Liu Xu smiled and said, "Don't worry, firstly, no one will sue the tabloids; secondly, if a special police officer is intimidated by such a small camera, he might as well go back to be a traffic policeman!"

Zheng Zhi said embarrassingly: "I seem to be lying on the ground..."

Liu Shanshan smiled and said: "You are busy with your work, I will go to work first."

Liu Xu looked at Liu Shanshan's back, feeling a little absent-minded. If he wanted to hook up with Ling Yun, it was still possible. After all, he was in the new special police training camp, and it was only natural to cultivate feelings. Liu Shanshan was a doctor. It would be too difficult to win her favor.

However, Liu Xu just likes challenging things. Compared with digging Zheng Zhi's wall, he thinks a woman with a gun is more interesting.

Almost subconsciously, Liu Xu asked, "Doctor Liu, after work, can I have a meal?"

Liu Shanshan was a little taken aback, and asked, "Are you treating me to dinner?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Yes!"

Liu Shanshan couldn't help laughing, and said, "Why? What's the reason?"

"Do you need a reason to treat guests to dinner?"

"I'm very busy at work, I have to go home after work, I'm sorry!"

After speaking, Liu Shanshan turned around and left.

Zheng Zhi walked over from behind, put his arms around Liu Xu's shoulders with a smile, and said, "Doctor Liu is indeed very beautiful, but I think she should be several years older than you!"

"How do you choose between an eighteen-year-old dinosaur girl and a thirty-year-old beautiful mature woman?" Liu Xu smiled and said, "I don't need to teach you!"


In the camp of the special police detachment of the Donghai Public Security Bureau, there were nearly a hundred newcomers who had stood on the playground for a long time, and they were all candidates from all walks of life who had passed the medical examination.

Of course, most of them are policemen and veterans. After all, the bowl of special police is not something ordinary people can eat.

Liu Xu stood among the newcomers, observing the familiar faces among these people from time to time.

Tao Jing, Ling Yun, Zheng Zhi, He Miao...

Liu Xu also recognized Duan Weibing and Zhao Xiaohei.

These people are the future members of the Little Tigers, and of course, he, Liu Xu, is also included.

While observing, suddenly, Long Feihu walked over with two people.

Long Feihu is tall and vigorous, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, very aura.

Walking to the middle of the stone platform, the special police on both sides shouted: "Stand at attention!"

All eyes were on Long Feihu on the stone platform. Although he was still followed by Yang Zhen, the captain of the No. [-] Squadron of the Special Police, and Tieniu, the captain of the No. [-] Squadron, it was undoubtedly him, Long Feihu, who stood out the most.

Long Feihu gave a cool military salute.

"According to the orders of the Municipal Bureau and the detachment, the special police detachment of the Donghai Public Security Bureau officially started training for this year's new training camp. I am the captain of the Tiger Commando, Long Feihu, and I will be the chief instructor of your new training camp."

"You comrades come from different fields. There are public security policemen from various fraternal units of the public security organs, as well as fresh graduates from public security academies, and comrades from the Navy, Air Force, Army, Second Artillery Corps, Armed Police Force, and Special Forces. , You come from all corners of the country, and you are full of talents. Here, on behalf of all the officers and police of the Tiger Commando, I would like to extend my welcome to you!"

After all, Long Feihu saluted again.

The rookies all applauded.

Long Feihu continued: "Those friends from the local area and the army, although you have completed eight months of police training and put on police uniforms, you are not real policemen! You are not special police!"

"What is the use of the special police in your eyes! Let me tell you!" Long Feihu walked down the stone steps, with his arms folded behind his back, and his steps were steady.

Long Feihu walked casually among the new recruits, and continued: "I'll tell you the answer now. The real special police are especially able to endure hardships, endure hardships, fight, and dedicate themselves! The special police are a group of A person with special beliefs and a special spirit of sacrifice!"

"When the most dangerous case occurs in a city, we special police are needed. We have no way out, because we are the last barrier of the city!"

Long Feihu didn't use the microphone, his voice almost had to be roared to be heard by every newcomer on the playground.

Nearly a hundred new recruits heard their blood racing, and everyone cheered up.

