The girl leaned tightly on Lu Ziqiao's shoulder with a look of happiness and emotion.

The music in the bar gradually began to change, and Liu Xu also began to stop.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2110 Besides the murderous female devil, who else are you afraid of?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Looking around, he saw that there were people around him. When he was dancing just now, he was too intoxicated, so he didn't feel much at all. However, seeing everyone looking at him with such fiery eyes now, Liu Xu was also taken aback. Immediately, he saluted the gentlemen and left the dance floor.

"Handsome, let's do another dance."

"Handsome, are you free tonight?"

There were even some bold people who wanted to pull Liu Xu to dance with him, but Liu Xu politely refused and walked in the direction of Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei.

"Liu Xu, I really can't see that you can do this." The three of Zeng Xiaoxian approached and said.

Returning to his seat, Liu Xu picked up a glass of beer in front of him, drank it down, wiped the wine stains from his mouth, and said with a smile: "I learned a little before, but I haven't danced for a long time, and I feel a little rusty. "

"That's still unfamiliar!" Zeng Xiaoxian said: "You haven't seen those women, each of them seems to want to eat you."

Liu Xu smiled, but did not speak.

"Hi, Liu Xu, you danced well just now."

At this moment, Lu Ziqiao came over, holding a girl's hand on his arm, it was the girl he hooked up with.

"Zi Qiao!" Liu Xu glanced at the girl beside him, and said with a smile, "Who is this?"

Lu Ziqiao introduced: "Oh, her name is Lily, and she is a kindergarten teacher."

Then he pointed to Liu Xu and the others and said, "Lily, these are my friends, Guan Gumiqi, Zhang Wei, Zeng Xiaoxian, and Liu Xu you just met."

"Liu Xu, you're really good at street dancing." The girl named Lily looked at Liu Xu with admiration on her face: "You know what? Just now I saw your performance, and my blood boiled."

"Really?" Liu Xu smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for your compliment."

With the addition of girls, the atmosphere became more lively.

Lily is very talkative, and she has been involved in every aspect, which is somewhat similar to Lu Ziqiao.

No wonder they were able to hook up so quickly.

"Handsome, can I sit here?"

Just as everyone was talking about it with great interest, a nice girl suddenly rang in Liu Xu's ear.

Everyone looked up and saw a very beautiful girl.

Although her figure is not as good as Yifei's, her face is not as pretty as Yumo's, and her voice is not as sweet as Nuolan's, she is still a first-class beauty.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei straightened their eyes, stood up and said, "Beauty, sit here."

But the beauty didn't look at those two guys, she just looked at Liu Xu.

"Sit down, since we met together by fate, there's no harm in sitting together." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Thank you." The beauty just sat down and said to Liu Xu with a smile: "Your performance on the dance floor just now was so crazy, I like it very much."

"Thank you." Liu Xu responded with a smile.

"May I know your name?" the beauty asked.

"My name is Liu Xu."

"A nice name, my name is Rose."

The beauty was also generous, and said her name carelessly.

"Hi, my name is Zhang Wei."

"A good man is me, and I am Zeng Xiaoxian."

Except for Guan Gu Miracle and Lu Ziqiao, the other two couldn't wait to introduce themselves to the beauty.


Rose smiled and nodded to the two, then turned her attention to Liu Xu again, which made Zhang Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian feel a sense of frustration.

"Zhang Wei, do you think our charm is so low that people don't bother to look at us." Zeng Xiaoxian leaned into Zhang Wei's ear and whispered.

"It's not that our charm is too low, it's that Liu Xu's charm is too high." Zhang Wei also replied in a low voice: "Look at Guan Gu, isn't it the same?"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Guan Guqi, who was only sending text messages with Tang Youyou who was far away in Sanya, and sighed: "This guy can no longer be regarded as a complete man."

Here Zhang Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian lament the misfortune of their lives, while on the other side, Liu Xu and Rose have talked like old friends for many years.

"Liu Xu, I didn't expect you to be a psychiatrist." Rose said with a smile, "I always thought that psychiatrists are the kind of men who are bald and over 50 years old."

