Liu Xu gave him a contemptuous look, but without saying a word, he waved to a taxi coming from a distance.


Another day later, under the expectation of all the men, the girls in the apartment finally came back, and the boys, under the leadership of Liu Xu, successfully spent a complete "boys' weekend".

Although it was only a short two days since he disappeared, for Guan Gu Miracle, it seemed like two years had passed. As soon as he saw Tang Youyou's figure, he ran over and opened his hands...

Tang Youyou gave him a blank look, and ignored him directly.

Liu Xu, on the other hand, was much calmer. He walked up to the three women and said, "Welcome back."

Then he hugged the three girls and moved their luggage into the car.


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the annual Christmas. Counting the time, it has been nearly three years since Liu Xu came to this world.

Christmas is a traditional festival in the church calendar, it is a day for Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Although it originated from the West, it is also very lively in Country Z.

Early in the morning, everyone gathered in Suite 3601 to discuss how to celebrate Christmas.

Having been a leader for a long time, Hu Yifei is very experienced in this kind of thing, and immediately gave orders: "Zhang Wei, Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao, the three of you are responsible for getting a Christmas tree back."

"Where to get a Christmas tree!"

Zeng Xiaoxian muttered something in a low voice, but Hu Yifei stared at him and shrank back.

"Guangu, Yoyo, you two are responsible for buying ingredients, oh, by the way, don't forget to buy turkey."

Guan Gu and Tang Youyou nodded, this task is not difficult.

"As for Meijia and Yumo!" Hu Yifei thought for a while and said, "You are responsible for buying some small things, trinkets, and decorating the room."

"What about me, Yifei, what am I doing?" Nuolan asked.

"You, just take a good rest." Hu Yifei said: "If you make any mistakes, I will be a sinner."

"I'm not that delicate, let me help, or I'll be embarrassed." Nuo Lan said.

"Why don't you do this!" Liu Xu said, "Nuolan, go to the supermarket with Yoyo and the others to buy groceries. Pregnant women should also go out more, which is good for a smooth delivery."


Seeing that she had something to do, Nuo Lan suddenly became happy.

"Yifei, everyone has something to do, so what are you and Liu Xu doing?" Zhang Wei looked at Hu Yifei and asked aloud.

"Liu Xu and I are in charge of cooking."

"You cook?" Lu Ziqiao exclaimed, "I believe Liu Xu can cook, but Yifei, can you do it? I think, Yifei, you'd better go and get a Christmas tree with us!"

"What did you say?" Hu Yifei glanced at Lu Ziqiao and said murderously.

Lu Ziqiao fell silent for a moment, not daring to say another word, he didn't want to be injured on Christmas Eve and then sent to the hospital.

"Since everyone has no opinions, let's act, GO, GO, GO."

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Hu Yifei issued the final order.

In the blink of an eye, only Liu Xu and Hu Yifei were left in the apartment.

"Yifei, how is Nuolan feeling recently? Is there any discomfort?" Liu Xu sat beside Hu Yifei and asked with concern.

"No problem." Hu Yifei said with a smile: "Listening to her, I feel pretty good."

As she spoke, she washed two apples and threw one to Liu Xu.

Taking a bite of the apple in her hand, Hu Yifei said, "You, you are just too nervous. Look, Nuolan is not as nervous as you."


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2112 Dear, when are you pregnant with one?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu took the apple and said with a smile: "This is not the first time for me. Of course I am nervous. When you have a child, I will definitely be nervous too."

"Who has a child!"

"Seriously, how about, dear, when are you going to have one?"

Hu Yifei spat on Liu Xu and said, "Whoever wants to get pregnant, if I get pregnant, I'm in a hurry to kill you."

Liu Xu smiled and stopped talking.

As time passed, the first ones to come back were Tang Youyou, Guan Gu Miracle and Nuo Lan.

Besides Nuolan, Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou both had a lot of ingredients in their hands.

"Thank you for your hard work." Liu Xu took the ingredients from the two of them, carried them to the kitchen, and said to Hu Yifei who was still eating an apple, "Yifei, come and help me."


Hu Yifei bit off the last bite of the fruit, and followed Liu Xu into the kitchen.

Although Liu Xu's cooking is not as good as those of the top chefs, it is still the best in the apartment.

As for Guan Gu, he can only cook Japanese and Chinese dishes, and he is not even as good as Hu Yifei. Therefore, everyone still trusts Liu Xu's task of cooking.

Not long after, Chen Meijia and Qin Yumo also came back. They are little girls, and they are very interested in some small things. In addition to some decorations, they also bought ten Christmas hats, saying This is a must for Christmas.

