"I can hold on."

Hu Yifei smiled wryly, the smile made people feel distressed.

"Then let's change the flight and wait until you are better."

Liu Xu didn't allow her to insist, they were going on a honeymoon trip.


"There's nothing but, you rest, I'll go out and tell Yu Mo and Nuo Lan that we'll go another day."

"What do you say?"

Liu Xu looked at Hu Yifei, teased her with a smile and said, "Let's just say that I was too careless last night, and you..."

"Liu Xu, if you dare to say that, I won't talk to you anymore."

Hu Yifei turned around angrily and stopped looking at him.

Liu Xu rolled his eyes with a smile, hugged her again, and said, "Just say you didn't feel well this morning, and we'll leave tomorrow?"

Hu Yifei thought about it, and let it go!Anyway, they are all flying, and it is the same when they rest on the plane.

Because it was a honeymoon trip, and there was Nuo Lan, a pregnant woman, Liu Xu booked business class, and the environment was not comparable to that of economy class.

"it is good!"

Liu Xu nodded, and then went to choose clothes for Hu Yifei.

He took a set of his favorite, a white dress, and added a small shawl. On the waist of the dress, there was a belt inlaid with rhinestones, which showed his figure especially.

After Hu Yifei put it on, she seemed to be ten years younger, like a high school student who just graduated.

The more Liu Xu looked at her, the more he liked her, and the more she looked at her, the more she felt that she was really beautiful, especially with the white dress, which really made people feel that she had a refined temperament in it.

Liu Xu sighed, it turns out that fairies are nothing more than that.

Because she insisted on getting out of bed, Hu Yifei's legs were still trembling when walking.

Liu Xu helped her go out, Yu Mo and Nuo Lan were already waiting for them.

Seeing the two people respecting each other like guests, Qin Yumo smiled and went up to meet them.

"I'm about to call you guys, come on, breakfast is ready, go to the airport immediately after eating."

Hu Yifei looked at Qin Yumo apologetically, and said, "Yu Mo, thank you for your hard work."

Qin Yumo came forward with a smile and said, "What are you talking about? We are a family. Besides, I didn't cook the breakfast, it was Nuolan who cooked it, and I just got up."

The two women smiled at each other, and Liu Xu supported Hu Yifei to walk forward.

Qin Yumo was confused and asked, "Yifei, what's wrong with you?"

"Ahem, I accidentally twisted my foot."

Liu Xu coughed and glanced at Qin Yumo, his eyes seemed to convey something.

Qin Yumo looked at Liu Xu's eyes, and immediately understood. He hurriedly smiled and stepped forward to pull Hu Yifei's chair away, saying, "It's all right, let's have breakfast!"

Hu Yifei looked at Nuolan who was sitting at the dining table, and greeted with a smile, "Good morning, Nuolan!"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2117 Feather ink is pregnant

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In a blink of an eye, the two-month honeymoon time passed, and the last stop of Liu Xu and Hu Yifei was Thailand.

Qin Yumo had already accompanied Nuo Lan back to China in advance. The first month of the honeymoon trip was spent with everyone, and the next month was the two-person world of Liu Xu and Hu Yifei.

On the first night of returning to China, a five-star hotel in Thailand.

Inside the suite.

The two embraced and fell asleep.

"I'm going home tomorrow. Is there any place you want to go but haven't gone?"

Liu Xu spoke, his voice was as magnetic as an artist's recital.

Hu Yifei, the woman in his arms, shook her head and said, "I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to go home and see Nuolan, she is about to give birth!"

Hearing this, Liu Xu couldn't help but look down at Hu Yifei in his arms, kissed her forehead, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Yifei, I have wronged you."

"No." Hu Yifei shook his head and said, "The wronged ones are Nuo Lan and Yu Mo."

Liu Xu hugged her, and wanted to say something again, Hu Yifei pushed her away suddenly, and made a uncomfortable posture to vomit, but he didn't vomit again, Hu Yifei quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

"Yifei, are you okay?" Liu Xu looked at Hu Yifei's back and shouted.

Hu Yifei didn't reply to his words, Liu Xu got up worriedly and walked over, seeing her lying on the edge of the pool and vomiting, she vomited for a long time but didn't vomit out anything.

Liu Xu stepped forward to hug her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Hu Yifei shook her head and said, "I don't know, I guess I ate something I shouldn't have eaten today!"

"Shall we go to the hospital?"

"No, go to sleep, the plane is early tomorrow morning."

She smiled and pushed him into the room.

After the two lay down, Liu Xu couldn't help pressing over and kissed her on the lips.

"Are you all right?"


He lowered his head, his eyes met, and his eyebrows were expressive.

"Tomorrow will end our two-person world, are you willing?"

Liu Xu raised the corners of his lips, with an expression of ready to do something bad.

Hu Yifei started to caress the triangular muscles of Liu Xu's chest, smiling like a flower, and said, "I don't want to, but what are you going to do?"

Liu Xu stared at the woman under him, and said with a smile, "Of course I want to enjoy it before going back?"

Hearing this, Hu Yifei's face changed 360 degrees in an instant, and he vetoed it.

"do not want!"


"Flight early tomorrow morning."

"I'll be gentle this time."

"Men love to tell lies, and when the truth comes up, they don't care about anything."

Hu Yifei turned her back to him decisively.

"Just once, huh?"

"Not even half a time."

"How about we reschedule the plane to the afternoon?"

"Then, you agreed to do it only once?"

Hearing Hu Yifei's words, Liu Xu sprang up like chicken blood, nodded sharply at her and said, "Listen to you."


After an unknown amount of time, the room finally fell silent.

After resting for a while, Liu Xu hugged Hu Yifei and kissed her on the lips again.

Hu Yifei turned his head away in sweat like rain, avoided his mouth, and said: "I will never trust you again, you said you would be gentle."


"It's you who wants to be fast."

Liu Xu looked up at her with an innocent expression.

"It's obviously you."

Hu Yifei stared at him, wanting to cry but without tears.

"All right!"

"Take a shower, get a good night's sleep, and go home tomorrow."

Liu Xu got up, lifted the quilt, picked her up and walked towards the bathroom.

Hu Yifei nestled in Liu Xu's arms without saying a word. Even though she had no clothes on her body, she had nothing to shy away from in front of her husband.

The next day, the plane from Thailand to China arrived at four o'clock in the afternoon.

It was supposed to be Qin Yumo who came to pick him up, but when he arrived, he found out that the person who came was Lu Ziqiao.

Sitting in the car, Lu Ziqiao couldn't help saying enviously: "You two are so lucky, you actually played for two months."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Why are you? Where's Yumo?"

Lu Ziqiao said: "Yu Mo is pregnant."

Liu Xu: "..."

Lu Ziqiao said, "It's not mine."

Liu Xu: "..."

Seeing that Liu Xu was stunned, Lu Ziqiao smiled and said, "I accidentally heard her tell Nuo Lan that she would give you a surprise, um, you can't betray me."

"Is Yumo pregnant?"

Hu Yifei was the first to come back to her senses. Just after she finished speaking, she covered her mouth suddenly and almost vomited.

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