure you want to take it?"

"For my dream, I will take it." Lu Zhanbo said solemnly.

What happened afterwards, Liu Xu stopped paying attention because he had to go to work, but thinking about it, it should be similar to the plot he knew.

When he came back, except for Zhang Wei who was watching TV, no one else was in the apartment.

After asking Zhang Wei, Liu Xu realized that Lu Zhanbo had already challenged the second test question. As for the first question, it ended up being Lu Zhanbo's failure as he thought.

He even trapped himself in a box in order to counter Hu Fei's army, but in the end he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

After knowing the whereabouts of Hu Yifei and others, Liu Xu also rushed over.

This is a rooftop. Looking from a distance, I saw a young man sitting on the ground, while the surroundings were empty.

"Exhibition Expo."

Liu Xu walked behind the man and called softly.

"Liu Xu, do you know?" After knowing that it was Liu Xu, Lu Zhanbo still didn't stand up, but said softly: "I used to never know what life is, what is happiness, every time I was bullied , my sister would beat up the villain who bullied me, and tell me that no one in this world can bully me. At that time, I thought that my sister would protect me for the rest of my life... But, as I grew up Big, when I met Wanyu, it was the first time I had the idea of ​​protecting this girl."

Liu Xu didn't say a word, and he sat down directly, no matter how dirty the floor was.

"I thought I had found my goal. Wanyu was like an angel. When she was happy, I was happier than her. When she was sad, I was also sadder than her. I proposed, she agreed, and we were happy together. Life, I thought we could live this kind of life and continue forever, but Wanyu finally left and went to Milan, taking her dream and my love with her."

"In the days that followed, I tried my best to recover myself and grew up slowly. Now, I finally have my own ideas, my own goals, and what I want to do, but I don't even have my sister's exam questions. I can't pass the test, Liu Xu, do you think I am useless?"

Looking at that childish but calm face, Liu Xu sighed and said, "Your sister also wants to protect you."

"But she can't protect me for the rest of my life. She will marry sooner or later, and sooner or later I will learn to face it alone."

"Perhaps, Zhanbo, you are right."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind.

Lu Zhanbo turned around suspiciously, was startled, stood up and said, "Old sister, when did you come here?"

"Don't worry, I won't hit you." Hu Yifei patted Lu Zhanbo's shoulder and said: "I heard what you said just now. You are right. You will grow up sooner or later. I can't protect you forever. You always You have to face everything yourself."

"Sister, you mean?"

Although he vaguely understood what Hu Yifei meant, Lu Zhanbo still couldn't believe it.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2102 Nuolan, in fact, having children is the same

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"I agree." Hu Yifei smiled slightly: "However, remember to contact me every week, maybe every three days, do you hear me?"

"Thank you, old lady." Lu Zhanbo hugged Hu Yifei excitedly, then let go, and looked to the other side of the rooftop, "I suddenly found that I can jump over."


Lu Zhanbo left, and like Lin Wanyu, he left this apartment that he was very attached to, with reluctance for everyone and dreams for himself.

At the gate, Lu Zhanbo hugged everyone one by one, which was regarded as the last gift at the time of parting.

"Zhanbo, remember to contact me every three days, or I will go to Africa to find you."

Hu Yifei looked at the grown-up brother in front of her, and said with a smile.

Lu Zhanbo nodded vigorously, and said, "Old sister, please make sure, Liu Xu, I will ask you to take care of my old sister."

Liu Xu patted Lu Zhanbo's shoulder with a smile, and said, "You can go at ease, I will inform you when Yifei and I get married."

After saying these words, Lu Zhanbo gave everyone a final deep look, turned and left, a teardrop in the corner of his eye had already quietly fallen without his knowledge.

Although Lu Zhanbo's departure has brought reluctance to everyone, life continues as usual.

Because of Wanyu and Zhanbo's departure, only Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei are left in suite 3603.

In order to reduce the rent of the two, Liu Xu was forced to move there under the discussion of the women in 3601.


Early this morning, perhaps because of the weekend, the apartment was obviously very lively. With an excited look, Tang Youyou announced to everyone excitedly that he was about to be signed.