In the kitchen, Liu Xu and Hu Yifei were busy. Hu Yifei said they were assistants, but in fact they just washed and chopped the vegetables, and put them on a plate, waiting for Liu Xu to put them in the pot and fry them.

"Liu Xu, what gift are you going to give me on Christmas Eve?" Hu Yifei who was washing the vegetables suddenly said.

Liu Xu was taken aback, then smiled and said, "We are so familiar, why don't we talk about gifts!"

"You must be unprepared!"

Hu Yifei picked up the kitchen knife as a mirror and stroked her hair, but Liu Xu couldn't guarantee that if he said yes, would the kitchen knife come down to him...

"How can it be? I have already prepared the gift." Liu Xu said hastily.

"What is it? Let me know?" Seeing that Liu Xu hadn't forgotten to prepare a gift, Hu Yifei said excitedly.

"Yifei, can you maintain a sense of mystery." Liu Xu said helplessly, "I've said it now, and there will be no surprises later."

"Oh fine!"

Seeing that Liu Xu refused to reveal anything, Hu Yifei had no choice but to resign herself to washing the dishes again.

Half an hour later, Zhang Wei, Lu Ziqiao, and Zeng Xiaoxian also returned to the apartment. Among them, Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao were still carrying a Christmas tree, which was as tall as a person.

"Hey, I'm exhausted."

After putting down the Christmas tree, the three of them fell powerlessly on the sofa, panting heavily.

"It's really useless, and you're still a man! Setting up a Christmas tree is like killing you."

Chen Meijia gnawed on the apple and looked at the three men with disdain.

"You don't know." Lu Ziqiao said out of breath, "Mr. Zeng and Zhang Wei and I searched for a long time before we found this Christmas tree!"

"Doesn't every store have Christmas trees? Why did it take so long to find them?" Tang Youyou asked suspiciously.

"That half-meter-high Christmas tree also fits our identities?" Zeng Xiaoxian said, "Look at our tree, how magnificent and tall it is."

"It's just a little bit heavier." Zhang Wei continued: "We took turns carrying it, and we finally carried it to the apartment. Tang Sanzang's study of Buddhist scriptures is just like us."

"Now that the Christmas tree has been bought, let's hang it up together!" Chen Meijia said excitedly.

"Okay, okay, I can't wait." Tang Youyou said in agreement.

"You hang up, let me rest for a while." Lu Ziqiao refused to get up, and said with a weak face.

"Oh, wake up." Chen Meijia pulled Lu Ziqiao up, "If you don't help us, you won't have your share of the Christmas present later."

With the threat of presents, Zeng Xiaoxian and the three men reluctantly stood up, and together with the rest, began to arrange the Christmas tree.

Everyone was busy until the evening, and when Liu Xu and Hu Yifei walked out of the kitchen, they had already arranged the entire living room and Christmas tree, and the whole room was filled with the atmosphere of Christmas.

"Everyone, all the dishes are ready, please help me serve them." Liu Xu looked at the crowd, clapped his hands and said.

"Damn, after a busy day, I can finally eat." Hearing what to eat, Lu Ziqiao suddenly gained strength and rushed to the kitchen. When he saw the pork belly on the plate, he wanted to pick it up and eat it with his hands.

"Don't do anything yet." Hu Yifei slapped off Lu Ziqiao's paw, pouted and said, "Take out the food first."

"I'll just take a bite first, just one bite."

"No... If you dare to eat it, I'll chop off your hand."


Looking at the table full of dishes, everyone was stunned.

"Liu Xu, I really didn't expect your craftsmanship to be so good." Zeng Xiaoxian sighed.

Liu Xu seldom cooks, and even if he cooks, he just makes a few simple things. This is the first time everyone has seen such a large-scale one.

"Try it and see if it tastes good and if it suits your taste." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"I heard you say that you can cook before, but I didn't expect you to be so good at it." Nuo Lan also said in surprise.

In today's society, there are very few people who can cook, even fewer boys who can cook, and very few boys who can cook and taste delicious.

Everyone sat down, and Lu Ziqiao, who was already hungry and thirsty, was the first to reach out for the pork belly that had been salivating for a long time, then put it in his mouth, and began to chew.

"what about the taste?"

Liu Xu smiled. He was very confident in his cooking skills, and everyone looked at him curiously.

Lu Ziqiao remained expressionless, and said flatly, "I ate it too fast, I haven't tasted it yet, I'll try another piece."

After three pieces of pork belly went down in a row, everyone finally realized that something was wrong. They picked up the chopsticks on the table one after another, and started to taste the dishes.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

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