Chapter 2113 Women's Christmas Gifts

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Well, it's delicious."

"Liu Xu, it's a pity that you don't want to be a chef."

With everyone's admiration, the smile on Liu Xu's face became wider.

Half an hour later, the dishes on the table were wiped out by everyone, leaving nothing behind.

Zeng Xiaoxian spat out a turkey bone in his mouth, burped contentedly, touched his slightly swollen stomach, and said, "This is the happiest meal I've had this year."

Zhang Wei agreed and said, "I suggest, how about Liu Xu cooking us dinner every day in the future?"

"Come on!" Liu Xu took the paper towel handed over by Qin Yumo, wiped his mouth and said, "Cooking is the most troublesome thing. Let's do as before, as long as we don't starve to death."

The crowd sighed.


The moon has risen, and the white moonlight shines through the window in the living room of the apartment.

"Today's moonlight is really beautiful!"

After dinner, everyone came to the balcony together, looking at the twinkling stars and the high and unreachable moon, Chen Meijia couldn't help sighing.

Although Christmas is not as lively as New Year's Eve and Spring Festival, and there are no fireworks blooming in the sky, everyone still feels that this moment is so beautiful.

"It's okay, Zhan Bo and Wan Yu are not here, otherwise, it will be more complete."

Hu Yifei looked at the moon, as if talking to herself, but also as if talking to everyone.

"Yes." Liu Xu hugged Hu Yifei from behind and said, "What you think will definitely come true, because this is the love apartment, a magical place."

Everyone sighed, Lu Ziqiao came out from the room, and said to Liu Xu, "Liu Xu, would you like a bottle of white?"

"White?" Liu Xu shook his head and said, "Forget it, how can you get drunk on such a good day."

"Can Nutrition Express get drunk?" Lu Ziqiao said with a smile, shaking the Nutrition Express drink in his hand.

Liu Xu: "..."

"Okay, okay, Ziqiao, stop messing around." Chen Meijia pulled Lu Ziqiao away, looked at Liu Xu with a treacherous face, and said, "Liu Xu, where is our Christmas present?"

As soon as Chen Meijia said this, she immediately turned all her eyes to Liu Xu, begging Liu Xu for Christmas gifts one after another.

"Of course I've prepared the gift." Liu Xu said with a smile, "But if you give me a gift, do you want me to see it first?"

"No, you have to take it out first." All the girls said in unison.

Under everyone's booing, Liu Xu had no choice but to take everyone back to the back room.

"Where are the presents?" Everyone looked around and found Liu Xu's Christmas presents one after another.

"Please, if the gift was here, wouldn't you have discovered it a long time ago?" Liu Xu looked at the crowd helplessly, then turned and walked into his room and said, "Wait, I'll go get the gift."

Not long after, Liu Xu came out of the room, but at this moment, he had five more exquisite bags in his hands.

"Come on, Meijia, Yoyo." Liu Xu handed out two bags, "This is for both of you."

"Thank you Liu Xu." The two girls took the bag excitedly, opened it hastily, and then heard the cheers from the two girls: "Wow, it's actually Chanel perfume."

Lu Ziqiao looked at it carefully, and said to Liu Xu, "Liu Xu, you really deserve your money."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "As long as everyone is happy."

After speaking, he handed the remaining three bags to Hu Yifei and the others, and said, "No, these are yours."

"What gift?" Qin Yumo asked expectantly.

"Open it and have a look." Liu Xu said with a smile.

The three women carefully opened the package, and when they saw the gift inside, their eyes widened and they covered their mouths with one hand.

"Yifei, what gift is yours?" Chen Meijia and Tang Youyou also came over, and when they saw their gift, they also widened their eyes: "My God, what a beautiful necklace!"

That's right, what Liu Xu gave the three girls was a necklace, but there were gems inlaid in the middle of the necklace.

Among them, Yifei's is a ruby, Yumo's is a sapphire, and Nuolan's is an emerald.

Everyone was stunned, and everyone understood that Liu Xu had invested a lot of money.

"How is it? Do you like it?" Liu Xu asked the three girls with a smile.

"Liu Xu, put it on for me quickly."

Although Hu Yifei didn't say it clearly, judging from what she said, it is obvious that she likes this necklace to the extreme.

"Put it on for me too."

"And I."

As soon as Hu Yifei's words fell, the other two girls also shouted, asking Liu Xu to put necklaces on them.

Liu Xu put them on one by one. The three women were originally rare beauties, and now they are adding this beautiful necklace. Even Liu Xu, at this moment, was also overwhelmed by the charm of the three women.

"Wow, Yifei, Yumo, and Nuolan, you are so beautiful." Tang Youyou said loudly.

Obviously, she was also conquered by the three women in front of her.

