Walking to the front of the car, Liu Xu saw the piece of paper almost at a glance, and said: "Mr. Zeng, forgive me for only understanding the truth you told me that day. You are right. Marriage is like buying ten dollars in the supermarket. An apple, but the one I bought in the end is probably a melon, so it’s okay to give it away for free, but if I have to pay, I think it is necessary to think carefully, whether I really need it, maybe I still can’t forget Weiwei, Because unrequited love is the cheapest of all loves... Thank you for your guidance, I will go back first, PS: The flowers on the car are expensive, is there still time to return them?"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2105 Tang Youyou plays a stage play

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Let me see."

After Liu Xu finished reading, Qin Yumo snatched the piece of paper and scanned it quickly. After a few seconds, he finally exclaimed, "This strange woman also escaped marriage."

"It's all right now, everyone doesn't need to tell Zhang Wei the bad news of silently running away from marriage, Mr. Zeng, your words are quite powerful!" Liu Xu patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Of course, don't look at who I am. I'm Brother Xian. Is there anything in this world that Brother Xian can't handle?" Zeng Xiaoxian said proudly.

After everyone went back, they seemed to be discussing and didn't mention the matter between Zhang Wei and Mo Mo, as if Mo Mo had never appeared before.

The days passed day by day, and everyone lived very peacefully.

But the love apartment is the love apartment, and there will always be some unexpected things.

For example, at this time, Tang Youyou appeared in front of everyone and announced to everyone that her latest stage play is about to start, and I hope everyone will join in.


Waking up early in the morning, Liu Xu kept yawning and walked to the bathroom.

Since coming to the iPartment, Liu Xu seems to have been influenced by everyone. Liu Xu, who used to get up early, gradually likes to get up and sleep late.

Waking up early today made him feel like he didn't get enough sleep.

"Morning, Zhang Wei."

As soon as Liu Xu walked into the living room, he saw that someone was already sitting on the sofa. Looking carefully, it turned out to be Zhang Wei.

Feeling a little strange, Liu Xu asked, "Zhang Wei, why did you get up so early?"

"I couldn't fall asleep, so I got up first." Zhang Wei said.

"Can't sleep?" Liu Xu asked puzzled, "Do you have something on your mind?"

Zhang Wei shook his head...

"That means you are not feeling well. Do you want me to accompany you to the hospital?"

"I don't have a cold, really, I'm in good health." Zhang Wei said with certainty.

Seeing that Zhang Wei was so energetic, Liu Xu nodded, and he did not have a cold.

Liu Xu asked suspiciously: "Then since you have no mental and physical problems, why are you waking up so early?"

"You do not understand."

Zhang Wei gave Liu Xu a white look, and that look, like seeing his first love girlfriend, gave Liu Xu a chill.

"I invited Weiwei to come yesterday, and she agreed to watch a stage play with me, so, I, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep." Zhang Wei said excitedly.

"It turned out to be a date with a beautiful woman!"

Liu Xu heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he wasn't mentally ill, as for dating or something, it was his privacy after all, so he couldn't say much about it.

"Liu Xu, I won't be with you later. You understand the reason." Zhang Wei looked at Liu Xu and said.

Liu Xu nodded and said with a smile: "I understand, you can go and pick up girls at ease, we won't disturb you."

"Then I'll thank you first, by the way, Liu Xu, can you lend me some money?"

Liu Xu: "..."


If watching a stage play is a kind of boring, then where is the most interesting place, the answer is of course the backstage.

Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao, and Liu Xu, the three big men had no interest in that kind of Cinderella plot, so at Lu Ziqiao's suggestion, the three of them came backstage together.

As for the reason for going in, with Tang Youyou, the heroine, and Lu Ziqiao's clever words, it couldn't be easier to go backstage.

It was the first time for Liu Xu to come to the backstage of a stage play, and he was very curious about everything.

Lu Ziqiao, on the other hand, is very clear about the background because he studies things that ordinary people don't touch all the year round.

"Backstage, to put it simply, is the place where actors change their clothes and touch up their makeup. Here, you can see the true colors of many actors in front of the stage."

While Lu Ziqiao introduced to Zeng Xiaoxian and Liu Xu, he glanced at the beauties everywhere.

