This little traffic policeman was able to confront Long Feihu.

This is incredible.


Liu Xu and Long Feihu each took three steps back, and it was a tie.

Of course, this is why Liu Xu deliberately kept a hand.

The two fought against each other for a full three minutes, which made Wu Di dazzled.

"You're very nice! What's your name?"

At this moment, Long Feihu already regarded Liu Xu as an opponent who could fight him, and there was an expression of approval on his resolute face.

Liu Xu's face collapsed all of a sudden, and he was so emotional that he didn't even remember Lao Tzu's name?

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have held back just now, and I haven't used my brother's knowing blow yet!

What nonsense, dragons and tigers, both dragons and tigers, in front of Lao Tzu, it's a dragon, you coil up for me, and it's a tiger, you lie down for me...

Long Feihu said seriously: "If you have the idea of ​​joining the SWAT team, just sign up for the test!"

After saying this, he simply turned around and left.

"Wait a minute!" Liu Xu shouted.

Long Feihu frowned, stood still without turning his head, and asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

"Captain Long, on the Rainbow Viaduct before, the shooter used a shotgun. I observed the bullet marks on the car. According to the size and footprint of the bullet marks, I deduced that the shooter's shotgun is not an ordinary weapon. It should be from Overseas military weapons. Captain Long, you had better be careful when you perform missions. Your bulletproof vests may be able to stop them. Colleagues in the serious crime team, bulletproof vests cannot prevent them. Captain, remind them!"

Long Feihu shook his head, nodded and said: "Got it!"

As soon as he walked out of the corridor, Long Feihu said to Wu Di: "This little traffic policeman named Liu Xu is not easy, you ask Tieniu to check his information!"


The tiger commando on standby.

Lu Yao, the head of the serious crime team of the Donghai Police Station, came with two of his men.

"Captain Long, we have received a tip that there are guns smuggled from abroad hidden in the eastern suburbs."

Long Feihu furrowed his eyebrows deeply, and asked, "Is it related to this shooting?"

"I don't know yet. The intelligence detachment transferred us this clue, which may be helpful to the case."

At this moment, Long Feihu thought of Liu Xu's words, and hurriedly asked, "What about the specific information?"

Lu Yao said lightly: "Get in the car, I will transmit it to your handheld terminal."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yao turned around and left with his men.

Long Feihu shouted loudly: "Everyone listen to my order, the first squadron follows me! The second squadron, the third squadron, stay here and wait for orders!"

All the special police responded in unison.

In the car, the specific information transmitted by Lu Yao appeared in Long Feihu's notebook.

"U.S. military's standard weapon! Mixed with imported toy guns, smuggled in!" Long Feihu's expression became solemn.

Wu Di, who was driving, was stunned, and said, "It's really a standard weapon of the US military! That little traffic policeman..."

"Well, that little traffic policeman has some insight." Long Feihu's eyes darkened, "According to the report from the intelligence department, they have been watching for a long time."

Wu Di said, "Is the shotgun used in the morning shooting a standard weapon?"

Long Feihu said: "The appraisal by the physical evidence department is not our standard weapon, but it is not sure whether it is a foreign military standard weapon. If the shotgun that appeared in the case in the morning is the foreign military standard weapon that the little traffic policeman said, Then the nature of this case is different!"

Wu Di turned his head and glanced at Long Feihu: "Well, that's not a simple shooting case!"

Long Feihu took off his gloves and took out his cell phone.

"Old Huang, tell me, what model is the standard weapon for this morning's case."

"MX1014, Lao Huang, you read that right!"

"It's MX1014, that's right."

"Okay, thanks, Old Huang."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Di gritted his teeth and said, "How is it possible! How did you get in here!"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2121 The Man Who Experienced the Fire Phoenix World

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Long Feihu said in a deep voice: "This is almost certain, it is the guns we want to buy!"

A special police officer in the back row exclaimed: "It's too big, leader, their weapons are more advanced than ours?"

Long Feihu said through the walkie-talkie: "Attention all units, this is the leader. After verification, the suspect used an MX1014 shotgun, the standard weapon of the US military. It is likely to be a batch of smuggled weapons that we are going to seize now One source, please be vigilant. I will input information into your personal terminals now, you must look carefully, their weapons are more lethal than ours!"

"Thunderbolt, bring the Second Squadron to support!"

The Second Squadron on standby immediately took orders.

"Third Squadron! Keep fighting, this case has some background, everyone must be careful, next, we are likely to have a fierce battle!"

Long Feihu suddenly remembered something, and said, "Yang Zhen, call the Sixth Brigade of the Municipal Traffic Police and ask them to temporarily second a traffic policeman named Liu Xu to us."

