After the sniper was located, Long Feihu gave an order and set off quickly to the No. [-] warehouse.

Liu Xu took the pistol, pulled the bolt, and played a gun game.

Zheng Zhi, who was running next to Liu Xu, suddenly noticed that Liu Xu's way of holding the gun was very standard, and he couldn't help being surprised.

Two heavily armed special policemen, at the door of the No. [-] warehouse, quickly smashed the warehouse door open with a hammer.

There was a loud "boom".

The moment the door was knocked open, Liu Xu rushed in quickly, regardless of whether there was a bulletproof shield, a bulletproof vest and a helmet.

Liu Xu rushed out immediately, holding a firearm, his hand on the trigger, and the muzzle of the gun facing the front, moving quickly.

It wasn't that Liu Xu didn't take his own life seriously, but that he had watched "SWAT Force" and knew that the arrest operation this time went smoothly.

And at this time, both Black Bull and Little Bear were sleeping on the bed. It would take at least ten seconds for them to react, their brains to regain consciousness, and then to grab the guns beside them.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

Liu Xu counted silently in his heart, when a black shadow suddenly appeared in sight.

Liu Xu pulled the trigger almost subconsciously. The moment he fired, he also saw the light in the darkness brought by the bullet fired from the opposite side.

Liu Xu subconsciously jumped to the right, and after a miserable cry, the other party's gunfire fell silent.

Liu Xu's heart was shocked, he knew that the opponent was hit by him.

At the same time, a shuttle of bullets almost brushed against his left arm.

The opponent is an automatic rifle!

Sure enough, the bad guys are better equipped than the police.

After Liu Xu rolled on the ground, he rushed up quickly again.

"one left!"

Behind him, Long Feihu shouted angrily.

"Liu Xu! Don't mess around! Come back to me! It's dangerous!"

Liu Xu didn't answer, he had already found another gunman, hiding behind a big wooden box.

Continuously pulling the trigger, Liu Xu walked forward quickly.

"Come out, we are special police, you have no chance! If you don't want to die, just throw the gun out and put your hands above your head! I promise not to shoot!" Liu Xu shouted loudly.

The miserable cry of another gunman who was shot by Liu Xu, and the sound of the Tiger Commando's rushing boots hitting the ground broke down the psychological defense of the hiding gunman.

At this time, Long Feihu and other special police also arrived quickly.

Long Feihu shouted loudly: "You only have five seconds, after five seconds, we will fire intensively! Five! Four! Three..."

The gunman's psychological defense completely collapsed, and his voice changed.

"Don't shoot! I surrender!"

Until the shooter threw away the pistol and came out with his head in his hands, Liu Xu kept holding the gun and shouted: "Squat down!"

Yang Zhen, the leader of the No. [-] Squadron, rushed up with several other special police officers to control the injured and surrendered gangsters respectively.

Long Feihu gave Liu Xu a cold look, but did not speak.

"Block the scene! Let the crime squad take over!"

A SWAT officer found the light switch.

It's bright.

Long Feihu looked at the injured gangster.

"An ambulance is needed at the scene, and some criminals were injured."


Yang Zhen, the leader of the first squadron, took off his helmet and looked at Liu Xu.

"You're hardworking! Even if you're wearing a bulletproof vest and encountering a powerful firearm, one bullet is enough to shock your internal organs and cause internal injuries. Are you not afraid of death?"

Liu Xu was depressed at this time, two little thieves had hurt himself, the devil king, if the fire phoenixes knew about it, they might laugh like hell!

Yang Zhen came over, punched Liu Xu's chest, and said with a smile, "Traffic policeman, yes, accurate marksmanship, courage, and agility."

Long Feihu snorted and said, "Yang Zhen, are you still praising him?"

Yang Zhen was taken aback.

Long Feihu stared at Liu Xu solemnly, and said sharply: "The SWAT team is a team! We have no personal heroism! If I had known you were so brave, I would never have wanted you..."


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2124 Yaoyao, I will be proud of you

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier!"


Prickly, absolutely prickly.

Long Feihu was so angry that he was half dead, but he spoke again, which capable person is easy to get along with again?

Liu Xu bowed his waist and said in a louder voice: "I know I was wrong! Please forgive me, leader!"

Yang Zhen chuckled softly: "You know you're wrong and you're still so loud, bull beep."