"Hey, Ziqiao, when you introduce us, can you be serious and don't look at the beautiful women!" Seeing Lu Ziqiao's appearance in Cao Ying and heart in Han, Zeng Xiaoxian finally couldn't help but said dissatisfied.

"Teacher Zeng, you don't understand this." Lu Ziqiao said righteously, "Do you think men are more attractive to you, or women are more attractive?"

"Of course it's a woman."

Zeng Xiaoxian blurted out.

"That's not it."

"Forget it, for a woman like you, I think everything you say is nonsense, I'd better go to the bathroom!" Zeng Xiaoxian curled his lips, turned to Liu Xu and said, "Liu Xu, Do you want to come together?"

"No, you'd better go by yourself!"

Liu Xu waved his hand, he was more interested in the background.

"Also a wonderful guy."

Zeng Xiaoxian muttered in a low voice, bid farewell to everyone, and walked towards the backstage exit.

"Liu Xu, what do you think of that girl?" After Zeng Xiaoxian left, Lu Ziqiao immediately pointed to a girl who was choosing clothes in front of the makeup mirror and said, "According to my many years of experience, this girl is definitely playing a court lady. "

"This idiot can see it too!" Liu Xu rolled his eyes at Lu Ziqiao and said, "Why, you want to fuck her?"

"That's right." Lu Ziqiao nodded, looked at Liu Xu and said, "So, today you will be my wingman."

"Wingman? Wait..."

Liu Xu just wanted to refuse, but Lu Ziqiao had already put on the equipment, a pair of glasses, a notebook, and a pen, so that she could dress up more artistically.

"Hi beauty, I'm a reporter from Drama Weekly, can I interview you?"

Before Liu Xu finished speaking, he was pulled by Lu Ziqiao to the girl.

"Are you a reporter?"

The girl looked at Lu Ziqiao in surprise.

"That's right." Lu Ziqiao nodded and said, "You can also call me Lu Xiaobu, so I can do a behind-the-scenes interview?"

"Interview?" The girl said in surprise, "But I'm just a secondary role of a court lady, and the protagonists are all in the dressing room!"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2106 I think what you want to say is appreciation!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"This play is about the inspirational story of a court lady who rose from obscurity to fame, so the theme of my interview is to find the Cinderella around me. Now you understand why I want to interview you!"

It has to be said that Lu Ziqiao's eloquence is very good, and the girl's heart is moved by what she said in a few words.

"What's your name?" Lu Ziqiao asked.

"My name is Qinqin."

The girl was still a little embarrassed, and said her name in a low voice.

"It's very potential when you hear it. A girl called ABB is very easy to get popular, such as Yueyue, Meimei, Quacka, etc. I like to interview future stars like you the most."

"Oh!" the girl named Qinqin said excitedly.

Suddenly, she pointed to Liu Xu beside Lu Ziqiao and said, "Who is this? Is this also a reporter?"

"His name is Liu Xiaoxu, he is an intern reporter, and he has been following me these days."

Before Liu Xu could speak, Lu Ziqiao answered for him first.

reporter?Or trainee reporter?

Hearing Lu Ziqiao's answer, Liu Xu couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't intend to expose it.

"That's right!" After understanding Liu Xu's identity, Qinqin no longer looked at Liu Xu, looked at Lu Ziqiao and said, "But my role will end in the second act."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you here after the second act." Lu Ziqiao said.


Qinqin said excitedly: "You don't know, in such a long time, you are the first reporter to visit me."


Now it's not just Lu Ziqiao, even Liu Xu is also smected, and said: "I think what you want to say is appreciation!"


Watching Qinqin leave contentedly, Liu Xu said to Lu Ziqiao, "Okay, Ziqiao, I never thought you were really good at picking up girls."

"Of course." Lu Ziqiao said proudly, "Picking up girls is actually very simple. As long as you understand what that girl needs, and you just promise to give her what she needs, generally speaking, you can often get it with your hands."

Liu Xu rolled his eyes at him, changed the subject and said, "Why hasn't Mr. Zeng come back? Why is it so troublesome to go to the bathroom?"

"Maybe it fell into a pit!" Lu Ziqiao guessed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a familiar voice not far away, which seemed to be calling for help.

"Why does it sound like Teacher Zeng?" Lu Ziqiao said.

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