"Liu Xu! You...you are a pervert!" He Miao exclaimed.

"You're a pervert!" Liu Xu said angrily.

"You are too awesome. I am so tired that I want to die. How can you run so fast? How is this possible? The gap between me and you is so big?"

Liu Xu didn't want to traumatize He Miao, a future comrade-in-arms, so he pondered for a while and said, "Don't be discouraged, I'm actually hiding my strength. I just don't want to be regarded as a monster by others, but I don't want to be seen as a monster now. I can’t help it, I don’t want to eat Wu Di’s little melon. Shock the world, let’s shock the world once! You are a doctor of chemistry, a professional, better than me, we each have different strong fields, don’t be so disappointed, Cheer me up and join the Tiger Commando in the future, when you can show your expertise."

During this brief moment of speaking, those students all saw Liu Xu fleeing like an armored vehicle, and... he was carrying He Miao on his back.

Oh my God!

In front of a military convertible jeep, Yang Zhen stayed for ten seconds without recovering.

"Fuck! Didn't you take stimulants? How is this possible! Am I delusional?"

At the same time, on a mountain far away, Long Feihu, who was using a military telescope to observe the performance of the students, suddenly discovered this strange scene in the telescope, and exclaimed involuntarily.

"What's going on? Who is that? How did you run so fast?"

Both Tie Niu and Lei Dian on the side raised their binoculars, but they were too far away to see clearly.

Lei Dian exclaimed: "Who is that! That person is running too fast!"

Tieniu immediately took out his mobile phone and called Yang Zhen who was following up and inspecting the scene.

"Lao Yang, who is running so fast with someone on his back?"

Yang Zhen recovered from the shock and said, "Tie Niu, guess."

"Damn, how can I guess, I'm not familiar with them!"

Lei Dian Lei Kai shouted: "Could it be Duan Weibing from the Army Special Forces? I think he is the only one who can do it!"

Tieniu immediately asked: "Duan Weibing?"

Yang Zhen swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said, "It's not Duan Weibing, it's... someone you can't even guess!"

Tieniu yelled: "If you dare to change our appetite again, we will jointly suggest that the leader transfer you to be a traffic policeman!"

Yang Zhen chuckled: "Old Tie, you really guessed it, it's the traffic police!"

Tieniu was startled, and said: "Traffic police?! You don't mean...Liu Xu?"

"I'm sure and sure, it's him! He just ran past me. I haven't reached seventy or eighty yet, so I can't make a mistake."

"How is this possible! Liu Xugang fought He Miao to the death, and his physical strength was exhausted. How could he run so fast?"

"I have the same doubts as you! I'm wondering if we've found a treasure! This little traffic policeman is too awesome!"

It didn't take long for Liu Xu to run to the first one.

Every student was dumbfounded by Liu Xu, he always put He Miao at the forefront of everyone.

"He Miao, I've almost had enough rest, let's run!"

Liu Xu ignored He Miao, turned around and returned.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2134 Lingyun, come to my bowl, uh... carry it on your back!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


He Miao was stunned and asked, "Why are you going back!"

"There's so much nonsense, run forward for me."

When Liu Xu ran over just now, he saw Tao Jing and Ling Yun couldn't hold on any longer.

They were already at the end of the line, and the reason why Liu Xu carried He Miao was not because he had an excuse to carry the two daughters later.

Otherwise, he will let He Miao die.

That's when the bomb exploded.

Wu Di waited for a few special police officers and threw it with a grenade.

The sound of the explosion shocked everyone.

This terrifying sound seemed to stimulate the limit of each student's inner potential, and some students who seemed to be wobbly ran even faster under this stimulation.

Liu Xu saw Tao Jing and Ling Yun from a distance, the two women kept encouraging each other, gritted their teeth and insisted on running forward.

Running to the two women, Tao Jing and Ling Yun saw Liu Xu, doubts appeared in their eyes, they didn't understand why he ran back.

"Come up quickly!" Without further ado, Liu Xu picked up Tao Jing and hugged her in his arms, then turned his back to Ling Yun, "Ling Yun, put it in my bowl, uh... come up!"

Ling Yun hesitated for a while, and finally jumped onto Liu Xu's back.

Tao Jing was in the front and Ling Yun was in the back. Although Liu Xu had two people on his back, his speed did not decrease but increased, even faster than when he was carrying He Miao alone.

Is that human being?

With Tao Jing and Ling Yun, Liu Xu came from behind and caught up with He Miao who was running in the front. He put the two girls down and asked them to continue running with He Miao.