After glaring at Liu Xu fiercely, Long Feihu snorted and said, "If you are still like this in the future, you don't have to think about becoming a special police officer!"

Liu Xu said loudly: "Yes!"

At this time, reports from the second and third teams came from Long Feihu's personal terminal.

The second team was outside the bar and successfully captured Datou.

The third group caught Tang Jianlin.

Long Feihu shouted angrily: "Close the team!"

Everyone, return to the police station with the Tiger Commando No. [-] Squadron by car.

At the gate of the police station building, the special police officers from Group [-], Group [-], and Group [-] all arrived, waiting outside for news from the serious crime team.

The task of the Tiger Commando is to fight on the front line, and the trial of the case is handed over to the serious crime team.

Suddenly, criminal police officers such as Lu Yao and Zheng Zhi, the leader of the serious crime team, came out.

"Hei Niu identified Zeng Kai as the mastermind behind the scenes, now let's catch Zeng Kai!"

Long Feihu nodded and said, "Okay!"

Turning around, he said loudly: "First Squadron, follow me, Second Squadron and Third Squadron, you stay put!"

Liu Xu hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Leader, I'm going too!"

Sniper Wu Di rolled his eyelids and said, "Why are you everywhere, little traffic policeman, you don't think you're getting enough limelight!"

Liu Xu looked at Wu Di without giving an inch, and said loudly, "This is not to show off, but to avenge my master and colleagues!"

Wu Di squinted and said: "If you want to take revenge, what do you want our Tiger Commandos to do?"

Long Feihu pondered for a while, and said: "It's just to catch Zeng Kai, so many people are not needed, Liu Xu, you don't belong to the Tiger Commando, you can go home and rest!"

Liu Xu said seriously: "Since it has already started, how can you give up halfway? Leader, let me go, don't I still have to participate in special police training in the future? Just take it as giving me a chance to experience it in advance!"

Long Feihu pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Well, I will give you this chance!"

Liu Xu was overjoyed: "Thank you, leader!"

Wu Di rolled his eyes strangely, and muttered: "You want to join our Tigers, right? Training, right? When the time comes, let's see how I deal with you!"


It was already past one o'clock in the morning, but this time was the time when the number of people eating supper was the most. The night supper street was brightly lit, just like daytime.

Long Feihu stopped the car from a distance.

"Yang Zhen, take two people to go around there and block Zeng Kai's back!"

"Wu Di, you take two people directly there, pay attention to the safety of the people!"

Liu Xu stood up suddenly, and said, "Leader, I want to try to arrest Zeng Kai alone! I can guarantee the successful arrest without accidentally injuring the masses!"

Lu Yao's eyes froze and stayed on Liu Xu's face.

Long Feihu frowned and said, "Give me a reason!"

Liu Xu said in a loud voice: "There are too many people on the night snack street. If Zeng Kai finds out that something is wrong, it will be easy to catch the hostages. In that case, it will be very troublesome! I am confident to complete the arrest task, please give me a chance. In addition , I am definitely not trying to grab credit, and the traffic police team can't take this credit away."

The corner of Lu Yao's mouth curled up, and he suddenly said, "If every policeman in our country is as brave as him, the crime rate will definitely be much lower."

Yaoyao, I will be proud of you like this, Liu Xu looked at Lu Yao and secretly smiled lewdly in his heart.

Long Feihu originally wanted to refuse, but as Lu Yao's ex-husband, he was always a little apprehensive in front of Lu Yao, and felt a little bit unable to hold his head up.

Hearing Lu Yao say this, he swallowed the words again.

Lu Yao cast his eyes on Liu Xu and said, "Liu Xu, this case is under the control of our serious crime team. I am the head of the serious crime team. Now I order you...go! Show us a good show!"

Liu Xu was overjoyed and said gratefully, "Thank you, Team Leader Lu!"

After speaking, Liu Xu immediately turned around and left.

While staring at Liu Xu, Long Feihu said to Lu Yao, "You trust him so much? What if something goes wrong?"

Lu Yao said in a low voice: "I trust my intuition. There is something different in the eyes of this little traffic policeman. I believe that he can complete this task very well."

Long Feihu turned his head to look at Lu Yao unexpectedly, and stopped talking.

At this time, Liu Xu walked to a canteen, took out the money, bought a bottle of beer, borrowed a bottle opener to open it, and took a long gulp with the white foam.

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