"Hehe." Liu Xu said with a smile: "Now you know, there are still many young people in psychology. By the way, Rose, what do you do?"

"I am a model," Rose said.

"Model?" Liu Xu looked Rose up and down a few times, and sighed: "Sure enough, she has a good figure. It's a pity not to be a model."

Rose smiled coquettishly, and was about to say something when a voice suddenly sounded.

"Beauty, how about I buy you a drink?" Rose looked over and saw a young man with dyed yellow hair and a cigarette butt in his mouth. He frowned and said, "No need."

"Why are you being polite when I invite you to drink?"

The yellow hair was obviously willing to give up, and was about to pull Rose with his hand.

"Didn't you hear that girls don't need it anymore?"

Liu Xu patted Huang Mao's hand off and stood up.

"Who are you?" Seeing someone disturbing his good business, Huang Mao couldn't help but glared at him and said, "Be sensible, get out of here right now, uncle is in a good mood today, so I won't bother with you."

Hearing this, Liu Xu smiled instead of anger: "But I want to argue with you."

After finishing speaking, he clasped the yellow hair tightly with a grasping hand.


Huangmao suddenly felt pain and screamed.

"Do you still want to argue with me?" Liu Xu sneered, "Who else are you afraid of besides the murderous female devil?"

"Don't dare, don't dare." Huang Mao said hastily.

He was drunk at first, and when he saw a beautiful girl not far away from him, he pretended to be drunk and came to strike up a conversation, but now that Liu Xu made such a fool of him, he suddenly sobered up to [-]% and begged for mercy.

Liu Xu didn't want to cause more trouble, everyone was out for fun, so he let go of Huang Mao and said coldly, "Get out."


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2111 Yifei, you should go get a Christmas tree with us!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Of course, the Huangmao incident can only be regarded as a small episode. In fact, whether it is in a bar or a nightclub, large-scale gang fights are relatively rare. At most, it is like what happened just now. Some women will be harassed. .

"Liu Xu, thank you, if it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do?"

After Huang Mao was chased away by Liu Xu, Rose thanked Liu Xu.

This was the first time she had been in and out of a bar, and she really didn't know what to do if it wasn't for Liu Xu.

"It's okay, it's just a trivial matter." Liu Xu said with a smile, took out his mobile phone, checked the time, and continued: "It's getting late, Miss Rose, we should go, how about you?"

"Then I'll go too!"

Rose picked up the bag beside her and stood up too.

Liu Xu nodded, and said to Zeng Xiaoxian and others around him, "Guan Gu, Zhang Wei, Teacher Zeng, and Ziqiao, we should go."

"Go back so early?"

Lu Ziqiao was a little unhappy, he was having a lively conversation with the beauty!

"It's okay if you don't want to go back. You'll come back by yourself later." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Forget it, I'll go with you!" Lu Ziqiao stood up and said to Lily beside him, "Lily, I'm leaving first. I'll come to you early tomorrow."

"Okay, Xiaobu." Lily nodded and said, "Then I will go first."

A few people walked out of the bar, a gust of cold wind blew in, froze the few people, and suddenly woke up a little bit.

"Then I'll be leaving first!" Rose looked at Liu Xu and said, "By the way, can you give me your mobile phone number, so I can play with you next time."

Liu Xu nodded, and gave out his mobile phone number. He is not a casual person, but if you get up casually...

Ahem, actually, he also has a good impression of this Rose.

"Goodbye then."

Rose got into a taxi and waved goodbye to Liu Xu and others.


Liu Xu and the others also waved their hands to say goodbye.

On the empty street, there were only five boys left, including Liu Xu.

"Everyone is gone, why are you looking at you!" Lu Ziqiao walked over, seeing that Liu Xu was still in a daze, she couldn't help jokingly said.

Liu Xu glared at him and scolded with a smile, "Send your Lily away?"

Lu Ziqiao nodded, showing a wretched smile, and said, "I think my third base record can be broken again."

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