Liu Xu listened carefully and said, "It's Mr. Zeng's voice. He seems to be in some trouble. Ziqiao, let's go and have a look."

The two ran out of the backstage, but were stunned by the scene in front of them...

I saw Zeng Xiaoxian in disheveled clothes, holding a digital camera in his hand, running forward in a panic.

"Why do I have a bad feeling." Looking at the direction Zeng Xiaoxian was running towards, Liu Xu said suddenly.

Lu Ziqiao beside him said, "I'm still curious, why is Teacher Zeng's clothes so disheveled? In the fifteen minutes since he left, what terrible thing did he go through that made him so panicked and scared?"

"Hey, Liu Xu, Zi Qiao, help me quickly." Zeng Xiaoxian, who was running hard, suddenly saw two familiar people in front of him, and immediately shouted loudly.

"How about it, do you want to save him?" Lu Ziqiao asked Liu Xu beside him.

However, before Liu Xu could speak, Zeng Xiaoxian threw the digital camera in his hand to Lu Ziqiao and said, "Zi Qiao, take the camera and run quickly, remember to delete the photo of me in it."

As soon as Lu Ziqiao subconsciously picked it up, there was an extra camera in his hand.

"Now, now that I have a camera, I'm more like a reporter." Lu Ziqiao said to himself.

At this moment, another man came out from the corner, and while chasing Zeng Xiaoxian in front, he cursed: "You pervert, give me back the camera quickly."

But when he took a closer look, he found that the camera in Zeng Xiaoxian's hand had long since disappeared, and it was in Lu Ziqiao's hand, so he shouted at him: "Hey, you, give me back the camera, I'm a reporter. "

"Are you a reporter too?" Lu Ziqiao looked at the male reporter who was running towards her, and then looked at the camera in his hand. Unexpectedly, he ran in another direction with the camera in his pocket, and said loudly: " I will return the camera to you if you catch me, otherwise, this camera will be mine."

The male reporter was out of breath for a while. He managed to find the culprit who stole his camera, but unexpectedly, the camera changed its target and ran into another person's hands.

The male reporter ran to the side of Zeng Xiaoxian who had stopped, gave him a hard look, and cursed: "Wait for me, you pervert."

After finishing speaking, he ran towards Lu Ziqiao's direction.

Seeing that the male reporter finally disappeared, Zeng Xiaoxian was finally relieved.

"What's the matter, Mr. Zeng, go to the bathroom, why did you encounter so many things?"

Looking at the panting Zeng Xiaoxian, Liu Xu was really curious.

"Hey, don't mention it, it must be that I didn't burn incense when I went out today, so I encountered such unlucky things."

Zeng Xiaoxian sighed, and told the story in detail.

It turned out that the plot had some deviations because of Liu Xu, but overall, it still didn't change much.

Because Zeng Xiaoxian didn't have any toilet paper, he used a female voice to try to get the toilet paper, but the male reporter mistook Zeng Xiaoxian for a transvestite and took a picture of him.

So, Zeng Xiaoxian secretly took away the male reporter's camera, but unfortunately, he was found out in the end. Immediately afterwards, there was a scene witnessed by Liu Xu and Lu Ziqiao.

After listening to Zeng Xiaoxian's narration, Liu Xu couldn't laugh or cry. He patted him on the shoulder and said to the depressed Zeng Xiaoxian, "Don't worry, Mr. Zeng, Ziqiao will definitely delete that photo of you."

"hope so!"

Zeng Xiaoxian sighed. In fact, he wanted to throw the camera to Liu Xu just now, but Lu Ziqiao picked it up.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2107 The most playful man in the love apartment

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Compared to Lu Ziqiao, Zeng Xiaoxian still trusted Liu Xu more. However, since the facts were already the case, he could only hope that Lu Ziqiao would delete the photos in it.

"Help, I rely, I rely..."

Just when Liu Xu was comforting Zeng Xiaoxian, telling him not to worry, a familiar voice suddenly came.

The two looked up and saw that it was Lu Ziqiao who ran away with the camera just now.

"Zi Qiao, why are you back again, have the photos been deleted?"

From afar, Zeng Xiaoxian shouted to Lu Ziqiao.

"I'll delete your face, Mr. Zeng, this is a national sport, right? Why are you so physically strong? Let alone delete the photo, I was almost caught by him!"

Lu Ziqiao responded loudly, turned his head back, and was terrified, only to see that the male reporter was less than five steps away from him.

"Liu Xu will continue."

In desperation, Lu Ziqiao had no choice but to throw the camera in his hand to Liu Xu, then stopped, panting heavily.

After Liu Xu took the camera, he ran out without any hesitation.

Sure enough, when the male reporter saw that the camera was taken away by another person, he let Lu Ziqiao go and continued to chase Liu Xu.

Holding the camera, Liu Xu observed the digital camera while running. After some exploration, he found Zeng Xiaoxian's photo of Feng Sao, and he pressed the delete button to finish the job.

Liu Xu looked back at the male reporter who was still running, feeling admiration in his heart.

As a reporter, the camera is his own weapon, so there is no reason to let others take away his weapon, so he chased the three of Liu Xu around and around.

