
"Bang bang bang..."

"Who is it!"

"SF Express."


Liu Xu opened the door, and it was delivered and signed.

"What is this? A credit card statement? No, the statement is usually a postal express, not a SF express..."

Liu Xu opened the courier and found a piece of paper inside...

Conscription notice.

"Hello, now it's a sign that you will enter "SWAT Force" and become a great super...traffic policeman."

"Traffic police?"

Goofy twitched his mouth.

Look at the courier of SF Express again, who is it not Hong Chao?

"Hong Chao, you came too timely."

Liu Xu had the urge to embrace Hong Chao, because Lin Wanyu and Tang Youyou were pregnant at the same time, and he couldn't explain it at all.

Lin Wanyu quietly attacked him on the eve of their wedding night, and Tang Youyou also took advantage of his drunkenness to steal his most precious life seed...

I wonder if the three women headed by Hu Yifei will believe this explanation?

Whether they believe it or not, Liu Xu doesn't believe it anyway.

So, when Hong Chao was playing tricks on him, Liu Xu was relieved instead.

"If that's the case, then let's go!"

Hong Chao didn't see the scene of tricking Liu Xu as she expected, so she slapped him on the shoulder angrily, knocking Liu Xu unconscious.

When he woke up again, his head was buzzing, and Liu Xu saw several white coats running towards him pushing a stretcher.

He knew that this was the third and last world that he had entered into the One Qi Transformation and Three Purifications.

After this world is conquered, the generals will wake up, and then implement the plan to destroy the world.

"Huh, what stage has the plot developed... I am Shen Hongfei, not quite right, there is no Shen Hongfei in this world, or the name of Shen Hongfei in this world is Liu Xu, and now this Liu Xu is completely replaced by him..."

Liu Xu closed his eyes and checked his physical condition. Although he didn't have superpowers, he wasn't as good as in the love apartment.

"Strange! No wound was found on the traffic policeman's body! No gunshot wound was found!" A doctor exclaimed in surprise.

Another older doctor, who had just checked the old traffic policeman, hurried over while ordering the medical staff to send the wounded to the ambulance. There were bloodstains on Liu Xu's body, but there were really no traces of bullets, let alone gunshot wounds. .

"Strange! Strange!"

The young doctor muttered, "Could it be that you fainted from fright?"

Liu Xu suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the stretcher.

The old doctor hurriedly asked, "Young man, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

"I'm fine, it's not my blood, it's the master's blood."

The young doctor said contemptuously: "As expected, I guessed correctly, I fainted from fright."

Liu Xu had no time to worry about it, so he jumped off the stretcher.

"How is my master?"

The old doctor said: "Your master has been shot!"

As he said that, with a quick gesture, the other two doctors were pushing the stretcher onto the ambulance.

Liu Xu pondered for a while, ran to his police motorcycle, and shouted into the walkie-talkie: "All units, please pay attention. I am Liu Xu. I will send the injured police officer to the hospital immediately!"

As soon as he got on the motorcycle, Liu Xu felt his blood boil.

Fights between police and robbers, street chases, this is the highlight of Hong Kong movies!


The lights in the hospital operating room were on.

At the end of the corridor, there were footsteps.

Liu Xu was thinking about something, when he heard the sound, he looked up.

Two soldiers in berets and combat uniforms came over.On the chest of their clothes, the word special police was also printed.

Liu Xu recognized at a glance that the tall man was Long Feihu, the captain of the Tiger Commando, and the other was Wu Di.

The two walked up to Liu Xu and saluted solemnly.

Liu Xu also responded with the corresponding etiquette.

Long Feihu's complexion was dark, his eyes were piercing, and his eyes shot out.

"Are you the traffic policeman at the scene today?"

Liu Xu said: "Liu Xu from the Sixth Brigade of the Traffic Police."

He answered subconsciously.

Liu Xu found that his memory about this world had been read.

The tall man said: "Tiger Commando, Captain, Long Feihu."