Liu Xu turned around and shouted loudly: "Aren't you going to be a special police officer? A special police officer should be fearless. A special police officer should be able to do what others can't. It's just a mere physical fitness test. Don't let the instructor look down on you! Run! Run! The goal is the top of the mountain ahead, your dreams, and the glory you will be proud of for a lifetime! It's there!"

Hearing Liu Xu's cry, all the students, including Tao Jing and Ling Yun, felt excited.

One by one let out excited roars, and the speed increased again...

Liu Xu didn't recite Tao Jing and Ling Yun anymore, it wasn't because the men and women could not kiss each other, nor was it because he was afraid of something, but because he felt that this was a test for the two women.

He believes that they will be able to overcome, after all, both women are the backbone of the future Little Tigers.

Liu Xu finally gave Tao Jing an encouraging look, turned around and ran towards the top of the mountain in front.

Long Feihu, Tie Niu, Lei Dian, and Yang Zhen at the scene stared dumbfounded at Liu Xu playing this test as if it were a game.

Lei Dian suddenly said: "Leader, this level of testing is useful for other people, but it is useless for this freak!"

Long Feihu murmured: "It's really useless, even I missed it. This Liu Xu actually hides his real strength!"

Lei Dian asked: "Leader, is this little traffic policeman clean?"

Long Feihu immediately understood the meaning of Lei Dian's words, and cast his eyes on Tieniu.

"Tie Niu, last time I asked you to investigate him, how did the investigation go?"

"Leader, there is nothing wrong with Liu Xu. The most important information is that he served in the Spike Special Forces. Later, for some reason, he was discharged early and became an ordinary traffic policeman."

Long Feihu said: "Langya Special Forces...Duan Weibing is also from Langya, right?"

"Yes, Duan Weibing is from the Army Special Operations Brigade of the Spike Special Forces. Liu Xu is directly under the Spike Special Forces. They are not in the same department and do not know each other. Liu Xu retired early, and Duan Weibing just retired."

Long Feihu asked again: "What is the specific reason for leaving the army early?"

Tie Niu said: "I checked, Liu Xu chose to retire by himself. He has a first love girlfriend named Wang Xiaoya, who fell in love with a gangster named Xiong San or Xiong Si. Liu Xu may not be able to accept this reality. , Liu Xu chose to retire and went to the Sixth Brigade of Traffic Police in Donghai City."

Long Feihu said: "Since we can't find out what unclean background he has, then there is no need to investigate further. This guy really surprises me every time! Used well, it is definitely a sharp sword."

While the few of them were talking, Liu Xu had already reached the top of the mountain.

After more than three minutes, the second person who came up was Duan Weibing.

The third one was Zhao Xiaohei, and then people arrived at the top of the mountain one after another.

At this time, Long Feihu and others had already driven to the top of the mountain.

Long Feihu walked up to Liu Xu, punched Liu Xu on the chest, and said with a smile, "Boy, there are two tricks!"

Liu Xu said: "It's not just two strokes, you will find out in the future that I have three strokes, four strokes, and five strokes..."

Long Feihu said seriously: "Don't play tricks, your comprehensive strength is stronger than others, and I will not ask you the same as others, understand?"

Liu Xu said loudly: "Understood! Just let the horse come here!"

Long Feihu scowled, Kong said: "Okay! I will make it unforgettable for you forever!"

"time up!"

Tieniu pinched the stopwatch, watched the last student running towards each other from a distance, and blew his whistle.

At this time, almost most of the students were exhausted and paralyzed.

Liu Xu was the scariest one. He stood there calmly, as if he had never run. Looking at the others, some were lying on the ground, and some had leg cramps.

This comparison is really too stark.

Apart from Liu Xu, Duan Weibing, Zhao Xiaohei and others performed the best, especially Duan Weibing from the Spike Special Brigade.

What is the concept of special forces?

Although the Tiger Commandos belonged to the local special police force and ranked first in the national special police force, not inferior to the special forces, but the special forces were special forces, and it didn't take much effort to cope with this level of assessment.

If it wasn't for the fact that Liu Xu was a cheater, the best performer here would be Duan Weibing.

And He Miao, this monster who can climb Mount Everest, if he hadn't fought Liu Xu before, he should be only behind Duan Weibing at this time.

Lei Kai shouted loudly: "It's just started now, I can't keep up, and I won't be able to keep up in the future!"

Those students who fell behind were too ashamed to look at Lei Kai and other instructors.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2135 Hell Training

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Long Feihu walked slowly among the students, and glanced at the two girls, Tao Jing and Ling Yun.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at Zheng Zhi again, and said, "Do you regret it?"

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