"You? What game do you have?"

Zhang Wei cast a sideways glance at Guan Gumi, wondering what interesting things this guy who only knows how to paint still has in his mind.

"Of course I have, it's just that these games are too dangerous, because they may affect the neighbors." Guan Gu magically said.

Zeng Xiaoxian also became interested when Guan Gu said this, and said, "Guan Gu, tell me what kind of game it is, so dangerous?"

"I'll get the list, please wait a moment."

Guan Gu said miraculously, and ran to his room.

After a while, he walked over with a blank sheet of paper in his hand.

"Look, that's all, so I haven't played it." Guan Gu said miraculously, pointing to the columns of words on the paper.

Zeng Xiaoxian took the paper, read it, and exclaimed from time to time: "Damn, you actually played polo in the apartment, Guan Gu, thanks for thinking of it!"

Guan Gu smiled magically and said, "This is the game that men should play!"

"Does this instant noodle mean kneading instant noodles?" Zhang Wei asked, pointing to one of the lines.

"That was 1.0, now it's upgraded, it's 2.0." Guan Gu explained miraculously, "Isatis root is used to make instant noodles. I've always wanted to try it."

"Sounds great!" Zhang Wei exclaimed, "How about we try this first?"

"I think it's better for us to play polo first." Zeng Xiaoxian said, "That instant noodle 2.0 can be used as a post-match snack. What do you think?"

"That's it." Lu Ziqiao said, "But what if we don't have horses?"

"It's so stupid, we can use other things instead of horses!" Liu Xu said: "For example, bicycles or something."

"Bicycle?" Lu Ziqiao suddenly realized: "You still have a way, Liu Xu, you wait, I will borrow two bicycles."

After Lu Ziqiao left, everyone was not to be outdone. Under Liu Xu's command, everyone moved some things away one after another to make room for the polo match that will be held later.

"We play polo here, is there really no problem?"

When everything was ready and Ziqiao was about to move the bicycle, Zhang Wei suddenly said.

"Zhang Wei, don't you want to be so cowardly, isn't it just a game of polo!"

Zeng Xiaoxian snorted coldly, and looked at Zhang Wei with disdain.

"I'm not afraid of playing polo, I'm afraid that when the group of girls come back, they will kill us when they see the house like this?" Zhang Wei argued.

"Zhang Wei, don't worry, I promise, after the girl comes back, the room will return to its original state." Liu Xu knew what Zhang Wei was thinking about, so he patted his chest and promised.

Hearing what Liu Xu said, Zhang Weicai felt at ease. After all, Liu Xu's character is quite reliable.

Liu Xu tried his best to play the game peacefully with himself and others, but he still underestimated his group in the end.

After a long time, the whole living room seemed to have been ransacked. This was the result of my own control. Otherwise, this living room would really be like a pigsty.

Tired from playing, the five boys lay on the sofa with tired faces.

"Guangu, hurry up and play the next game."

Lu Ziqiao gasped for breath, but still asked to continue.

"I'm sorry, all the things on the card have been done." Guan Gu looked down at the card miraculously and said.

"What! It's only been half a day, and all the games are over, so what are we going to do next?" Lu Ziqiao sighed.

"Let's clean up the room next!" Liu Xu said weakly.

"This task is better left to you, Liu Xu."

Speaking of cleaning, Lu Ziqiao immediately shook his head.

His words also got everyone's nods of agreement.

"Damn, a bunch of guys without working spirit." Liu Xu looked at everyone with disdain, and suddenly suggested: "Why don't we go to the bar!"

"Go to the bar in broad daylight, Liu Xu, are you kidding me, or you haven't woken up yet." Lu Ziqiao gave Liu Xu a white look, and said, "I think we should have a party, I can invite beautiful women right away, you guys how do you feel?"

"It's not that good." Zeng Xiaoxian said: "I thought it would be interesting if the girls weren't in the apartment, but I didn't expect that being with a group of old men would be even more boring."

"Come, come, come and try this instant noodle 2.0."

Just when everyone was sighing, Zhang Wei came over with a pot of instant noodles.

Liu Xu looked, and saw that the pot of instant noodles was black as a whole, and the white noodles looked particularly weird here.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2109 What is a one-night stand, what I want is a one-month stand

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"I have no appetite, you guys eat!"

After taking a look, Liu Xu became very disgusted and refused to eat.

"Liu Xu, the taste is really good, why don't you take a bite?"

Unlike Liu Xu, Zhang Wei had already picked up the noodles and put them all into his mouth with a swish.

Can this anti-human food really be eaten?

Out of boredom, everyone had no choice but to play poker. Finally, at night, everyone dressed up, hailed two taxis downstairs, and rushed towards the bar.