Yang Zhen, Wu Di and another special police officer were all stunned.

Wu Di's eyes widened like light bulbs, and he said in disbelief, "Leader, he is just a little traffic policeman, even if he has learned a little fighting, he doesn't need to be seconded to our Tiger Commando!"

Yang Zhen followed suit and said, "Yeah, leader, our Tiger Commando actually needs a traffic policeman to assist us. It's embarrassing to spread the word."

Long Feihu said calmly: "I think this little traffic policeman is a bit interesting. He knew one step ahead of any of us or even the physical evidence department that the early gangsters used foreign military standard weapons, and his skills are not bad, but he didn't pass the test." Tempered by blood and fire, otherwise it will be a good seedling!"

Wu Di muttered: "Longtou, maybe it's just that the little traffic policeman just happens to like to read magazines like weapon knowledge? You say he's skilled, but I think he's average. You didn't do your best today, Longtou! Don't think I didn't read it. come out……"

It's not a life-and-death struggle, where would you use all your strength, but Long Feihu also faintly sensed that Liu Xu didn't use all his strength, and he said with a straight face: "Yang Zhen, how dare you not listen to what I said? ?”

Yang Zhen is the captain of the No. [-] Squadron, under the shadow of the absolute prestige of the captain, Long Feihu, how dare he not listen!

Seeing Long Feihu lose his temper, Yang Zhen immediately dialed the police internal hotline.


On the other side, Liu Xu was in the hospital. The surgery had been completed in the operating room, and the bullets from the shotgun had been taken out, but the effect of the anesthetic had not completely dissipated.

While resting, Liu Xu waited with his sister-in-law and children.

At this moment, Liu Xu's cell phone rang.

"Police number 00886, Liu Xu, I am Wu Shuo, the captain of the Sixth Brigade of the Municipal Traffic Police. The superior informs you that you should report to the Tiger Commando immediately. The secondment period will be one week."

"They can borrow it if they want?"


"I mean no problem."

"Remember, the contact number for Tiger Commandos is 18628214555..."

"Triple number ha!"


After hanging up the phone, Liu Xu dialed the number left by Captain Wu Shuo.

"I am Long Feihu, please tell me."

Liu Xu took a deep breath and said, "Team Dragon, I am Liu Xu from the Sixth Brigade of the Municipal Traffic Police. Our team leader said that Team Dragon will second me for a week. Where can I report?"

Long Feihu said an address, then hung up the phone coolly.

Liu Xu came to the ward in a hurry. Seeing that the master hadn't woken up yet, he told his sister-in-law that the special police team was urgently called up.

His sister-in-law asked him to do some work, so Liu Xu rushed out, got on his motorcycle, and drove to his destination.


"I'm satisfied that the traffic police can just run a red light at will."

While driving, Liu Xu silently recalled the contents of this "SWAT Force".

"The key person is Tang Jianlin, who smuggled weapons, and Zeng Kai, who bought and murdered people." Liu Xu thought to himself, "The three suspects with guns this morning are nothing but young men."

Soon, Liu Xu arrived at the police station building on his motorcycle.

I saw Long Feihu and other tiger commandos were waiting for orders at the gate of the police station building. Special policemen stood solemnly with guns and helmets on their heads.

Liu Xu put the motorcycle down, walked towards Long Feihu, and gave a military salute.

"Liu Xu from the Sixth Brigade of the Municipal Traffic Police reports to Captain Long!"

Long Feihu returned the salute, and said solemnly: "Liu Xu, I seconded you from the traffic police team to give you a chance to take revenge. After all, it was your master who was injured. Don't you want to join the special police team? This is one of yours. Take advantage of the opportunity."

Liu Xu hurriedly said, "Dragon Squad, not the Special Police Squad, but the Tiger Commando Squad."

Several SWAT members nearby laughed, and Yang Zhen, the squadron leader of the Tigers No. [-] Squadron, laughed and said, "Little traffic policeman, you are still high-minded. Do you think it is so easy for the Tigers to enter?"

The sniper Wu Di sneered and said, "Don't think you can hold the dragon's head for three minutes and start shaking. You are not qualified to enter the tiger!"

Liu Xu said lightly: "How do you know I'm not qualified? Have you tried?"

Yang Zhen said with a smile: "Yo, it's a prickly one."

Wu Di took a look at Long Feihu, turned around and shouted loudly: "Leader, Wu Di asks you to do some tricks with the little traffic policeman!"

Long Feihu's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "Wu Di, your fighting ability is almost the same as his, so there is no need to compare!"

Long Feihu's words stunned the other special police officers.

No one else knew that Liu Xu had fought against Long Feihu.

Liu Xu didn't want to be looked down upon. Modesty is not a virtue in a place like the army.

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