Another special policeman said: "Tiger Commando, Wu Di."

Long Feihu said: "How is the condition of the wounded?"

Liu Xu said, "It's still undergoing surgery."

At this time, Long Feihu had already walked up to the master's wife and presented a bouquet of flowers.

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, we came late. We didn't nip the bad guy in the bud, which led to a tragedy, but please believe us, believe me, I will catch him, I'm sorry."

The sister-in-law burst into tears.

Long Feihu stood up, and suddenly saw Liu Xu staring at him, a little puzzled.

"Captain Long, I want to join the Tiger Commando."

Long Feihu frowned slightly, and said, "I can understand your feelings, but the revolutionary work has its own division of labor, and your job is to direct traffic well."

After saying this, Long Feihu turned his head and said again: "Sister-in-law, don't be sad, we will come to see you again after your husband's operation is completed."

After Long Feihu said this, he was about to leave with Wu Di.

Liu Xu hurriedly asked: "Captain Long, the traffic police, can you join the special police team?"

Long Feihu turned around and said, "Yes! Let's talk after passing the exam!"

Liu Xu took a step forward and said, "Captain Long, I want to challenge you!"

Long Feihu's gaze was sharp as a sword, and he said in a deep voice, "What did you say?"

Liu Xu said seriously: "I want to challenge you, because I want you to know that I have the qualifications to join the SWAT team!"

Wu Di couldn't help but sneered, and joked: "Little traffic policeman, you want to challenge our dragon team? Are you dying?"

The corners of Liu Xu's mouth curled up, and he said, "Don't look down on the traffic police, I promise to surprise you with my skills."

Long Feihu sneered, and said, "This is a hospital, and I'm on a mission, so I won't fight people for no reason! I understand your intentions, you want to draw my attention so that you can join the SWAT team in the future. "


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2120 It's a dragon, you coil it up for me, it's a tiger, you lie down for me...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


It turns out that Long Feihu is not only muscular, but also has a simple mind. Liu Xu didn't expect him to see through his plan at a glance.

"Captain Long, I took the initiative to challenge you, you are passive, so this does not affect discipline. At the same time, I am not just here to attract your attention, I admit, I have this idea, you said it, but I also I also want to know whether my own strength is enough to be a special police officer, and I hope Captain Long will help me."

At this moment, the atmosphere became even colder than the surrounding temperature.

Long Feihu's expression remained calm, and he pondered for more than ten seconds. His eyes were like sharp swords, and he stared straight at Liu Xu.

As for Liu Xu, when he was under the pressure brought by Long Feihu, he refused to give an inch and looked at him.

However, just in terms of momentum, Long Feihu felt that the traffic policeman in front of him was on par with him, and even faintly overwhelmed him.

How can this be?

I am the captain of the special police team, but I fought from the mountain of corpses and blood, and the other party is just an ordinary traffic policeman...


Long Feihu moved suddenly, like a beast.

The lion fights the rabbit, and the king dominates the world.

His whole body, like a large-scale weapon, attacked Liu Xu.

Huge pressure came over like a mountain, and Liu Xu immediately yelled, trying to overwhelm the opponent with more force.

Just in an instant, at the same time that Liu Xu punched fiercely, Long Feihu's burly body was suddenly flexible like an ape, and wiped past him, and then, with an elbow, the lightning speed was too fast to cover Liu Xu's ears. Asahi.

If Liu Xu were an ordinary little traffic policeman, this alone would be enough for him to lie on the ground for an hour without getting up.

However, just under this elbow, which could be called a nirvana, Liu Xu had already dodged in an unlikely situation, and at the same time, punched the opponent.

The battle seems to have just begun.

Liu Xu and Long Feihu quickly launched a confrontation, and Wu Di was stunned by this scene.

He knew how powerful Long Feihu was. In the entire tiger commando team, no one could defeat Long Feihu. He was a well-deserved captain, and every special policeman obeyed him.

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