"Comrades, the number of police officers sacrificed every year in our country! More than [-] people! More than [-] people lost their precious lives, left their beloved public security jobs, left their parents, they relatives, their children..."

At this time, Long Feihu's voice was a little choked, but he still forcibly restrained his emotions and said: "But they are not dead, we will take their lives, their oaths, and their souls to Fight! Sacrifice! Never retreat!"

When it comes to this, even a hero can't help but burst into tears.

"This is the special police! Now, let me ask you a question, why are you here?"

Long Feihu looked around, the playground was completely silent.

His eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and he said in a deep voice, "What? No one dares to answer?"

"Report!" A dark-skinned student shouted.

Long Feihu looked at the student with lightning-like eyes, "Say!"

"My name is Zhao Xiaohei. I'm a special combat corporal of the Armed Police who changed jobs. The reason why I came to be a special police officer is..." The guy grinned immediately, showing his white teeth, "I don't want to go home and farm."

All the students roared with laughter.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2130 You must admit it if you are wrong, and stand at attention if you are beaten

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Zhao Xiaohei became anxious, and said: "Don't laugh, what I said is true! Really! I am a sniper, I am really a sniper!"

Wu Di, who was standing aside, turned his head and glanced at Zhao Xiaohei.

Long Feihu said loudly: "Wu Di!"


"Here comes a sniper, you have another competitor!"

Wu Di smiled and said, "Yes!"

Long Feihu said to Zhao Xiaohei, "I like honest people."

Zhao Xiaohei smiled so much that all his white teeth were exposed.

Immediately afterwards, Long Feihu walked up to He Miao.

"Handsome guy, gentle, with a scholarly face, do you also want to be a special police officer?"

He Miao looked at Long Feihu rebelliously.



"Actually, I don't want to come, but you insisted on making me come!"

Arrogant, unruly, He Miao had an expression on his face that I was the boss and I would not accept anyone.

The whole audience was dumbfounded by this guy's words, this is so crazy!

Liu Xu was standing next to him. Hearing this, he sneered and said, "If you don't want to come, then don't come. Get out of the new training camp as soon as possible!"

Without squinting, He Miao said loudly, "Report!"

Long Feihu glanced at Liu Xu, and shouted angrily, "Say!"

He Miao said loudly: "I want to compete with Liu Xu! Please approve!"

Everyone was stunned by He Miao's arrogance, which was too arrogant.

The corners of Long Feihu's mouth curled up, and he said, "Have you seen it? This is handsome! It's cool! I'm just crazy about it!"

Liu Xu said loudly: "Report!"


"I like crazy ones too, I prefer beating crazy ones!" Liu Xu pointed at He Miao and grinned, "Admit your mistakes and stand at attention when you are beaten."

Long Feihu took a step back, smiled all over his face, nodded and said, "I approve! He Miao!"


"Liu Xu!"


"Today's opening speech is interesting! Go to the stage and show it to everyone!"

He Miao grinned ferociously at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Liu Xu with lightning-like eyes.

Liu Xu also laughed, and said, "Wait a minute!"

"Are you afraid?"

He Miao's eyes were serious, with a look of disdain.

"I'm not afraid, but I have a suggestion, I hope the leader will approve it!"


"He Miao and I, no matter who loses, we have to pretend to be a gorilla and run around the playground in front of all the instructors and students!"

Laugh out loud.

Yang Zhen, the leader of the first squadron, turned his head to Tie Niu and smiled, "Don't make a difference."

"I am looking forward too."

Long Feihu said with a blank expression, "Everyone applaud these two pushy classmates!"


On the stone platform, in front of Liu Xu, He Miao had a rebellious expression on his face.

Liu Xu smiled calmly and said, "You actually took the initiative to provoke me. It seems that you didn't listen to a word I said to you during the physical examination at the hospital that day!"

He Miao sneered and said, "I never need anyone to teach me a lesson! Because no one has the qualifications!"

"You are so self-righteous! I really don't know where your self-confidence comes from! But it doesn't matter, I will let you know that no matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to resist a team! If you are so out of gregarious, self-admiring, and sitting in a well It's better to leave the new training camp, and you will only be a Ph.D. in chemistry for the rest of your life!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu shouted in a deep voice, "Come on!"

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