"Liu Xu, how is it? Does it look good?" The three women circled around Liu Xu and asked Liu Xu happily.

Liu Xu's gift really gave them a big surprise.

"You are like fairies."

Liu Xu praised without hesitation. At this moment, the three girls are so beautiful.

"Liu Xu, where's our gift?"

Seeing how exquisite and expensive gifts Liu Xu gave to the girls, Zhang Wei, Zeng Xiaoxian and the others were envious and asked Liu Xu for gifts.

Liu Xu squinted at them, and said lightly: "You big men, what gifts do you want, I'm sorry, I don't have any preparations for yours."

"What?" Lu Ziqiao exclaimed in surprise, "Liu Xu, you can't value sex over friends! Although our gifts don't need to be as expensive as Xiang Yifei and the others, a little more ordinary is fine."

The rest of the boys also nodded.

"Then have you prepared a gift for me?" Liu Xu asked suddenly.

Zeng Xiaoxian and the others were startled, then smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Liu Xu, everyone is so familiar, it's strange to give gifts!"

Liu Xu rolled his eyes at them and stopped talking.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2114 Marriage Announcement

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Teacher Zeng, Guan Gu, Zhang Wei, and Ziqiao, Liu Xu has already sent gifts, where are your gifts?"

Although Liu Xu let go of a few men for the time being, Chen Meijia obviously wasn't ready to let them go, and stretched out her hand like they were begging for gifts.

"Yes, yes, and ours."

As soon as Chen Meijia stretched out her hand, the rest of the girls responded one after another, and they all came to Chen Meijia's side, begging for gifts from the boy.

"Don't worry, we have prepared your gifts." Lu Ziqiao said loudly, but he was secretly relieved, fortunately, he had already prepared them.

Although the gift was a bit shabby and couldn't be compared with Liu Xu, it was better than giving nothing at all.

The rest of the boys also sent their own Christmas gifts and Christmas blessings one after another. Although compared with Liu Xu's gift, it was relatively pale, but it was a heartfelt heart anyway. All the girls said thank you and accepted it with a smile. up.

"Everyone, I don't have anything to prepare." Zhang Wei was the last one who gave the gift. He took out five packs of wet wipes from his pocket, handed them over and said, "I've learned that wet wipes are very important to girls. The biggest advantage, no matter in terms of makeup or any other aspect, is an indispensable part of you girls, so I specially bought wet wipes from the supermarket, or vanilla, you smell it."

The girls took it speechlessly. Zhang Wei was able to pick it up to such an extent. However, everyone was already immune, and they took Zhang Wei's wet wipes without any flaws. They didn't forget to say thank you. As for them What to do with the wipes in the end, Liu Xu didn't know.

"Hey, our boys have finished giving gifts, and you girls, don't you want to show it?"

Zeng Xiaoxian still understands the principle that part of the gifts given out must be returned, so he immediately asked the girls for gifts.

"Your ones, we have prepared them a long time ago, one for each of us, and our sisters pooled money to buy them, and they are much better than yours."

While talking, Hu Yifei winked at the girls.

The girls understood and walked into Hu Yifei's room one after another. When they came out, they all held an ipad in their hands.

"Everyone, Merry Christmas!!"


Marriage is a lifetime event, and it is also the most beautiful day for the bride. No matter who it is, it will be carefully prepared for such an important event, so as not to leave any regrets for the future.

Hu Yifei and Liu Xu are a good example. They have long said that they want to register for marriage, but until now, there is still no major movement, which makes everyone very disappointed. When they talk about marriage in the future, everyone has already agreed It looks like you guys are hurrying to do it.

But today, when the two of them stood in front of everyone again, everyone must have opened their mouths. The reason is that Liu Xu and Hu Yifei have already decided to get married this weekend, which is Valentine's Day.

"Liu Xu, are you kidding me!" Lu Ziqiao had already forgot to drink, and looked at the two people in front of her with disbelief, "You are getting married, not grocery shopping, so hasty, okay?"

"Liu Xu and I have made a decision." Hu Yifei held Liu Xu's arm, with a happy face, "This is an auspicious day, and it's Valentine's Day, we don't want to miss it again. Today, we are here to inform everyone , I will definitely come when the time comes, you don’t need the gift money, but the people must come.”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Wei, who was sitting in the corner, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Liu Xu, Yifei, don't worry, I will definitely be there. Also, I wish you happiness."

"Thank you, Zhang Wei." Liu Xu said, "Ziqiao, Guguan, I will trouble you to be the best man. Yoyo, Meijia, I will leave the task of the bridesmaid to you. Teacher Zeng, the host of the wedding, you understand."

He looked at everyone and asked them one by one.

"Don't worry, Liu Xu, your wedding is on me." Zeng Xiaoxian said with raised eyebrows.


In the blink of an eye, it was Saturday night.

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