Seeing Liu Xu's flattered look, Nuo Lan immediately spat lightly, but she was flattered in her heart.

I thought I had to give birth to this child alone, thinking that the child no longer had a father, but it turned around. I didn't expect Hu Yifei to make a concession, which made her feel warm.

"I've always felt sorry for Yifei." Seeing Hu Yifei who was not far away talking loudly with everyone about the play that will be performed tomorrow, Nuo Lan said a little ashamedly.

"Don't say that, I'm sorry for you, I'm too worried, I want to keep you all by my side."

Liu Xu stroked Nuolan's pretty face that was enough to make people flirt, and said softly: "Although I can't give you my wholehearted love, I promise, I will give you my wholehearted love, and I will not let you down."

"I know, I trust you, Liu Xu."

The lover's vow made the corners of Nuolan's mouth curve, which is a happy smile.

"I love you, Nolan."

"I love you too, Liu Xu."


There have been many happy events in the apartment recently, except for Liu Xu and Hu Yifei who are already preparing for their wedding, even Zhang Wei solemnly announced to everyone that he is getting married soon.

"Zhang Wei, you don't have a fever, do you?"

Looking at Zhang Wei with a serious face, Zeng Xiaoxian finally swallowed the bread he was chewing and asked.

"Who is joking with you? I'm serious." Zhang Wei glared at Zeng Xiaoxian and said dissatisfiedly, "Can't I get married again?"

"Yes, yes, but who is the bride!" Chen Meijia asked curiously, blinking her big eyes.

"She's called Mo Mo." Speaking of the girl, Zhang Wei suddenly smiled happily, "She is a good girl, and I also met the right person at the right time, we met for a week, it was love at first sight. "

"It's only been a week, you're playing flash marriage!" Hu Yifei looked at Zhang Wei and said, "I said Zhang Wei, marriage can't be casual, you can't be so casual about future marriages just because you missed one marriage!"

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious." Zhang Wei defended.

"Where did you meet?" Guan Gu asked miraculously.

Zhang Wei pondered for a while, and under everyone's puzzled eyes, he took out a mobile phone from his pocket and said: "Mobile dating software, Momo, shake it for home travel, if you are destined, where can you escape?"

"Damn, it still came out."

Everyone looked at Zhang Wei with "worship" eyes.

"Zhang Wei, aren't you flirting with your fellow lawyer Wei Weiwei? Why did you suddenly give up?" Lu Ziqiao asked.

"Don't mention Wei Wei." Zhang Wei curled his lips and said: "Ever since I became rivals with her, I knew that the two of us must be out of luck. The world is unpredictable, and luck makes people play tricks. Brother can't wait for her."

"It turns out that you did all this to take revenge on Weiwei, what a great feat of self-destruction! Zhang Wei, I admire you, what is this called, playing hard to get?"

Everyone finally realized suddenly.

"This is God's will." Zhang Wei said loudly: "Momo is beautiful, intellectual, and her greatest advantage is that she never contradicts me. Just because of this alone, she is better than Weiwei."

"In short..." Zhang Wei continued: "Fate is here, and I will break through the mess soon. I will definitely not miss this time. Thank you for your support."

"There is no problem with support." Liu Xu, who was sitting next to Zhang Wei, said, "But, you have to bring your silent one back for us to see!"

"Okay, I'll bring her back to show you tomorrow, and I promise to give you a feeling of astonishment." Zhang Wei agreed.

"Okay, then it's settled."

Everyone stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait, I still have something to say."

"What else is there!" Everyone sat down again, looked at Zhang Wei and said, today is not the weekend, and they still have to go to work.

"It's like this, Liu Xu, Zi Qiao, can you be my best man some other time?" Zhang Wei said a little embarrassed.

You haven't written the horoscope yet, and you're thinking about the best man?

Liu Xu and Lu Ziqiao looked at each other, Liu Xu said slightly: "All right, I will be your best man when the time comes."

"Thank you!" Zhang Wei looked at Guan Gu and Tang Youyou again, "Guan Gu, Yoyo, can you please help me with the planning of the wedding, don't worry, I won't let you do it for nothing, I can Reduce your gift money, hehe."

Both of them are people with "status" now, and they are not short of the gift money!

Guan Gumiqi and Tang Youyou nodded helplessly, agreeing.

"There is one more thing to trouble everyone. Teacher Zeng, Liu Xu, Yifei, Yumo, can you contribute a little bit of your car as a wedding car?"

I have always known that Zhang Wei is very economical, but I didn't expect to be able to save so much, and use the available resources without wasting at all. Liu Xu sighed in his heart and nodded again.

"Then, I thank you all." Seeing that everyone agreed, Zhang Wei was obviously very excited, "Don't worry, I will waive all your gift money."



Zhang Wei really brought back Mo Mo from his mouth. I have to say that Mo Mo is really good-looking, although not as good as Yi Fei and Yu Mo, but she is also a rare little beauty.

At the dinner table, everyone can ask all the questions.

"Momo, how did you fall in love with Zhang Wei? He is stingy and very homely..." Chen Meijia asked Momo without mercy.

Zhang Wei glared at her, and just about to say something, Momo beside him already said: "Zhang Wei is not stingy, he is frugal, he is not a housekeeper, he is a housekeeper, such a good man, there are very few in the world. "

"That's right." Hearing Momo's words, Zhang Wei was obviously very happy, and said, "Last time I went to eat Malatang with Momo, and I saw a [-]% discount on green vegetables, and I even bought two skewers!"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2104 Husband and wife both run away from marriage

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Then where do you live when you get married?" Tang Youyou asked.

