"Captain Long, can you let me try to shoot? I want to prove myself and I am qualified to join the Tigers."

Long Feihu said: "Have you ever fired a gun?"

"Some research."

Liu Xu is a man who has experienced the world of Fire Phoenix. He has never touched any guns, but he suddenly thought, what kind of place is the Tiger Commando?


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2122 The best young woman Lu Yao

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Before joining, Nengcha would check out all his "eighteen generations of ancestors". If they checked, they would be able to find flaws. Liu Xu had never been trained in firearms.

At that time, he will be suspected instead. If he cannot join the Tiger Commando because of this, it will be self-defeating. Liu Xu then added: "I have played CF."

After Liu Xu blurted out, he immediately came to his senses. Now that he is a veteran of the Spike Special Forces and a special soldier, it's normal to have fired a gun. It's strange if he hasn't touched a gun, okay?

Liu Xu's words immediately made every special police officer present burst into laughter, even Long Feihu couldn't help laughing.

"You boy, can playing games and live ammunition be the same thing?"

"Okay, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. You write a transfer application form, get the leader to sign it, and then you can go to the Tigers for an assessment. If you pass, you can receive special training. If you fail, you can go back and forth. !"


At this time, from the police station building, Zheng Zhi from the Criminal Police Serious Crime Squad trotted out, ran in front of Long Feihu, and said, "Captain Long, can I go to investigate with you too?"

"It's good to be eager to fight, but I can't take you there, because you are a member of the serious crime team and are not under my control."

"Our team leader has agreed."

Long Feihu pondered for a moment, then nodded to Zheng Zhi.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a plaid shirt walked quickly.

"Long brigade, I'm ready."

Long Feihu said: "Officer Zheng Zhi from the serious crime team and officer Liu Xu from the traffic police team will also go with us."

The special policemen were all stunned, and Zheng Zhi didn't mind, he said just now that Lu Yaolu's team leader agreed, but what's the matter with this little traffic policeman? !

What qualifications does he have to go? !

However, Long Feihu's accumulated prestige made them dare not question it.

Yang Zhen, the captain of the first squadron, said: "Leader, let's go with you!"

Long Feihu said: "No need, there are many people with big goals, and it's easy to scare the snake. You stay where you are and wait for the news. It's just the four of us."

Long Feihu glanced at Liu Xu and Zheng Zhi, and said, "Come and change clothes with me."


In the car, Long Feihu introduced to Liu Xu and Zheng Zhi that the middle-aged man in the plaid shirt was Director Wang of the Gaogezhuang Police Station, but he didn't say where he was going now.

Until I came to the eastern suburbs, a large warehouse area, I saw the words beside the gate: Hehai Logistics Warehouse.

The security guard let us go after a simple question.

The unremarkable black Poussin drove into the warehouse area, and after a while, stopped at the door of a warehouse. A fat young man in his thirties with a round face was already waiting at the door of the warehouse.

After entering the warehouse, the fat young man closed the iron door.

"The famous leader is here in person, welcome."

Long Feihu smiled and said: "You are here, how can I not come?"

Immediately, Long Feihu introduced: "This is Cheng Tao, the captain of the intelligence detachment."

Director Wang said with emotion: "It turns out to be Team Cheng, a scout hero who has admired his name for a long time."

Long Feihu then introduced Liu Xu and Zheng Zhi.

Although Cheng Tao was curious as to why a traffic policeman followed the leader, he still didn't ask any further questions.

Cheng Tao laughed and said, "Everyone calls me Laomao, but you call me Captain Cheng, I'm not used to it."

After exchanging pleasantries, Cheng Tao led them to the interior of the warehouse.

Long Feihu said: "Old cat, have you been staring at him for a long time?"

Cheng Tao sighed softly, and said, "Yes, this is the most serious gun smuggling case I've ever seen since I was a police officer, and it's all foreign military-style guns..."

"Let's go up and have a look!"

Liu Xu followed them to a temporary observation post built with wooden slats. There was a telescope at the window.

Long Feihu observed through the binoculars for a while, took a step back, and asked Director Wang, "Can you help us find the blueprint of Warehouse No. [-]?"

Director Wang nodded: "I'll make arrangements."

He took out his mobile phone and walked down the stairs.

Long Feihu said again: "Liu Xu, Zheng Zhi, take a look too."