Everyone was also happy for Tang Youyou, but the subsequent scene made everyone doubt whether Tang Youyou could really be selected.

Looking at the screen where the screening had ended, Hu Yifei was the first to speak: "Idol, martial arts, spy war, science fiction, all kinds of themes are available."

Chen Meijia continued to add: "Car accidents, assassinations, murders, suicides, all kinds of ways to die."

Facing the words of the two of them, Tang Youyou was obviously a little embarrassed, but he also said helplessly: "I can't do anything about it, but I play dead people. In these few movies, I played more time. It's me Carefully selected, and then asked Xiao Hei downstairs to help edit it out."

"Yuyou, listen to me, this film must not be shown to the foreigner who wants to sign you, otherwise he will definitely change his mind, and he will think that you can only play a dead person."

Guan Gu Miracle also expressed his views.

"Then what do you say?"

"I have an idea, we can remake it for Yoyo, and change the scenes where she is going to die so that she won't die. For example, like the car accident in the first scene, we can completely change it so that no car comes over!"

Guan Gu Miraculously became more and more excited as he talked, as if success was not far away.

"But, where can we find scenes that are exactly the same as in the play, and the actors, where can you find them?" Zhang Wei asked.

"We can ask Xiao Hei about the scene, I think he should have a solution, as for the actors!" Guan Gu looked at the surrounding partners miraculously, and said, "Aren't we all like that?"

"What? Let us be actors?" Everyone was shocked, and then their faces were full of excitement, and they all recommended themselves to Guan Gu, "Guan Gu, what do you think of me?"

"We need five characters, one is the hero in the first film, one is the ninja, the spy and officer in the third film, and the old monster in the last film."

"I, I, I, Guan Gu, I will play the male lead, look at my temperament, my image, how about it?"

As soon as Guan Gu finished speaking, Zhang Wei couldn't wait to recommend himself, looking at him expectantly.

After looking at Zhang Wei, and then at Liu Xu who was talking to Nuo Lan beside him, Guan Gu finally said miraculously: "Liu Xu, I wonder if you are interested in playing the leading role?"

"Me?" Liu Xu pointed at himself in surprise, and then said with a smile, "Although I really want to act, I have to accompany Nuo Lan to the hospital for a physical examination tomorrow. You should go to Zhang Wei, he doesn't really want to act." ?"

Ever since she confessed to Hu Yifei and Nuo Lan moved in, the relationship between Liu Xu and Nuo Lan has rapidly heated up like a rocket.

Liu Xu even played the role of a good husband and father, with a small checkup every week and a big checkup every month, serving Nuo Lan like a queen.

"OK then!"

Hearing what Liu Xu said, Guan Gu Miraculously had no choice but to sigh helplessly. He looked at Zhang Wei who looked at him expectantly, so he nodded.

As for the other roles, they were taken away by Yifei and Yumo, and Zeng Xiaoxian regretted not participating because he said he wanted to accompany a big client. Meijia and Ziqiao, as Zeng Xiaoxian's consultants this time, also chose to give up acting .

A few people on one side were chatting happily about the drama, while on the other side Liu Xu was holding Nuo Lan's shoulders and talking quietly. According to Lu Ziqiao, Liu Xu was the happiest person in this apartment.

"I can go to the hospital by myself, you go to act, it can be regarded as helping Guan Gu and Yoyo."

Nuo Lan leaned her head on Liu Xu's shoulder, looked at the face that fascinated her, and said involuntarily.

"Isn't it just a few scenes!" Liu Xu said with a smile: "Yifei and the others can handle it, but you have to take good care of yourself. I'm still waiting for you to give me a big fat boy!"

"Go." Hearing Liu Xu say such blunt words, Nuo Lan's face flushed immediately, she lightly thumped Liu Xu's chest and said, "How do you know it's a boy, maybe it's a daughter!"

"I like my daughter too! Nuolan, it's the same to have a son and a daughter." Liu Xu hugged Nuolan tighter, and said with a smile: "If it's a daughter, then she must be as beautiful as her mother; if it's a son , then she must be as handsome and smart as his father."


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2103 Use Momo to shake silently

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



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