In the middle of the night, some nightclubs, bars and other nightclubs are the most lively places. As soon as they walked to the door of the bar, several people could hear various sounds coming from inside.

"I think I can gain something here tonight." Lu Ziqiao said to everyone while walking inside.

"You mean one night stand?" Zhang Wei looked at Lu Ziqiao excitedly and said.

"Idiot." Lu Ziqiao looked at Zhang Wei with contempt: "What is one nightstand? What I want is a one-month relationship. Only in this way can I reflect my Lu Xiaobu's demeanor."

A few people spoke, and soon arrived at the interior of the bar.

The lights are dimmed, and countless men and women sway to the music here.

There are many wine bottles on the bar, but anyone who has been to the bar knows that the wine here is several times or even dozens of times more expensive than outside.

Even so, the bar is still a place that some young people love to come to, where you can vent and revel, and no one will treat you as a fool.

Even, as long as you have the ability, you can take away a pretty beauty from here, and perform the one night stand that all men yearn for.

The premise is that you have charm and courage.

For example, the current Lu Ziqiao, with his skills, has already surrounded many girls around him, dancing to the songs on the dance floor.

"Lu Ziqiao is really skilled. How much effort has been made here, and he has already caught up with three beauties."

Zeng Xiaoxian held the drink in his hand, looked at the smug Lu Ziqiao, and said jealously.

"Hehe." Liu Xu chuckled, shook the red wine in his hand gracefully, and said, "If you feel bored, you can also go down and strike up a conversation. If there is a onenightstand, don't worry, I will never tell the truth."

"Tch, is my brother Xian like that? I'm very conservative about love."

Zeng Xiaoxian put on a dedicated look, but the envy in his eyes did not escape Liu Xu's sharp eyes.

"Guan Gu, Zhang Wei, do you want to go down and play?"

Ignoring Zeng Xiaoxian who was beside him, Liu Xu turned his head to the two people on the other side.


Both of them shook their heads. Liu Xu understood that Guan Gu really didn't like these things, and he was very dedicated to Tang Youyou. It's a pity that King Xiang has a dream, but the goddess has no heart.

But Zhang Wei, it’s definitely because he has a lust but no guts.

"It seems that I was the only one who went by myself." Liu Xu said with some disappointment.

He drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, took off his coat, and walked towards the dance floor.

"Hey, Liu Xu can still dance?" Zeng Xiaoxian approached Zhang Wei and said loudly.

"I don't know." Zhang Wei shook his head, "But judging by his appearance, he should be able to!"

Can Liu Xu dance?

The answer is of course yes.

All abilities are restricted, so you must give one to dance skills!

Therefore, Liu Xu has a good street dancer.

At this time, the music in the bar has been replaced by a dj. For Liu Xu, this kind of music is the best music for street dancing.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu closed his eyes, and slowly swayed his limbs that were a little stiff from not dancing for a long time to the music.

As the rhythm of the music became faster and more explosive, Liu Xu's movements became more and more proficient, as if at this moment, he was possessed by Michael Jackson.

Unknowingly, more and more people surrounded Liu Xu, gradually forming a circle, enclosing Liu Xu inside.

On the other side, Lu Ziqiao, who was flirting with the beauty, after seeing this scene, he, who was always full of curiosity about unknown things, pulled the beauty who had just struck up a conversation, and squeezed into the circle, but, wait After he saw clearly who the people surrounded by people were, he was stunned.

"Wow, that man dances so well!"

Lu Ziqiao's girlfriend clapped her hands and kept cheering, cheering for Liu Xu.

"I didn't expect this guy to dance?"

Lu Ziqiao's words made the girl's eyes light up, and she said, "Xiao Bu, do you know that handsome guy?"

He nodded and said: "Well, he is a friend of mine, but I really didn't expect that this guy can dance, and he dances so well, why didn't he notice it normally."

Lu Ziqiao's acknowledgment made the girl even more excited, she pulled his sleeve and said, "Xiao Bu, can you introduce him to me?"

"Of course." As for the beauty's request, Lu Ziqiao had to agree, "Actually, let me tell you, my friend is called Liu Xu, and I taught him how to dance!"

"Really?" The girl said with surprise on her face, "Then Xiaobu, you want to try it too?"

Lu Ziqiao didn't know how to dance street dance, so he hurriedly found a reason, and said nonsense: "But I sprained my waist a few days ago, you know, dancing is a common thing, so unfortunately, I won't do it for the time being." I can present you with my dancing posture, but don’t worry, the doctor said that my waist will be healed in just one month, and then I will dance for you alone.”

After Lu Ziqiao's nonsense, the girl was touched.

"Xiao Bu, you are so kind."

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