Wu Di frowned and said, "What is the little traffic policeman doing! What time is it, and they're drinking beer!"

Liu Xu was drinking while searching for the target. He had already seen Zeng Kai's photo in the car just now.

After a while, Liu Xu had locked on to the target. Then, while drinking, he staggered and pretended to be a drunk, and approached the target.

When they got to their table, Long Feihu, Lu Yao and the others held their breath.

Liu Xu suddenly "accidentally" staggered and bumped into Zeng Kai's back, and the chilled beer spilled on his clothes.

Zeng Kai immediately jumped up, turned around and cursed angrily, "You're blind!"

Liu Xu grinned stupidly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll wipe it for you..."

Zeng Kai pushed it over with one hand and cursed, "Get out!"

At this moment, Liu Xu grabbed Zeng Kai's wrist stretched out in front of him, twisted and pushed, and pressed him hard on the table, his face was directly slapped on a plate of kebabs.

"Don't move, the police will handle the case!"

When Zeng Kai heard it was a policeman, he struggled desperately.

Liu Xu frowned, and slapped him on the back, which resulted in a miserable howl.

"be honest!"

He directly picked up his collar, like dragging a dead dog, and dragged him on the ground to distance himself from the others.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2125 Temptation?Well, seduction is almost the same!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Immediately afterwards, Liu Xu squatted down and said with a smile: "Zeng Kai, admit it, there are at least a hundred special police and policemen ambushing you, even if you put on wings, you won't be able to fly! Be good, don't make trouble !"

Liu Xu calmly raised his right arm, signaling success.

Immediately, he touched a pack of napkins, pulled out two tissues, and while wiping the face of the pale Zeng Kai, he smiled and said, "What? Are you shaking with fright? If you have the ability to pay for murder, you should expect Such a day, look at how promising you are! Come on, wipe it yourself!"

The serious crime team and the heavily armed special police stepped forward quickly.

Liu Xu stood up and handed over Zeng Kai to the serious crime team.

Lu Yao drove him, and suddenly said: "Liu Xu, come here and have a chat with you."


"Leader Lu."

Lu Yao smiled and said, "Liu Xu, are you interested in joining the Serious Crime Squad?"

Liu Xu was startled, and said, "Thank you, Team Leader Lu, for your kindness, but I want to join the Tiger Commando."

Lu Yao smiled brightly, and said with a smile: "You are still young, and there are many things you don't understand. For a policeman, what is the most important thing, do you know?"


Lu Yao said seriously: "Performance! Whether you have work achievements is very important to your future. Special police, there is no such thing as a detection rate, most of the time is used to finish, they are teamwork, individual It is difficult to stand out in the team. The achievements are all team, if you have no personal achievements, it will be very difficult for your future police career."

"This... I understand..."

Lu Yao frowned slightly, and said: "Then don't you want to join the serious crime team? In the serious crime team, there are more opportunities. I am optimistic about you. You should understand that there is a boss who values ​​you and takes care of you. Your way It will go better."

Uh, lure?

Well, seduction is almost the same!

Lu Yao looked at the special police officers not far away, and said: "The special police team is where children are raised but not old-age. After a few years you retire from the special police team, you will have to transfer to other departments, and everything will have to start again. Why don't you just join our crime team right now, which is the dream of many policemen, would you... think about it?"

Looking at Lu Yao's expectant eyes, Liu Xu's heart warmed up. He didn't expect her to value him so much. After being moved, he almost wanted to say yes.

"Thank you, Team Leader Lu, for treating me differently. I am really grateful, but... I have already decided that I must join the Tiger Commando."

No idea!

This world is called the special police force, not the serious crime team!

Therefore, I can only disappoint Lu Yao's kindness.

Lu Yao let out a sigh of relief. At this time, the others had already withdrawn, and Zeng Kai also got into the car.

Lu Yao said: "Then you should think about it again, the same sentence, if you are brushed off by the tiger, don't rush back to the traffic police, come to me!"

"Thank you, Team Leader Lu!" Liu Xu saluted solemnly, but soon said with a playful smile: "But I may have to let down Team Leader Lu's kindness, how could I, the future 'leader' of the Tiger Commando, be brushed off? "

Lu Yao was not angry either, on the contrary, she had a special feeling in her heart that no one had spoken to her in this tone for a long time.

