This night was destined to be a restless one. Surprisingly, Lu Ziqiao didn't ask for any single night, and Zeng Xiaoxian was also working hard to memorize the manuscript that will be used by the host tomorrow.

Liu Xu walked to the balcony alone, looking at the black sky, the stars were twinkling, as if he was also blessing.

"This world is about to end!"

Liu Xu turned around and walked to Hu Yifei's room, thinking of the lover in his heart, a smile appeared on his face again.

Pushing open the door, I saw not only Hu Yifei, but also Nuo Lan and Yu Mo inside.

Seeing Liu Xu coming in, the girls all stood up, Qin Yumo said with a smile: "Liu Xu, you are happy now, this beauty Yifei is finally going to be captured by you."

Liu Xu smiled, hugged Qin Yumo, sat on Hu Yifei's bed, and said, "It's not just Yifei, I want you and Nuolan too."

Afterwards, Liu Xu looked at Qin Yumo and Nuo Lan, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

"Oh, why did you say I'm sorry again." Qin Yumo pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "Didn't we already agree that day, we don't need to have titles, as long as you support us."

"However, this is really unfair to you."

"If you feel ashamed of us, then treat us better." Nuo Lan said with a smile: "However, I believe that you will never let us down, right?"

Looking at those faces full of confidence in him, Liu Xu nodded vigorously.

"Okay, it's getting late, you should go to rest!" Several people had a conversation, Qin Yumo pushed Liu Xu, and drove him out of Hu Yifei's room, "You are the groom tomorrow, why don't you have energy?" Okay? Hurry up and go to bed, and tomorrow, I will dress up handsomely and surprise the audience."

Liu Xu smiled helplessly, so he had no choice but to walk out of Hu Yifei's room. Before he left, he reminded him: "You guys should go to bed quickly. I will be the bridegroom tomorrow, but your tasks are not as easy as mine, especially Yifei, you are tomorrow's heroine."

"I know, I know." The girls said impatiently.

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2115 I Will

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Back at 3603, seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian was still carrying the host manuscript, Liu Xu couldn't help but stop and said, "Mr. Zeng, are you still asleep?"

"Just sleep and sleep." Zeng Xiaoxian saw that it was Liu Xu, his eyes suddenly lit up, and asked: "Liu Xu, what do you think I should do when I preside over the wedding tomorrow? No, you can help me take a look, and can I have some suggestions by the way?"

"Teacher Zeng, it's getting late, you should wash up and go to sleep!"

Liu Xu looked at Zeng Xiaoxian speechlessly, and walked into his bedroom.

That night, Liu Xu didn't sleep well. He dreamed of a woman, and the woman in the dream was Lin Wanyu...

How is it possible, Wan Yu is in Milan!


Early the next morning, everyone started to get busy. Yumo, Meijia, Tang Youyou, and Nuo Lan all followed today's protagonist, Hu Yifei, putting on their makeup and saying some caring and envious words.

While the boys surrounded Liu Xu and Guan Gu miraculously, with smiles on their faces, they patted their shoulders and said their blessings.

Today's Liu Xu is more handsome than usual, with a white suit and a flower on his chest, as if he is Prince Charming

"Liu Xu, who do you see coming?"

Just as the boys were standing in the living room, waiting for the bride to come out, Zeng Xiaoxian, who had been directing downstairs, suddenly came up.

Liu Xu looked up and said pleasantly, "Zhanbo, Wanyu, why are you back?"

The two have been abroad, one studying design in Milan, and the other protecting animals and the environment in Africa.

Although Liu Xu and Hu Yifei had told them that they were getting married today, they never expected that they would return to China to attend the wedding.

"How could I miss your wedding with your elder sister!" Lu Zhanbo said with a smile, "I happened to meet Wanyu downstairs, so we came up together."

Liu Xu stepped forward, patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder, and said comfortingly: "Yes, after going out for so long, you have become stronger and more mature. Your old sister will be very happy to see you like this."

Lu Zhanbo nodded, and said to Liu Xu: "Then Liu Xu, Wanyu and I are going to visit my elder sister. I haven't seen her for so long. I miss her so much."

Liu Xu nodded and said, "Go, she misses you too."

The partners in the apartment were finally all gathered together, which made Liu Xu very happy. Finally, he and Yifei had no regrets about their wedding.

After another half an hour, Hu Yifei finally opened the door and walked out, followed by some female companions and Zhanbo who just came back.

The old saying is true, a woman in a wedding dress is the most beautiful, Liu Xu saw Hu Yifei for the first time today, and when he saw her walking down the stairs slowly like a fairy, he immediately stayed there.

"Hey, Liu Xu, what are you doing standing there?"

It wasn't until Hu Yifei walked up to Liu Xu and gave him a coquettish moan that Liu Xu responded.

With an embarrassed smile, Liu Xu said, "Yifei, you look so beautiful today."

Hu Yifei smiled, unexpectedly did not say "I was not beautiful before", and put her hand on Liu Xu's arm.

"Bride and groom, please go downstairs to the wedding car and go to the wedding venue." The hostess Zeng Xiaoxian shouted after the couples on both sides got ready.

The two couples went out first, followed by the groomsmen and bridesmaids.

Downstairs of the apartment, there was a row of Lamborghinis parked long ago, and the extended version of Lincoln in the middle was even more conspicuous.

Of course, these cars are all rented, but compared with Zhang Wei's last marriage, the grade is one in the sky and the other on the ground.

In the world of iPartment, Liu Xu didn't focus on making money, as long as he had enough to spend, otherwise he wouldn't dare to say that he was the richest man in the country, and he would definitely be a billionaire.