His mission has been completed, and Liu Xu doesn't need to circle around with this reporter anymore, so he put the digital camera on the potted plant next to him, then turned his head, and shouted loudly behind him: "I've already put the camera in the potted plant. It’s up, brother reporter, don’t chase after me.”

Sure enough, after hearing Liu Xu's words, the male reporter stopped when he saw his camera on the potted plant.

Seeing that the male reporter stopped chasing him, Liu Xu heaved a sigh of relief and ran towards where Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao were.

Of course, he didn't realize that after getting back his camera, the male reporter decisively took out a notebook from his backpack and wrote in a pen: "While watching a stage play, unfortunately, three gangsters robbed me. The reporter’s camera, one of whom is a radio host, was suspected to be a shemale, but after the reporter’s wits and courage, he finally got the camera back, which shows that evil cannot overcome the power of justice after all...”

This report was reposted frantically on the Internet, and countless netizens were guessing who the perverted host was.

When Liu Xu and the others saw this report, their first reaction was to regret that they didn't beat up the reporter severely. Of course, this is for another story.

At this time, Liu Xu, after getting rid of the male reporter's pursuit, slowed down a lot. After arriving at the original place, Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao were waiting for him.

"How about it, Liu Xu, have you deleted the photo?"

Zeng Xiaoxian spoke first, which shows how much shadow that photo cast on him.

Liu Xu nodded, and said helplessly: "We are obviously here to watch a stage play, why did we end up in this situation? If I had known, I might as well have stayed with Yumo and the others!"

Tang Youyou's stage play was not regarded as a success, but the dramatic incident made Liu Xu and others spend the day happily and tiredly.

"Big event, big event."

Downstairs at the bar, Liu Xu and other three boys were sitting together playing cards boringly, when they saw Guan Gu Miqi and Lu Ziqiao walking over, and opened their mouths that a big event had happened.

"What's the matter, Joe, I'm a pair of Q."

While talking, Liu Xu never forgot to play his cards.

"I just heard the news." Lu Ziqiao said in a low voice, "Just now my little aunt has won a big prize, and she said she can travel to Sanya, Hainan, and the quota is five people."

"Aren't there three?" Liu Xu said subconsciously.

"What three, five?" Guan Gu said a little depressed: "It's all because of Lu Ziqiao, who said he was going to have a single weekend. Now it's all right. All five girls have gone to Sanya. I wanted to fight for a spot. !"

"Brother, that's all you have to offer." Lu Ziqiao patted Guan Gu's miraculous shoulder and said, "Think about it, if there were no girls in the apartment, it wouldn't be the world of our boys! We can do whatever we want." What are you doing, you can have a party if you want, this kind of day is the most desirable."

"But what did you just now..." Guan Gu asked miraculously.

"If I don't say that, will they feel relieved?"

"Okay, okay, isn't it just to let them go out for a few days!" Liu Xu threw away the cards in his hand and said, "Sorry, I'm done playing."

Then, looking at Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu's wonder, he said, "I think what Ziqiao said is right. In the past two days, we can also try life without girls. It can be regarded as a kind of experience!"

"Look, Liu Xu also supports." With Liu Xu's support, Lu Ziqiao became even more excited: "Don't worry, I already have a plan. As the boss of the apartment, no, the boss is Liu Xu, and I will be the boss of the apartment. Men who know how to play, I will give you all a surprise."

"Why do I have a bad premonition?" Guan Gu miraculously approached Liu Xu and whispered.

"Don't worry Guan Gu, with me here, nothing major will happen." Liu Xu said comfortingly.

The implication is that it is none of my business how many small things there are.

It was night, and sure enough, Hu Yifei, Qin Yumo, and Nuo Lan came to Liu Xu's apartment and told him about going to Sanya.

"Go ahead and have fun, but Nuolan, you have to be careful. If you are pregnant, you must be extremely careful."

For Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo, Liu Xu was not worried at all.

What he was worried about was Nuo Lan. After all, she was pregnant. It was impossible to say that she was not nervous.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2108 Let's clean up the room next!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Oh, don't worry! Yu Mo and I will take good care of Nuo Lan. I am the godmother of the child in Nuo Lan's womb. You can stay at home without worry!" Hu Yifei looked impatiently and looked at Yu Lan. Mo, "Is it Yu Mo?"

Qin Yumo also nodded and said, "Liu Xu, don't worry!"

"You two also pay attention a little bit, don't catch a cold, if there is anything, call me, I will fly to Sanya immediately."

Seeing the assurances of the two women, Liu Xu also felt relieved. Although Nuo Lan is pregnant, she is now in a stable period (three months later), so as long as she is careful, she should be fine.

The three girls nodded again, finally letting Liu Xu feel completely at ease.


Early the next morning, the men sent the five girls to the airport, watched the plane take off, and returned to the apartment with peace of mind.

"Hahaha..." Looking at the empty apartment, Lu Ziqiao said loudly, "This weekend, it's our boys' world."

"Zi Qiao, tell me about your arrangement!" Liu Xu poured himself a glass of water, sat on the sofa, and asked Lu Ziqiao.

"I'm going to have a party in the apartment, what do you think?" Lu Ziqiao asked everyone.

"It's a party again, I'm tired of it, let's change it!"

Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head, disapproving of Lu Ziqiao's plan.

"Why don't you try my game?" Guan Gu said suddenly.

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