At the beginning, when she just graduated from the police academy and entered the police force, there were suitors who treated her like this. Unfortunately, although she became more and more powerful, and finally became the leader of the serious crime team, no man dared to be presumptuous in front of him anymore.

Lu Yao gave Liu Xu a white look, and said, "Then, let's go, go back to the police station first."


SWAT detachment base, in an office.

"Have you read the documents on the establishment of the special assault unit?" Captain Xu of the special police detachment of the Public Security Bureau asked with a smile.

Long Feihu smiled and said, "I see."

Captain Xu said: "After this group of people come up, you can serve me some snacks to see if there are any good seedlings."

Long Feihu smiled and said: "Please don't worry, the detachment leader, I have already made arrangements in advance."

Captain Xu pointed at him with his index finger, and scolded him with a smile, "You boy!"

Long Feihu smiled brightly, and said, "Then Captain Xu, I'm leaving!"

"I haven't finished talking yet. I have something to say hello to you in advance."

"Detachment Captain, please tell me."

Captain Xu's face looked like a smile but not a smile. After pondering for a moment, he said, "In a few days, Director Zhang Yimou will send some actors over to join our new special police training camp. You have to be prepared."

Long Feihu said in astonishment: "Zhang Yimou?! Director Zhang Zhang Yimou?!"

This name is really too thunderous, no wonder Long Feihu was shocked.

Captain Xu laughed jokingly and said, "What, are you scared?"

"A little bit indeed." Long Feihu said: "However, what does he mean by sending a few actors over? Can actors endure such hardship?"

The strange look in Captain Xu's eyes became more intense, and he said, "Do you know which actors Director Zhang will send over?"

"do not know."

Captain Xu picked up the cigarette case from the table, took out a cigarette, put it on his nose and smelled it, and smiled: "Four people, one is Jing Tian..."

"Jing Tian!" Long Feihu was tongue-tied, "That Bai Fumei who has a good relationship with Han Xie and whose family is super rich?"

Han Xie, one of the four beauties in Beijing, has a red background that everyone knows, and Long Feihu is from the Korean family, so he is naturally no stranger to Han Xie, so he also knows the relationship between her and Jing Tian's best friend very clearly.

The smile on Xu Detachment Leader's face grew stronger, and he continued: "There are also Yang Ying, Fan Feng, and Gao Yuanyuan."

Long Feihu gasped.

"The four of them... come to our new special police training camp? This is too much fun! Detachment leader, can you refuse?" What Long Feihu thought of was not these female stars first, but that this would affect the training of newcomers .

Fan Kuang, Jing Tian, ​​Yang Ying and Gao Yuanyuan.

These four female stars are the most popular goddesses at the moment. They are all idols. When young people see them, why would they want to train?


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2126 Tao Jing Tao Jing I love you like a mouse loves rice

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Captain Xu smiled wryly and said: "The meaning of the superior, alas, this is a big problem for our special police detachment! However, an order is an order, and we can only accept it."

The corner of Long Feihu's mouth twitched, and he said, "However, this will affect the training of new special police officers..."

Captain Xu laughed and said, "Then take it as a test for them!"

Long Feihu said bitterly, "Okay, how long will they stay in the new training camp?"

"I don't know that."

"Well, I hope they leave as soon as possible. I'll go out first."

Captain Xu nodded and said, "Go!"


Long Feihu saluted, turned and left.

Soon, a report by the special police detachment of the Donghai Public Security Bureau on the selection of new special police officers was distributed throughout the city.


A few days have passed, and Liu Xu has been relatively free recently. He was seconded to the special police detachment for a week, but the firearms case has been solved, and the Tiger Commando did not arrange any other things for him.

Liu Xu happened to be on vacation, and he didn't have to report to the traffic police and go to work. He was not idle, but was working hard every day to train himself.

Long-distance running every morning, and then practicing martial arts.

Finally, the hard work paid off, Liu Xu practiced himself to death every day, and finally he had [-]% control over his current body.

As he was exercising desperately, the time passed day by day. This morning, Liu Xu finished his morning run and was walking slowly home.

Suddenly, someone rushed out from an alley.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a middle-aged aunt in a floral skirt running from behind, shouting, "Catch the thief! Catch the thief!"

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