Seeing the two couples appear, Hu Yifei's senior sister Du Qianqian and Guan Gu's miraculous senior brother Du Jun immediately directed the people to set off firecrackers, and everyone got into the car under the band's performance.

The wedding venue was on a piece of lawn, which was rented by Liu Xu with the help of Du Qianqian.

At this time, the lawn has already been set up as a wedding venue. In the venue, there are people coming and going, some spectators, and family members, such as Hu Yifei's parents, some relatives, and the staff of the hotel and wedding company .

As the host, Zeng Xiaoxian had already got off the car, walked to the front of the crowd, held up the microphone and said loudly: "Fathers and folks, the bride and groom will be arriving soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, the wedding car was slowly driving into the wedding venue, followed by the sound of bands and firecrackers.

Amidst all the sounds of joy, the door of the wedding car was opened, and the groom, Liu Xu, came out first. He bent down slightly, and stretched out his hand into the car in a gentlemanly manner.

Hu Yifei put his hand on Liu Xu's and got out of the car.

The bride walked on the red carpet leading to the wedding scene, holding the groom's hand, listening to the blessings of the people on both sides.

Walking to the stage, I saw Zeng Xiaoxian holding up the microphone, and said to the crowd: "When you meet the person you want to meet among thousands of people, in the thousands of years, in the boundless wilderness of time, there is no one step earlier!" , and it was not too late, just happened to catch up. The wedding of Liu Xu and Hu Yifei officially set sail on xx, xxxx AD..."

"At this moment, I think there are two other couples who are the most excited and happy at this moment, that is, the parents of the groom and the bride who raised them; taking this opportunity, our bride and groom express their gratitude to their parents for their kindness. The parents of both parties sincerely thank and express their deep blessings, and specially dedicate bouquets of the most beautiful flowers to the parents who have nurtured them."

Following Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Hu Yifei's parents, surrounded by everyone, walked onto the stage, and took the flowers from their daughter with a happy face.

"At this beautiful moment, we have witnessed the happiness of two couples. So, Mr. Liu Xu, are you willing to marry the bride around you? Regardless of illness, health, poverty, wealth, or changes in the environment in the future, you will use yourself To love her and care for her for the rest of my life?"

Looking at Hu Yifei's beautiful face, Liu Xu couldn't help but see happy pictures of getting along with her. There was no sadness, no pain, and there was only happiness. He couldn't help laughing and said loudly: "I am willing."


Chapter 2116 Wedding night, honeymoon trip

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"The exchange of heart and heart, the blending of love and love, weaving together such a beautiful vow today, in order to remember this day forever, remember this moment, this moment when the love flower blooms, the two of us will exchange wedding rings, To show their loyalty to love. Alright, now let's ask the best man and bridesmaid to put on the wedding ring."

As the best man and bridesmaid, Lu Ziqiao, Zhang Wei, Chen Meijia and Tang Youyou carefully put on the wedding ring.

"The wedding ring is a token of love between lovers. These two small concentric circles tightly connect the two hearts of two people. My friends, let us sincerely wish the two couples and wish them love. Forever and ever, the two hearts will always be together."

Under everyone's applause, the couple finally put on the ring for their other half.

The wedding ring was an ordinary diamond ring. Compared with the gemstone necklace Liu Xu gave to the three daughters last time, the grade was too different.

However, this diamond ring symbolizes happiness, and there is an oath, which means that I am fully prepared to give my significant other [-]% happiness.

"So, the two grooms, do you have anything to say?" Zeng Xiaoxian handed the microphone to Liu Xu.

Liu Xu took the microphone and said with a smile to everyone: "I am very lucky. I moved into the iPartment, and moved into this magical place. Here, I met the person I want to protect all my life. I want to tell her that no matter No matter how far and how difficult the road ahead is, I, Liu Xu, will always be by his side. I will definitely become Yifei's most solid shield, and we will never leave him for the rest of our lives."

"Kiss one, kiss one..."

Liu Xu's words let everyone see his love and dedication to the other half. I don't know who made the first coaxing, and everyone clapped their hands, asking the two couples to kiss each other in front of everyone. .

Liu Xu looked at Hu Yifei's face with a smile, and saw that he was also looking at him with a smile on his face.

Liu Xu couldn't bear it any longer, and said softly, "Honey, I love you."

"I love you too."

The two lips touched together at the moment when the fireworks rose.


One night passed, and the next morning, Hu Yifei couldn't get out of bed.

After Liu Xu got dressed, he turned around and saw that the person on the bed was still lying, biting his lip, with a painful expression on his face.

He wrinkled, walked over to sit beside her, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Hu Yifei shook her head and tried her best to sit up, but it really hurt, every time she moved she felt as if her bones were about to break.

Liu Xu reached out to help her, Hu Yifei looked shy and complained, "It's all you, now I have to catch a plane, what should I do if I can't move?"

"Can't move?" Liu Xu was confused, "Where did you get hurt? Why can't you move? Let me see!"

As he was speaking, he was lifting the quilt, but Hu Yifei hurriedly stopped him and said angrily, "You are so bad, well, you go out first, and I will come out right away."

Liu Xu sat still and asked innocently, "Did I push too hard last night?"

Hu Yifei didn't dare to look at him, she shook her head and said, "No!"

"What's that for? It's been too long?"


"Yesterday was our wedding night. I was so excited." Liu Xu hugged Hu Yifei with a smile, and said, "My wife, I'm sorry, I will definitely stop in moderation next time."

Hu Yifei pushed him away and shook her head, "It's okay, you go out first, I'll get up and change right away."

"But you can't even get out of bed."

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