Liu Xu must defeat the opponent, otherwise, reward points will be deducted, and this battle in front of all the new training camp instructors and students is regarded as a demonstration of strength.

Brother is the man known as the Demon King in the Fire Phoenix world.


He Miao yelled violently and charged forward, trying to overwhelm his opponent with momentum.

However, what surprised Liu Xu was that He Miao was crazy enough, but he didn't seem to have learned systematic fighting skills.

After the initial probing, Liu Xu let go of half of his worries. The other party seemed to be born with great strength, good physical fitness, as strong as a bull, which was completely inversely proportional to his appearance.

That's not enough to be an opponent!

Liu Xu secretly commented on the other party.

With a "bang", He Miao was thrown to the ground by Liu Xu, who had elementary fighting skills, because he used an old move.

But this He Miao is indeed very strong physically, with high defense and agility.

Before Liu Xu could pursue him, he rolled on the ground, stood up again, and patted the dust on his body as if nothing had happened.

"Come again!"

He Miao's fighting spirit was burning violently.

Liu Xu stared at each other proudly.

"It's the same result again!"

The fight was very exciting. He Miao's advantage lies in his physique, natural body coordination, agility, and quick response, but his weakness is that he has no formal combat training and lacks experience.

On the other hand, Liu Xu has a lot of fighting experience. Even compared with some special police, he is only strong but not weak...

The only disadvantage is that the ability to resist blows is not strong enough, and the strength is not strong enough.

This body is not the soldier king in the Fire Phoenix World.

Some fighting masters such as Long Feihu, in fact, can already tell the outcome at this time.

The attention of Tie Niu, Yang Zhen, and Lei Dian were all attracted by these two people.

Tie Niu, the captain of the third squadron, formerly known as Tie Xing.

Lei Dian, the captain of the Second Squadron, formerly known as Lei Kai, is also Long Feihu's deputy, taking on the important task of the deputy team.

It is not easy to be favored by these three people!

"Lao Yang, there are so many talents in this new training camp! Which one do you like the most?" Lei Kai asked while watching.

"I admire that little traffic policeman. Yes, he has a strong sense of fighting. He is experienced in fighting. If he is trained, he will be a good seedling!" Yang Zhen praised unabashedly.

Tie Niu said: "I like He Miao, a Ph.D. in chemistry. He once climbed Mount Everest. He has excellent physical fitness and a high IQ. If he can get rid of his supercilious arrogance, he must be very good." future."

Lei Kai smiled and said: "I have a different opinion from you. Liu Xu and He Miao are indeed good, but I admire Duan Weibing more. This is a guy who once participated in the international special forces competition. If it wasn't for the rescue on the way A foreign special forces soldier who stumbled and fell off a cliff, he should be the champion. Moreover, I have seen his actual combat exercises with my own eyes, and he wiped out a special forces team with his own strength. I think Duan Weibing will be the special police officer of this year Among the new training camps, the best students."

When the three of them insisted on their own opinions, the battle on the stone platform showed a stalemate.


Chapter 2131 To win, you must win beautifully

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


As the battle continued, both Liu Xu and He Miao showed signs of declining physical strength.

Liu Xu's physical strength is still at its peak, but his strength, speed, and defense are actually only at the middle level, which seriously restricts his strength.

Long Feihu crossed his arms and watched the battle on the stone stage coolly. He had fought against Liu Xu, and he knew Liu Xu's weaknesses very well.

Seeing that He Miao's physical exertion was far more than that of Liu Xu, Long Feihu nodded secretly. In his mind, Liu Xu was a good seedling, who lacked courage and courage, and even mastered fighting skills. Very skilled, this is a player with great potential and room for improvement.

Long Feihu didn't want Liu Xu to fail.


When the battle reached a fever pitch, Liu Xu already knew that it was only a matter of time before He Miao was defeated, but he didn't want his opponent to be exhausted, otherwise it would be too ineffective.

It's as if the one who revenged lived longer than the enemy, and when the enemy died of old age, he jumped out and said that the revenge was successful.

To win is to win beautifully!

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu punched him with all his strength. He Miao had already gotten used to his strength.

However, suddenly, Liu Xu's strength seemed to be doubled compared to before.

He Miao couldn't resist anymore, his complexion changed drastically, and he retreated again and again after being hit by this punch, and finally his body couldn't keep his balance, and he sat down on the ground.