Zheng Zhi looked at it for a while, and muttered: "Every window is equipped with iron bars, and there are blackout curtains inside, so you can't see anything."

Zheng Zhi gave the telescope to Liu Xu.

"Go back to the Municipal Bureau first, Lao Mao, and you guys should prepare."

The three observed for a while, then Long Feihu turned and left.


City Council meeting room.

Team leader Lu Yao said: "The suspects have been identified. They are the boss of Champion Sports, Tang Jianlin, and his three subordinates, named Datou, Hei Niu and Xiao Xiong."

Everyone else was concentrating on the meeting, while Liu Xu was concentrating on Lu Yao.

This is a mature young woman, wearing a black lady's blazer on the upper body and a pair of black trousers on the lower body. Her long black hair is coiled up and gathered behind her head. People are fascinated, but now she has evil eyes on her brows, making it difficult for people to have evil thoughts.

The tall and well-proportioned figure propped up the well-tailored clothes, inadvertently exuding a voluptuous aura, and any man would swallow his saliva when he saw it.

Liu Xu saw Lu Yao's first impression, so he defined it as a top-notch young woman.

Long Feihu asked: "Where are these three people now?"

"According to intelligence, Black Bull and Little Bear are on duty at Warehouse No. [-] tonight. The big head has just arrived at the bar street and is drinking at the bar."

Long Feihu said: "What about Tang Jianlin?"

"Tang Jianlin is currently at home, and people from our serious crime team are watching him all the time."

Long Feihu nodded.

Lu Yao said: "I'm done talking, next, Team Dragon, how do you arrange it?"

Long Feihu glanced fiercely, and said: "I have decided to divide the Tiger Commando into three groups. The first group is the No. [-] Squadron, led by me, to encircle the No. [-] warehouse and capture Xiao Xiong and Hei Niu. "

Long Feihu turned his head to look at a beautiful policewoman sitting at the side of the conference room, and said, "Ling Yun, I want you to enter the database of the warehouse security department and control the camera."

"The second team, led by the Thunder of the Second Squadron, went to Niwoshi Bar to arrest Datou. Note that there are many people in the bar, try to arrest outside the bar, so as not to hurt the people."

"The third group, led by the third squadron, Tieniu, arrested Tang Jianlin!"

The action begins!


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2123 How can I seduce your wife with you like this?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Seeing Long Feihu finish the task, Liu Xu stood up and hurriedly said: "Leader, I apply for a pistol, and I want to join the first team to participate in the operation!"

Lu Yao frowned: "Aren't you that... the traffic policeman? Captain Long, are you still planning to involve a traffic policeman in the operation?"

The captain of the second squadron, Lei Dian, couldn't help but said: "Leader, there are two gangsters in the No. [-] warehouse, and there are foreign military standard weapons, so why don't the traffic police participate?"

Yang Zhen, the captain of the No. [-] Squadron, also said: "That's right, it's not like our Tiger Commando is empty, why let him participate?"

All the special police officers turned their eyes to Liu Xu, and there was repulsion and hostility in their eyes.

Long Feihu's eyes were firm, and he said loudly: "I said, I want to give him a chance to avenge the master. Doesn't what I say count?"

Seeing that Long Feihu was showing signs of getting angry, the special police dared not speak any more.

So good?How can I seduce your wife like this?

"Leader and everyone, please don't worry, I will be fine!" Liu Xu shouted loudly, "I will still be admitted to the Tiger Commando in the future! I won't die so quickly!"

Lu Yao couldn't help but said: "You will be fine? Why do you say that! Have you received military training?"

Liu Xu turned to look at Lu Yao, and said seriously: "Leader Lu, I have confidence!"

Seeing him staring straight at him with firm eyes, Lu Yao couldn't help but secretly nodded, and said, "If you haven't passed the tiger test, you can report to the Serious Crime Squad!"

Liu Xu looked at her in astonishment, his heart warmed, and he said, "Thank you, Team Leader Lu!"

Of course, what he was thinking in his heart was, can he report at your home?

Long Feihu glanced at Lu Yao unexpectedly, and said loudly, "Yang Zhen, give Liu Xu a gun! Let's go!"


A container truck drove into the Hehai logistics warehouse under the guise of loading goods.

Taking Laomao's criminal investigation detachment stronghold as a temporary transfer station, the Tiger Commando No. [-] Squadron, led by Long Feihu, made arrangements nervously and orderly.

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