"Rent a house!" Zhang Wei said: "Momo doesn't mind living closer to the iPartment. She said that it will not lose the friendship, but also keep the love. It's good."

"Wow, silently, there are really very few girls like you now." Qin Yumo exclaimed: "The requirements are not high, and it doesn't even matter if you don't have a house. I really admire you now. Zhang Wei , this time you really found a treasure."

If it weren't for knowing that the obedient girl in front of him would run away from marriage in the end, even Liu Xu would be amazed at her thoughts, but since he already knew, he wouldn't go to communicate with this silently too much, of course Liu Xu also I won't be so stupid as to tell everyone that there is something wrong with Momo, that she will run away from marriage or something like that.

Moreover, even if he said it, I am afraid that everyone will not believe it, and may even blame themselves for a few words.

Liu Xu didn't want to do such an uneconomical thing at all. Moreover, Zhang Weidao didn't suffer in the end. He also escaped marriage in the end. It's just a drama!

The dinner table was very lively, and Zhang Wei even announced that he will marry Mo Mo in a week, that is to say, he will be the first to get married among the crowd.

Everyone, including Liu Xu, of course congratulated him repeatedly, and the following plot was exactly as Liu Xu thought. Because it was getting late and Zhang Wei felt sorry for the money, he stayed in his residence silently.

But the 3603 suite where Zhang Wei lives, because there is still a spare room, so silently no longer lives in Zhang Wei's room as in the original plot.


A Porsche decorated as a wedding car was driving on the street chicly, attracting countless passers-by to stop and watch, and they kept exclaiming: "Oh my God, it's a Porsche. Who is the bride who is so lucky to be able to marry such a wealthy woman?" money man?"

However, if you let them know that today's protagonist is a guy who is very stingy, and he is not even willing to rent a car, they don't know how to feel in their hearts.

"Mr. Zeng, I heard that silently is your former classmate?"

It was not Liu Xu who was driving the Porsche, but Lu Ziqiao, who was sitting in Zeng Xiaoxian's car behind him, enjoying himself and chatting with Zeng Xiaoxian constantly.

"You also know what happened that day?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

Seeing Liu Xu nodding his head in acknowledgment, he sighed and said, "Liu Xu, Mo Momo is really not what you seem on the surface. It's like, when you go to the supermarket to buy something, what you want is an apple. But when you bought it back, you found out that it was a scam.”

"You mean, Momo is not a good girl?" Liu Xu asked.

"I don't know if she is a good girl now, I just hope that she seriously wants to spend the rest of her life with Zhang Wei." Zeng Xiaoxian said: "By the way, Liu Xu, you and Yifei, when are you going to get married, Yoyo and Guan Gu?" But the day is already being picked, you must not fall behind!"

"I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?" Liu Xu rolled his eyes at Zeng Xiaoxian.

Several people were talking, and before they knew it, the car had arrived at its destination.

"Hey, why is it so deserted here, no one came to welcome us?" After getting off the car, Chen Meijia looked around and asked Zhang Wei who was holding flowers at this time: "Zhang Wei, did you make a mistake?"

"It's not wrong, it's here, and there is no one just right, I don't even need to give red envelopes." Zhang Wei shook his head, and then said excitedly.

It is also a realm for this person to be able to pull it off like this.

"By the way, I have a sudden urgency to urinate, can you pick up the bride for me first?" Zhang Wei said suddenly.

"No way, you actually want to go to the toilet at this time?" Qin Yumo looked speechless, "There is a toilet, so let's go up first and then talk!"

"That's impolite, I'll find a bush, it'll be soon."

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, regardless of what everyone said, he handed the flowers in his hand to Zeng Xiaoxian, and left in a hurry.

When everyone was admiring Zhang Wei's wonderful work, an aunt came over, looked at them and asked, "Which one is getting married!"

"Hello, Auntie." Chen Meijia greeted with a smile and said, "403, we are here to pick up the bride."

"I live in 402." The aunt asked suspiciously, "Why didn't I know that 403 got married?"

Zeng Xiaoxian explained: "Maybe their family is relatively low-key, low-key, hehehe..."

"You got it wrong!" The aunt still didn't believe it, "I saw with my own eyes that the little girl in 403 moved away a few days ago."

"Auntie, you made a mistake, the girl we are looking for is Liu Momo."

"That's right, silently, she moved away in a hurry a few days ago, I thought she had caused some trouble!"

The aunt has a very good memory, so she told Zeng Xiaoxian and the others everything about the situation at that time.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling something was wrong in their hearts, and ran upstairs one after another...


After coming down from the downstairs, everyone's expressions were obviously not very good.

"You say, what will Zhang Wei do when he finds out about this?" Zeng Xiaoxian first broke the silence and asked everyone.

"If it were me, and the bride ran away during the two weddings, I would feel that my life is no longer fun, and I might consider becoming a monk." Lu Ziqiao said.

"Hey, poor Zhang Wei!" Qin Yumo sighed, looked at everyone and said, "Which one of you is going to tell Zhang Wei about this news?"

Everyone was silent, after all, no one wanted to touch this bad luck.

"Hey, look here, there seems to be a note."

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