Liu Xu's punch also consumed a lot of energy. He took advantage of the victory to pursue and rushed up as fast as he could. With a tiger pounce, he stepped on He Miao's chest with one foot, pinning him firmly to the ground.

Liu Xu could tell that although He Miao had been hit hard by himself, he still had strength left.

At least, his ability to resist blows is stronger than he expected.

Long Feihu and all the instructors were stunned.

Because, no one thought that Liu Xu could still unleash such power at this moment.

Everyone, including Long Feihu, realized that Liu Xu was most likely hiding his strength.

Especially Long Feihu, he and Liu Xu fought against each other outside the operating room of the hospital, and he realized more deeply that Liu Xu's strength has either increased in these few days, or he has hidden his strength in the hospital.

Long Feihu shouted loudly: "It's ok! Liu Xu, back off!"

This undoubtedly declared Liu Xu's victory.

All the students were moved, and Zheng Zhi knew that Liu Xu was a traffic policeman, and he had only been on duty just once, so he actually possessed such strong strength.

Zheng Zhi was eager to try, his blood was pumping, he clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes showed a rolling fighting spirit.

"Liu Xu! Win!"

Long Feihu announced loudly.

Liu Xu pulled He Miao up.

In front of Liu Xu, He Miao's expression was no longer so unruly. He and everyone else were "deceived" by Liu Xu. level.

Of course, this is actually "right". Although Liu Xu's ability is limited, he is strong when he is strong, and after defeating his opponent, his physical ability will be further developed and released.

It is still a bit strenuous to defeat He Miao now, but Liu Xu will have a lot easier if he does it again.

He Miao was too ashamed to look at Liu Xu.

"I lost! I am convinced!"

Seeing that he was submissive, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Don't be discouraged. Your physical condition is very good. As long as you are willing to train hard, you will definitely be able to surpass me. Let's simply agree that the next contest will be set in a month's time. , Let's see who is stronger!"

He Miao was ignited by him to fight fiercely, and said loudly: "Okay! Let's fight again in a month's time!"

Long Feihu looked at He Miao and said, "Just now you promised that those who lose will go around the playground and learn from gorillas."

He Miao was taken aback for a moment, his expression unnatural.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Leader, I was just joking, don't take it seriously."

Long Feihu said seriously: "That won't work! Once a gentleman makes a promise, it's hard to chase after him. Since you promise, you must fulfill your promise! This is the most basic requirement for a soldier and a special police officer! He Miao!"

He Miao straightened his back solemnly and said loudly, "Here!"

Long Feihu smiled openly, teasingly said: "Aren't you going to run? Everyone is waiting!"

He Miao suddenly grinned and said, "Don't worry, in my He Miao dictionary, there has never been a time when words are counted! A gorilla is a gorilla! Anyway, in a month's time, I will have a fight with you, Liu Xu , or the same, whoever loses at that time will still run here like a gorilla!"

Liu Xu laughed loudly: "Okay! I agree!"

Let alone a month, after a week, Liu Xu will be able to abuse him.

He Miao suddenly puffed up his cheeks, raised his arms, and had an extremely funny expression. He imitated the strange cry of a gorilla, and rushed down the stone platform.

Everyone was overwhelmed by the laughter, but this kind of laughter was by no means a joke.

Because He Miao had already shown everyone his impressive strength.


"Liu Xu!" Long Feihu shouted.


"Return to the team!"


Liu Xu returned to the queue he had been in just now. At this moment, Long Feihu's murderous aura was revealed. Although He Miao was performing a funny gorilla performance, no one dared to watch it.

Until He Miao returned to his queue.

Long Feihu continued to patrol without saying a word, and suddenly stopped in front of Tao Jing.

Long Feihu showed an abnormal expression of deep thought, and said, "Did we meet somewhere?"

Tao Jing lowered her head.

Long Feihu asked: "Why did you come here!"


"Call the report!"

Although Tao Jing tried her best to restrain herself, her eyes were still red.


"Say!" Long Feihu roared.

Liu Xu sighed, everyone here, including Long Feihu, knew better than he did.

Tao Jing's father was actually Long Feihu's old comrade-in-arms, and Tao Jing's father died on the battlefield to save Long Feihu.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

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